A guy waiting for you to be ready to be in a relationship with him can mean a lot of things.
Some of them are sweet and positive, while others might raise some concerns in you, especially if you are afraid of commitment.
Let’s take a look at what it means when a guy is willing to wait for you!
1) He sees something special in you
The first reason why a guy might be willing to wait for you is that he sees something very special in you.
He might not know exactly what it is, but he knows it’s there.
He sees a spark, a potential that he wants to bring out in you.
He wants to help you bloom and become a better version of yourself and he believes that you are capable of achieving great things and being an amazing partner.
This man wants to be your biggest fan, cheering you on as you reach for the stars.
He wants you to know that you’re amazing just the way you are.
And the best part? He wants to be the one who helps you realize your full potential and sees that potential within you right now.
Now, this can be really sweet, after all, we all want someone who sees something special in us, right?
So if that is the reason a guy is waiting for you, he’s probably a keeper.
2) He knows you’re worth the wait
Another reason why a guy might be willing to wait for you is because he knows you’re worth the wait.
He knows that you are an awesome and special person who deserves to be treated with care and respect.
He knows that you are worthy of the best and that you deserve to be with someone who will treat you well and love you with all his heart.
This is also why he respects your need for time and is willing to be patient.
He knows that there will be many other guys who will want to be with you and he doesn’t want to rush into a relationship with you just for the sake of it.
He knows that if you two get together, it will be something special and something that was meant to be.
Now: when a guy knows you are worth the wait, that is pretty romantic.
It means that he is set on wanting you in his life and he knows that no matter what it takes to be with you, he will do it.
As women, we usually crave a man like that, someone who will chase us to the ends of the world if it means being with us because they know we are worth every struggle.
After all, it is in our biology – men chase us and we pick who we like.
Now, when a guy does that, it can be incredibly attractive, so maybe he knows exactly what he is doing…
3) He’s confident that you’ll feel the same way about him
A guy who is willing to wait for you might be because he’s confident that you’ll feel the same way about him.
He knows that you have a great connection with him, but he wants to give you time to think over your feelings and he wants you to feel 100% ready to be with him and to commit to a relationship with him.
Perhaps he wants you to feel that he is the right guy for you and that you’re ready to commit to him as well.
If you’re both ready to commit to a relationship with each other at a later date, it will be even more special and meaningful as you will know that you are with each other because you’re both ready and that it’s not because you were pressured to be together.
Now: if a guy is confident that you will feel the same way about him, that can go one of two ways.
Sure, it can be pretty attractive to have a guy be this confident, but it can also throw you off.
After all, maybe you don’t have those feelings for him and in that case, his behavior might be a little too pushy and he might be making you feel uncomfortable.
So, it’s important to pay attention to how you feel when a guy is being like this – if he’s being pushy, then it might be best to let him go and if not, then you might have found yourself a confident guy who knows what he wants!
4) He sees a long-term future with you
Another reason why a guy might be willing to wait for you is because he sees a long-term future with you.
He sees himself with you in the long-term and he sees you as his future wife.
In other words, he sees you as the woman he wants to be with for the rest of his life.
Who knows, maybe he has seen glimpses of your future together in his visions, dreams or meditations.
Or perhaps he has had signs or other types of omens that you two are meant to be together.
Either way, he feels that he and you are connected on a soul level and that you two are fated to be together.
He doesn’t want to rush into a relationship with you just for the sake of it. He wants the relationship to be real and to be something that will last forever.
Now: if you are having doubts about this guy, then having him talk about how he sees a long-term future with you can be overwhelming and confusing.
If you’re not sure whether this is the right guy for you and you don’t feel the same way about him, then it can make things more confusing.
It can also make things complicated if you two are not on the same page about your feelings for each other and where your relationship is going.
So, if a guy is talking to you about how he sees a future with you but it’s making things more confusing, then maybe it’s best to let him go for now and to move on.
5) You make him very happy
The reason why a guy might be willing to wait for you is that you make him very happy.
He feels extremely happy around you and he feels like the luckiest man in the world when he’s with you.
When he’s not with you, he misses you and can’t wait to be with you again.
He wants to be with you and is not willing to settle for anyone less than you.
Now: while it is beautiful to make someone else happy, this can also be a recipe for disaster.
Let me explain: If this guy sees you as his source of happiness, this can lead to very unhealthy patterns and behavior, such as codependency.
For example, if this guy constantly needs you to be around him in order for him to feel happy, this is a very unhealthy relationship dynamic.
The problem is that if you are not around him, he’s not going to be happy.
However, if you’re not feeling the same way about him and you don’t want to be with him all the time, then things can get very complicated.
You might find yourself in a situation where this guy is always calling or texting you and trying to get a hold of you because he feels so unhappy when he’s not with you.
