29 big signs of low intelligence

If you’re like me, you probably enjoy spending time with those who you consider being smarter than you are.

Why? Because they’re inspiring and they give us something to think about

Birds of a feather often flock together.

But, what about those individuals in your circle of friends that just don’t seem to be the brightest crayons in the box? Are you in danger of losing brain cells spending time in their company?

I don’t know about you but I’m not willing to take that chance, so if you’re wondering what is considered a sign of low intelligence, I’ve got a very comprehensive list for you.

Before we begin…

By no means, way, shape or form am I referring to any individual who has a diagnosed learning or intellectual disability.

Neither am I comparing or judging people on IQ scores.

The type of low intelligence I’m talking about occurs among healthy, seemingly normal adults.

Let’s get started!

1) They’re not curious. About anything.

People with low intelligence are never curious.

They don’t ask questions nor do they question why some things are the way they are.

They’re simply happy not knowing and it’s usually a case of ignorance is bliss, which can be seen in their lack of questioning or curiosity about anything that isn’t related to what already exists within their realm of understanding.

2) They’re arrogant.

Call it arrogance or intellectual humility but they just don’t seem to accept when they don’t know something.

They tend to believe that they are always right and have all the answers even when this is clearly not the case.

Many people who suffer from these two personality traits find themselves at odds with those around them, especially their peers, as well as with society in general because of their inability to admit mistakes and learn from them.

3) Closed-minded

A big tell-tale sign of having low intelligence is being closed-minded. They’re unable to learn new things because they’re stuck on pre-existing beliefs.

They have a hard time adapting to new ideas and concepts and this causes them to become very closed-minded.

They tend to dislike anything that challenges their beliefs as they believe that questioning their beliefs is an act of treachery.

4) Not interested in learning.

People who’re lacking in the intelligence department don’t place any value on learning.

They see it as a waste of time and money because they think that what they know is enough to get them through life, or at least make their lives easier.

Because people with low intelligence are so confident about themselves and their abilities, there’s no need for them to learn anything new or different–they feel like everything will work out just fine without having to do anything differently than before.

People who lack intelligence might be able to perform simple tasks well but struggle when it comes down to more complex activities such as reading comprehension tests, problem-solving exercises, etc., which would require higher levels of thinking skills.

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5) They’re disinterested in innovation.

Do you know the saying “the novelty has worn off”?

People with low intelligence have none. They have absolutely no novelty.

They don’t try to discover new things or expose themselves to new ideas whether it be music, art, science.

This is because their brains are unable to process complex thoughts and concepts that require a certain level of intelligence for them not only to understand but also enjoy what they may find out about these topics in their lifetime.

6) They lack common sense.

People with low intelligence often need to be told exactly what to do and when to do it to avoid using their brains.

They might excel in situations where parrot-like teaching has given them some knowledge, however, they have no street-smarts.

They cannot think on their feet and are unable to adapt to changing and challenging situations.

7) They have no introspection skills.

Our ability to reflect back on things is one of our greatest cognitive human skills.

It allows us to understand the rationale behind things and learn from past experiences, which can be used in planning for future events or situations.

This skill has been linked with a variety of positive outcomes such as increased self-awareness, improved psychological well-being, and reduced stress levels.

People with lowered intelligence are unable to grasp this concept and therefore cannot reflect back on any of their past experiences.

They keep repeating the same cycles over and over and don’t use the past as teachings.

8) They lack social skills.

This is especially true when it comes to their ability to communicate with others.

People with low intelligence have no idea how to communicate in a way that doesn’t sound like they’re being condescending or rude–they don’t know how to speak, act or behave in a way that’s not demeaning, which makes them unable to make meaningful connections with others.

This often leads these individuals into self-isolation and loneliness because of the lack of people who are willing/able/willing & able (depending on your point of view)to connect meaningfully with them.

9) They’re lazy.

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People with low intelligence do not feel the need or desire to work hard for anything or to achieve anything.

They often take life for granted and don’t understand the importance of things like money, health, relationships, etc.

This leads to a lack of motivation and drive to do anything that doesn’t give them instant gratification.

10) Lacking critical thinking.

Critical thinking is difficult because it goes against how the mind works.

When something is being told to us, we are more likely to accept it without question rather than think critically about it.

This can be dangerous when you’re in a position where you’re being told what’s right or wrong and are not able to think critically about why you’re doing something.

Critical thinking requires that one learn new methods of questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence for claims made by others (including those who claim they have all the answers), considering different perspectives on issues, weighing pros and cons before making decisions; these skills make critical thinkers better at solving problems with insight as well as greater empathy towards others’ viewpoints.

People with low intelligence cannot think critically and are therefore stuck in a diminished mindset.

11) Black and white thinking.

Those with low intelligence excel at black and white thinking.

They only seem to think in terms of opposites, ignoring the gray areas in between.

Reality is often too complex to be interpreted in opposites as well because there aren’t any clear answers or absolutes that can be found for everything.

For example, a low-intelligence person might say “I hate my job” when they actually love their job but don’t have enough experience with it yet; likewise, someone who loves their job may not know how much time investment is required into doing certain tasks at work so they feel like quitting altogether which would then make them miserable due to lack of knowledge on what else could possibly do instead if they quit.

12) Creatively stunted.

Those with low intelligence have a severe lack of creativity.

They tend to be the ones who can’t come up with an original idea and instead, copy ideas from those who are more intelligent than them.

They also tend to be stuck in a rut and never try anything new because they lack the confidence to do so.

13) Inability to think about their own emotions.

Those with low intelligence have a hard time understanding their own emotions, let alone understanding others’ as well.

