When you dream about someone it could mean this (epic guide)

Dreams are powerful and they can hold deep symbolic and life meaning.

But they can sometimes be confusing or unclear to interpret.

That’s why I’ve put together this epic guide on dream meanings together for you.

What does it mean when you dream about someone?

Let’s take a look…

When you dream about someone it could mean this (epic guide)

1) When you dream about someone are they thinking of you?

One of the first things that many people wonder about is when you dream about someone are they also dreaming about you?

The truth is that only they can answer that question.

However, spiritual experts agree that it’s definitely possible.

“It is possible that the person dreaming about you is thinking about you because they may want to be connected with you in some way, which would create a desire for contact with them in waking life,” writes Daria Burnett.

Dreams can be a kind of virtual reality channel where someone can reach out and let you know they want to contact you.

2) When you dream about someone are they dreaming about you too?

When you dream about someone it could mean they are dreaming about you too.

As Burnett says, when someone is thinking or dreaming about you it can result in you dreaming about them as well.

They are the only one who can answer that, but there’s certainly plenty of evidence and anecdotes I’ve heard to suggest that this definitely does happen.

3) What does it mean when you dream about someone who’s died?

Dreaming about someone who’s died can be a sad experience.

You may even wake up with tears on your pillow.

Dreaming of someone who’s died can symbolize moving on from an old way of life or old bad habits, although it more commonly is a way for those who have passed on to reach out for you.

As Melanie Curry notes:

“Dreaming about a deceased person has multiple meanings. The dream or the dead relative may also be trying to tell you something…

“Even if you’re not religious, according to the outlet, seeing a deceased person in your dream can bring about comfort.

“It’s a chance for you to move on and see the deceased person in a happy light.”

4) What does it mean when you dream about someone you like or love?

When you dream about someone you like or love, it’s reassurance from the universe that you’re on the right path.

Whether or not you’re religious, this dream is a way to tell you that the person you like or love is meaningful in your life for better or for worse.

Of course, it also depends on what happens in the dream. If that person is an ex the dream can be a sign of closure and moving on or a lesson you had to learn from your broken heart.

Still, decoding the meaning of a dream about someone you like or love isn’t easy. It’s especially true if the context of the dream seems vague to you.

That’s why I suggest speaking to the gifted advisors over at Psychic Source. From my experience, psychics there are people you can trust. Why I’m so sure?

Well, after experiencing a weird dream about someone I liked, I reached out to a psychic from this company.

They helped me to understand what my dream meant for me and provided me with the guidance I needed in life, including who I am meant to be with. 

And if you’re looking for the same, I recommend getting in touch with these professional psychics.

Click here to get your own love reading.

5) What does it mean when you dream about someone being pregnant?

When you dream about someone being pregnant it usually means one of two things.

The first is that it means this person actually is pregnant. The second is that it means very good news is coming to this person or to you by way of this person.

Both of these are positive things, so rest assured that dreams of someone being pregnant are usually very good news.

Like Times of India writes:

“Dreaming about pregnancy or seeing someone pregnant in your dream can mean a variety of things.

“It can mean that you miss the person you are seeing in your dreams and might want to talk to them.

“It can also mean that you might get ‘good news’ from your close friend or family member.”

6) What does it mean when you dream about someone having sex with you?

When you dream about someone having sex with you there are two questions to ask yourself:

Is this someone you actually want to have sex with? Have you had sex with this person?

As Austrian psychoanalyst pioneer Sigmund Freud says, dreams often represent unfulfilled desires, so it can mean you really want to have sex with this person, or have sex with them again if you already have.

It can also mean that you feel guilt over someone or they are making unwanted advances toward you.

7) What does it mean when you dream about someone giving you money?

When you dream about someone giving you money it can mean exactly that.

It can also refer in general to a new opportunity or possibility coming your way.

On the other hand, this dream can also be a symbol that you’re rich in life and health and that you’re feeling happy and fulfilled in having your needs met.

“Receiving a hefty sum of money can seem like an omen of upcoming prosperity (wouldn’t that be nice?) but it can often be a reflection of a dreamer’s current state of affairs…

“If you’re feeling rich in friends, happiness, or self-confidence in real life, that may manifest in your dreams in this way,” writes Kelsey Hurwitz.

8) What does it mean when you dream about someone famous?

When you dream of a celebrity it often means that this celebrity is your ideal in some way.

This can include physically and their personality.

Something about them or their performances onstage or onscreen taps into a deep part of you that wants to improve or reach a perfection similar to what you imagine theirs to be.

Of course, celebrities are never as ideal as we imagine them to be, but the point is that desire you have inside that’s emerging in the dream.

