10 signs you’re a super empath and what that really means

Super empathy is not just a buzzword, it’s a real phenomenon that affects a limited number of people in the world.

Super empaths have an enhanced ability to sense and respond to other people’s emotions.

But what does that mean for you? Are you a super empath?

Here are 11 signs you’re a super empath and what that means for you:

1) You’re hyper-aware of the emotions around you

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First of all, you’re hyper-aware of the emotions around you.

If you’re having a conversation with a friend and their tone changes, you’ll immediately notice it.

If someone else is having a conversation near you, you can pick up on their emotions so clearly that they’re almost like your own.

If you’re in a busy or loud place, you can feel surrounded and completely overwhelmed by other people’s emotions.

You can sense when someone is feeling sad or stressed out.

You see, you can even tell when someone has a cold or is sick.

You can feel when someone is nervous or when they’re mad.

You can even pick up on when someone is faking their emotions or lying to you.

Now: you might think that is normal, especially if you’ve been an empath all your life, but it’s actually not.

You see, most people are not very aware of other people’s emotions.

They may notice when someone is acting weird, but they don’t have the ability to pick up on them as clearly as you do.

This is why so many people get fooled by fake emotions or can’t tell if someone is lying to them.

Being hyper-aware of emotions like that can be a bit tricky, but you can also use it to your advantage!

When you learn how to properly use your super-empathy, you can be an amazing empath that can help others and make them feel better.

And the best part?

You can protect yourself and figure out other people’s intentions before they show them openly.

2) You feel other people’s pain more than most

You feel other people’s pain as if it were your own.

If someone is in physical or emotional pain, you’re likely to feel that on an almost physical level.

You can feel the suffering of animals, people you’ve yet to meet, and even people from the past.

If a loved one is in pain or grieving, you can pick up on it so strongly that it might as well be your own.

You often experience grief and sadness for people you’ve never met.

You may feel the pain of others so intensely that it makes you sick to your stomach.

You may even have dreams or nightmares about what others are going through.

Now: this is definitely one of the worst parts of being an empath.

You can feel everyone’s pain and suffering, even if they don’t want you to.

That may be a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re not used to it.

But you can use it to your advantage!

Because of your great empathy, people will often tell you their problems and ask for advice.

And when you try to help however you can, people will often thank you for it afterward!

However, you will need to find ways to protect yourself.

Needless to say, feeling other people’s pain day in and day out is not very healthy for you in the long term, you need to find some sort of protection.

3) You are acutely aware of your environment

You are acutely aware of your environment. You notice everything around you.

You take in your surroundings, even if you’re in the middle of a conversation.

If you’re hyper-aware of your surroundings, you’re probably a super empath.

This also means that you can get distracted and people in the same room as you may not even exist. You don’t take in words or what people are saying.

You take in everything else: the sounds, the smells, the feeling in the room.

You’re often distracted by what’s going on around you, even if it’s not super obvious.

You like to be in control, but certain situations or environments make you anxious because you’re so aware of everything around you.

Super empaths often have problems staying focused, because their body is picking up on so many cues that they can’t process all at once.

They always feel scattered and unfocused.

You have a hard time focusing on one thing because you’re so hyper-aware of everything around you.

People who don’t know about your heightened awareness might think that you are just spacey or distracted.

But to the people who know about your heightened awareness, it is obvious that you aren’t paying attention to them or what they are saying.

Now, this might not be fun, but you can figure out how to deal with this.

4) Your own emotions are easily triggered

Your own emotions are easily triggered.

You can cry at the drop of a hat. You feel things tenfold, which can make you feel like a walking ball of emotion.

Have you ever noticed that you cry easily for movies and books?

You cry at work if a colleague is promoted and you’re not, you cry when someone is rude to you — even if it’s a complete stranger on the street.

You feel the urge to cry when someone is being mean to someone else and you can’t do anything about it.

The thing is, you feel emotions very deeply and intensely, but you’re not sure where they come from or what to do with them.

