Are you looking for some psychological signs to understand if you’re on someone else’s mind?
Maybe you feel that you have got their attention or their affection. Or even more – what if they’re interested in becoming your date, friend, or something more?
In this case, you should definitely look for signs that someone is thinking of you.
And guess what?
You’re about to explore 24 psychological signs that someone is thinking of you.
1) You feel a sudden change in energy
Have you recently noticed that you’re feeling an increase in energy?
No, I don’t mean when you lose your energy while being tired or feeling a boost in energy after working out.
What I mean here is that you feel a sudden change in energy when nothing in your body or in the environment changes at all.
It’s like you feel a sudden change in your heartbeat or in your breathing.
If this sounds familiar, chances are that you’re wondering what it can mean when you feel an increase in energy.
Here’s what it can mean:
- You’re getting more attention from someone who is interested in you.
- Someone who’s thinking of becoming your friend or date is interested in you.
- Someone is thinking of spending time with you.
In either case, one thing is for sure:
Someone is thinking of you at the exact moment you feel the change in your energy levels. It might seem strange, but actually, it’s not.
It’s just a sign that tells you someone is thinking of you.
So, don’t be afraid of a sudden change in energy levels. If you’re sure there’s nothing else going on in your body, consider it as a psychological sign that someone is thinking of you.
2) You feel like a different person
Sometimes, when you feel like another person, it can be very hard to explain why.
You might say that you feel like a different person, but you can’t find any explanation for it. It just happens, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Well, I’ve got good news for all of us who have experienced this feeling: it means someone is thinking of you!
You’re probably wondering how this could be true.
Let me tell you: your mind has created a new personality or persona that is based on your thoughts and feelings about this person.
I know it sounds crazy, but well, I don’t mean that if someone imagined themselves as the king or queen of the world, they would achieve that.
Of course not!
But think about it.
When you want something so badly, it can make you feel like a completely different person.
For example, if you’re really desperate to get a new job, you might think of yourself as someone who is able to get that job with no problem at all.
You might even start feeling like that person and acting like them, too!
And then some more.
That’s exactly what happens when we dream about someone we have feelings for – our mind creates a new personality for them until we fall in love with them in real life!
It might sound too crazy to believe, but trust me – it’s true!
So, if you feel like a different person and can’t find a reason for it, then it’s another psychological sign that someone is thinking of you.
3) Get help from a real psychic
The signs I’m revealing in this article will give you a good idea about whether someone is actually thinking of you.
But could you get even more clarity by speaking to a gifted advisor?
Clearly, you have to find someone you can trust. With so many fake experts out there, it’s important to have a pretty good BS detector.
After going through a series of overthinking, I recently tried Psychic Source. They provided me with the guidance I needed in life, including who I was meant to be with.
I was actually blown away by how kind, caring, and genuinely helpful they were.
Click here to get your own love reading.
A gifted advisor can not only tell you if someone is thinking of you, but they can also reveal all your love possibilities.
4) Voice tone and pitch changes
Want to know another subtle sign that someone is thinking of you?
Well then, I’m about to give you some guidance on this:
Pay attention to the way someone’s voice sounds when they’re talking to you.
Because whenever someone is thinking about you, their voice tone usually changes.
For example, if you’re talking to a friend and you notice that their voice sounds more serious than usual, then it’s probably because they’re thinking about you.
And if their voice sounds a little softer than usual, then it’s because they want to tell you how much they like you!
Or how about this one?
If someone is talking to someone else and suddenly their voice becomes higher or lower, or even squeaky or scratchy, then it’s another sign that they are thinking of you.
When they’re engaged in conversation, their voices will have a higher pitch than usual.
If they’re interested in you, they’ll probably be more animated, smiling at you as they speak, and their higher-pitched voices will be directed at you.
That’s how it works.
If you notice this, it’s a good sign that they’re interested in you, and it’s worth bringing up the subject with them to see if they are interested in you.
Let’s say that you want to know whether your crush is thinking of you.
You will be able to tell who he or she is by the tone of their voice. This means that there will be some kind of change in the way the person speaks to you.
Keep in mind that the change can be subtle, but if it happens enough times and with enough people, then it becomes very obvious that someone is thinking about you!
5) Unexpected compliments from them
Have you ever had a crush on someone and you were curious to know if they were thinking of you?
Well, I’ve got some good news for you:
It’s not just your imagination!
Whenever someone has their mind on you, they will often tell you how much they like you.
For example, if someone is thinking about a certain girl or boy, they will suddenly start talking to them in a very special way.
They’ll tell that person that he or she is beautiful, handsome, and amazing.
