
#whoswho @ eleprocon

antennahead04 01 compressor scaled mark's myth

I’m Mark. This is my story, our mythOS.

The act of evolving and extruding an idea thrills me. Storytelling, science, technology, and the arts fascinate me. Creativity moves me. Nature soothes me. Collaboration is key and empathy makes us more than human.

That’s why I’m here…

neverendingidea 01 mark's myth

the story of e…

eParade 01 compressor scaled mark's myth
ideamap compressor mark's myth
10 07 14a eleprocy compressor 1 mark's myth
spectrum 50 compressor e1540188523201 scaled mark's myth
E6A98F8A A5DB 4530 B6E7 2093A13565BD mark's myth
03 18 14c got a feeling compressor mark's myth
weighofideas compressor mark's myth
03 19 14c ideapod sprouts compressor mark's myth
mquestioning compressor mark's myth
09 14 14a sense of being mark's myth
thinkingideapod compressor mark's myth
04 26 14a seussian compressor mark's myth
Nooscloud earth 01 compressor mark's myth
globe compressor mark's myth
03 13 14b 2030 view from bridge compressor mark's myth
2birds seed compressor mark's myth
03 02 14a existential dilemma compressor 1 mark's myth
myideapodcover compressor mark's myth
03 19 14a plus minus compressor mark's myth
Screen Shot 2014 10 08 at 11.17.27 PM compressor mark's myth
ideasmeter compressor mark's myth
04 03 14a ask not compressor mark's myth
whatisconsciousness 01 compressor scaled mark's myth
Photo Mar 24 5 48 00 PM compressor mark's myth
reset compressor mark's myth
bigidea compressor mark's myth
Photo Mar 24 6 19 16 PM compressor mark's myth
exclamationface01 compressor mark's myth
IMG 7453 compressor mark's myth
mark's myth

Mark’s Myth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Eleprocon
