There is no shortage of people with negative personality traits in this world.
Sometimes it can seem like they are impossible to escape, especially when you first realize that someone is actually a really negative person. It can change your whole outlook about them and make you want to spend your time somewhere else.
The truth is that we’ve all displayed some of the signs of negative people at one time or another, but there are just some people who can’t see the forest for the trees fno matter how many times you try to show them. If you think you might be surrounded by people with negative personality traits, here are 11 signs that you are around a toxic person.
And by the way, run. You don’t need that in your life.
1) They are selfish and self-centered.
This is first negative personality trait. Usually toxic people only care about themselves and what they can get out of the situation. Because of this, negative people don’t see how their attitude is impacting those around them.
And, what’s worse, some people do see it and continue to act in a negative way knowing they can hurt others or drag them down with them.
It’s a terrible cycle and it can be hard to break free from if you find yourself in it. Keep in mind that it’s not your job to fix the negative people. Just focus on your own happiness; it might inspire them to get out of their own way.
2) They can’t be wrong.
People with negative personality traits cannot admit to being wrong. It’s like a part of them dies when they aren’t the best around. This goes for family and friendly relationships, as well as work and business relationships.
We all know that one person who just won’t shut up until everyone sees their point of view.
3) They’re manipulative in relationships
A major negative personality trait is being manipulative – especially with those you love. I know this because I was in a relationship with someone like this.
But weirdly, I didn’t recognize the red flags. Unfortunately, so many of our relationship issues stem from toxic behavior but we’ve been conditioned to see it as “normal”.
It only became apparent to me when I watched the free love and intimacy video by the world-renowned shaman Rudá Iandê.
He opened my eyes to how we’ve been unhealthily conditioned to love and behave in relationships. But more than that, he provided practical, clear solutions.
Not only did it help me, but my partner at the time learned a lot about their toxic ways.
Click here to watch the free video.
4) They are actual drama queens.
Everything happens to them and no one understand what they are going through — according to them.
Whether it’s their own drama or they are feeding off of someone else’s drama, negative people eat that shit up and love to make it all their own. Everything is about them, after all.
Why shouldn’t your drama be all about them too?
5) They tell lies.
Another common negative personality trait. They will do anything to get you to pay attention to them and see their point of view. They might even lie to you to do so.
If you feel like someone is not being honest with you, confront them and consider eliminating them from your life. It’s very difficult to be in any kind of relationship with someone who lies.
6) They are brown-nosers.
Brown nosers get their name because they have their head stuck so far up someone’s ass that they get a brown nose. There, now you know what that means if you didn’t know before.
Toxic people will do anything for attention, even negative attention. They like being the center of attention and want people to pay attention to them.
They put themselves in positions where people have no choice but to pay attention to them: often in a negative way.
7) Everything happens to them.
They cannot see that somewhere in all the crap that just got handed down to them there might be a silver lining. It’s not uncommon of toxic people to just outright blame someone else for their troubles because they cannot see themselves as being the issue in any situation.
In that light, nothing good can come from a bad situation – sounds like that’s exactly what they want anyway.
8) They can’t say nice things about other people.
Negative personality traits are negative after all.
Regardless of how hard you try to get them to say something nice about someone, it will almost alway be following up with “yeah, but…” and then the negative person will go on to tell you why the other person isn’t that great. Just ignore people like that.
9) They can’t forgive.
Since everything that happens to a toxic person is everyone else’s fault except their own, negative people will often blame others for years about their own circumstances.
It’s tricky because a change in attitude would change their lives, but that’s what they choose to believe.
10) They avoid things and truth.
They don’t like to answer questions or offer help in any way. It makes them feel needed and necessary, especially in a work setting.
Negative people often think, “if you don’t have the answer, you need me.”
But that just makes matters worse.
11) They are rude to people.
If someone is mean to the delivery guy but nice to you, they are probably not a nice person. Which means they are probably a negative person. So steer clear.
Whether you are a recovering toxic person, or have just discovered you might be married to one, it’s important that you realize and understand that negativity it a choice.
There are a lot more people out there who are a lot worse off than you are and they choose to be happy. Consider what you want in your life and the kind of life you want to live and if negativity doesn’t have a place there, make changes accordingly.
How to break free from toxic relationships
Do your relationships help you to grow and evolve in life? Are you respected as an equal?
Or do you have people in your life who want you to be a sheep, subservient to their wishes and desires?
I know that the pain of being alone often pushes us into negative and abusive relationships with toxic people.
However, if there are people trying to manipulate you — even if they don’t intend to — it’s essential to learn how to stand up for yourself.
Because you do have a choice to end this cycle of pain and misery.
So what can you do to break the cycle?
Begin with yourself. Stop searching for external fixes to sort out your life, deep down, you know this isn’t working.
And that’s because until you look within and unleash your personal power, you’ll never find the satisfaction and fulfillment you’re searching for.
I learned this from the shaman Rudá Iandê. His life mission is to help people restore balance to their lives and unlock their creativity and potential. He has an incredible approach that combines ancient shamanic techniques with a modern-day twist.
In his excellent free video, Rudá explains effective methods to achieve what you want in life and stop getting stuck in toxic, harmful relationships.
So if you want to build a better relationship with yourself, unlock your endless potential, and put passion at the heart of everything you do, start now by checking out his genuine advice.
Here’s a link to the free video again.
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