In today’s society, there are a lot of great examples of how love can blossom.
There is a wide variety of signs that someone likes you, most of which you probably don’t even need to be aware of.
From the little things they say and do to the way they hold themselves, these signs may not make it obvious to everyone else but you know in your heart what they mean.
Don’t worry though! Here is an easy-to-read list of 27 psychological signals that someone likes you, so keep an eye out for them
27 psychological signs someone likes you
1) They look at you when they talk to you.
When someone is interested in talking to you, their eyes will be drawn towards your face and won’t leave for a good amount of time.
It’s a sign that this person wants to pay attention and listen more than anything else which means it could also mean they’re interested in what’s happening with the conversation as well.
They might look at you all the time, even when you’re not talking. You know what I mean, you can see them glancing at you constantly from the corner of your eye.
This is another huge sign that someone is into you. They just can’t seem to take their eyes off of you!
2) They laugh at your jokes (even the bad ones!)
Laughter is contagious, so if they want to be friends with you (or more than friends), they’ll do everything possible for them to make you laugh.
Laughter can also have a positive impact on mental health and even physical well-being because it releases endorphins which improve immune function and relieve pain.
In addition, laughter has been shown to help people cope with stress or negative emotions like anger or sadness by reducing the production of cortisol that’s associated with those feelings.
3) They’re not afraid of romantic situations.
If they make an effort to be alone with you and don’t act awkward or uncomfortable, this is a good sign that they’re interested in getting to know you better.
This could be something as simple as going out for coffee or drinks alone together or hanging out at your house watching a movie.
They might also want to talk about their feelings more than once, which means it’s time for some serious flirting!
This type of behavior can give them away because if someone doesn’t like talking about themselves then all the other signs will point towards them being very self-conscious and scared that what they say won’t please you enough (they’ll have low body language).
It’s important not only to watch how people interact with each other but observe what types of things are said when one person talks too much while the conversation revolves around another person; if there isn’t any conflict between both parties then chances are high we’ve found our match.
And as a result, they might be getting far too intimate sometimes.
Now you might be wondering how you can tell what’s the optimal level of intimacy when they’re being romantic.
Well, the answer can be found in the relationship you have with yourself. I learned this from the world-renowned shaman Rudá Iandê, in his incredible free video on Love and Intimacy.
So, try to reflect on yourself, realize your desires, and see whether you feel comfortable with such a level of intimacy.
Check out the free video here.
You’ll find practical solutions and much more in Rudá’s powerful video, solutions that’ll stay with you for life.
4) They’re very complimentary.
It’s always a good thing when someone thinks you’re amazing and interesting! It means that they are paying attention to your personality, style, appearance – the things that make you unique.
When people compliment your outfit or hair color it’s because they want to get closer with you by showing their interest in what makes up who is inside of the person wearing those clothes.
They might be interested in getting together for coffee after work one day or maybe even going on a date down the road if this happens often enough.
So, if you feel the same way, why not be bold and ask them out first? It might catch them off guard but if you’re serious about them, there’s no better time than the present.
Who’s got the time to beat around the bush anyways!
5) They always want to hang out with you.
If someone likes hanging out with you, they will make an effort to see you even if it means putting in a lot of effort into the relationship or friendship.
For example, if they call or text to see how your day was and then suggest something fun to do together that evening, this is a good sign that they’re interested in spending time with you!
They’re consumed by you and want to do everything in their power to spend time with you.
If you feel the same way, GO FOR IT!
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6) They ask for your advice on things.
If someone is interested in you, they will often ask for your advice on things like their career, relationships, or family issues.
The reason is that they want to know what you have to say because they respect your opinion. They might be asking about a specific topic or the person might just come up with an idea of something new and want some insight from those who are better at it than them.
They’re also likely to ask your opinion on things because they’re trying to gauge whether or not you have similar tastes.
From what your favorite band is, to whether or not you enjoyed “Squid Games”, they’re trying to figure you out.
7) They ask how your day went
If the person is interested in you, they will ask about your day. They might also show that they are paying attention by smiling at you or laughing with you.