All this without even realizing it!
Then they’ll continue talking to that person in this special way for the rest of the day. That’s how it works.
But why do we find it hard to notice it?
Sometimes, we tend to be so focused on our own appearance that we can’t notice when someone is complimenting us.
But you know what?
If someone is thinking of you, though, they might be so caught up in your charm that they can’t help themselves from giving you a compliment when they should be paying attention to something else.
So, look for compliments that are out of place or seem too eager, and you might have your first clue that you’re on someone’s mind.
6) Someone who is constantly dropping hints that they like you
Do you notice that recently you’ve been receiving too many hints from your crush that they like you?
Well, I’ve got some good news for you:
They’re not just trying to be nice.
But what does it mean?
It means that they’re thinking about you!
Here’s how it works:
When someone is thinking about you, they will often try to let you know that they like you by giving you hints.
They may do this by saying something like “You look so beautiful today” or “I can’t stop thinking about how nice you are.” These are all examples of clues that someone is thinking of us.
The person doesn’t actually mean to give us any hints, though; it’s just the way their mind works. So don’t think too much about it and just take the hint!
Although we all know that the persistent old-fashioned courtship isn’t really in style nowadays, there are some folks who are still into it.
If you notice that your crush is constantly dropping hints that they like you without actually saying it, it’s possible that they’re feeling shy or anxious about taking the next steps.
If you’re noticing this, you might be able to make your feelings known by gently calling them out on it.
It’s possible that they’ll be relieved to have the ball in their court and might make a move that they’ve been too nervous to make so far.
But one thing is for sure: it has to mean something and it probably means that someone is thinking about you.
7) Someone whose body language shows they might be interested in you
Let me ask you a question.
Do you tend to pay attention to the body language of people you like?
For example, if you’re at a party and there’s a girl who’s looking at you, do you check her out? Do you make sure she’s still interested in you? Or do you just go with the flow and hope she picks up on your interest?
It’s human nature to check out the body language of other people. When we see someone looking at us it means they might be interested in talking to us.
But what if there was a way for someone to unconsciously show their interest without even meaning to?
How would that work? How could we spot this person as our soulmate without them meaning it themselves?
Well, the truth is that it’s not that hard.
You see, we can subconsciously pick up on their interest in us without them meaning it.
And what’s more, we can do it without even knowing they’re interested in us!
I was skeptical at first, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that it could definitely be true.
The way someone holds themselves can tell you a lot about how they feel about you.
If they’re leaning in toward you, gazing into your eyes, and touching you more than they normally would, they might be interested in you.
Do you notice these things?
If so, it’s worth bringing up the subject with them and seeing how they respond.
Why am I so sure?
Because chances are good that they’re feeling the same way you are, but they might also be too nervous to bring it up first.
8) Calling you for no reason
Sometimes, we call people for no reason. Sometimes, we don’t.
But guess what?
If someone is constantly calling you for no reason, or they’re calling you earlier or later than they normally would, it’s possible that they’re interested in you and they’re hoping that you will notice their change in behavior and draw your own conclusions.
If you notice this, it’s worth calling them out on it to see if they confirm it.
Because when someone calls you for no reason at all, it means that they’re subconsciously thinking of you.
And this means that they’re trying to get your attention.
9) They try to catch your eye constantly
If you notice that someone is trying to catch your eye constantly and wondering what’s the reason, you should know that it’s another psychological sign that they’re either thinking of you, interested in you, or both!
They might not be consciously aware of it, but they’re trying to catch your eye and make sure that you notice them.
Because they want to make sure that you don’t forget about them. They want to make sure that they’re the ones who come to mind when you think of someone.
So, here’s the thing: if someone is interested in you, they might catch your eye frequently.
They might also touch your arm or shoulder while they’re speaking to you.
These are signs that they’re interested in you, but they don’t know how to approach you. If you notice this, it’s best, to be honest with them.
Let them know that you’ve noticed their interest and that you’re interested in them, too. It’s possible that they’ve been trying to make a move but don’t know how to go about it.
And this means that they really like you!
It also means that their feelings for you are strong enough for them to consciously try and catch your eye and remind themselves of who you are so that their feelings won’t go unnoticed by other people around them.
10) They smile at you more often
This one’s pretty obvious, but it’s worth mentioning.
If someone is thinking of you, they’ll probably smile at you more often.
This may or may not extend to them smiling at you in public.
If it does, it’s a sign that they want you to know about their interest in you.
If it doesn’t, it’s possible that they’re just being friendly, but it’s also possible that they’re trying to figure out how to approach you.
So, try to be honest with them. Tell them that you notice they’re smiling at you and that you’re interested in them, too.
