What does it mean to dream about getting engaged?

‍So you’ve dreamed about getting engaged and now you’re confused – do you really want to get married already?

Are you ready for that big step in your relationship?

Or perhaps you’re single, which makes this entire dream even more confusing!

The thing is, dreaming about getting engaged can have a lot of meaning, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be about wanting to get married.

Let’s unpack this a bit:

General interpretations of dreaming about getting engaged

First off, let’s take a look at some general interpretations of dreaming about getting engaged before we then look at a few more specific scenarios!

1) You have a strong desire for love

Do you ever dream of getting engaged with someone, but then wake up feeling empty and unfulfilled?

And then have to go through your day questioning your ability to love?

If so, this dream could be a cry for love in your life.

Love is healing, soothing, and strengthening – whatever you need love to be in that moment.

So if you’re craving love in your life, perhaps this dream is filling that void.

We all want more love in our lives, so if you’ve been feeling lonely or just craving more love in your life, this dream could be a way to show you that.

The thing is, if you have a strong desire for love, you might get frustrated, thinking that you need to find a partner ASAP in order to be happy.

But that’s not necessarily true. You can cultivate love in your life by surrounding yourself with people who love you, by practicing self-love, and by loving your life the way it is.

Whether you spend more time with friends and family, take extra good care of yourself, or simply practice gratitude for the love in your life, you can bring more love into your life.

This dream could simply be a sign that you need to put more love into your own life.

Once you do that, a partner will come along.

2) You want more commitment

Sometimes you can dream about getting engaged as a way to push your relationship to the next level and get more commitment out of your partner.

This could be an indication that you need more reassurance and commitment from your partner.

If this is the case, you can follow up the dream by talking about it with your partner to express your desires.

You can also dream about getting engaged if you have some commitment issues in general.

If you’ve been reluctant to commit to something in your waking life, this dream might be a way for your unconscious to push you to take a leap of faith and commit to something.

Now: this doesn’t mean that your subconscious mind wants you to get engaged to your partner right now.

All this means is that you need more commitment and reassurance in your life.

You can get that by talking about it with your partner, or you can get it by taking the next big step in your life – whatever that might be.

Reassurance comes in many different forms and everyone prefers different things as reassurance.

If you have commitment issues, try to find out what reassurance and commitment look like for you.

What would make you feel the most loved and cared for?

That brings me to my next point:

3) You don’t feel enough security in your waking life

If you’ve been really stressed out in your waking life and feel as though you have little control over your situation, you might dream about getting engaged as a way to feel more secure.

This can happen if you are in a long-term relationship and are married but don’t feel like you have enough security or commitment from your partner, but this can also happen if you are single.

You can also dream about getting engaged if you feel financially insecure: you might dream about getting engaged as a way to feel financially more secure or as a way to guarantee that you will have a partner who can take care of you down the line.

Now: when you have this dream, think about whether there is an aspect of your waking life that is making you feel insecure.

Is there something going on that makes you feel like you need more reassurance and safety?

You will need to think outside the box here, especially if you are single – it’s not always about a partner.

Maybe you are afraid of losing your job and being unable to provide for yourself.

Maybe you feel like you aren’t getting enough appreciation from your boss, or maybe you are worried about being fired.

Maybe you have a financial debt that is making you feel uneasy.

Any situation where there is an imbalance in power or security can make you dream about getting engaged as a way to bring balance back into your life.

Work is a big factor of insecurity, as you can see, which brings me to my next point:

4) You are about to commit to a work project

If you are in a work project that is a little scary, you might dream about getting engaged as a way to commit to that project and push yourself to “put a ring on it.”

A dream about getting engaged could be a way for you to take a risk you’ve been hesitating to take.

If you dream about getting engaged and then have a change of heart after you’ve committed, that can be a sign that you are anxious about committing to the project and might be having second thoughts.

The thing is, sometimes we don’t trust ourselves with new, big projects because we feel like we don’t have the ability to finish them.

When we dream about getting engaged, we might be dreaming about someone else’s commitment to us as a way of helping us trust our own commitment.

If that’s the case, you should try to be more confident in your own self-worth and ability; if you feel like you need someone else’s commitment in order to feel secure, it might mean that you don’t really believe in yourself.

When you think about that it can be interesting to get to the root of the issue – why do you not believe in yourself?

You see, for a lot of people, this has to do with their childhood and feelings of insecurity they felt growing up.

You might have been raised in a family where you weren’t valued or respected, and maybe you feel like you’ve never really gotten over that.

That’s why it’s important to learn how to recognize your own value and remind yourself that you deserve respect and appreciation.

