The 11 signs a guy trusts you with his secrets (and what it really means)

Sometimes it’s hard to know whether a guy trusts you with his secrets or not.

Maybe he seems hesitant, and you wonder if he’s going to tell you something personal or keep it locked away in his heart.

Here are 11 signs a guy trusts you with his secrets and what it really means:

1) He’ll open up to you about his past

The first place a guy will open up to you is his past.

Secrets are often hidden in the past, and his past might be the only place he feels safe enough to confide in someone new.

If a guy trusts you with his past, it means he trusts you with his present and future.

It means he’s willing to hand over the key to all the doors in his heart and be vulnerable with you.

It means he’s willing to let you in, and he’s willing to let you see his scars and blemishes.

He’s willing to let you see him as he really is. It might not be easy for him to open up, but doing so shows that he trusts you.

Once he does, he won’t ever close that door.

The contents of his heart are now yours.

You can’t break them, you can’t throw them away and you can’t lose them. He’s given you all that he has, and he chose to give it to you. That’s a powerful sign.

You see, the past is usually what shapes us into who we are, so if he trusts you with his past, he trusts you with who he is now.

2) He’ll confide in you when he feels down

jumpstory download20220813 023552 The 11 signs a guy trusts you with his secrets (and what it really means)

A guy gains confidence around you, but on occasion, he might feel down.

He might be struggling with something in his life, he might be upset about something that happened and he might just be having a bad day.

When this happens, he might be hesitant to tell you about it.

He might not want to worry you, or he might not want you to think less of him.

When he confides in you when he’s feeling down, it’s a sign that he trusts you with all of his feelings.

It shows that he trusts you with his most vulnerable self.

He might not show it, but behind closed doors, he’s depending on you.

He’s depending on you to be there for him when he’s down.

Simply put, he’s depending on you to be his support system and he’s depending on you to be his safe place when no one else is.

The thing is when a guy feels comfortable being vulnerable with you, that’s a big deal.

It’s a huge sign that he trusts you.

This also means letting you know when he feels insecure about something.

It means he’s putting his trust in you, and it means he’s letting you see his true self.

3) He’ll share his worries with you

Sometimes when a guy confides in you when he’s feeling down, he might also share his worries with you.

Maybe he’s worried about the future and has no idea what he should do next in his life.

Maybe he has anxiety about taking a certain path and doesn’t know how to put it to rest.

Whatever the worry may be, when a guy shares it with you, it’s a sign that he trusts you with his worries.

It’s a sign that he trusts you with his future.

It’s a sign that he trusts you with the decision he has to make in the near future. It’s a sign that he trusts you with his heart.

You see, sharing his worries with you means opening up about the fact that he doesn’t have it all figured out just yet. It means he trusts you with his future, and it means he trusts you with his heart.

Men often want to seem as though they are in control, but often, they are not.

When a guy tells you about his worries, it shows that he trusts you with his future.

It shows that he trusts you to make the right decision for him when he doesn’t know how to make it himself.

4) What would a relationship coach say?

While the signs in this article will help you deal with figuring out if a guy trusts you, it can be helpful to speak to a relationship coach about your situation.

With a professional relationship coach, you can get advice tailored to the specific issues you’re facing in your love life.

Relationship Hero is a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people navigate complex and difficult love situations, like establishing trust.

They’re popular because they genuinely help people solve problems.

Why do I recommend them?

Well, after going through difficulties in my own love life, I reached out to them a few months ago.

After feeling helpless for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship, including practical advice on how to overcome the issues I was facing.

I was blown away by how genuine, understanding, and professional they were.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice specific to your situation.

Click here to get started.

5) He might even invite you to a place that is special to him

jumpstory download20220813 024509 The 11 signs a guy trusts you with his secrets (and what it really means)

When a guy trusts you with his secrets, he might invite you to a place that is special to him.

This could be a place he loves to visit, a place that had a special moment in his life, or a place that holds memories for him.

This is a sign that he trusts you with his past, present, and future.

By inviting you to one of these places, he’s letting you know that you’re just as important to him as that place is.

It shows that he trusts you enough to share a piece of his heart with you. It shows that he trusts you with the most precious thing he has: his memories.

You see, even though they might not always admit it, men can be very sentimental when it comes to places that are near and dear to their hearts.