This is a big sign that you’re a super empath.

You see, super empaths feel emotions even more intensely than other people.

5) You find it difficult to leave bad relationships

You find it difficult to leave bad relationships.

You don’t know how to say “no” to people.

The problem is that you prioritize other people’s feelings and expectations above your own.

This means you try to stay in relationships that are bad for you because you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

You can’t stand to hurt anyone’s feelings, so you stay in unhealthy relationships.

You’re afraid to lose a friend or hurt someone with your words.

You’re afraid of being disliked or ignored. You’re afraid of being judged.

Simply put, you’re afraid of being the bad guy.

But trust me with one thing, leaving a bad situation or relationship is everything but being the bad guy.

It just means that you know your worth and your boundaries.

Bad relationships should be left behind, believe me.

6) Other people open up to you easily

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Other people open up to you easily. This is another big sign of being a super empath.

You’re a great listener and people feel comfortable talking to you about anything.

The thing is, you’re naturally very compassionate and empathetic, so people feel safe confiding in you.

People share their problems and emotions with you even if they don’t know you very well.

They trust you with their deepest, darkest secrets.

You’re often the person people turn to when they need advice or help with something.

Other people feel like they can tell you anything, but they don’t feel comfortable opening up to you if they’re close to you.

Why is that?

Well, even if they aren’t consciously aware of it, you give out a type of energy that makes people feel good around you.

They want you in their lives and they want to talk to you about their problems.

You might be wondering why so many people you don’t know very well are opening up to you.

Well, it’s because of the energy you give off.

You’re a super empath and people feel safe around you.

7) You’re constantly helping and fixing for others, but don’t receive help in return

You’re constantly helping and fixing for others.

You have this need to fix things in your life and in the lives of others.

You want to make everything better and be the hero.

You want to help people, but you don’t always know when to stop.

You want to save the world, but you don’t stop to consider whether that’s a good idea or not.

The thing is that you don’t receive help in return because you feel too proud to ask for help.

Does that ring a bell?

You see, you can’t always run around fixing others and completely neglecting yourself, even if you think you’re helping.

You need to take care of yourself first and foremost.

You can’t fix others if you don’t have your own life in order.

People will only feel good around you when they know that you’re taking care of yourself first.

If they see that you aren’t taking care of yourself, they’re going to shut down and withdraw from your life.

When people close to you start feeling bad around you, it’s because they feel like they aren’t getting enough love and attention from you.

They might even go so far as to want to sabotage or hurt other people in your life because they don’t want to be left out or abandoned by you.

8) You have a deep desire to help and protect others

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You have a deep desire to help and protect others.

You want to create a safe space for yourself and for others.

You want to make sure everyone is okay. Essentially, you’re the first one to stand up to bullies.

You want to protect people who are being hurt.

You want to make sure everyone is happy and feeling good.

Simply put, you want to make people smile and you want to make the world a better place.

You want to make sure everyone is happy, healthy, and safe. You want to make a positive impact on the world. You want to help people.

However, in the process of helping everyone else, you often forget to take care of yourself and your own needs.

You want to help others, but you can’t take care of yourself first.

This is not good, you need a balance.

You see, you can’t just help everyone else, you need to figure out how to help yourself, first.

9) You experience physical pain when you’re around people who are suffering

You experience physical pain when you’re around people who are suffering.

If you’re in a room with someone who is in emotional or physical pain, you often experience that pain in your own body.

You might feel nauseous or even faint when you’re around people who are grieving.

You might get a headache or feel dizzy when you’re around someone who is extremely anxious.

You see, you might experience a sharp pain in your heart when you’re around people who are suffering.

You feel their pain as if it were your own. You want to help people so badly, but you often feel helpless because you can’t take away their pain.

This is not a very nice sensation, given that you are in literal physical pain from the emotional pain of your loved ones.

You can’t help them if you can’t get through the physical pain that you experience when you’re around them.

This might be hard to believe, but it is true. You are in physical pain because of the emotional pain that they are experiencing.

