Do you swoon at the thought of Mr. Perfect?
The man that makes an appearance in all your dreams…
He’s tall – naturally.
He’s dark – of course.
And he’s very handsome – which goes without saying.
But what makes him the perfect man? This is the question that goes unanswered.
While beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, there are some qualities that you should be looking out for when it comes to meeting your match.
Let’s go through and take a look at exactly what makes the perfect man.
Who is the perfect man?
Let’s face it, when it comes to the pursuit of love, it can be all too easy to get swept up in the romance of it.
It’s hard not to! Every Hollywood movie we see literally romanticizes love – how is that even possible! And sometimes it isn’t even a healthy relationship. We just see what we want to see.
The perfect guy ends up with the perfect girl and everyone always lives happily ever after.
But who even is this perfect guy? What do we know about him and what makes him perfect? Now that’s a little trickier to answer.
But first thing is first – there’s no such thing as perfect.
There is such a thing as perfect for you.
And there are some characteristics that do come with your perfect guy, which we will explore in detail below.
One cup of love, a sprinkle of sexy, and a dash of smart – there you have it, the recipe for the perfect man. But if you are after something a little more specific, read on!
1) He’s smart
Turns out, the smarter a guy is, the less likely he is to be unfaithful. A study in Finland was carried out that shows intelligent men are more likely to not just marry but stay happily married as well.
Sure, we all like to think we’re smarter than our partners.
But when push comes to shove, it’s not a bad thing if you have nabbed a smarter guy. Cherish it!
A smart guy will also challenge you, which keeps things interesting and make sure you always have something to talk about.
Plus, think about the children! Marry a smart guy, have smart children. It’s a dream come true.
Where do the smart people hang out these days? It’s time to go hunt them out!
2) He supports your career
Our career choice is a big part of who we are. If you can’t find a guy who actively supports your career and what you choose to do each day, then you’re yet to find Mr. Perfect.
Not all women want to be stay-at-home mums. Not all women want to give up their sought-after careers to raise a family. You need a guy that supports your choice no matter what it is. The most important thing is that it is your choice.
If your guy doesn’t support your career from the get-go, you’ll find yourself making trade-offs you never expected to and sacrificing something you love.
The perfect guy listens, understands, and takes the ride with you.
3) He makes you laugh
We can’t get through life without a little laughter.
Life is full of so many ups and downs. It helps to be with someone who helps you find the light in those dark days and keeps you laughing through the tough times.
But most of all – life is far too short to be with someone who doesn’t make you crazy happy every single day.
Someone who makes you laugh is also the person who brings out the best in you. They can pull you out of your worst moods and help you forget any pain.
This is the type of person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
4) You share similar values
They say opposites attract. While this can be true, it’s still important that you share the same values as your perfect match.
If you both don’t align with what you want in life, the relationship won’t go far.
It would mean one person has to give up what they believe in to make the other person happy. This happiness is fleeting and will only last so long.
You both need to be happy in a relationship. Sure, there’ll be compromise along the way. But nothing life-altering.
When you meet someone who has the same outlook on life and wants to focus on similar things to you – you know you’re onto something special.
5) He’s a gentleman
He’s the guy that still opens doors for you.
Always checks in on you when you’re out with friends.
Takes your coat, or offers his when you’re cold.
Put simply, he is a nice, genuine guy who acts like a gentleman around you – and you should settle for nothing less.
Once upon a time, this was a quality expected in all men. Not so much these days, but if you’re looking for Mr. Perfect, he will definitely possess it.
Don’t settle for less.
6) He is faithful
This has to be one of the most important characteristics when it comes to forging a lasting relationship.
Of course, sometimes unfaithfulness doesn’t show up for years – so how do you predict whether or not he will remain faithful to you in those early days?
It’s hard, but there are signs.
Did you know, about 60% of men cheat at least once in their lives? It generally comes down to one thing: sex.
Do a bit of digging and find out whether or not he has cheated before. Once a cheater, he’s likely to be a repeat offender.
Also, pay attention to his attitude towards women – and in particular, you. Does he respect you, listen to you and go out of his way to make you comfortable? These are all good signs – though of course, nothing is definite.
7) He is honest
Honesty really is the best policy. When it comes to our relationships, we need to have open and honest communication for them to last.
With honesty comes trust. You can’t trust a person who lies to you. And you can’t be with someone you don’t trust.
He doesn’t need to tell you absolutely everything, but he needs to be transparent about everything he does and says. The same goes for you in a relationship.
Honesty is a two-way street and forms the basis of many relationships. Mr. Perfect is an open and honest guy.
8) He makes an effort with your friends and family
When it comes to meeting and dating Mr. Perfect, there are no harsher critics than our friends and family.
And for good reason! They love us and they want the best for us. We also value their opinion the most when it comes to such relationships.
Mr. Perfect needs to love hanging out with these people as much as you do – or at least keen to put in the effort!
Maintaining your friendships, even while you’re in a relationship, is extremely important. If you meet a guy who is trying to pull you away from those who are close to you, then he isn’t Mr. Perfect by a long shot.
Look for the guy who chats with your friends and laughs with your parents. He’s the guy you want to find and keep in your life.
9) He’s willing to work for it
Every movie we watch there comes a part where the characters (woman or man) have to prove themselves to their other half.
They have to put the effort in to maintain the relationship and overcome a huge obstacle before they can sail off into the sunset together.
