What it means when you think of someone and they pop up

Thinking of someone and they call you?

Or do you think of them and they text you almost instantly?

Instances like this can be weird and they leave you wondering whether it is pure coincidence or something else.

Well, today I will tell you what it means when you think of someone and they pop up!

It’s serendipity!

All in all, it can be said that “coincidences” like this are linked to serendipity!

The word serendipity is often associated with luck, but it is so much more than that.

It is when you are given fortune that you did not expect, and it is associated with discovering something you didn’t know you were looking for.

Serendipity is when things happen that you can’t explain, but they are positive and good.

Something as simple as having a haircut and meeting someone new.

Discovering a new path in life, or finding something you’ve been looking for all along.

Serendipity is when things go your way without having planned for them to.

It’s being at the right place at the right time, and things falling into place when there is no logical reason for them to do so.

This is why when you think of someone and they pop up it can be serendipity! It’s a sign from the universe that this person is destined to be a part of your life.

You see, being at the right place at the right time is a powerful thing, and when you think of someone and they show up, either on your phone or in person, that’s a sign!

Serendipity happens for a number of reasons, but one thing you can be 100% sure of is that when it happens, you are meant to be exactly where you are right now.

So, when you think of someone and they pop up, it is a sign from the universe that you are meant to be in their life.

The universe is giving you a chance to make something happen with this person, and if you want to make that happen, then all you have to do is go for it!

There’s no better time than right now to start making your dreams come true.

Why does it happen?

If you are asking yourself why does this happen, don’t worry.

It seems that many people have experienced this and are wondering why it happens.

The truth is that there are many reasons why this happens, but there is no scientific explanation for it.

Essentially, here are a few reasons why this person might pop up:

  • You have been thinking about this person a lot
  • You have a connection with them
  • You have unfinished business with them
  • You are following your intuition and your gut
  • You have been thinking about this person a lot and your mind is definitely on them

You see, whatever the reason is, this person has been on your mind a lot.

Now: while there is no scientific explanation as to why they then show up in your life, there is in terms of the law of attraction.

You see, the law of attraction states that like attracts like.

If you are thinking about this person and they show up, it’s because you are manifesting them into your life.

Do you know how powerful the law of attraction is?

It can be used to manifest anything you want in your life.

This includes love, money, happiness, and more!

So, if you have been thinking about a person a lot, you have been sending out energy that resonates with them being in your life.

Now: because like attracts like, it is common that this person will then actually show up in your life! Crazy, right?

The law of attraction is a universal law that is the basis behind manifestation.

Manifestation is the process of attracting something into your life.

It is a way to bring to life all of your hopes, dreams, and desires.

When you are manifesting something, you are essentially creating it out of thin air.

This can happen in a number of ways, but one way that it happens is through visualization.

This means that you have to have the desire for this thing in order for it to come into existence.

You may have to visualize yourself having what you want or being where you would like to be before it actually happens.

If you do this enough, then eventually what you want will appear in front of your eyes!

You have a connection with this person

Do you know that there is more to this world than just what you see?

There is an invisible force that surrounds us and connects us to everything around us.

This force is known as the collective consciousness, and it’s responsible for many things in our lives.

One of those things is serendipity. You see, this force can connect you to anyone in the world that has similar beliefs and thoughts as you do.

This even includes people that live far away from you or even people that have passed on!

Now: because everything is connected, it is not uncommon to see someone pop up right after you think about them.

You have unfinished business with this person

Sometimes people come into our lives for a reason.

This is because we have something that we need to learn from them or something that we need to do with them.

This is most common when you have a relationship with that person in the past, but as time goes by, it seems like the relationship falls apart and you move on.

Now: if this happens, it is not uncommon for this person to show up again in your life for some reason.

They could be there to teach you something or they could be there because of your past connection.

What does it mean when you think of someone and they appear?

If you are thinking of someone and they instantly appear, this could mean a few things.

The person may be on your mind a lot, and you have been thinking about them a lot.

You may have a connection with this person, and you want to get to know them better. You may want to finish what you started with this person, or you may want to let this person know something.

You may want to reconnect with this person, or you may want to move on from this person.

Perhaps you want to let this person off the hook, or you may want to let this person know how you feel about them.

In general, thinking of someone and they appear means that the ball is now in your court, it is your time to take action!

