BY Kiran Athar
A Duchenne smile, involving both the mouth and eyes, creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere that can make others feel at ease and trust you more.
Mirroring is a psychological trick that involves subtly matching someone's body language, gestures, and speech patterns to positively connect with them and gain their trust.
Using someone's name in conversation can personalize the interaction and make them feel seen and appreciated, leading to increased trust, but excessive name-dropping may be insincere.
Maintaining eye contact during conversations conveys confidence, sincerity, interest, and engagement, showing attentiveness and making people feel valued and more likely to trust you.
Active listening involves giving undivided attention, asking thoughtful questions, providing empathetic responses, helps to understand others better, and increases the likelihood of gaining their trust.
Demonstrating authenticity and relatability by showing vulnerability, even about difficult topics, can create a mutual openness that fosters trust in your relationships.
A gentle, appropriate touch such as a pat on the back, a brief hand touch, or a light touch on the arm can create an emotional connection and boost trust, but be mindful of personal boundaries and cultural differences.
Discovering shared values, interests, or experiences can help you bond with others and create a sense of familiarity.
Demonstrate reliability and trustworthiness by maintaining consistency in your words, actions, and decisions to make it easier for people to trust you. .
Sincere and specific compliments about actions, skills, or achievements can make people feel good and more likely to trust you, but avoid being manipulative or insincere by ensuring relevance and sincerity.
Expressing gratitude towards others can foster positive emotions, strengthen connections, and increase trust.
Demonstrate integrity and respect by being truthful and transparent, owning up to mistakes, and openly expressing your thoughts and feelings, which can help establish a foundation of trust in your relationships.
Use a good sense of humor to make yourself approachable and foster a relaxed atmosphere, but use appropriate humor to avoid having the opposite effect.
Openness to feedback and valuing others' opinions demonstrates humility and respect, fostering trust in the workplace or relationships.
Show care and value for your relationships by genuinely engaging with people, asking questions, listening attentively, and offering support when needed, which can increase their trust in you.