OK, so we aren’t quite in a move, but Mr. Perfect is still the guy who is willing to make an effort for you. He values you and he loves you and he’s willing to fight for you.
According to a study from the University of Texas, the most successful relationships come down to those who make the relationship work. Mr. Perfect is willing to go that extra mile.
10) He has a positive attitude
Mr. Perfect needs to be positive and upbeat to truly be perfect for you. After all, you don’t want to end up with someone with a negative outlook on life, always dragging you down.
If he is a positive person, then people will naturally want to be around him and have fun around him, which will also make your life more fulfilling and fun in the process.
So how exactly do you tell if a man is positive? Take a good hard look at his attitude and how he carries himself. Is he always looking for the good in people? A negative person will only see the bad and after a while, this can be very draining.
11) He protects you
In order for Mr. Perfect to actually be perfect – he has to be perfect for you.
What exactly does this mean? It means he has to love you and feel the same way. He’s not perfect for you if he doesn’t share your feelings.
One way you can tell is by the way he treats you. Do you bring out his hero instinct?
The hero instinct is a biological instinct men have that is triggered when they have feelings for you. They want to step out and protect you from both the big things and the little things too.
They’ll cautiously hold you back if they see a car coming on the road. He will stand up for you if you seem to be in trouble.
If you trigger the hero instinct in a guy and he protects you, then it means he likes. Which is exactly what you need for him to truly be your Mr. Perfect.
12) He’s tuned into his emotions
Why is it that most guys run as soon as emotions are brought up?
Well, not Mr. Perfect of course. The perfect guy is tuned into his emotions and not afraid to show them from time to time.
He understands your thoughts and feelings and is willing to share his own. He is a level-headed guy who can talk things out without letting the situation escalate.
When it comes to our emotions, men and women are very different. Women tend to be much more in touch with their feelings, while guys can struggle to process and understand them.
Finding a guy who is emotionally available to you is really finding Mr. Perfect.
Where to find Mr. Right?
Now that you know who Mr. Perfect is, how do you find him? Firstly, it’s important to note that you may not find a guy with all these qualities. It’s hard to be perfect! Find the qualities that are most important to you from this list and use them to go on the hunt for your Mr. Perfect.
Ladies, it’s time to get out there and socialize. Here are some great places you can go to meet the love of your life.
1) Leave the house
While the internet has brought the dating world ahead by leaps and bounds, you still need to actually leave the house to find Mr. Perfect.
If you strike up a conversation online, then you have to be willing to back it up with a face-to-face date. You’re never going to know if he’s Mr. Perfect if you don’t go ahead and meet up with him.
Leaving home and getting out there is the best way to meet new people and well, and hopefully you will stumble on Mr. Perfect while you’re there.
2) Take up a hobby
When you’re looking for ‘Mr perfect’, taking up a hobby can be a great way to find him. After all, you’ll already know that you share a common interest.
This is a great way to strike up a conversation with someone you’ve never met in a safe environment.
Of course, it’s probably best to steer clear of pottery or sewing classes. You’re unlikely to meet many guys there. Think outside the square a little and maybe consider a mixed sport or something similar.
3) Mingle, mingle, mingle
It’s no secret that when we go out with our girlfriends it can be all too tempting to stay within your tight-knit group.
This is a sure way to not meet anyone. Not many guys are going to be game enough to take on a whole group of women who don’t seem interested in anyone else.
They also aren’t likely to want to get rejected with a crowd watching them.
Try varying the people you go out with and opening yourself up to meeting new people wherever you go.
Put it this way, if you look approachable then people are more likely to approach you!
4) Think of some ice breakers
When you meet someone new, it can be hard to get the conversation flowing. How are you going to know if he’s Mr. Perfect if you can’t even talk to him?
Have a few standard questions ready to go, just in case you meet someone while out.
Here are some to get you started:
- Do you love what you do?
- What’s your favorite book?
- Where was the last place you traveled?
- Do you have any hobbies?
Make sure you share as much about yourself as well so it’s a balanced conversation.
5) Go online
As we mentioned earlier, the online dating world is now booming. What once was a taboo way to meet someone is very widely accepted.
It’s important to make sure you’re on the right app. There are apps for casual dating, apps for sex, apps for gays and lesbians. There are apps for everything.
If you’re looking for Mr. Right and not Mr. Right Now, then you’re going to have to do some hunting. You could go with one of the more traditional options, such as RSVP or eHarmony, or check out Bumble.
You need to work out exactly what you’re looking for in your perfect guy, then narrow your online search with your criteria.
6) Go for a blind date
If you’re on the market and looking for them, don’t be shy about it. Tell your friends and friends of friends and consider going on a blind date.
Going out with a mutual acquaintance can be a great idea. You both already have something in common to start with – and you know he’s a decent person.
Let your friends set up blind dates and have some fun. It’s the best way to get yourself out there and meeting potential suitors.
7) Go speed dating
Another great option is to sign up with a speed dating service.
You get to take it in turns, making it around the room and chatting to all the guys there.
These are guys who are also looking for a partner, so you know they’re available and interested.
Speed dating is very popular these days and there are lots of different versions – from craft single classes to cycle speed dating and more.
Find your interests and book it in!
At the end of the day, you’re not going to meet Mr Perfect unless you get out there and hunt for him. You need to put in the effort to enjoy the rewards that come with it.
Who knows, he could be closer than you think.
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