This is because they are unable to recognize that they would have certain feelings if they were in another person’s shoes; they believe themselves to be okay when they aren’t and therefore don’t recognize that there could be something wrong with them or that other people might feel insecure or depressed on the inside like them.

14) They love instant gratification.

People with low intelligence often value instant gratification over long-term success.

They are quick to give up on things they don’t like or are no longer interested in, but they rarely stick with something that they do like.

They also have a hard time sticking out even the tiniest bit of effort to achieve long-term goals because they believe that their efforts will not be worth anything in the future and will therefore not be worth their time.

15) They can’t see the forest for the trees.

Those with low intelligence tend to focus on small details and miss big picture issues; this is why it’s so difficult for them to understand complicated ideas or concepts.

For example, if someone came up to you and explained how a certain thing worked, you would probably understand it without any problems at all.

Those with low intelligence, however, would have a hard time understanding it because they wouldn’t be able to see the big picture.

They would also miss the details because they would be too busy focusing on the big picture instead of trying to understand all of the little parts that go into making something work.

16) They don’t know who they are.

Those with low intelligence often have a hard time connecting with others and identifying their own personality traits; this is why it’s so easy for them to get along with people who are similar to them and never get close friends or romantic partners.

They also don’t know who they are without someone else telling them what it is that makes them unique and special.

This is why many of them have trouble with self-esteem issues and why they often feel lonely.

They also have a hard time finding themselves in the world because they don’t know who they are without others telling them what it is that makes them different.

17) They lack empathy.

People with low intelligence often lack empathy; this is because their brains are not well-developed and therefore not able to understand how other people feel emotionally or how another person’s life might be going differently than their own.

This is why those with low intelligence aren’t able to help someone else when they need it and why they don’t want to try to understand others’ problems or situations if they don’t understand their own.

It’s also why those with low intelligence can be mean to other people and why they are often aggressive towards others.

18) They lack imagination.

Those with low intelligence often lack creativity and imagination; this is because their brains are not able to think of new ideas that could be better than the ones they already have.

This is also why those with low intelligence often can’t come up with their own ideas, designs, or inventions that could change the world.

19) Poor decision-making.

Those with low intelligence often make poor decisions, especially when it comes to choosing a career path or whether or not to go to college.

They usually have a hard time making the right choices because they can’t see the big picture and they can’t understand how something could be better than what they already have.

These are also some of the reasons why those with low intelligence often struggle financially as well as why many of them end up getting divorced and/or in trouble with the law.

20) They don’t like change.

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People with low intelligence often don’t like change.

This is also why those with low intelligence often resist change and won’t try to make changes in their lives.

It’s also why many of them don’t want to try new foods or try different kinds of clothes or hairstyles.

They also can’t accept new ways of doing things.

21) Unrealistic thinkers.

Those with low intelligence often think that their life is perfect and worry too much about things that aren’t really a big deal.

They also often don’t like to do the little things that could make a big difference in their lives.

They tend to be unrealistic thinkers and they can’t see how their life could be better than it already is, which leads them into doing more of what’s not good for them so they’ll feel contented enough until something else comes along (that will inevitably happen).

22) They’re not self-motivated.

People with low intelligence often have trouble motivating themselves and they don’t enjoy the things they do; this is because they are not able to motivate themselves to get up, get dressed, or even to go out of the house on a regular basis.

This is why those with low intelligence often don’t want to exercise or learn new things. They don’t see the need.

23) Bad at time management.

People with low intelligence often have trouble understanding the importance of time management, especially when it comes to trying to earn money or finding ways of doing things that would help them get ahead in life.

They might also find themselves struggling with social skills and other daily tasks because they are not as good at reading others’ emotions or body language.

24) They don’t get jokes.

People with low intelligence often don’t understand jokes and sarcasm, which is why they can’t understand the humor in movies or television shows.

They also can’t see the humor in other people’s actions or experiences.

This is why they often don’t get the jokes that others do and they are not very good at laughing at themselves.

25) They have poor communication skills.

People with low intelligence often have trouble expressing themselves clearly and they will find it difficult to communicate their ideas to others.

Additionally, people with low intelligence may be more likely than those who are not intellectually challenged to engage in risky behaviors such as substance abuse or reckless driving.

26) They don’t read books.

People with low intelligence often have difficulty reading and comprehending books. 

They also may not be able to remember the information they read, which means they can’t retain it and use it later to their advantage. Not because they can’t, but because they do not want to.

They are also likely to have trouble remembering the names of people they meet.

27) They are too cautious.

People with low intelligence often have trouble taking risks, which is why they are more likely to live a cautious and boring life.

They may also be more likely than others to be skeptical in nature, which means they won’t take anything at face value and they are likely to take risks only when there is some sort of reward or benefit to it.

28) They’re known as the “unwoke”.

They have no idea what’s happening in the world whether it be current events, politics, or pop culture, they’re oblivious.

These people are often referred to as “the unaware” and they can make themselves a nuisance by being overly talkative with their opinions on topics that don’t concern them.

They might also be considered ignorant if they do not know how to read properly or use proper grammar when speaking because of this lack of knowledge about the outside world around them.

29) They believe everything they read on the internet.

People with low intelligence often have difficulty understanding new information because they may not have the ability to comprehend it.

This is why they are not likely to understand what is happening in the world around them and their lack of knowledge about current events and pop culture can make them appear as though they are trying to be a part of something that they are not.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this list as much as I’ve enjoyed putting it together.

I hope it’s been an eye-opener and that it will help you to avoid people who make you lose brain cells!

Picture of Lyndol Lyons

Lyndol Lyons

The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is. Writer, spiritualist, mom. Tolerant of people, but prefer animals. Owner of 346 cats in a previous life.

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