The Secret to Inner Peace (Even When You're Feeling Anxious, Stressed, or Insecure)

Click play to learn the game-changing perspective on inner peace that Ideapod’s founder learned from a shaman in Brazil (you won’t find this perspective anywhere else).

Get immediate access to Rudá Iandê’s 164-page eBook, Laughing in the Face of Chaos, for only $19. We have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

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Ebook Cover compressor The secret to inner peace (even when you're anxious, stressed, and insecure)

Laughing in the Face of Chaos by Rudá Iandê

Laughing in the Face of Chaos is Rudá Iandê's first book.

This brilliant guide to modern life reveals the key elements that structure your personal construction of reality. You’ll be offered fresh perspectives to face your innermost ghosts and struggles, finding joy and balance in your relationship with yourself.

You’ll get the knowledge and tools to detoxify your mind from all the spiritual, religious, ideological and educational bullsh*t that limits you so that you can unleash your personal power, unshackle your creativity and live a life of authenticity, in deep connection with your true nature.

In a moment when mankind got lost within its own cultural constructions, Laughing in the Face of Chaos offers a lucid guide back to our sanity.

Get immediate access to Rudá Iandê’s 164-page eBook, Laughing in the Face of Chaos, for only $19. We have a 14-day money-back guarantee.

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