I know this is easier said than done – especially if you grew up in an abusive or neglectful family – but there are lots of ways to do this.

You can start by writing down all the reasons why you are a good person and then reading the list every day.

Or maybe try having conversations with yourself where your “good side” gives your “bad side” a pep talk about how awesome and valuable you are!

You can also try journaling, meditating, exercising – whatever works for you! The point is to give yourself love and support so that you can grow stronger and more confident in yourself.

The thing is, you 100% have the ability to finish whatever project you’re working on and you 100% have the ability to be happy, healthy, and successful in your life.

You just need to believe that!

5) There is a situation that is unresolved

If there is a situation in your waking life that you have yet to resolve and you have been dreaming about getting engaged, it could be a sign that you need to resolve the situation.

If you think about it, an engagement is an unresolved situation – you are waiting to get married.

The engagement could be a way for your unconscious to push you to take action in the situation: to talk to a friend, forgive someone, or confront a situation that you’ve been avoiding.

This is one of the best ways to get in touch with your intuition and your higher self.

Don’t be afraid to listen to your dreams and use them as a way of gaining clarity on the situations in your life.

The thing is, if you’ve been avoiding something, that’s never very healthy. So try to resolve the situations head-on and then you can let them go!

Specific scenarios

Now that we’ve got the more general interpretations of these dreams out of the way, let’s continue with more specific scenarios!

6) Getting engaged to a boyfriend – a representation of your relationship with God

If you dream about getting engaged to a boyfriend, this can be a representation of your relationship with God.

Yup, this can happen even if you are a Hetero man – your dreams don’t really care about your sexuality, it’s all symbolism!

So, when you dream about getting engaged to a boyfriend, it doesn’t mean you have secret thoughts of being gay – you are giving your love and commitment to God and putting him first in your life.

This can occur if you are single or in a relationship. It could also be a way to help you feel safe in a scary situation.

If you dream about getting engaged to your boyfriend and then have a change of heart after you’ve committed, this could be a way for you to push back against “being with God” and feeling more trapped in a situation.

Now: Relationships with God can be complicated, depending on where you come from and what your history with God is.

However, this dream is a beautiful sign that you are rekindling your relationship with God, or taking it to the next level.

It’s also a sign that you are giving your love and commitment to God, and putting him first in your life.

But what about getting engaged to a girlfriend in a dream?

7) Getting engaged to a girlfriend – You will feel more feminine energy

If you dream about getting engaged to a girlfriend and you’ve been dreaming about this for a while, this may be a sign that you are about to feel more feminine energy.

This doesn’t mean you have to be in a romantic relationship – this dream represents the feminine energy in your life – the flow, spontaneity, love, and the growth that comes from it.

If you are single, this dream may be a sign that you are about to embark on a new adventure in your life.

This adventure could be a new job, or moving to another country – you never know!

But it can also mean that you will simply cultivate more feminine energy in your own life.

If you aren’t aware of the feminine and masculine energy and what it means to your life, the feminine energy is simply the nurturing energy that flows through you.

It’s your intuition, your emotions, and how you feel about things.

The masculine energy is the part of you that thinks, analyzes, and makes rational decisions.

If you dream about getting engaged to a girlfriend, it’s a sign that you are incorporating more of feminine energy into your life.

This could be through actually meeting a very feminine person and having them influence you a bit, but it could also mean that you are allowing yourself to be more open to your own feminine energy.

I’m not saying that you need to become “girly” or anything, but it’s important to allow your emotions and feelings to flow through you and influence your decisions, instead of just using your masculine brain all the time.

Everyone has both masculine and feminine energy within themselves, and both are equally important.

But if you are dreaming about getting engaged to a girlfriend, it means that you are opening up to feminine energy more.

8) Your partner getting engaged – you feel overwhelmed and foolish

If your partner gets engaged and you feel silly or foolish, this could be a sign that you are feeling overwhelmed and foolish in your everyday life.

You may feel like you don’t have much say in your relationship. However, this doesn’t have to apply to a relationship, only.

You might feel helpless or foolish about another situation in your life that you don’t have a lot of control over.

It’s a sign that you are feeling overwhelmed and helpless in your life, but it’s also a sign that you are about to experience growth and change.

This change can be a positive one if you allow it to be.

You might not feel like you have a lot of control over your life right now, but it’s important to remember that you do.

You might not feel like your decisions matter or that they have any impact on anything, but they do.

So don’t give up – keep trying to make changes in your life and keep growing!

It’s never easy to watch a loved one getting engaged, even in a dream, but remember that dreams are just metaphors, it doesn’t mean your partner is cheating or anything.

