Dating is hard.
You cannot read your partner’s mind and know how they feel about you.
Even if you think a girl likes you, it doesn’t mean she does.
To make things easier for you, here are signs a girl is unsure of her feelings for you and how you can respond to that:
1) She’s not sure what she wants
If a girl is unsure of her feelings, chances are she doesn’t know what she wants.
If you have been dating for a while, and she still isn’t sure if she’s ready to commit, then she is not ready for a relationship.
You might want a relationship, but she doesn’t.
It’s not easy for a girl to let go of her single lifestyle.
She may have been single for a very long time and not ready to give up on her freedom.
If she is not sure what she wants, then she’s not ready for commitment.
Once she knows what she wants, she’ll come to you and let you know.
The thing is, you can spot this already on the first few dates when the conversation of “what do you want this to be” comes up.
A lot of women will know exactly what they want by the end of the first date but will be unsure of how to tell you.
So when she doesn’t know what she wants, it’s a good sign that she isn’t sure of her feelings.
And the worst part?
If she doesn’t know what she wants, it really doesn’t matter how much she likes you, she will still be torn.
In that case, it’s up to you to decide whether it is worth waiting for her to make up her mind or whether you want to move on.
2) She’s hesitant when you hold her hand or hug her
If you want to hold her hand or want to cuddle with her on a date, be careful.
Some girls are not comfortable with physical affection.
If she is not sure about you, she might not want you to get too close to her.
If you hug her and she pushes you away, it could mean she’s not ready for a relationship.
If she doesn’t want you to be close to her, then she’s not ready for a relationship.
You should stop doing things that are making her uncomfortable. If you want to hold her hand, ask her first.
If she offers it to you, take it. If she doesn’t offer it to you, her body language is probably screaming, “Whoa, slow down.”
The last thing you want to be doing is pressure her into a relationship.
If you notice that she seems uncomfortable with anything you are doing, don’t wait for her to say something, stop it right away.
Even if you think that this will cause you to not progress as quickly as you’d like with her, if you want a relationship, this is the only way to go about it.
Trust me, if a girl is unsure about you and you push her, she’ll be even less sure about you.
If you give her time, however, there is a chance that she will start to feel comfortable with you.
3) She only wants to hang out with you in small groups
If you are dating a girl and she only wants to hang out with you in a group, she might not be ready to be in a relationship with you.
If she is only hanging out with you when there are other people around, it could mean that she doesn’t want you to get too close to her.
She might be waiting for you to make a move so she can reject you.
You should not jump to conclusions if she only wants to hang out with you in a group.
However, you should definitely be cautious if she’s doing this.
The thing is, she might also be testing the waters, trying to see if she likes you before committing to a proper date where it’s just the two of you.
The fact that she wants to hang out with you, though, is already a pretty good sign, it means she’s interested in you.
So, if she wants to hang out with you, but is only doing it in a group, it’s a good sign that she likes you.
In that case, simply wait until you feel comfortable and then go ahead and ask her on a proper date once you feel ready to do so.
This is best done after hanging out with her and having had a good time. If you can make her laugh and flirt even in a small group of people, that will set you apart from other people.
4) She doesn’t respond to your texts right away
If you text her and she doesn’t respond right away, she might not be interested.
When you start dating someone, you both have to put the effort in to stay connected.
If she’s not responding to your texts, it could be a sign she is not invested in you or the relationship.
When you send her a text, don’t make it a big deal if she doesn’t respond to it immediately.
If she doesn’t respond to you right away, it could mean she’s not interested, but it could also mean she’s just busy.
However, you don’t have to immediately jump to conclusions.
But many of us do, nonetheless.
Especially in today’s world where we are hardwired to jump at the sound of a notification, we get desperately needy and panicked when our conquests don’t reply in a timely manner.
This neediness, for many, stems from a desire to be loved and to be reassured that they like you, love you, and will not leave.
But this is also a thought process and a desire which must be unlearned.
I too was the person hovering over my phone, waiting for that text back. A good day could very quickly sour if I didn’t get a reply in time, whilst every other day was a bad day if he didn’t text at all.
But you know what I realized?
That kind of attachment isn’t healthy, not for me or for my relationships.
If you find yourself feeling anxious about texts or needing constant reassurance, you’re not alone, and there’s a way to improve how you handle these feelings.
I found invaluable guidance through Rudá Iandê’s Love and Intimacy Masterclass. It helped me gain perspective and build self-worth, which has had a ripple effect on all my relationships—romantic and platonic.
Rudá brings 25 years of experience as a world-renowned shaman to the table, and his insights are eye-opening.
His exercises have been critical to improving my self-worth and being able to show up for my partner without the pressure of needing constant reassurance and validation, which was stifling even for him.
I’m not kidding, literally, all of my relationships have improved. Even those with my friends. I no longer live with one eye forever on my screen, waiting for his next reply.
Click here to try out the free masterclass for yourself.
5) She doesn’t introduce you to her friends and family
If you are dating a girl and she doesn’t introduce you to her friends and family, it could mean she is not ready for a relationship.
Some girls are not comfortable introducing a new boyfriend to their friends and family.
If she doesn’t want you to meet her friends, then she is not ready for a relationship.
If she doesn’t introduce you to her family, step it up.
Girls only do this with guys they are seriously dating.
If she doesn’t introduce you to her friends, it’s a good idea not to introduce her to yours until the relationship is more serious.
You see, it often takes a while to meet the family, I get it.
After all, that can be a pretty big deal for a lot of people.
However, when it comes to friends, those are usually people you meet a lot sooner.