“However, generally speaking, dreaming of a celebrity often symbolizes qualities you idolize in that person that you wish to embody yourself,” explains mystical counsellor MaKayla McRae.

9) What does it mean when you dream about someone many times in a row?

When you dream about someone many times in a row it generally means two things.

It either means you really do have something unresolved or potential to do with this person, in a positive or negative way.

Or else it also means that this individual represents something unfinished or important for you.

“Having recurring dreams is a common phenomenon, with two-thirds of us experiencing them.

“These dreams may not mean that you are obsessed with this individual but may symbolize your feelings and worries,” according to Katie Avis-Riordan.

“For example, if you dream about the same colleague, you might not have an issue with that particular individual but a more general work situation to work through.”

10) What does it mean when you dream about someone and they call you?

When you dream about someone and they call you it’s a pretty surprising experience.

I’ve had this happen to me, so I know.

As the first point explained, sometimes our dreams can be a kind of psychic connection, and if this happens to you then it can mean there’s something that you need to work out with this individual for better or for worse.

This is especially true if you haven’t heard from this person in a long time and then suddenly do after dreaming of them.

11) What does it mean when you dream about someone wanting to kill you?

When you dream about someone trying to come after you or kill you it’s very disturbing, especially if it’s a family member or somebody you love.

Fortunately, these dreams don’t usually mean that somebody actually wants to kill you.

It’s generally more of a symbol that you’re being overpowered or disrespected in some way.

“Dreams about someone trying to kill (or attack) you are usually related to issues about control,” according to psychic Walter Jones.

“Such dreams signify that you might be struggling to take control of your life, and the thought of not being able to do so leaves you in fear.”

12) What does it mean when you dream about someone else getting married?

When you dream about someone else getting married it means that their life is coming together and improving.

Marriage is a bond and a contract for the future.

So a dream about this doesn’t always literally mean marriage.

Quite often it can refer to an agreement of a different kind or even that someone else you know is starting a new business or just entering a new relationship in general.

13) What does it mean when you dream about someone else drowning?

cristian palmer 5hNbzMNGu50 unsplash 1 When you dream about someone it could mean this (epic guide)

Drowning is one of the worst ways to die. At least that’s what I’ve heard from people who did it (bad joke).

The point is that if you dream about somebody drowning it’s not a pleasant experience.

This usually means that something in life connected to this person is too much for you, but can also mean that the person you dream about really needs your help during a crisis.

As Courtney Pococh writes:

“When you dream of someone drowning other than yourself, it often shows that you are becoming too involved in something.

“There may be a situation where you have become too involved in everything that is happening, and it feels like everything is beyond your control…

“Another reason why you may dream of someone drowning is because it feels like you are losing your identity.

“This type of thing often happens when you become involved with someone romantically.

“It is easy to lose your own sense of identity as you become wrapped up in your identity as a couple.”

14) What does it mean when you dream about someone else getting a divorce?

When you dream about somebody else getting a divorce it usually means that they or something connected to them is undergoing a major shift.

For example, if you dream about your boss getting a divorce it may mean he’s restructuring the company or changing your terms of employment.

Or if you dream of a family member getting a divorce it can often mean that he’s actually dealing with losing a job or having another life crisis of some kind.

15) What does it mean when you dream about someone telling you they love you?

When you dream about someone telling you they love you it means one of three things.

One is that it means this person loves you and is telling you through your dream.

Two is that you wish this person loved you and they’re telling you what you want to be true but which can only be true in dreams.

Three is that this person is your ex or family member and you are remember or thinking of the times they said they love you as part of a nostalgic type of dream.

16) What does it mean when you dream about someone then see them?

When you dream about someone and then see them it’s a disconcerting experience.

But don’t dismiss it as just random.

It’s often the universe reaching out to you to let you know about this person being important to your life.

Maybe you never expected it, but for some reason, there is a need for them now to reenter your life, or you to reenter theirs (even just temporarily).

“If you dream about someone you have not seen for a long time they are likely thinking about you or might make an appearance in your life soon,” writes Ryan Hart.

“On the other hand, when you dream about a friend, coworker, or ex, they are thinking about you or the next time they will see you.

“When you see them, pay close attention to their actions or body language.”

17) What does it mean when you dream about someone you hate?

When you dream about someone you hate it means you are either struggling with aspects of yourself that you don’t like…

Or it means that the personality factors in the person you hate are reemerging in your life and negatively affecting it in the present day.

Therefore either way this means that stresses are adding up and beginning to get inside your head.

You need to breathe

18) What does it mean when you dream about someone you don’t know?