The hidden meaning behind this experience

You should be aware of the hidden meaning behind this experience.

If you have been thinking about someone and they appear, this person means something to you.

This person is a huge part of your life and they are connected to you in a significant way.

You see, this means that there is a reason why this particular person keeps popping up in your thoughts.

This person is someone who is significant and who has a part to play in your life. You have been given the opportunity to explore this connection and see where it can take you.

Do you already know what this person means to you?

If you do, then this section is not interesting for you, but if you don’t, explore that thought!

Is this someone you have a crush on? Or do they carry a much deeper meaning in your life?

Perhaps you have a connection with this person, and you need to explore that.

You may have unfinished business with this person, and you need to fix whatever it is.

Or you may want to reconnect with this person or move on from them.

Once you understand your connection with this person, you will also understand how to take action now.

pexels veselin 6497609 What it means when you think of someone and they pop up

Does it mean this person likes you?

If you are wondering if this means that this person likes you, the answer is that it can mean this.

It can also mean that you have a connection with this person and there is something more than just a friendship between you.

You see, it can mean that there is something between the two of you that you have not explored yet.

Seeing someone right after you thought about them can also mean that you are meant to be with this person or a part of their life in some way.

There is definitely something between you that you have not explored yet.

There is a reason why this person keeps popping up in your thoughts. There is a reason why they have appeared in your daydreams.

You see, when serendipity happens like this, the universe is usually trying to show you something.

Depending on what you were thinking about when they popped up, you can get a hint as to whether or not they like you.

Simply put, if you were thinking of this person romantically and suddenly they show up, that’s a sign that they like you.

If you were thinking of this person romantically and they suddenly appear, it can also mean that you are meant to be together with this person.

Sometimes the universe will show you signs like this, whether it’s through a friend suggesting a blind date or through an interesting coincidence.

This means that there is something between the two of you and it should not be ignored.

Are you meant to be with this person?

If you have been thinking of someone and they appear, this can mean that you are meant to be with this person.

It can mean that you have a connection with them and there is something more between the two of you.

Simply put, it can mean that there is a reason why this person keeps popping up in your thoughts.

There is a reason why they have appeared in your daydreams.

And of course, there is a reason why they have been on your mind.

Now: when it comes to the universe, messages are never clearly written black on white, it is all packed up in signs and symbols.

This means that you have to be able to read the signs and symbols that are given to you.

If this person keeps popping up in your mind and then shows up in real life, that is a pretty big sign.

The universe is screaming at you that this person is of significance in one way or another.

Now: in which way they are significant is for you to find out, but it’s your time now to take action!

What should you do when this happens?

Alright, so you thought about someone and suddenly they popped up in your life in some way or another, what do you do now?

When serendipity happens like that, there is really only one thing you need to do: take action!

You see, the universe is trying to make it crystal clear to you that this person is meant to be in your life.

So the first thing you should do is take action on the situation.

If this person keeps popping up in your thoughts, then go out and meet them!

This means that there is something between you two and it should not be ignored.

If this person keeps popping up in your thoughts, then go out and meet them!

Maybe you can reach out to them and ask them to hang out, or perhaps you want to just shoot them a text message.

Whatever it is, don’t ignore this situation.

Although you might want to write it off as such, this is not a coincidence, believe me!

What can you do next?

If this happens and you took action, is there anything else you can do?

Well, actually there is. You see, if you want to be guided moving forward, one thing you can absolutely do is simply be open to serendipity!

Being open to serendipity means that you have to be able to see that this is a sign and that it means something.

You have to be open to the fact that this person has shown up in your life, and you need to take action.

The universe wants you to take action now, so do not ignore it!

The universe is trying to make it clear that this person is meant for you.

But not just with this situation, serendipity is all around you.

You see, the universe constantly sends you messages that affirm that you are in the right place at the right time, we just often overlook those signs.

Being open to serendipity is such a gratifying experience, as it allows you to realize that you are exactly where you need to be right at this moment.

Serendipity can come in many different forms, sometimes it’s finding out about an accident on your way to work that you thankfully missed by a few minutes because you were running late.

Or perhaps it is bumping into someone who introduces you to a future boss.

Whatever it is, there are so many little “coincidences” in each and every day that allow you to see that you are on your path and exactly where you need to be.

And the best part?

All that is left for you to do is take action on the things you want!

When you do that, nothing can stop you anymore!

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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