If this girl is refraining from letting you meet her friends, it’s a good idea to talk about how serious you are about the relationship.
It’s a sign she isn’t sure about you, and all you can really do is have a conversation about it.
6) She doesn’t initiate any contact with you
If you are dating a girl and she doesn’t initiate any contact with you, it could be because she’s not ready for a relationship.
When you start dating a girl, you have to always be the one to initiate the next step.
If she doesn’t initiate contact with you, it could mean she doesn’t want a relationship with you.
You see, this one really depends on the girl. Some girls are convinced that the guy should always initiate contact, even if they have already gone out on a few dates.
In and of itself, this is no issue, as long as her replies are engaged and interesting.
However, if she barely responds to your messages and you can see she is not that interested, it’s best to move on.
It’s a sign she couldn’t care less and you’re not a priority. Your time might be better spent elsewhere.
7) She is interested in other guys
If you are dating a girl and she is interested in other guys, it could mean she’s not ready for a relationship.
When you start dating a girl, it’s important to always be the one who initiates the next step.
It’s also important to always keep your new girl happy and excited about you.
If she is interested in other guys, it could mean she isn’t really that interested in you or she doesn’t think you are good enough for her.
You see when girls are this disinterested they usually have their reasons for it.
One thing that’s for sure is that when a girl truly likes you, she will not be very interested in seeing other guys while she is dating you.
This also means she won’t be flirting while with you.
However, if this girl is checking out other guys while you are taking her out on a date, or blatantly flirting with the waiter, then that’s a big sign that she is not sure of you.
If I was in your position, I would probably feel disrespected and not continue seeing her, but that is just me.
You will have to make your own decisions concerning that.
On that note:
8) She isn’t exclusive with you
If you are dating a girl and she doesn’t want to be exclusive with you, then she may not be ready for a relationship.
If you are dating a girl and she doesn’t want to be exclusive with you, then she may not be ready for a relationship.
The longer you wait to end things, the more difficult it will be to break up with her.
If she doesn’t want to be exclusive with you, it’s best to break up with her sooner rather than later.
Trust me, a girl who likes you and sees a future with you in it will not be interested in sleeping with any other guys.
Unless she is polyamorous, of course, but that’s a whole other issue to deal with.
You see, if a girl doesn’t want to be exclusive and says it outright when you talk to her about it, that is a huge sign she is not sure about you.
This is a big problem because it means she could end up cheating on you with some other guy.
It’s also important to remember that if a girl doesn’t want to be exclusive with you, it means she might be seeing someone else behind your back.
This is not good for your relationship and can cause trouble in the future.
When you are dating a girl and she isn’t willing to be exclusive with you, it could mean she wants to keep her options open or just doesn’t think you are good enough for her.
In that case, you are truly better off finding someone else.
Understanding that people see relationships differently and have different expectations when it comes to love, marriage, and monogamy can be difficult when you’ve grown up believing wholeheartedly in one ideal.
We all have our own unique perceptions about love and commitment, shaped by culture, upbringing, and past experiences.
However, it’s still possible to explore your true needs and gain a deeper understanding of what you’re looking for in a relationship.
Personally, I found Rudá Iandé’s Love and Intimacy Masterclass that I recommended above very helpful in this situation.
In this free masterclass, Rudá delves deep into the complexities of romantic relationships, helping you explore your own expectations around love, monogamy, and what a fulfilling relationship means to you.
His teachings can offer you the clarity you need to navigate the murky waters of non-exclusivity.
It might not only save you from future heartache but also lead you toward a relationship that aligns better with your personal values and aspirations.
Here’s the link to the free masterclass again.
9) She always has a reason for not meeting up with you
If you are dating a girl and she always has an excuse for why she can’t hang out with you, she may not be ready for a relationship.
If you are dating a girl and she always has an excuse for why she can’t meet up with you, then she may not be ready for a relationship.
Don’t try to make excuses for her. If she wants to see you, then she’ll make the effort to meet up with you.
If she always has an excuse for why she can’t meet up with you, it may be time to break up with her.
You see, some girls don’t want to ask the guy out, and that’s okay.
However, when you go through the effort to plan a date and ask her out, and she always has an excuse for why she can’t, that’s an issue.
Before you jump to conclusions, definitely make sure that her excuses aren’t valid.
You see, some people are incredibly busy with work or school, and judging her based on that would be unfair, but if her excuses are lame and not genuine, that’s when it might be time for you to move on.
If you have been dating a girl for a while and she always has an excuse for why she can’t meet up with you, it could be a sign she is not ready for a relationship. I
10) She’s not interested in you
If a girl isn’t interested in you, then she probably doesn’t want to be in a relationship.
However, if she is willing to see other guys but not you, then it is possible that she likes you as more than just a friend and is testing the waters before committing.
This can cause problems down the road and make it difficult for your relationship to succeed.
I suggest that if this is happening, don’t get too attached because it could end up causing problems for both of you down the line.
You will know when a girl is interested in you because she will leave little room for you to doubt her feelings and intentions.
So, if you are here reading this article, chances are that she is not that interested.
What now?
Now it’s really up to you. Do you want to invest more time in the hopes of changing her mind?
Sometimes, this works, but you will have to gauge the situation yourself.
Most times, having an open conversation will be helpful. If that doesn’t do anything, it might be best to move on to someone who values you.
If you still feel stuck in a bit of limbo, remember to try out the free Love and Intimacy masterclass fromRudá Iandê
It goes beyond just explaining to actually prompting you to think about what’s next through exercises and activities, which could be the key to figuring out your next step.