23 spiritual and psychic signs someone is thinking about you

‍Do you ever get the feeling that you are on someone’s mind?

You might not be far off with your assumption!

There are many spiritual and psychic signs that someone is thinking about you, so I’ve compiled them all in a big list.

After reading this, there will be no doubt in your mind that someone is thinking about you!

1) You dream about them

Some people may dream about people they are interested in or people who are important to them.

However, if you are having dreams about someone, there is a good chance that they could be thinking about you too.

Dreams also typically follow our waking thoughts and desires, so if you have been thinking of someone often or feeling the need to contact them, it could mean they are on your mind, of course.

But let me tell you something: when someone thinks about you a lot, they send out energy. Your subconscious can pick up on that energy and it can manifest in your dreams!

That’s why sometimes, your dreams can be a sign of what someone else is thinking!

Cool, right?

2) You get random hiccups

There are many spiritual and psychic signs that someone is thinking about you.

One of the most common indications is getting hiccups.

Hiccups are a reflex in your body that cause you to automatically take a breath.

This reflex is triggered by sudden emotional reactions or physical stimulation.

When someone is thinking about you, they might be picturing you or reminiscing on old times with you, causing them to feel nostalgic.

This energy again translates to your body reacting in an interesting way: you get the hiccups!

Of course, there are many reasons why you might get hiccups. Some of them include:

  • eating too fast
  • drinking too fast
  • swallowing air
  • drinking carbonated drinks

If none of these seem to apply to you, you might have hiccups because someone is thinking about you.

3) You smile without knowing why

You might not be feeling any good emotions, but you’ll still find yourself smiling without knowing why.

It’s a natural reaction when someone thinks about you.

You see, this one is quite interesting.

In my own experience, you will go about your day as normal, when suddenly you have to smile, but you can’t figure out, why.

In reality, it’s because someone is thinking about you right now, and although you might not consciously be aware of it, your subconscious knows.

The smile is your body’s way of sending back the energy they’ve sent out.

It’s a way of showing that you’re happy and that they are on your mind, too.

This is another reason why it can be easy to get in touch with someone by sending them love and positive energy.

And the best part?

When you smile, it means that the person you were thinking about is someone you like!

You can’t really explain why you’re smiling, but it’s a sure sign that they are thinking about you.

When you are being thought of by someone, that’s when you’ll feel the best.

You’ll go through your day feeling more energetic and happier than usual.

You’re not actually in their presence, but your mind still knows that they are thinking about you.

And their thoughts will be stronger and stronger if you keep sending them love and positive energy.

4) You randomly think about them

This is one of the easiest ways to know that someone is thinking about you.

If you find your thoughts constantly wandering to them, it could be because they are thinking about you, too.

This can happen when you are in a relationship or even just friends with someone.

It can happen for any number of reasons.

Maybe you’re going through something together, or maybe they’re stressed out and telling themselves that everything will be okay when they see you again.

The point is that if your thoughts keep drifting to them, there’s a good chance they’re also thinking about you!

Again, this is because their energy is being sent out to the universe. Your subconscious picks up on it and your mind makes you think about them.

But did you know that there’s a way for you to understand these thoughts better?

In this course by renowned shaman Ruda Iande, you will be taught breathing techniques that can help you have a stronger connection with the universe. It’s called Ybytu.

Ybytu can help you understand yourself and your relationship with others better than you ever did.

When I first read about this, I didn’t believe it either! But in reality, it’s a real, shamanic breathing technique that can give you an out-of-this-world experience more than any pseudo self-improvement course out there can.

You might even be able to use this as a way to get in contact with the person who’s thinking of you–to send out love and energy to them.

If you’re interested, click here for the free course.

5) Your eye twitches

If one of your eyes involuntarily moves or twitches, this can mean someone is thinking about you.

Just like the signs before, your subconscious is picking up on the energy they are sending you.

You might not consciously be aware of it, but your mind knows.

And that’s why your eye starts twitching.

It’s a sign that you are being thought of and your subconscious is picking up on their energy.

This one can be a little annoying, especially as a twitching eye can feel a bit uncomfortable, but it will only happen when you are being thought of.

6) You feel a sudden urge to be with them

You might be thinking about someone you haven’t seen in a while.

Why do you suddenly have an urge to call or text this person?

It could be that they are thinking about you too.

Or, it could be that they are trying to reach out to you and this is the universe’s way of telling you their thoughts.

A common feeling among people who miss each other is the feeling of desperate longing.

You may feel like this person is always on your mind and that you can’t stop thinking about them.

When someone is thinking about you, they will also miss being around you as well.