In other words, he needs your presence in his life in order for him to feel happy. This can become an unhealthy pattern and it can lead to resentment on your part.
It’s important that both of you are on the same page about how much time each of you wants to spend together and what kind of relationship dynamic works best for both of you.
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6) He can’t imagine a life without you
Another reason why a guy might be willing to wait for you is because he can’t imagine a life without you.
He has thought about the future a lot and he has pictured himself with you in it.
He has felt that you two are connected on a soul level and that you are fated to be together.
Now, he can’t let you go because he feels that you’re his soulmate and he loves you with all his heart.
He wants to be with you for the rest of his life and he doesn’t want to mess it up by rushing into a relationship with you.
He wants to take his time and get to know you better so that he can make sure that you’re the one for him.
Of course, if he can’t imagine a life without you, that might put a lot of pressure on you, especially if you don’t even know if you like the guy, yet.
So make sure to take your time and not rush into things.
7) He is patient and understands that you need more time
Another reason why a guy might be willing to wait for you is because he is patient and understands that you need more time.
He knows that you aren’t ready for a relationship with him yet and he respects your decision.
Maybe he is aware of the fact that you need more time before you can fully trust him and before you’re ready to be in a relationship with him.
He wants you to feel comfortable being in a relationship with him and he doesn’t want you to feel pressured or rushed into anything.
He respects your need for more time and he doesn’t want you to feel any kind of pressure to commit to him or to be in a relationship with him.
And the best part?
He wants you to be 100% ready and he doesn’t want you to feel that you have to be in a relationship with him or that you have to give him an answer any sooner than you’re ready for it.
To be honest, this is the best possible reason for a guy to be willing to wait for you.
It shows that he is respectful and understanding, while still valuing you enough to be willing to wait for you!
8) He is obsessed with you and can’t let go
Another reason why a guy might be willing to wait for you is because he is obsessed with you and he can’t let go.
He feels a strong connection with you and he has fallen in love with you.
But if you’re not together, he has fallen in love with the idea of being with you, and with the future, he can see with you, not you yourself.
He is so in love with the idea of you that he can’t imagine being with anyone else.
In other words, he is so obsessed with you and with being with you that he can’t let go of you and he doesn’t want to be with anyone else.
Now, this one can get a little problematic. You don’t want a guy to be overly obsessed with you, as it can again lead to unhealthy patterns and behaviors.
But if this obsession is coming from love, it can be a good thing.
If you’re the girl that he is obsessed with and if you’re the girl that he can’t let go of, then he might be willing to wait for you because of his obsession.
Now: if you like him too, that can be a sweet thing, but make sure that he has a healthy idea of what a relationship with you would be like and what to expect.
9) He loves you
The reason why a guy might be willing to wait for you is because he loves you.
He has fallen in love with you and he sees a future with you.
This usually happens when you have known this guy for a long time already.
Maybe the timing was never right, but he slowly started falling in love with you more and more.
Now, when a man loves a woman, nobody else is interesting to them.
He is willing to wait for you because he loves you and he doesn’t want to be with anyone else.
He wants to be with you forever.
You might not feel the same way about him yet, but men don’t care about that.
They are willing to wait for a woman that they love, even if she doesn’t feel the same way yet.
10) He is willing to wait for you because he wants to be the one with you
There is a difference between being patient and being passive.
When a guy knows that you are worth the wait, he’s not afraid to take charge and make things happen.
He knows that if he wants you in his life, he needs to be proactive about it.
He will go after you and make sure that you know how much he cares about you and how much he wants to be with you.
He knows that if he doesn’t do anything, there are many other guys who will want to be with you and who will try their best to win your heart.
But this man isn’t going to let that happen!
This guy has waited long enough for the right girl, so if there are other guys out there trying to steal you away from him, they can try all they want but they won’t succeed in getting the girl of their dreams because this man won’t let them!
Now, if the timing isn’t right yet, this man will know that now is his time to wait for you.
It’s your decision
Whatever you do, remember that you don’t owe anyone anything.
If you don’t have feelings for a guy, then don’t lead him on, and don’t feel bad for telling him that you can’t see a future with him.
You don’t have to entertain anyone just because they like you.
By now you should have a good idea of why a guy might be willing to wait for you.
So what can you do if you want to make him want you even more?
Well, I mentioned the unique concept of the hero instinct earlier. It’s revolutionized the way I understand how men work in relationships.
You see, when you trigger a man’s hero instinct, all those emotional walls come down. He feels better in himself and he’ll naturally begin to associate those good feelings with you.
And it’s all down to knowing how to trigger these innate drivers that motivate men to love, commit, and protect.
So if you’re ready to take your relationship to that level, be sure to check out James Bauer’s incredible advice.