Dreams are just reflections of your own thoughts, feelings, and desires.

So try to be honest with yourself about what this dream means to you.

Now: maybe it wasn’t your partner who was getting engaged:

9) Crush getting engaged – there are some obstacles in your way to success

If you dream about a crush getting engaged, this could indicate that there are some obstacles in your way to success.

You may feel like you are being held back from your goals and dreams.

This could be a sign that you need to take action in your life and push past your fears.

You see, when your crush gets engaged, it quite literally puts an obstacle between you and your goal (which is being with your crush).

Whether that’s a real situation or just a metaphor, it shows, that there is something in your way.

So you might want to get rid of those obstacles in your life, whatever they may be.

You might need to break up some bad habits or make a hard decision about something.

There may be some people in your life that are holding you back from your success and dreams, and it’s time to let them go.

Dreams are just metaphors for things that we feel we need to work on in our lives, so don’t take this dream too seriously.

It’s important to remember that it’s not real life, it’s just a reflection of how you feel about certain situations right now.

10) Someone else getting engaged – feeling left behind

Did you have a dream about someone else getting engaged, like a good friend or a family member?

This can signify that you are afraid of being left behind and that you feel like your life is not moving forward.

Maybe you are afraid of being alone or maybe you are just a little jealous of the happiness your friend is experiencing.

Whatever it is, this dream can show that you have some insecurities about your life in general and where it’s going.

You might be afraid of making a wrong decision or choosing the wrong partner.

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Or maybe you feel as if your life is not going anywhere, and that’s why you’re jealous of other people who seem to be doing better than you.

No matter what the reason is, this dream can show that there are some things in your life that are not moving along as quickly as you would like them to move.

It could mean that something in your relationship is not working out for example, or maybe there’s something else getting in the way of your success and happiness at work or school.

Whatever it is, this dream shows you that deep down, you are terrified of being left behind.

The good news?

There really is no such thing as being left behind.

You are always moving forward.

Either way, you are going somewhere and there is no such thing as standing still in this world.

So don’t worry about being left behind because no matter what happens, you will always be where you’re supposed to be!

But what if you are married and have that same dream?

11) You are married and dream of someone else getting engaged – change is coming

If you are married and dream of someone else getting engaged, this can signify that change is coming soon.

Whether it’s a positive change or a negative one, it is something that will be happening in your life.

Maybe you will have to make a decision about something at work or maybe you will have to deal with a difficult family situation.

Whatever it is, the engagement dream signifies that you are going to have to make some changes in your life soon.

It doesn’t mean that you are getting a divorce because someone else got engaged, but it does mean that there will be some changes in your family life or personal life.

Think about it: maybe that means you are taking on an extra commitment, or maybe someone in your family is!

Whatever it is, it’s nothing to be afraid of!

12) Breaking off an engagement – you feel doubts about hasty decisions

Next up we have a dream about breaking off an engagement:

If you dream about breaking off an engagement, this could mean that you feel doubts about hasty decisions.

You might be feeling like everything is happening too fast in your life and you need some time to catch up.

If you have a partner, this could also mean that you feel like something is off in your relationship and that it’s not right for you anymore.

So it’s time to slow down, take a step back, and really think about things.

You might be making the wrong decisions because of your rushed nature, so try to be rational and objective when making important decisions and take your time.

Your subconscious knows when you are rushing into things.

If you are feeling like a decision is hasty, then it probably is.

So take the time to really think about things and make sure you are making the right decision.

13) Getting engaged while dating

If you dream about getting engaged to the person you are currently dating, then it’s a sign that you want to become closer as a couple.

You may be feeling like you are drifting apart and that you need to make some changes in your relationship.

You may feel the need to take a vacation together or spend more time with one another.

The engagement dream is a sign that you want to make some changes in your relationship, and it’s also a sign that you are ready for those changes!

Now, you don’t have to go ahead and ask your boyfriend or girlfriend to marry you!

This is more about getting closer as in spending more time together, being more vulnerable, or opening up more.

You really like this person and you want things to work out!

Now, what if that happens while you are already married?

14) You are married and get engaged in your dream

If you are married and are getting engaged in your dream, it does not show an underlying desire to have an affair, don’t worry!

It’s quite the opposite, really!

Similar to what I just talked about, if you are married and you get engaged, it can represent a wish to be even closer to your spouse.

Maybe you’ve been distant the past few months, or maybe you’ve been arguing a lot.

It can also mean that you are ready to take the next step in your relationship.

Whatever it is, if you are already married and get engaged in your dream, it means that you want to work on your relationship and get closer.

This is a beautiful sign – it shows that your marriage is important to you and you want to make it work!