You don’t need to be too direct with this, but just letting them know that you’ve noticed their smile is a good first step.
11) They show up unexpectedly
Okay, you might consider this unexplainable behavior.
But if someone is thinking about you, they might show up unexpectedly.
It could be at your workplace. Or it could be at your favorite hang-out spot.
It could even be in front of your house if they’re a bit too bold for their own good!
In fact, it could be anywhere.
If they do this, it’s a sign that they want to make sure you notice them and that their feelings for you are strong enough for them to make a move.
And when this person is thinking of you, they might also try to spend time with you when they know you’re busy with other things.
This is a sign that they’re interested in you, and they’re trying their best to let you know without coming across as too pushy or desperate. If you notice this, it’s best, to be honest with them.
Let them know that you’ve noticed their interest and that you’re interested in them, too.
So, if someone shows up unexpectedly and makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s probably because they’re trying to get your attention.
They want to make sure that you know that they like you and want to spend more time with you!
12) You feel loved and cared for
Have you recently felt the warmth of someone’s love and care?
Maybe you’ve just been feeling more loved and cared for than usual. Or maybe you’ve noticed they are always checking up on you or sending messages.
In either case, it might be another psychological sign that they like you.
So, if someone is showing more love and care for you than usual or is always checking up on you, it could mean one of two things.
Either they really like you and are interested in making a move or they really care about your well-being and are just checking up on how things are going!
But how can you know for sure that it means this person is thinking about you at the given moment?
Earlier, I mentioned how helpful the advisors at Psychic Source were when I was facing relationship troubles.
Although there’s much we can learn about a situation from articles like this, nothing can truly compare to receiving a personalized reading from a gifted person.
From giving you clarity on the situation to supporting you as you make life-changing decisions, these advisors will empower you to make decisions with confidence.
Click here to get your personalized reading.
13) You can’t stop thinking about them
Ever felt like you can’t stop thinking about someone?
You know, when it’s not because of a particular event or situation. No, this is something more intense.
This is a sign that they’re constantly on your mind. But want to know something more interesting?
When you can’t stop thinking about someone and you can’t realize the reason for it, it can mean that they’re thinking about you simultaneously.
This means that the person is thinking about you and you’re thinking about them!
Yes, it’s a bit hard to believe, but it’s true.
So, if you’re thinking about someone and can’t help but think of them at the same time, it might be another sign that they’re often thinking about you.
14) Their behavior toward you changes
When you’re in a relationship, it’s expected that your behavior toward your partner will change.
That’s because you’re responsible for the way you act and react to them.
But what if they start changing the way they treat you? What if they start treating you differently?
You might have noticed that your partner has been behaving differently toward you and their behavior is starting to change. This could mean that they like you more or that they are becoming interested in making a move.
There are many signs that someone likes or is interested in making a move on another person, but there are also many signs of someone who is interested in the other person but not romantically interested.
So, how can you tell which of these two things it is?
If you’re interested in someone and you’re not sure if they feel the same way about you, there are several signs you can watch for to figure it out.
Look for changes in their behavior toward you, like spending more time around you than they normally would, smiling or laughing more often around you, and making an effort to be around you more often.
If you notice these changes in their behavior, they could indicate that they’re thinking about you.
15) You see this person in your dreams
When you’re not together, but you still want to feel close to your partner, it’s normal to have dreams about them.
If you wake up in the middle of the night with a sense of longing for something or someone, it could be because you’re dreaming about your partner.
But what if you don’t have a partner currently but you’re still constantly seeing someone in your dreams without even thinking about them?
Well, you may not but this person is definitely thinking about you while you’re dreaming about them.
You might have this feeling when you’re walking around and see someone who reminds you of your partner and suddenly realize that it’s them!
Or maybe when you’re going to sleep and start seeing a familiar face appear in your dreams…
And suddenly realize that it’s him or her!
The reason is that seeing someone in your dreams is another psychological way that this person is thinking about you.
16) Your eyes twitch
Let me ask you a weird question.
Have you noticed that your eyes twitch at the strangest of moments?
Maybe when you’re having a conversation with someone, you catch yourself looking away from them and then back again.
Or maybe when you just hear a familiar voice and your eyes start twitching.
If you have noticed this, it could be because your partner is messaging or calling you right now.
Your body can’t tell the difference between these two different scenarios, so it’s going to twitch involuntarily.
This is known as a “phantom limb” and it can be a strong indication that someone is thinking about you.
17) Your cheeks suddenly flush
Believe it or not, when someone is thinking of you, a lot of physiological changes might happen in your body.
