10 surprising signs he likes you by the way he looks at you

Wondering if the guy you like is into you but can’t quite figure him out?

His behavior might be sending mixed signals, leaving you confused and second-guessing. Don’t worry—you’re not alone.

Men often express their interest in subtle, non-verbal ways, and one of the strongest indicators is in their eyes.

By understanding how to read his glances, you can gain clarity on what he’s truly feeling.

Let’s break down the 10 surprising ways his gaze might be saying more than his words ever could.

1) His eye contact is strong

Ladies, if there’s one surefire way to know a guy likes you by the way he looks at you, it’s through the quality of his eye contact.

You know what I’m talking about. He keeps glancing over and when he catches your eye he holds his gaze for a long time.

Maybe it’s the guy who checks you out from across the bar or your colleague who always makes eye contact when you pass by him in the office. Notice how he looks at you.

The truth is, you’ll know he likes you because it will happen more than once.

If he likes you, he’ll try to catch your eye every time he sees you. He’ll maintain eye contact every time you speak to each other. He’s letting you know that you have his attention and that he’s interested in what you want to say.

Now, there are different types of eye contact:

  • The smoldering gaze. This signifies he’s lusting after you, especially if he looks you up and down too (we’ll cover that a little later on).
  • The cheeky gaze. This is fun and flirty, you might notice a slight smile form while he’s locked eyes with you.
  • The intense gaze. This can mean several things – he’s overcome with your beauty, he’s intently listening to what you have to say, he’s intrigued by you.

And while there’s no doubt eye contact is a sign he likes you, it might also be his way of figuring out if his feelings are mutual by seeing whether you reciprocate his gaze.

2) He can’t help staring at you

If you notice he keeps staring at you, even when you’re not looking, it’s a clear sign he’s attracted. Staring can go two ways—it can feel:

  • Flattering and exciting
  • Or creepy and weird

The difference? It’s all about how you feel about him.

If you find him attractive, his attention will probably feel flattering. When you catch him watching you as you work or sip your coffee, you might feel flustered, excited, and even a little nervous—in a good way.

But if you’re not into him, his staring will feel awkward and strange.

So, why do guys stare when they like you? Simple—it’s human nature. We stare at things we find beautiful: sunsets, art, pretty colors, and yes, people. When a guy stares, it’s because he likes what he sees.

If you know this guy, he might be imagining what it would be like to ask you out. Or, he could be trying to figure you out, reading your body language and facial expressions.

And if his staring makes you uncomfortable, especially if you have to work together, it’s okay to move away or ask him to stop. Some guys don’t realize they’re doing it, but too much staring can definitely get creepy.

3) His pupils dilate when he looks at you

If a man’s pupils widen and get darker, it’s a clear sign that he is feeling at ease and attracted to you.

This might not be the easiest sign to look out for – you’ll need to stare at his eyes for a good few seconds – but it’s a telling sign nonetheless.

Research has shown that when we see someone we’re attracted to, the chemicals dopamine and oxytocin are released into our system. These are often referred to as “happy hormones”.

They give us feel-good feelings, but that’s not all.

When these chemicals are released, it causes the body to relax and the pupils of the eyes to dilate.

So whilst you probably won’t want to get right up close and personal to check out the size of his pupils, if you get a chance to, check to see if they’re larger than usual.

4) He looks flustered

If a man looks shy, red, and flustered when you lock eyes, it’s a clear sign he’s attracted to you. Your presence is affecting him in ways he didn’t expect.

Not every guy is smooth and confident. Many get nervous and anxious around someone they like. So, if you notice flushed cheeks, nervous smiles, lip-biting, or fidgeting, he’s probably into you. Even if he seems self-assured, he might still stumble over his words or laugh a little too long—especially if he’s shy.

His flushed cheeks and bright eyes often come from excitement rather than nerves, but it’s a sign he can’t hide.

To be honest, I wasn’t always good at reading these signs. But Rudá Iandê’s free masterclass on Love and Intimacy helped me understand love on a deeper level—beyond just attraction.

Rudá, a renowned shaman, teaches that love is more than physical or emotional—it’s a spiritual connection. 

If you’re looking for more than just a fleeting attraction, understanding these deeper signs of true love can be incredibly helpful.

It gives you a whole new perspective on dating and relationships, one where you can appreciate the beauty of vulnerability and the power of unspoken words.

Click here to access the free masterclass

5) You catch him smiling at the little things you do

signs you have a magnetic personality 10 surprising signs he likes you by the way he looks at you

If you notice a man is smiling at your mannerisms and quirks, he is definitely attracted to you and noticing all the little details about you.

This depends on the situation—if it’s a guy you pass on the street, it might not apply. But if it’s someone you study, work with, or are friends with, you can easily recognize this sign by observing his facial expressions when you’re around.

Maybe he smiles whenever you’re talking, even if it isn’t to him, or you catch him grinning at you for no apparent reason at all.

