If you are frequently disengaged by excessive small talk and find it difficult to maintain interest in conversations that lack substance, it may be a sign that you are an intellectual.
As an intellectual, you seek meaningful conversations that connect seemingly unrelated themes, and you are fascinated by topics such as the impact of technological growth on mental health and the effects of AI on society.
As an intellectual, you appreciate intense and emotionally charged conversations, including disagreements, because you find them interesting and value the insights and discussions that arise from them.
Respectful disagreement is preferred over boring agreement for deeper conversations, even in a group setting, as it can be healthy and interesting.
A healthy debate, characterized by mutual respect, rational argumentation, and active listening, can sharpen critical thinking skills, particularly when asked to convincingly represent both sides of contentious issues or dilemmas.
As an intellectual who cherishes deep conversations, you investigate and research on your own to bring up interesting topics during conversations, as you value being prepared and having natural curiosity even when not engaged in conversation.
As an intellectual who loves deep conversations, you bring your own perspectives to bear and favor psychology and philosophy, acknowledging that the questions we ask are often as important as the answers we reach.
As an intellectual, you value diverse perspectives and recognize that interesting insights can come from anyone, regardless of outer markers.
Deep conversations can come from anyone, and true conversationalists value the most authentic and fascinating perspectives, often from ordinary folks working hard and struggling at the bottom.