10) You struggle to set boundaries with other people

You struggle to set boundaries with other people.

You feel responsible for other people and their feelings. You take on their pain as if it were your own.

The thing is, you want to fix everything and make sure everyone is okay.

You want to take their burdens and make them your own. You want to help and protect people.

Does that sound familiar?

But when other people overstep your boundaries and try to manipulate or guilt you into doing things for them, you feel like you’re being attacked.

You can’t stand to let people manipulate you or guilt-trip you, but you also don’t know how to say “no”.

The thought of hurting someone else’s feelings causes you so much pain that you would rather do something you don’t want to do than risk hurting someone.

Now: I know that setting boundaries can be scary, especially if you’re used to being a people pleaser.

But if you learn how to set boundaries with other people, the pain will be worth it!

You will feel more in control of your life, and that is so important for your wellbeing.

Boundaries are nothing cruel or mean, regardless of what people around you might want you to believe.

In fact, boundaries are important, and anyone who doesn’t want to accept your personal boundaries is not a true friend, anyways.

You see, you are a sensitive person.

You are a very giving, sweet and kind person.

But when you let other people push your boundaries, it affects you more than it should.

Having boundaries is important for your wellbeing because it allows you to get away from the pain that comes with being in the state of being an empath.

So how can you set boundaries?

Here are 5 simple tips on how to set boundaries:

  • Don’t be afraid of setting limits with other people
  • Make sure to express what you need and want
  • Don’t allow other people to guilt-trip you
  • Learn how to say “no” if someone tries to manipulate or guilt you into doing something
  • Don’t take responsibility for other people’s feelings and problems, they need their own personal boundaries and their own personal solutions.

When I say “don’t take responsibility for other people’s feelings and problems, I am referring specifically to empaths who think that they have to fix everyone’s problems for them.

That is not true at all! You can’t fix everyone’s pain, no matter how much of a good person you are!

The thing is, empaths have a strong tendency to take on other peoples’ pain as if it were their own (as mentioned above).

You can help some people, but you will never be able to save everyone, and that’s a realization you need to make sooner rather than later.

How can you deal with it?

Being a super empath is tricky, but there are some things you can do to deal with it more easily:

Take care of your own needs

First off, you need to make it a priority to take care of your own needs.

You don’t want to take care of everyone else, but you do want to take care of yourself.

You need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself before you can take care of others.

You need to make sure that you are taking good care of yourself. You need to make sure that you are taking good care of your physical and emotional health before you can help others.

This means, you will learn to take care of yourself on all levels, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Once you do that, you will feel better.

Learn how to protect your energy

As a super empath, you are constantly bombarded by emotions and energy.

You’re constantly exposed to a lot of negative energy, which is why you feel physical pain when you’re around people who are suffering.

You need to learn how to shield yourself from this negative energy.

This means that you will learn how to protect your own energy and how to protect yourself from all of these negative energies that are bombarding your mind and body.

When you do this, you will feel better. You will feel less pain in your body.

You will be able to take care of yourself more easily, because you won’t be overwhelmed by the amount of pain that is in your mind and body.

Meditation can be a great tool to help you achieve this, but you can also read up online on how to protect your energy.

Accept that other people’s pain is not your responsibility

Last but not least, you need to accept that other people’s pain is not your responsibility.

You want to help your loved ones, but you also need to accept that you cannot fix them.

You cannot heal them. You cannot make them happy. You can only be there for them and provide comfort, but you cannot make their pain go away.

You might think that you can do this, but it is impossible for a super empath to heal the emotional pain of others.

You might feel like you should try to help them or give them comfort, but it is not completely up to you.

You can’t save everyone and other people are not your responsibility, so don’t torture yourself.

You will be okay

Even though being a super empath is not always easy or fun, it is a great way to help people, and it’s a great gift that you can learn to use for ood.

You can help your loved ones, you can help other people, and you can make yourself feel better by doing so.

You will be okay. You will learn how to shield your emotions and in time, you will figure out how to go about life.

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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