15) Getting engaged to a stranger – a sign of self-sacrifice

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If you dream about getting engaged to a stranger, this can be a sign of self-sacrifice.

You are putting others first and taking care of them at the expense of yourself.

This can be a way to avoid an uncomfortable or scary situation in your waking life – or a way to help you feel safe in that situation.

If you dream about getting engaged to a person who is a stranger to you, you have likely been putting other people first at your own expense.

This can also be a way for you to feel safe in a scary situation.

16) Engagement ring dreams

Dreaming about engagement rings can be a sign that you crave love and devotion.

But it can also be a warning not to make any haste decisions!

The dream about your engagement ring can be a sign that you are feeling like you are being rushed into a decision.

Maybe someone is pressuring you to make a decision, or maybe you are the one who feels like you need to make a decision right away.

You may feel like there is no time to think about it, and that’s why this dream came up.

It’s basically your subconscious telling you that there is something more behind what is going on and that you need to slow down!

Now that we’re on the topic of rings…

17) Dreaming about an ugly engagement ring

Everyone wants a gorgeous engagement ring, no doubt about it. So what if you dream about an ugly ring?

Well, the ring is a symbol of connection and commitment, so if you get an ugly ring in your dreams, it could signify that the connection between you and your partner is less than ideal.

Maybe you feel distant from your partner, or you are feeling like this relationship is not benefiting you.

Also, the dream of an ugly ring can be a sign that you are worried about making a commitment to someone.

Maybe you are having doubts and fears about marriage, and this dream is trying to tell you something!

Either way, there is something in your life you should look at – your relationships or even friendships.

18) Getting engaged with your father or mother

Okay, this sounds like a really strange scenario, but don’t worry, it’s not meant to be literal!

When you dream about getting engaged to a parent, it can signify that you are missing this father figure or mother figure in your life.

Now: that doesn’t mean you want a mom or dad in your life, you might just be craving the nurturing energy of a mother or the protective energy of a father.

Or maybe you are feeling like you are being too dependent on your partner, and this dream is a warning that it’s time to start stepping out of this role.

19) Getting engaged with your ex

Dreaming about getting engaged with your ex can be a sign that you are feeling lonely in your life.

You are missing this person, and you are longing for the way things used to be.

Maybe you feel like you have outgrown this relationship, and that’s why this dream came up!

It’s basically your subconscious mind telling you that it’s time to move on because this relationship probably isn’t going to work out.

Now: if you are still hung up on an ex, this could also just be your way of processing your feelings.

Maybe if you feel better about the relationship in your dream, you will be able to move on with your life in reality.

20) Getting engaged with a friend

This is similar to getting engaged with an ex, but it can also be a sign that you are feeling competitive with this friend.

Maybe this person is excelling in a certain area of life, and you are feeling like they have something that you don’t have.

Or maybe this person is doing better than you in some way, and dreaming about getting engaged to them could be a way for your subconscious mind to tell you that it’s time for a change!

If you are thinking about or spending time with this friend more than usual, then there might be something going on in real life that needs to be worked out.

21) Getting engaged to someone else’s spouse – jealousy

Another dream you might have is getting engaged to someone else’s spouse. This is actually a big sign that you are jealous of this person!

Maybe you are feeling like they have something that you don’t have, or maybe they are doing better in some area of life than you are.

This dream is a way for your subconscious mind to let you know that it’s time to start making changes.

If this is someone who has a good relationship, maybe it’s time for a change in your life.

If this is someone who has a bad relationship, maybe it’s time to reconsider how you handle relationships in real life.

22) Getting engaged to your boss

Dreaming about getting engaged to your boss can mean that you will get a promotion. And no – this doesn’t mean what you think it means!

This doesn’t mean that your boss is going to sexually harass you.

It just means that you are going to get a promotion in real life.

If you are feeling like your boss is being unfair or not giving you a fair chance, this could also be a way for your subconscious mind to tell you that it’s time to stand up for yourself and get what you want.

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Final thoughts

There are many other possible meanings of dreaming about getting engaged. These are just a few to get you started.

Lastly, it can be helpful to look at the setting of your dream to gain more insight into what the dream is trying to tell you.

Did you get engaged at a fancy party? This can indicate that you are trying to fit in or please others.

If you get engaged while you are camping or outdoors, this can indicate that you are ready to try something new.

Dreams can be confusing and don’t always make sense at first glance.

However, they can be a very powerful source of insight into who you are as a person and what you are currently going through.

If you can look past the weirdness of dreams and take the time to really reflect on what they could mean for you, dreams can be incredibly helpful and insightful.

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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