When you dream about someone you don’t know it can be a sign from the universe.

Think of when you meet someone in real life you don’t know and they play an important role in the future.

It’s the same in dreams and can be sort of like a pre-introduction or even just a way to receive a message from God or the universe that you need to hear.

As Burnett observes:

“Dreaming about people that we barely know can be very confusing and startling.

“It is not uncommon to dream about people from our past that we have forgotten about or never had a strong relationship with.

“When dreaming of someone they are often trying to tell us something or give us a message.”

19) What does it mean when you dream about someone you haven’t seen in a long time?

When you dream about someone you haven’t seen in a long time, it usually means that there is some reason they need to come back into your life.

On a less literal level, it can also mean that what they represent – or represented to you – needs to become more important in your life.

A classic example might be if you dream about a childhood friend who you used to love running around within the forest.

The dream is telling you that exercise and enjoying the outdoors should once again become a key part of your life.

20) What does it mean when you dream about someone but you can’t see their face

Dreaming about someone but being unable to see their face can be scary.

It generally means that this represents part of yourself that’s repressed, confusing or hidden.

But it can also mean that you are having trouble dealing with understanding the behavior and actions of those around you.

“Dreaming of seeing a face generally means you are analyzing your own identity.

“What does it mean if you dream of a faceless person?

“This means you are having trouble understanding yourself in waking life,” explains Aunty Flo.

21) What does it mean when you dream about someone you used to date?

When you dream about somebody you used to date it usually means you miss them or what they meant to you.

For example, if you used to have a girlfriend whose sense of humor really aligned with yours, you may be dreaming of her and missing that spark in your life.

Can you still get them back, or is it too late?

22) What does it mean when you dream about someone ignoring you?

When you dream about someone ignoring you it means that you feel overlooked or unappreciated in some keyway.

Being ignored is no fun in real life and it’s bad in a dream, too!

When somebody ignores you they are overlooking your talents and potential, which is a very disempowering feeling.

23) What does it mean when you dream about someone in a hospital?

Personally, I hate hospitals, and I’m also not a huge fan of dreams that happen in hospitals.

But when you dream of somebody in a hospital it’s important to realize that it can have a more complex meaning as well.

That meaning relates to dependency.

According to dream expert and author Ian Wallace, a dream of someone in a hospital often means you have “an unhealthy dependency on your loved one and need to be more responsible and self-reliant in your waking life.”

24) What does it mean when you dream about someone in your past?

When you dream about someone in your past, it’s their spirit calling out to you.

If they’re no longer part of your life, it means that they or what they represent should come back into your life.

If they’ve passed on, it means their spirit is sending you good vibes and love from the other side.

25) What does it mean when you dream about someone protecting you?

Dreaming about someone protecting you can be comforting, but its meaning is less comforting.

The fact of the matter is that you only need protection if you’re in danger.

And when you’re dreaming of this it means that you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed by something.

As Dreamy O puts it:

“Dreaming about someone protecting you is a sign of stress. Lacking confidence, troubled, weak, always fearing the worst, you are battling with your depressed side.

“Dreaming about someone protecting you reveals that you are manic and don’t like disorder, you are stuck in your guidelines and are not able to get over it.”

26) What does it mean when you dream about someone stealing from you?

When you dream about someone stealing from you it means that you’re insecure about another person taking credit from you or devaluing you.

It means that you’re feeling threatened or undermined by another person’s behavior or actions.

You’re worried that they’re going to steal what’s rightfully yours and disempower you, and that emerges in dreams.

27) What does it mean when you dream about someone fighting?

When you dream about someone fighting it can be very distressing.

Particularly if it’s a friend or family member, none of us wants to see someone we care about duking it out with somebody and be unable to help them.

Most often, this is a symbol that we feel we have let this person down or neglected our friendship or duties to them.

According to dream expert and counsellor Lauri Loewenberg, having a dream of someone fighting can be guilt about “not being there” for that person.

28) What does it mean when you dream about someone getting arrested?

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Dreaming of someone else getting arrested is pretty dramatic – but at least it’s not you, right?

Well, the fact is that this dream can be pretty heavy on you too.

It generally means that you’re repressing a lot of anger that you hold towards a certain person or situation which remains unresolved.

According to Dreams’o’pedia, a dream of someone being arrested “indicates unexpressed anger and other powerful feelings which you are holding back.

You may also be feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges.”

29) What does it mean when you dream about someone getting hit by a car?

When you dream about someone getting hit by a car it’s horrific.

This usually means that you’re quite worried about an unexpected tragedy or mistake happening to somebody you love.

