Research suggests that smarter individuals tend to be night owls, staying up later than others, possibly due to having novel ideas or thoughts that keep them awake longer, contrasting with historical patterns of waking cycles tied to natural day and night rhythms.
Research indicates that highly intelligent individuals exhibit epistemic curiosity, a desire to acquire new knowledge sparked by complex ideas or conceptual ambiguities, suggesting that curiosity is a recognized trait of intelligence, distinct from mere sensory curiosity.
Research suggests that humor, particularly the ability to create and appreciate jokes, correlates with intelligence, as evidenced by studies showing that individuals with higher IQs excel in making funny captions for cartoons and appreciate dark humor more than those with lower or moderate IQs.
Intelligence encompasses various factors, including concrete and abstract reasoning, problem-solving, memory, and verbal intelligence, with research indicating a strong correlation between high intelligence and proficiency in reading and writing, suggesting that highly literate individuals tend to be smarter.
Mind wandering, often associated with daydreaming, is not necessarily a sign of disengagement but can indicate deep thinking about stimulating and intellectually challenging topics, supported by psychological research linking it to creativity and fluid intelligence, suggesting that bright individuals may have rich internal worlds even amidst distractions.
Highly intelligent individuals with anxiety disorders tend to experience higher levels of anxiety compared to those with lower intelligence, though this correlation does not extend to individuals without anxiety disorders.
IQ tests, developed over a century ago to categorize intelligence and identify developmental issues, are now widely used worldwide by employers, educational institutions, and militaries to assess crystallized intelligence (knowledge and memory) and fluid intelligence (problem-solving ability), with scores above average indicating higher intelligence.