Thinking about your guy is a good thing, right?
It means you’re thinking about the future, where you two might be, and what awaits you.
But do you think he can feel when you’re thinking about him?
I was plagued by that question, neither knowing if it was possible, nor if I wanted it to be true or not.
So I did some research, and I even went to see a psychic.
What I found out was quite amazing: yes, your partner can tell you’re thinking about him, and here’s how:
1) He’ll feel your energy shifting
If you are actively thinking about him and you have strong feelings for him, your energy will change.
He might notice that you’re quieter than usual, you’re even more focused than usual, and you might even become more sensitive than usual.
If he’s paying attention, he’ll notice that there’s something different about you and that you have strong feelings for him.
It’s not about being silly or immature; it’s about being in tune with your own emotions and reactions to outside influences.
If he senses that you’re more focused on him, that you’re more sensitive than you usually are, and that you’re even quieter than usual, he’ll know that you have feelings for him that are stronger than they usually are.
Now: this one is a bit tricky because it only works if he is very in tune with his intuition.
For men, it is usually a bit harder to be in tune with their feelings and emotions, women tend to have an easier time connecting with their intuition.
If he is someone who pays attention to the little details, to the little things that go on in his life, he might notice this shift in your energy.
But why does your energy shift in the first place?
Well, when you think about something, your whole body changes, and it’s very easy for your man to notice this change.
He might even be able to tell what you’re thinking about and feel the difference in your energy.
Maybe he realizes that you are attracting him, that your thoughts are about him, and that you have strong feelings for him.
2) You initiate hanging out more often
If you’re actively thinking about him, you’ll want to be around him more often than you usually do.
You’ll also want to be alone with him more often than you usually do.
If you initiate hanging out with him more often than you usually do, he’ll notice that you’re thinking about him.
The thing is, this one is less of a spiritual sign and more of a purely logical thing.
It’s quite simple: if you like someone, you think about them a lot, and if you think about them a lot, you want to hang out with them more than you usually do.
He might notice that you’re thinking about him and that you want to hang out with him more than usual.
Now: if you don’t want him to notice you thinking about him, then you will have to stop initiating so many hang-outs.
You can wait for him to ask you out or simply not ask him as much.
How do you know how often to initiate?
There is no rule to this. Remember, this is only about him knowing that you think about him, and is that really such a bad thing?
Let’s be honest, most guys feel flattered when a woman thinks about them.
If you’re thinking about him a lot, he’ll notice that and be flattered that you are thinking about him.
It’s not a bad thing at all.
3) He dreams about you
Dreams are weird, man. Dreams are a reflection of your thoughts and desires, but they’re also a reflection of your fears and insecurities, too.
If he dreams about you, and those dreams are positive, then he’s dreaming about you because he’s actively thinking about you.
But I found out something else- he might dream about you when his subconscious notices that you think about him a lot!
Yes, I know this sounds a bit crazy but let me explain.
As I mentioned earlier, I went to a psychic for advice. I wanted to find out how he can tell I was thinking about him.
That’s when she told me this: people obviously dream about other people when they like them, but sometimes, you thinking about someone can influence their dreams, as well!
This is because their subconscious is picking up on the energy you are sending out because you are thinking about them.
Of course, this can happen in a positive way, too.
If you’re thinking about someone and they dream about you, then they’re dreaming about you because they like you!
4) You start talking about your future together more often
If you start talking about your future together more often, he’ll know that you’re thinking about him and your future together.
Your desire to talk about your future together is a good sign that you’re thinking about him.
He’ll know that you’re serious about your relationship with him when you’re talking about your future together.
He’ll know that you’re thinking about him and your future together when you start talking about it more often.
You see, even though you might not want him to know that you’re thinking about him a lot, that’s actually a good thing!
Guys love knowing that they can make you happy and that they can make you happy because you’re thinking about them.
If he’s the one that makes you happy, then he’ll be so happy to know that he’s making you think about him.
Plus, if he knows that you are envisioning a future together with him, he will feel like he can trust you and trust that you have good intentions.
And that’s a good thing because he’ll know that you’re thinking about him and your future together.
So my advice is to not hide your feelings. Instead, be transparent about them. If he reciprocates these feelings – great. If not, at least you know where you stand and can move on!
There is nothing to be afraid of. Don’t be afraid, to be honest about your feelings
5) Your body language changes when you’re around him
Your body language is a reflection of your thoughts and feelings.
If you are actively thinking about him, your body language will change when you’re around him.
Your body language will become more relaxed, and you’ll become more open when you’re around him.
You might even be more expressive than usual when you’re around him.
Your body language will be a clear sign that you’re thinking about him and that you have strong feelings for him.
But maybe it’s the opposite – sometimes your body language will become nervous and tense when you’re around him.