This could be a sign of flirting because it’s an indication that he/she finds you attractive and wants to get closer to them.
If they’re asking about your day, they obviously care. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t ask.
Also, they want to get to know more about your daily grind because they’re trying to figure out how they could potentially slot in.
Yep, they like you!
8) They make an effort to tell other people about how amazing you are.
If someone says something nice about you to one of their friends or co-workers, then it’s a good sign that he or she likes being around you. I
t’s also a sign that they want other people to know how great you are so that they can get to know you too!
9) They touch you a lot.
This isn’t a creepy awkward kind of touch I’m referring to.
Touching is a way for people to express their emotions and affection.
It’s one of the most common ways that humans communicate with each other, as it helps us feel connected through physical contact.
In some cases, touching can also be used as an expression of intimacy or sexual attraction; however, this type of touch should not always be taken at face value because there are many different types and purposes behind them.
10) They are always looking for an excuse to spend time with you.
If someone wants to see more of you, then he or she will make an effort to go out of their way to see that happen!
For example, if they call or text and suggest something fun for the two of you to do together that evening, this is a good sign that they’re interested in you.
If it doesn’t feel right when another person makes such efforts towards seeing your relationship grow stronger with them on a regular basis without any reciprocation from your end (i.e., no phone calls back), then it might be time for some self-reflection about whether this person truly has feelings for you and what kind of signs are there before making any assumptions as far as who’s not interested in pursuing anything further than friendship with somebody else.
11) They make an effort to spend time with your friends and family.
If someone wants to see you more often, then he or she will make an effort to spend time with your friends and family because this is a great way to see you more often too!
For example, if they show up to a party that you’re at or offer to help out at an event for your family, this is a good sign that they’re interested in you.
12) They compliment other things about you than just your appearance.
When someone is only complimenting your appearance, it can be kind of creepy because it makes people wonder what they really think of them as a person since they aren’t complimenting anything else about them.
If someone is interested in you, then they will complement other things about you as well like your sense of humor or your talents.
13) They make plans with you for the future.
If someone is interested in you, then he or she will start to make plans with you for the future because this shows that they’re thinking about spending more time with you and getting to know each other better!
For example, if they invite you to do something fun or interesting next weekend or say that they want to see a movie sometime soon, this is a good sign that they’re interested in you.
14) They tell their friends how great of a friend you are and how much they enjoy spending time with you.
If someone is interested in you, then he or she will tell their friends how nice and fun you are to be around because they want to let their friends know that they have a great person in their life!
For example, if they talk about how much fun they had with you at the party last weekend or brag to their friends about your sense of humor, this is a good sign that they’re interested in you.
15) They show up at your event or performance.
If someone is interested in you, then he or she will show up at your events because this is a great way to spend time with you and have something to talk about later!
For example, if they come to your band’s next gig or show up at the art exhibit that you’re having your work in, this is a good sign that they’re interested in you.
16) They make an effort to spend time with you away from other people.
If someone is interested in you, then he or she will make an effort to spend time with you away from other people because this is a great way for them to get to know you better and get closer to each other!
For example, if they invite you to go grab coffee with them or say that they want to see a movie alone with you, this is a good sign that they’re interested!
17) They make an effort to text or call you when they say they will.
if someone is interested in you, then he or she will make an effort to text or call you when they say that they will because this shows that he or she is serious about wanting to get together and spend time with you!
They’re also showing you that they’re reliable and that you can count on them. Great qualities to have in a potential partner or new friend!
18) Their body language is open and inviting
They lean in when they’re talking to you and their body language is relaxed and open.
If someone is interested in you, then he or she will lean in when they’re talking to you because this is a great way for them to feel more comfortable around you and get closer to you!
They touch your arm or hand when it’s appropriate for them to do so.
If someone is interested in you, then he or she will touch your arm or hand when it’s appropriate for them to do so because this is a great way to get closer to you and make you feel more comfortable around them!
For example, if they touch your arm or hand every once in a while when they talk to you, this is a good sign that they’re interested in you.
