How to Change Your Mindset for Wealth and Prosperity, with Marisa Peer

Are you tired of not having enough money?

You may have a “scarcity” mindset that is contributing to a lack of resources in your life. Join the globally acclaimed hypnotherapist Marisa Peer in this powerful masterclass to reprogram your mindset for one of wealth and prosperity.

marisa bw Mindset for Wealth with Marisa Peer - Free Masterclass - Ideapod Academy
marisa peer Mindset for Wealth with Marisa Peer - Free Masterclass - Ideapod Academy

Do you want to change your life?

Attracting wealth and prosperity in your life isn’t as simple as “think and grow rich” and applying the principles of the law of attraction. You also need grit and determination, along with clear planning. Marisa Peer teaches this in the masterclass.

A practical masterclass with exercises

This masterclass is more than a discussion with Ideapod founder Justin Brown. It contains a very practical exercise that will help you to radically shift your relationship with money to create an entirely new mindset.

marisa peer again Mindset for Wealth with Marisa Peer - Free Masterclass - Ideapod Academy

Marisa Peer, globally acclaimed hypnotherapist

Marisa Peer Mindset for Wealth with Marisa Peer - Free Masterclass - Ideapod Academy

Marisa Peer was once told she’d never be anything more than a nanny, because she didn’t have what it took to be successful. She wasn’t smart enough. She wasn’t confident enough. She wasn’t talented enough. But Marisa defied her critics – and rather than become a nanny, she went on to become a therapist and eventually the United Kingdom’s #1 therapist, as voted by Tatler magazine. Over the past 25 years, Marisa has coached an extensive client list of royalty, rockstars, Hollywood celebrities, Olympic athletes, political leaders, and CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies.

Marisa’s approach is known as Transformational Hypnotherapy: a mind optimization science that completely transforms a person’s way of thinking and living, often in as little as one or two sessions. Through her work, Marisa has discovered there are eight unique mental thought models that only the world’s top 1% of Super Achievers possess – which anyone in the remaining 99% can adopt too, to create their own extraordinary success.

Since 2015, Marisa has helped implant these mental models into the consciousness of over 100,000 people through her famed Transformational Hypnotherapy sessions.