That means that you’re trying to hide your feelings. You might even be avoiding him.
Or you’re so into him that you are extremely nervous around him.
Either way, he will be able to tell by your body language if you like him or not and whether or not you’re thinking about him a lot.
Of course, he needs to be observant in order to notice these changes in your body language.
But if he’s observant and he notices that you’re thinking about him a lot, then he’ll know that you have strong feelings for him.
6) You’re more responsive to his texts and calls
If you’re thinking about him, you’ll be more responsive to his texts and calls.
If you’re regularly responding to his texts and calls more often than you usually do, he’ll know that you’re thinking about him.
You might even be initiating hanging out with him more often than you usually do because you’re actively thinking about him — and hanging out with him is a great way to be around him.
Now: he will know that you are starting to like him if it doesn’t take you a long time to reply to his texts and calls.
Does that mean you should stop replying so quickly?
No! Honestly, reply whenever you feel like replying, even if that’s 2 seconds after receiving the text message.
The thing is if you truly like this guy, why play games?
Games are immature and if you think that this relationship could be something serious, then you don’t need to do things like “wait 10 minutes before replying to make him wonder”.
Again, if he likes you, he will reciprocate your energy, if not, he won’t.
7) He thinks about you a lot, too
If he’s regularly thinking about you and he’s actively trying to figure out what you want, what you like, and what’s important to you, he’s thinking about you.
If you’re actively thinking about him, too — and talking about your future together — then he’ll definitely know that you’re thinking about him.
The thing is, when you think about him a lot, you are sending tons of energy his way.
Even though he might not consciously realize it, his subconscious is picking up on that energy.
As a result, you will pop into his mind out of the blue and he won’t be able to stop thinking about you.
This is really cool, as you will essentially just be thinking about one another.
8) He might feel your presence even when you’re not there
If you are actively thinking about him, he might feel your presence even when you’re not there.
If he feels your presence when you’re not around him, he’ll know that you have strong feelings for him. He’ll know that you’re thinking about him.
This is a strange phenomenon, but I’ve experienced it myself in the past.
He might be home alone, but he can’t shake the feeling that you are with him.
He might think “What’s she doing here?” and he has a hard time believing that you’re not actually there, even though he knows for a fact he is alone.
Why does that happen? Well, it all has to do with the energy you’re sending out to him!
He will be able to tell that you are thinking about him a lot if he constantly feels as if you’re around him in one way or another.
Now: this can be a bit of a creepy sign, not gonna lie. I once experienced the same with a guy I was dating – all of a sudden it felt as if his presence was everywhere.
To be honest, I got freaked out – I thought I might have a stalker.
However, the more I learned about spirituality and the power of energy, the more I realized that it was no stalker – I was simply feeling his energy!
9) He smiles for no reason
If he smiles for no reason, he probably knows you’re thinking about him.
You see, this is another way he will be able to tell that you had him on your mind a lot!
He will go through his day and out of the blue, he will start smiling.
This is because his subconscious mind is picking up on your energy and he won’t be able to stop smiling.
He knows that you are thinking about him and he can feel it in his heart.
You might want to try this out yourself and see if you can do the same thing!
Because you are sending him loving thoughts, his heart is all warm and fuzzy and he can’t help but smile.
This is a beautiful thing, it shows that you are thinking about him and that you truly care about him.
And the best part? He will love it!
10) He feels the sudden urge to be with you
If he suddenly has the urge to be with you — as in, he doesn’t have the option to stay away from you — he’s feeling the urge to be with you because he’s actively thinking about you.
He might be feeling a sudden need for closeness with you, or he might be feeling like he needs to be physically close to you.
If he has the urge to be with you, he’s definitely thinking about you and your relationship with him.
This is because your thoughts have influenced him, and now he feels the urge to be with you.
No matter how much he tries to distract himself, all he wants is to be close to you.
His heart knows that you are thinking about him, and so it yearns to be reunited with you.
This is quite a beautiful thought, and if he feels this way, then he definitely reciprocates your feelings!
So, does he know?
If you’re actively thinking about your guy, he’ll definitely know.
Your actions will tell him so; he won’t have to guess.
He’ll be able to tell that you’re thinking about him because you’ll be more open and expressive around him.
Your energy will change, too. And he’ll definitely know that you’re thinking about him because you’ll initiate hanging out with him more often than you usually do.
He’ll know that you’re thinking about him because you’ll be more responsive to his texts and calls.
There are countless little hints that will tell him that you are thinking about him, from rationally explainable signs to spiritual signs.
Whether or not he picks up on those signs depends solely on his perception skills and how much he pays attention.
Either way, he’ll know that you are thinking about him and he’ll feel the need to be with you.
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