They’ll often tell you that they have a special place in their heart, and when they do, you can be sure that it holds a lot of meaning for them.

It could be the house they grew up in, the place where they first kissed someone, or the place where he made his first sale.

When a guy opens up and trusts you with his past, he’s opening up and trusting you with his heart. He’s also showing you he trusts you with his future.

6) A guy trusts you when he’s vulnerable around you

The easiest way to tell if a guy trusts you with his secrets is to look for signs that he’s vulnerable around you.

He might share his fears with you, he might share his thoughts with you that he’s afraid to say aloud and he might even show you his insecurities.

When a guy is vulnerable around you, he’s letting you see the real him.

He’s letting you see the guy behind closed doors.

When a guy is vulnerable with you, it means that he trusts you not to betray his trust and it shows you that he’s willing to let you see him for who he really is.

It means that he trusts you enough to be vulnerable in front of you so that you can see the real him.

Maybe he will cry for the first time in front of you, or he will tell you something very personal.

7) He trusts you when he lets you know where he is at all times

A guy who trusts you will let you know where he is at all times.

He’ll let you know when he leaves the house and when he arrives at the place he’s going.

He’ll let you know where he is going, who he’s with and what he’s doing.

If a guy does this, it means he trusts you with his safety.

It means he trusts you with his location, and it means he trusts you with his well-being. He trusts you with his all and nothing less.

You see, not all guys will do this, simply because they don’t see the point in it, but in general, trusting you with his location is a good sign.

8) A guy trusts you when he asks for your opinion on decisions that matter to him

jumpstory download20220813 024540 The 11 signs a guy trusts you with his secrets (and what it really means)

When a guy trusts you with his secrets, he also trusts you with his decisions.

He trusts you with the path he’s on and the path he wants to take.

He trusts you with his career choice, his future goals, and his ambitions. He trusts you with the type of relationship you both have, and he trusts you with his future.

When a guy asks for your opinion on decisions that matter to him, it shows that he trusts you with his future.

It shows that he trusts you with the way his life will turn out. The decisions he makes now will affect his future, and he trusts you with what happens next.

You see, when he asks you for your opinion, that also means that he thinks you have good judgment and he is willing to take advice from you.

9) A guy trusts you when he gives you access to his phone and computer

When a guy trusts you with his secrets, he might also trust you with his phone and computer.

He might let you look through his phone to see who called or texted him, and he might let you log into his computer to check something out.

When a guy lets you do this, he’s letting you know that he trusts you with his communication.

He’s letting you know that he trusts you with his information and his secrets.

It’s a sign that he trusts you with his life, and it’s a sign that he trusts you with the relationship you two share.

But this also shows something else: he wants you to trust him, too.

You see, when he tells you his password to his phone, it means he has nothing to hide from you.

10) He’ll let you meet his family and friends

When a guy lets you meet his family and friends, it’s a sign that he trusts you with his heart and his life.

It’s a sign that he trusts you with his past, present, and future.

It’s a sign that he trusts you with his loved ones, and it’s a sign that he trusts you with his future family.

When a guy lets you meet his family and friends, he is essentially saying that he wants you to be a part of his life for good.

That is great!

11) He’ll be transparent and real with you

jumpstory download20220813 025150 The 11 signs a guy trusts you with his secrets (and what it really means)

A guy who trusts you with his secrets will be transparent and real with you.

He might tell you things he’s ashamed of, things he regrets, and things he wishes he could take back.

When a guy is transparent and real with you, he’s trusting you with his authentic self.

He’s trusting you with the real him. He’s trusting you with the guy who is behind closed doors.

He’s trusting you with the guy who is behind the mask.

In other words, he’s trusting you with the guy who is behind the shield.

He’s trusting you with the guy he once was, the guy he is now, and the guy he will be in the future.

You see, opening up and being transparent about who he is, what he’s done in the past, and what he’s thinking about doing in the future, is a sign that he trusts you with his heart.

He feels like he can be himself with you, and that is a big deal.

He’s not worried about you judging him, he’s not worried about you thinking he’s a loser, and he’s not worried that you’ll run away. He trusts you with his heart.

What now?

Maybe you now understand whether or not a guy trusts you.

If he does, that’s a great foundation for a relationship.

If he doesn’t, your relationship might need some more work, but you can get there!

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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