Thinking about someone a lot means you have found that person special in some way and they have made an impression on your mind.
However, it can also make you wonder, does thinking about someone a lot mean that they are thinking about you, too?
Today, we’ll look at the real psychological meaning behind thinking about someone a lot:
Does thinking about someone a lot mean they’re thinking about you too?
So, you’ve been thinking about someone a lot; does that mean they’ve been thinking about you too?
Well, no. Thinking about someone a lot might make you wonder, but it won’t give you a clear answer as to how they feel.
You might feel like there’s a connection, but you can’t know for certain whether they feel the same way about you.
There is a rumor that thinking about someone means that they were thinking about you, first, but unfortunately it’s just that – a rumor.
The thing is, psychologists have confirmed: there is no way of knowing whether another person was thinking about you, too.
From a spiritual perspective, you could argue that they sent out energy by thinking about you and your subconscious picked up on that energy and started thinking about them, too.
However, this has not been psychologically or scientifically proven, so the answer for now is, probably not.
People are complex, and it can be hard to know what someone else is feeling.
Even if you feel like you know someone well, there can be times when they surprise you and you realize that you didn’t know them as well as you thought.
When it comes to thinking about someone a lot, it’s important to remember that it’s a one-sided experience.
Thinking about someone a lot is more about what’s going on in your head than it is about what’s going on in theirs.
Think about it: when you have someone on your mind a lot, it usually represents your feelings towards them a lot more than it does anything else, right?
However, thinking about someone can mean lots of different things on your part, so let’s take a look:
What does it mean to think about someone a lot?
If you find yourself thinking a lot about someone, it can mean a few different things.
First, it could just be that you’re curious about them.
You might want to know more about who they are and what their lives are like.
Or, you might want to know more about why you feel a certain way about them.
You see, you might want to understand why you have these certain feelings because they’re new to you.
But that’s not all.
Thinking about someone a lot can also mean that you have a crush on them.
Crushing on someone is often a very normal and typical part of falling in love.
It can show you what you like in a person and what you don’t like.
When you’re young, you might have crushes on people who have nothing to do with your future.
People who inspire you, people who are in your field, people you admire—anyone can be a crush.
The older you get, the more refined your crushes tend to be.
You start having fewer crushes and the ones you do can be pretty strong.
That’s when you think about people a LOT.
When does thinking about someone a lot mean you’re in love?
People often wonder, “When do you know you’re in love with someone?”
The truth is that there are no rules. It’s different for everyone.
However, if you find yourself thinking about someone a lot, it could definitely mean that you’re falling in love with them.
Thinking about someone a lot is a big sign that you’re in love.
It also means that you might be losing sleep over them, daydreaming about them, and wanting to spend as much time with them as possible.
You see, from a psychological perspective, there is no threshold of when you are officially “in love”, which is also why it can be so tricky to figure out sometimes.
However, when you are truly in love, you will know and you won’t be able to stop thinking about that person.
If you’ve been thinking about someone a lot, it could mean that you’re in love with them. But how do you know for sure?
If you find yourself wanting to be around them all the time and wanting to spend as much time with them as possible, and if you find yourself wanting to please them, you’re probably in love with them.
If all of this happens, and you feel a strong connection, and it feels like you can’t get this person out of your head, it’s possible that you’re in love.
When does thinking about someone a lot mean you’re infatuated?
Another thing that thinking about someone a lot can mean is that you’re infatuated with them.
You might find yourself thinking about them all the time, but you don’t necessarily have strong feelings for them.
Rather, you’re more fascinated with their looks, their personality, or whatever else about them has you hooked.
Being infatuated with someone can be a part of falling in love with them, but it can also happen without the love.
You see, it can be a sign of obsession and not love, and it can become unhealthy.
If you find yourself thinking about someone a lot and you have no control over it, it could be a sign that you’re infatuated.
For example, you might think about them at all hours of the day, you might feel obsessed with their looks, and you might have strong, uncontrollable emotions about them.
The difference between infatuation and love, is that with infatuation, we are sometimes more obsessed with certain characteristics of that person as opposed to the person as a whole.
Why do we think about the people we like so much?
Well, psychologists have a few different theories about this.
One theory suggests that we think about the people we like because we want to be with them, and we use our minds to bring that about.
This theory also says that we don’t think about the people we don’t like as much because they don’t matter as much to us.
Another theory suggests that we think about the people we like because of our attachment to them.
We like to be around the people we like, so we think about them a lot.
This theory also says that we think about the people we don’t like as well, but we don’t spend as much time thinking about them because they aren’t as important to us.
Plus, it makes us feel good!
Think about it, how great does it feel to think about someone you love? It fills your heart with light and makes you feel happy.
That’s why we like to think about people we like a lot.
When thinking about someone a lot can actually be bad
As we’ve seen, thinking about someone a lot can mean a lot of different things.
It can be a sign of love, it can be a sign of infatuation, and it can even be a sign that you have a crush on them.
It can also be a sign that you’re interested in someone and want to get to know them better.
There are many reasons why you might find yourself thinking about someone a lot, but sometimes, you might find that thinking about someone too much can be bad.
If you find yourself thinking about someone a lot and it’s causing you distress, it might be a sign that you have an unhealthy attachment to that person.
You see, if you feel like you can’t control your thoughts, it might be a sign that you’re obsessed with them.
If you find yourself thinking about someone too much, talk to someone about how you’re feeling. But sometimes, even this step might not provide you with the clarity or peace of mind you crave.
Something that can actually provide clarity in times like this can be identifying the areas in your life you need to work on.
I know this may sound a bit confusing. I was confused too when my friend suggested “resetting my life compass”.
However, what he actually meant by this was to join Jeanette Brown’s free challenge called Reset Your Life Compass Challenge.
This free 5-day journey helped me to understand why my thoughts were overwhelmingly centered around someone else. Janette’s free activities were a turning point for me to identify underlying issues that influenced my obsessive thoughts.
And if you’re also obsessively thinking about another person all the time, maybe you should also join this free challenge and see if it can lead to a more purposeful life.
Click here to join a free 5-day journey.
What now?
It’s normal to think about someone a lot if you find them special.
It can mean that you are in love with them, infatuated, or you simply like them.
However, as of now, scientifically speaking, it does not mean that they are thinking about you, too.
While it is a romantic thought, it is not psychologically proven that your thoughts are in any way connected to the other person’s thoughts.
So, view them as a representation of your own inner world for now!
In the end, you can find out a lot about yourself once you start analyzing your own patterns a bit more.
Just because you can’t prove someone is thinking about you, doesn’t mean you can’t take action!
We have not proven it scientifically, but you can still believe in the power of serendipity and take your chances.
Who knows, maybe they were thinking about you all along?