It does not mean that it will happen, however. Only that you feel a sense of guilt for not being closer with family and friends in case something bad happens to them.

30) What does it mean when you dream about someone getting fired?

Dreaming of someone you know getting fired means that you are holding a grudge against them and hope they experience misfortune.

It can also mean that this person is undergoing a dramatic change in their life and you are seeing a premonition of it.

Either way, this is an important dream.

31) What does it mean when you dream about someone hugging you?

A dream of someone hugging you is very reassuring.

It means that everything is going to be OK and that love you’ve needed and craved for a long time is coming your way.

It is a sign that you can let your heart and mind relax…

“Dreams of hugging someone, usually symbolize someone or something you are embracing with joy.

“Maybe you feel sympathy towards someone or something, or feel close to something or someone.

“Maybe such a dream indicates you have embraced some new ideas or new behavior. In some cases, these dreams indicate your appreciation for something or someone.

“These dreams often reveal your need for affection, support, contact and warmth from other people, especially the ones that are close to you,” explains Dream Astro Meanings.

32) What does it mean when you dream about someone holding your hand?

Dreaming about someone holding your hand can mean many things.

Generally, it means that you are having affectionate or loving feelings toward someone and craving their company.

It can also be a symbol of a reunion or meaningful time with someone you care about or who is no longer around.

As the Beatles said, “come on baby, hold my hand.”

It all starts there.

33) What does it mean when you dream about someone going to jail?

Similarly to when you dream of someone getting arrested, dreaming of someone going to jail is actually quite meaningful.

This usually means that this person is in a bind and needs a hand from you.

It can also mean that you and this person have unfinished business that’s reemerging in your emotions.

As Labex-Cortez explains:

“Seeing someone you know in jail in dreams simply means that the person you see needs your help, support, or encouragement.

“Aside from that, it may suggest that there are conflicts between you and that person and you are still holding grudges.

“There is also a possibility that the person is feeling trapped and you are the person who can help him/her.”

34) What does it mean when you dream about someone kidnapping you?

When you dream about someone kidnapping you it often means that you are worried about being unappreciated or betrayed.

You are made to feel disempowered and forgotten when all you want is a chance.

The urge to scream and demand a right to your dreams and potential is so strong.

35) What does it mean when you dream about someone kissing you?

It’s always nice to get a kiss from somebody you care about.

And it’s nice in dreams, too.

This experience often means that you are entering a new phase in your life with someone you trust or care about – or love.

As Richard Hale writes:

“Kisses on the lips are very often interpreted as a form of spiritual communication.

“They can be thought of as a way of securing an agreement.

“Consider your current relationships, either with the person you kissed or with others, and whether you are entering a new phase in any of them.

“Perhaps your dream represents your desire to ‘seal the deal’ in some way.”

36) What does it mean when you dream about someone leaving you?

Dreaming about someone leaving you is really awful and sad.

This is a fairly common dream and it generally means that a phase of your life, career, or relationship is coming to an end.

The person leaving you usually represents a time in your life or experience that’s no longer serving you or meaningful to you.

Out with the old, in with the new.

37) What does it mean when you dream about someone fighting you in a war?

For much of my childhood, I had war dreams or nightmares.

I’d be tearing through the forest dodging bullets, or ducking around a wall while shots rang out and explosions sounded in the near distance.

If you’re having dreams like this it’s intense, and it usually means that you’re experiencing intense inner conflict and anger.

38) What does it mean when you dream about someone laughing at you?

When you dream about someone laughing at you it generally means that there’s something you don’t want others to know about.

Whether it’s personal, career or any other aspect of your life, there’s something about your life that you want to keep secret and are worried people will find out about.

“When you dream of people laughing at you it could be that you have a situation in your personal life that you are ashamed of,” explains Alo Dreams.

39) What does it mean when you dream about someone cutting your hair?

When you dream about someone cutting your hair, it can represent somebody coming into your life who will change its trajectory.

Hair is a symbol of spiritual power and receptiveness, so it can also symbolize a loss of power or potential in some way.

40) When you dream about someone dying does it mean they’ll die?

No, it does not.

There are times when it can mean this, but more often than not, it represents a change in your life, not the death of an actual person.

According to Wallace:

“A natural death represents a change or ending that is naturally happening.

“A murder will represent a forced change or ending such as if you’re cutting someone out of your life…

“If you are quitting smoking or drinking, you may dream you’re being murdered because that part of you is being killed off.”

Picture of Paul Brian

Paul Brian

Paul R. Brian is a freelance journalist and writer who has reported from around the world, focusing on religion, culture and geopolitics.

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