You see, this can lead to feelings of desperation and yearning for the attention of the person we love or care for deeply.

We all know how intense these feelings can be! In fact, sometimes it feels like our heart just aches from missing somebody so badly!

If we believe that this person has been thinking about us, then these feelings will intensify even more because we want nothing more than for them to finally reach out to us.

So, simply put: when you feel a strong urge to be with someone out of the blue, they are probably thinking about you, too!

7) Your mood changes drastically

You might feel like you’re on top of the world and then one moment later, you just feel down.

Or vice versa, you feel bad, and suddenly your mood lifts without explanation.

This is a psychic sign that someone is thinking about you.

Think about it: If you were thinking about someone, would you be happy or sad?

When a person is thinking about another person they are usually in a better mood than usual.

Their energy is being sent with their thoughts, and your subconscious is picking up on it.

Of course, their energy has an influence on your energy, so your mood gets affected, too.

This is just one of many ways that people influence each other’s emotions and feelings.

Their thoughts are being transmitted to you on a subconscious level, so you feel what they are feeling, too.

Of course, drastic changes in mood can have other underlying causes as well. Make sure you talk to a doctor if this issue persists and seems unnatural.

8) You can feel their energy

One of the most common spiritual signs that someone is thinking about you is feeling their energy.

When people are close to you or thinking about you, they can send you energy through their thoughts.

This energy will typically be positive and uplifting and make you feel good.

The feeling of someone’s energy can sometimes be felt as a physical sensation such as warmth, a tingling sensation, or a shiver.

Sometimes it can be emotionally felt as a sense of comfort or joy.

Usually, this energy can only be consciously perceived by people who are very in tune with their own energy.

It is possible for a person to consciously feel another person’s energy if they are very attuned to other people’s thoughts and feelings.

Intuition plays a huge part here, so if you are not very intuitive, this sign might just pass you by without you noticing.

How can you strengthen your intuition?

You can strengthen your intuition by being present in the moment and paying attention to your feelings and thoughts.

You might notice that you are not feeling well or that you have a bad day, but if you are paying attention, you will likely pick up on the fact that someone is thinking about you.

Or perhaps you notice tiny shifts in your energy that weren’t perceivable before.

9) You can hear their voice

This is the most common sign that someone is thinking about you.

You’ll find yourself randomly hearing their voice in your head or out in public.

It might be something they said recently, or it could be a song with lyrics that remind you of them, but whatever you do, you keep feeling like you hear their voice.

Sure, this feeling can be a bit creepy at times, especially if you are home alone but keep hearing voices.

However, when this happens to you, it won’t feel super creepy, you might just be a bit confused as to why you feel like hearing their voice so much.

To tell you the truth, there is no proper explanation as to why this is happening. Perhaps you are literally hearing their thoughts?

But in order for that to happen, your intuition and perceptive skills would have to be on point.

On a similar note:

10) You can feel their presence

One of the most common signs that someone is thinking about you is feeling their presence.

You’ll be hanging out at home and suddenly it feels as if they are in the room with you.

Not in a scary way, you will just feel their presence all around you.

This usually happens because their energy is reaching you.

This is why you will feel them in the same space as you.

And even if they aren’t there, their energy will still be around you.

You can have a weird feeling when someone is around you.

It’s almost like a sixth sense that tells you that someone else is near.

And when it happens, it can be really weird because it isn’t something you are used to experiencing.

But don’t worry, the best explanation is that they are simply thinking about you intensely, which is why you feel like they are there.

11) You see a white feather

Okay, let me explain this one.

White feathers are said to be symbols of someone thinking about you.

So when you see a white feather, it’s a sign that you are on someone’s mind.

Now: this feather doesn’t have to be an actual, physical feather.

Perhaps you see a photo or a logo with a feather on it!

Whatever it is, seeing this is a huge sign that someone is thinking about you right now.

12) You get goosebumps

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Similar to hiccups earlier, goosebumps are another sign that someone is thinking about you.

This can be a sign of them wanting to contact you, or it could be a sign that they are nervous about talking to you.

Either way, you will get goosebumps when someone is thinking about you.

And even if they aren’t actually thinking about you, their energy will still bring them up in your mind.

Why does this happen?

Well, as they are thinking about you, they are sending out energy towards you.

Sometimes, that energy can be a bit overwhelming for your body, so it reacts in an interesting way: you get goosebumps.

13) You have a strong feeling that you need to go somewhere

This isn’t necessarily a sign that someone is thinking about you, but it’s another sign of their energy.

When this happens, your body will tell you that you need to go somewhere.

It’s like your intuition is telling you to go to a specific place.