The truth is, if he’s always got a cheeky smile whenever you’re around, it’s probably because you make him happy and he likes it.

He finds you cute, and he can’t help but show it.

When my partner and I first met, before we started dating, he used to smile whenever I laughed at something. It was adorable.

And it was also the ultimate signal to me that he liked me.

So if your guy can’t suppress his happiness whenever you’re around, it’s a safe bet he likes you!

6) He tilts his head when you speak

If a man tilts his head to the side while you speak, it’s a telling sign that he likes you and is attracted to you.

You may have seen the classic head tilt in the movies. The guy longing after the girl he’s into, his head slightly cocked to one side, and a slight grin playing on his lips.

So why do guys do that when they like a girl?

Well, one reason is he’s showing you he’s listening to you. When you’re in a conversation and he leans forward, he’ll instinctively tilt his head to hear you better and show you you have his focus.

But it can also be a “come-hither” look displaying his lust and attraction toward you.

His body is naturally reacting to your presence, inviting you into his space and making it clear you’ve caught his attention!

7) He raises his eyebrows at you

If a man’s eyebrows raise while you interact, it’s a clear sign that he is into you.

Do you notice him arching his eyebrows at you?

Maybe when you talk, he lifts just one of them in a flirty manner? Like he’s amused by the whole interaction…or you’ve said something insanely interesting and he can’t help but lift his eyebrow in surprise.

Another reason is that when we like something we see, we instinctively raise our eyebrows to open our eyes more. This way we can see our subject of attraction even better!

Some guys will even flash a quick double eyebrow raise as they pass you – if this is coupled with an intense dose of eye contact, you can be sure he likes you.

8) He looks you up and down

If a man’s glance scans your body up and down, it’s a clear sign that he is surveying your beauty and attracted to it.

It’s a definite sign of lust.

When a guy looks you up and down, most likely he’s checking out your figure. Some women don’t appreciate this, and some guys definitely overdo it.

But if it’s a guy you’re into and you want him to like you back, this is a good start.

By taking you in with his eyes, he’s not only showing he finds you attractive, but he’s initiating his desire to talk to you or ask you out.

But there are other reasons why he might do this – he could be trying to decode your body language to know whether he should make a move or not.

Or…it’s just something about the way you walk and move your body.

He’s captivated by you and thinking about you a lot and he just can’t help but admire you in full form!

9) He looks away when you catch his glance

Another surprising sign that a man likes you is that he will quickly glance away when you catch him staring at you.

Why do guys do that?

There are a few possible reasons:

  • He’s shy or introverted
  • He doesn’t want to be “too forward”
  • He thinks you don’t like him back so he doesn’t want to embarrass himself
  • He was looking at you for another reason and doesn’t want to give you the wrong impression that he likes you

So, bar the last point on that list, if he looks at you and quickly looks away, there is a good chance he’s into you.

It could be that he’s nervous about keeping eye contact, and although he can’t help staring at you, he doesn’t want to make the situation awkward.

But equally, it could just be that he doesn’t realize he’s staring and that’s why he quickly looks away when you see him. Either way though, it’s a sign he likes what he sees!

10) He blinks more than usual

Finally, a dead giveaway that a man likes you by the way he looks at you is that he blinks more than normal.

Now, I’m not saying you should count his blink rate per minute but you might casually pick up on it when you’re face to face for a few minutes.

You might not have been aware of this interesting fact, but our blink rate actually increases when we’re excited.

And that excitement can come from seeing someone attractive.

The average blink rate per minute is believed to be between 15-20. So if the guy you have in mind exceeds this when he’s looking at you, he’s either got something in his eye or he’s completely into you.

It’s clear that he likes me, so now what?

Figuring out if a guy likes you isn’t easy, but with these non-verbal signs, you’ll have a better idea next time you see him.

The eyes never lie—if he’s giving you these signals, he’s probably attracted to you. The question is, do you feel the same?

If so, send a few flirty looks his way or take the initiative and let him know how you feel. You can either wait for him to make a move or be bold and approach him yourself.

The key is to be open and honest about your feelings and let the relationship unfold naturally. More importantly, love yourself enough to know you’ll be fine whether this guy stays in your life or not.

Rudá’s teachings on love and intimacy showed me a whole new perspective on the unrealistic expectations and games we play in love.

The only real solution is to be authentic and allow love into your life by allowing yourself to receive the love that is already available within you. When you truly love yourself, you’ll feel confident regardless of whether someone else notices you.

So, instead of decoding someone else’s feelings, focus on understanding your own. Check out the free Love and Intimacy masterclass for more insights.

Here’s the link to the masterclass again.

Picture of Kiran Athar

Kiran Athar

Kiran is a freelance writer with a degree in multimedia journalism. She enjoys exploring spirituality, psychology, and love in her writing. As she continues blazing ahead on her journey of self-discovery, she hopes to help her readers do the same. She thrives on building a sense of community and bridging the gaps between people. You can reach out to Kiran on Twitter: @KiranAthar1

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