This narcissistic and manipulative phrase prioritizes their needs, leaving you frustrated, as they only make time when they want something, effectively dominating conversations and potentially making you feel rejected in a relationship; don't grant them too much power, as genuine busyness would involve rescheduling, and if they show no interest, it may be time to move on.
Ironically, manipulative individuals accuse you of being controlling when you express concerns or make simple suggestions, leading to confusion and self-doubt, ultimately giving them what they want.
Manipulators often use phrases like "I didn't say that" and "You misunderstood me" in an attempt to gaslight and control you, leading to self-doubt, but it's essential to stand firm in your beliefs and not engage in belittling conversations, considering walking away from toxic relationships.
Manipulators often use phrases like "Why are you being so dramatic?" and "You're just overreacting!" to make you feel like the problem and discourage you from pursuing important conversations, but it's essential to assert your emotions, express your need for support, and consider the value of the relationship based on their response.
Accusing you of expecting too much after a half-hearted apology, manipulators use phrases like "What more do you want from me?" to control the conversation and make you feel like the problem, but genuine support doesn't dismiss your emotions.
Accusing you of being at fault and using phrases like "You made me do it" is a common tactic employed by narcissistic individuals to deflect blame and manipulate conversations, ultimately leading to self-doubt and boundary violations if they aren't held accountable.
Manipulators use guilt as a motive to control conversations and make you feel the need to prove your loyalty, leading to a cycle of emotional manipulation that can be subtle but damaging, so it's essential to recognize their common phrases and seek help if needed.