For example, you might suddenly flush when you’re talking to someone who thinks of you a lot.
Or maybe when you’re in the middle of a conversation with someone who reminds you of your partner, your cheeks might suddenly flush.
Or maybe when you’re having a conversation with someone who reminds you of your partner, they might suddenly see red or turn pale.
You’ll notice that these kinds of physical changes are happening because your body is trying to communicate something to you through these different reactions.
So, whenever your cheeks flush and you’re not embarrassed by anything, chances are that someone is thinking of you at the given moment.
18) You encounter the same numbers
Have you ever noticed that when you’re having a conversation with someone who thinks of you a lot, you keep on running into the same numbers over and over again?
For example, if your partner is always texting you the same numbers or calling you at the same time, then there’s a very high chance that they’re thinking of you.
A lot of people have noticed this, and it’s because they are being reminded of these numbers.
These numbers are called “angel numbers” and it means that your guardian angel is telling you something by showing you this certain number.
And in this case, it means that someone is thinking of you and is worried about you.
19) You feel a sudden urge to be alone
Have you ever felt the sudden urge to be alone when someone is thinking of you a lot?
You might feel worried and anxious about what happens next.
Or maybe you feel like you need some time by yourself.
And this is because your body is trying to tell you something important, but it can’t.
Want to know what this something is?
Well, it’s a psychological sign that someone is thinking of you a lot.
20) Someone likes your old social media posts
Okay, this one is pretty obvious. When someone is thinking of you a lot, they’ll notice that you’re posting old social media posts.
Just think about it.
Why would someone go to your old social media posts
It’s because they’re trying to find out more about you.
And whenever they feel the urge to think about you, they just can’t help but look at your old social media posts.
21) You intuitively feel someone is thinking about you
It’s probably a bit surprising, but whenever you feel someone is thinking about you, you’ll be able to feel it.
When this happens, you’ll get a warm, fuzzy feeling in your stomach and you’ll probably smile to yourself.
Whenever you feel this sensation, you’ll know that it means that someone is thinking about you and caring about you.
This feeling is something that you can work on and improve, too.
Whenever you’re thinking about someone, try to feel this sensation, too. It’s a great way of letting them know that they’re important to you.
People might not be able to explain how they know this feeling, but they just can’t help but notice it.
And when they notice this feeling, they’re going through a lot of emotions and they’re very curious about what’s happening.
But the thing is that it’s another psychological sign that someone is thinking of you!
22) You feel unexpected emotions
Ever noticed that you feel a sudden and unexpected emotion when you’re thinking about someone?
And this is because when you think about someone, they’re going to make you feel emotions that you’ve never felt before.
And this is probably because they’re trying to tell you something important, but they can’t tell you.
They want to tell you something, but they just can’t.
That’s why they’re getting these strong emotions in their body and mind.
This feeling is something that a lot of people are going through right now, so it’s very common.
And it indeed means that someone somewhere is thinking about you.
23) You experience unfocused hyperactivity
One of the most common psychological signs that someone is thinking about you is the feeling of being very unfocused.
When this happens, you’ll feel like you’re not in control of your body or mind.
This is because whenever you think about someone, they’re going to make you feel something that’s out of your control.
And this feeling means that they’re trying to get a message across to you, but they just can’t do it.
So guess what?
When this feeling happens and they can’t focus on anything else, it’s another sign that someone is thinking about them.
24) Your senses are heightened than usual
And finally, let’s introduce the one last sign that someone is thinking about you:
Your senses are heightened than usual.
It doesn’t matter whether you can smell, taste, hear or see something that’s out of the ordinary.
Your senses are heightened than usual and it’s a sign that someone is thinking about you.
The reason why your senses are heightened more than usual is that you’re feeling something that they’re trying to tell you.
And this feeling is going to make your senses feel a lot more sensitive than usual.
So whenever you’re feeling this sensation, think about the person who’s making you feel this way and try to read their mind without them knowing it.
You’ll know immediately that they’re thinking about someone, but they can’t tell you. Instead, they just keep thinking about you without you letting them know about this.
Final thoughts
All in all, these 24 subtle psychological signs may seem ambiguous at first, but when seen together, they make it clear that the other person is thinking about you in a positive way.
We’ve covered all the common signs that someone is thinking about you, but if you want to get completely personalized guidance about it and where it’ll lead you in the future, I recommend speaking to the folks over at Psychic Source.
I mentioned them earlier on. When I got a reading from them, I was blown away by how kind and genuinely helpful they were.
Not only can they give you more direction on some specific signs that someone is thinking of you, but they can advise you on what’s really in store for your future.