And this can happen for all sorts of reasons, but a common one is that the universe is conspiring to bring you two together.

Perhaps the other person has been thinking about you a lot and by going to this place, you will “accidentally” meet them!

This is because you are feeling an emotional connection with them.

And when this happens, it can be really hard to ignore the feelings because it’s all you can think about.

It’s like your intuition is telling you that there will be no harm in contacting them or going to the place you feel the urge to visit.

14) A butterfly lands on you

Okay, let me explain this one a bit: Butterflies are said to be messengers of the spirit world, they carry messages between people.

So when someone is thinking about you, they are sending out energy that will be received by their spirit guides (the butterflies).

And if their spirit guides are feeling very connected to you, they will be drawn to you like a butterfly with a magnet.

This is why people say that butterflies fly around us when we are feeling loved or appreciated.

Butterflies also have an interesting way of showing us that someone is thinking about us: they land on our face or hands and hover there for a moment before flying off again.

When that happens to you, you can be pretty sure that someone is actually thinking about you!

15) You blush for no reason

Have you ever experienced a sudden, random blush?

Your cheeks flush and you have no idea why, maybe you are sitting at home, or running errands.

This happens when someone is thinking about you, and they are sending out energy that makes you blush.

Because the energy is coming from your loved ones, it’s going to make you feel good, which can result in blushing.

This is why people say that blushes are a sign of love because when you experience a blush, your loved ones are thinking about you!

Think about it: when you meet someone in person and they say something nice about you, you might blush, too, right?

It’s the same thing here, just that now they are sending you those nice things energetically.

16) You have trouble swallowing

Have you ever noticed that mid-meal, you suddenly have trouble swallowing?

You may feel like your throat is closing up, or you can’t swallow your food.

This happens when someone is thinking about you and they are sending out energetic thoughts that make your throat close up!

Because this person is sending out thoughts to you, it’s going to make eating or drinking seem impossible.

You see, this usually happens when the person is worried about you in one way or another.

They will be tense and this tension is transferring to you, making it really hard for you to swallow.

17) You sneeze out of the blue

Okay, I get it, there are many reasons we have to sneeze:

  • having a cold
  • looking into the sun
  • having allergies
  • dust

But if you feel like none of these things seem to be the case and yet, you have to sneeze, it might be because someone is thinking about you!

This sign is believed to be an indicator of someone missing you dearly.

When someone is thinking about you and sending out energy to you, it’s going to make your body feel a little bit strange.

18) Synchronicity

Have you ever run into someone you’ve been thinking about? That’s usually no coincidence, the universe works in mysterious ways.

You see, when you start noticing strange synchronicities, like thinking about someone right as they text you or hearing a song that reminds you of them, they are most probably thinking about you, too.

The universe is trying to tell you something here, are you going to listen?

19) You feel extremely energized

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One of the hallmark signs of someone thinking about you is when you feel extremely energized.

The reason why this happens is that they’re sending you energy, and as we all know, energy always comes back to you!

They are probably having some very nice thoughts about you so that naturally gives you a boost of energy!

In my own experience, enjoy this sign while it lasts, it’s always nice to feel random bouts of energy out of the blue!

20) They contact you out of the blue

Alright, this one is pretty self-explanatory and not necessarily psychic.

When someone contacts you out of the blue, it’s a huge sign that they are thinking about you.

You can be sure that this person is thinking about you and wants nothing more than for you to hear their thoughts!

I mean, why else would they reach out to you?

21) Their name appears a lot

When someone is thinking about you a lot, they might start manifesting into your life in strange ways.

For example, their name might appear everywhere.

Every new TV show you watch, on billboards, on social media, you seem to see their first name wherever you look.

This is a big sign that they are thinking about you, and that the universe is trying to bring you two together.

When this happens, consider reaching out to them, who knows what good it will do!

22) You just click whenever you meet

Last but not least, this is a sign that definitely shows someone is thinking about you:

When you click whenever you meet, it means that they feel this connection, too.

Of course, whenever you’re not together, they are still in your thoughts and you are in theirs.

How you are when you are physically together says a lot about what they think and feel when you are apart!

Are they thinking about you?

You’ve learned many signs of someone thinking about you.

Now: what do you think? Are you on their mind?

If you still have doubts and aren’t sure where you stand with them, this course by renowned shaman Ruda Iande might help.

I’ve mentioned this before — it’s a course called Ybytu where you will learn shamanic breathing techniques that can strengthen and deepen your connection with the universe.

By doing so, you’ll be able to understand the universe that exists outside of you — which includes the spiritual connection between you and this person who’s thinking of you.

Click here for the free course.

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more https://www.fullyholistic.com/!

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