19) They bring up things from your past.
When someone is interested in you, they will ask questions about your past because this helps them know more about who you are and what makes you tick.
The way that the person asks these questions can be a good sign that he or she might actually be interested in getting to know more about you!
For example, if the person asked for details on your childhood or best birthday party ever then it’s likely that he or she wants to get to know more of who you are as well as have an idea of what kind of activities would interest you.
20) They’re not afraid to make a move on you.
If someone is interested in you, then he or she will not be afraid to make a move on you because this shows that they’re comfortable around you and don’t feel nervous about making the first move!
For example, if he or she kisses you when he or she has the chance to do so, this is a good sign that he or she’s interested in you.
21) They glance in your direction
When they catch your eye, they smile and then look away quickly, as if embarrassed about what just happened.
It is as if they are trying to avoid being caught looking at you and getting in trouble.
They look around quickly, making sure no one sees them before smiling again.
It’s a subtle thing that makes your heart race faster than it does when you see someone else smile for the first time
22) They take an interest in the things that you like to do.
If someone is interested in you, then they’ll take an interest in the things that you like to do because this shows that they’re trying their best to get to know more about who you are and what makes you tick!
This person wants a closer relationship with your interests so they’ll likely be supportive of them as well.
They might even make suggestions for activities based on these interests which can help broaden your horizons and have fun together too.
23) They chose their words wisely
They hesitate before speaking to you because they don’t want to say the wrong thing or offend you in any way.
It’s an awkward thing because they are hesitant to speak to you and make you feel uncomfortable.
They take their time answering your questions and talk slowly when they do as if they are thinking about what to say next.
I mean, they’re trying to impress you and they don’t want to come across looking like an idiot in your presence. How embarrassing would that be!
If someone is interested in you, then he or she will take their time answering your questions and talk slowly when they do because this shows that he or she wants to get to know you more than anything else!
They might even ask for a few moments of your time so that they can think about what they want to say before saying it.
This shows that he or she is thoughtful, kind, and considerate!
They might even ask for a few moments of your time so that they can think about what they want to say before saying it.
This shows that he or she is thoughtful, kind, and considerate!
24) They show signs of nervousness when they see you.
No silly, they’re not scared of you, it’s just that they are nervous around you.
When someone is attracted to you, they will often show signs of nervousness, which can be quite an uncomfortable feeling for you.
They look at their feet when they talk to you as if they’re trying to avoid looking at you.
If someone is interested in you, then he or she will look at your feet because this shows that they want to get to know more about your interests and who you are as a person!
They might even be shy about asking questions about your interests, which can help you expand on them and have fun together too!
It might be a little “awkies” at first but the moment you put them at ease the conversation will flow in no time!
25) They smile at you a lot.
Smiling is one of the most common social signals that people use to communicate their feelings.
It’s a way for them to express happiness, comfort, and friendliness towards others by showing teeth in a relaxed manner.
Smiles are often given when someone greets or says hello, so it can be difficult not to smile back at those who make you feel good about yourself.
People will also smile more if they’re feeling positive emotions like joy or amusement which increase levels of dopamine in the brain.
26) They tell you that something is cool, but don’t know anything about it (to make themselves seem cooler).
It might seem like a silly thing because it’s pointless and doesn’t help you.
They might say, “Oh man, I’d love to check that out,” but they don’t actually know what it is or how it works.
It’s quite lame but very endearing. It shows that they are willing to love what you love and learn more about it even if they don’t have a cooking clue about it
27) Your bodies touch during conversations
There’s a part of their body that is touching yours while they’re talking, especially during the beginning of a conversation
This can sometimes be a little unnerving and quite distracting.
They might put their arm on your shoulder, or put their hand on your knee, just to make you feel comfortable and help them understand what you’re saying.
This can make some people very uncomfortable at first, but if you’re also into them, it shouldn’t be a problem for you to be in such close proximity!
I hope this article has also helped you to understand how to make the most out of your relationships with people who are interested in you.
Remember, it’s never too late to get to know someone more and have a closer relationship with them.
Good luck!