Freud says... Chances are he likes you!

freud 1 e1622155942373 Freud says... Chances are he likes you!

Based on your answers, Freud believes there is a high probability this guy is attracted to you.

Freud’s theory of internalization explains how when we care a lot about someone they become part of us.

This guy clearly cares about you and is starting to consider getting more romantically involved.

Part of this – as Freud noted – is definitely sexual.

The thing is that your situation depends on whether this guy managed to transition from the childhood sexual phase and adopt a healthy adult approach to tenderness and sex.

Freud commonly dealt with patients where sex and attraction were linked to shame and guilt.

The good news is that this guy is headed more in a direction of not just wanting sex from you. According to Freud, you seem to represent both a sexually and personally attractive option for him.

I know that might sound a bit…clinical, and you’re not here to be a psychologist. But before you get spooked let me be clear:

In Freud-speak it means he’s really into you!

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that there’s something holding him back from going all in.

If your guy is like millions of other humans around the world then he has issues from childhood and those who helped raise him. This creates a kind of love roadmap that guides him through life.

For this reason, your guy may not even know himself whether he likes you or not. As Freud taught us, our subconscious contains many hidden monsters, and even strong attraction can contain many elements of uncertainty and even resistance.

This is why it’s important to understand what he really wants from a relationship with you.

Freud says... Chances are he likes you!

Based on your answers, Freud believes there is a high probability this guy is attracted to you.

Freud’s theory of internalization explains how when we care a lot about someone they become part of us.

This guy clearly cares about you and is starting to consider getting more romantically involved.

Part of this – as Freud noted – is definitely sexual.

The thing is that your situation depends on whether this guy managed to transition from the childhood sexual phase and adopt a healthy adult approach to tenderness and sex.

Freud commonly dealt with patients where sex and attraction were linked to shame and guilt.

The good news is that this guy is headed more in a direction of not just wanting sex from you. According to Freud, you seem to represent both a sexually and personally attractive option for him.

I know that might sound a bit…clinical, and you’re not here to be a psychologist. But before you get spooked let me be clear:

In Freud-speak it means he’s really into you!

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that there’s something holding him back from going all in.

If your guy is like millions of other humans around the world then he has issues from childhood and those who helped raise him. This creates a kind of love roadmap that guides him through life.

For this reason, your guy may not even know himself whether he likes you or not. As Freud taught us, our subconscious contains many hidden monsters, and even strong attraction can contain many elements of uncertainty and even resistance.

This is why it’s important to understand what he really wants from a relationship with you.


What does he want?

Based on your answers, there’s a game-changing new concept in relationship psychology that you need to know about. One that will help you be in a committed relationship with this guy.

It’s called the hero instinct.

Simply put, men want to be your hero. They don’t want to be an action hero like Thor though, but an everyday hero to you. He wants to step up to the plate for you and be appreciated for his efforts.

This is deeply rooted in male biology.

The hero instinct is probably the best kept secret in relationship psychology. And I think it holds the key to a deep and passionate relationship.

Watch this excellent free video about the hero instinct below before it gets taken down.

PullAway6 Freud says... Chances are he likes you!
(Personalized video recommendation)

Freud grasped the roots of the hero instinct.

He famously analyzed how masculinity leads to deep issues within men, including not feeling validated in their life and feeling insufficiently masculine.

Unfortunately, making a man feel like an everyday hero is something many women overlook in the early days of dating.

Will you make him feel like one?

I know it sounds kind of silly.

In this day and age, women don’t need someone to rescue them. They don’t need a ‘hero’ in their lives.

And I couldn’t agree more.

But here’s the ironic truth. Men do still need to be a hero. Because it’s built into their DNA to seek out relationships that allow them to feel like one.

Freud understood this all too well.

The best thing is that there are phrases you can say, texts you can send, and little requests you can make to trigger this very natural male instinct.

To learn exactly what they are, you need to watch James Bauer’s free video. He’s the relationship psychologist who discovered the hero instinct in men.

Some ideas are life changing. And when it comes to getting your man to commit to a serious relationship, this is one of them.
