Unlimited Abundance Review: Is it worth it?

When we improve our abundance, everything else improves — that’s the premise of Mindvalley’s Unlimited Abundance.

Money makes life easier there’s no doubt about it, and I’m yet to meet anyone who doesn’t deep down want more of it.

But can this program really remove the blocks that keep wealth and prosperity from flowing freely?

If you’re worried it all sounds too good to be true, this honest review will tell you everything you need to know before making your decision.

After taking the Unlimited Abundance program myself, this is what I really thought of it and the results I got from it…

Why I wanted to do Unlimited Abundance

For a while I felt like it was super shallow to crave wealth above all else, I don’t know if you can relate?

But then I realized it makes sense because our financial security impacts pretty much all other areas of our life:

  • Better health — we can afford the best medical care and top-quality food.
  • Better relationships — we don’t have the strain of money worries hanging over our heads causing tension or arguments.
  • Stronger community — we can give back to the people around us and support the causes that mean most to us.
  • Better personal and spiritual growth — we can freely invest in ourselves (which often feels like a luxury indulgence).

There’s just something so fundamental and almost primal about feeling financially abundant. It becomes the firm foundation that we can build a better life upon.

So when I heard about this program, I was instantly curious about what it could do for me.

The only thing was, I grew up quite sceptical — especially about things like healers.

But in the last 10 years or so of my personal development journey, I’ve really tried to open my mind to possibilities that I don’t necessarily understand.

Even from a scientific point of view, everything is just essentially energy, right?

So maybe it’s not such a leap to imagine that we can work with and shift that energy in ways we don’t commonly explore.

I think I do believe that if we take action and let go of the “how”, we can open the doorways for unexpected opportunities to arrive.

Life works in mysterious ways, so I was willing to put my faith in new techniques.

I already suspected I had some blocks around money (although I wasn’t quite sure what exactly).

I’m grateful to say I’ve never really had to truly struggle financially, but I have always felt a bit of an invisible ceiling when it comes to how much I earn.

Money flows in and out ok, but even as my career has changed or advanced, I’ve never earned a really good wage either.

Basically, I decided to take Unlimited Abundance because I wanted to find out what was holding me back and to get rid of it.

Learn More About Unlimited Abundance

What is Unlimited Abundance?

YouTube video

Unlimited Abundance is a Mindvalley audio and workbook program that focuses on removing a total of 24 of the most common abundance “blocks” that people have.

It does this through a combination of shifting your energy, rewiring your mindset, and taking positive action.

The training itself is based on live seminars that the course teacher Christie Marie Sheldon held with a smaller group of people.

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

“You have to work hard to be financially successful”

“Money is the root of all evil.”

“I hate my job but I need the money.”

I wonder how many of these types of things you have told yourself over the years.

For me, sentences like this have played over and over again, without me even giving it much thought.

But this course shows you how the silent beliefs we have around abundance create destructive patterns and habits in our lives.

Many of us end up in a cycle where we want to have money but simultaneously push it away.

We push it away because we subconsciously believe it’s not only wrong to want money, but we also think we aren’t worthy of it.

As this happens, we also end up feeling bad about it all, which brings our energy down even more.

Because the course was created by an energy healer, I expected it all to be way more “mystical” than it actually was.

In fact, a lot of it is really about your psychological thinking and how that impacts your whole life.

Get the Cheapest Price for Unlimited Abundance

What is Mindvalley

Before going any further, I’m going to quickly explain what Mindvalley is, as this program is hosted on their website.

I’ve taken a few of their courses now, so they were already familiar to me, but perhaps this is your first encounter with them, so you’re wondering if they’re legit.

I’d say Mindvalley is pretty much the leading industry provider of personal development content.

The founder, Vishen Lakhiani, sums up the site by saying it offers you a chance to learn all the things about life that you didn’t learn in school — but you really should have.

You’ll find a wide range of topics to choose from depending on your goals.

There are programs on everything from body, mind, and soul, to courses focusing on your career, entrepreneurship, relationships, and more.

Later on in this review, I’ll recommend some other Mindvalley programs I think you should check out if you like the sound of Unlimited Abundance.

Who is Christie Marie Sheldon

Christie Marie Sheldon Unlimited Abundance Review: Is it worth it?

I’d never actually heard of Christie Marie Sheldon before taking this course, so I was actually quite surprised to hear that she is one of the best-selling teachers on the entire Mindvalley platform.

She’s an energy healer and coach who has worked with loads of celebs.

If you’re a bit sceptical about the energy healing part, I’ll admit that I was too.

Interestingly enough, even Mindvalley founder Vishen Lakhiani said that he was until he saw the results for himself — but he was so impressed that now she is also his own personal coach.

Christie Marie Sheldon’s other credentials are 20 plus years of teaching and 10’s of thousands of private clients who she has worked with during that time.

So she definitely has a pretty impressive track record.

What I did and didn’t like about Unlimited Abundance:


  • I really think that understanding and shifting limiting beliefs are super important stuff. And even though that applies to all areas of your life, there’s no denying that material abundance is at the top of a lot of people’s wish lists.
  • I genuinely enjoyed the material for this course. The meditations were relaxing and the practical exercises we were encouraged to do outside of the training made me feel like I was making progress.
  • The 15 days money-back guarantee gave me huge peace of mind. In fact, I signed up thinking that I’d just try it out quickly and get a refund if it felt like it wasn’t going to work for me.
  • You get access to a private Facebook group with other people who are taking the course. It’s a great place to go for support, inspiration, to ask questions, and just general camaraderie.
  • There’s a personalized questionnaire to discover what are your biggest abundance blocks. I really liked this personalized feature, as there are 24 blocks to work your way through, and this way you can start with the most important ones for you.
  • The energy block clearing audios are simple to use in everyday life and something that can become part of your daily routine.
  • I think I was expecting the program to only really focus on money, but it was nice to see abundance treated in a wider way across all areas of your life. Yes, your wealth, but also your health, relationships, and career too.
  • There’s no deadline to finish this course. You can order it based on the blocks you feel need your attention the most and then complete it at your own pace. You also get lifetime access, which is good because I think it’s something you will want to keep returning to and repeat.


  • The course is audio-only. This might not be a con for you, but I’m a really visual person and so I do enjoy watching and not just listening.
  • Because this program has been created from a live training, I’d say it doesn’t feel quite as polished as a lot of other Mindvalley courses I’ve done. For example, you can hear a lot of the “live” elements from the original training — like typing, background noises, and participants’ answers being read out. Some people might find this a bit distracting I think.
  • Some of the content can be quite challenging emotionally. It’s less of a con and more fair warning. You are going to be asked to dig deep into your belief system. That can feel vulnerable at times, but I think that real growth isn’t always going to be fluffy and light.
  • The program is $349, so hardly pocket change.

Get the Best Price for Unlimited Abundance

Does Unlimited Abundance work? My results after taking the course

Unlimited Abundance Christie Marie Sheldon52b1f485e586be71 Unlimited Abundance Review: Is it worth it?

The first changes I noticed were probably emotional. I felt a lot less stressed about money and I think this was significant in getting to the part where I did start to see more tangible financial results.

I’d probably describe it as a release or letting go. But this shift in attitude and feelings made it so much easier to take positive action.

It’s often the dread of getting started that can hold you back most.

When action feels so heavy we keep putting it off for another time, but when lifts everything is lighter and doesn’t seem such a big deal.

This program also gave me confidence. I started to believe that changes were on the way, and that gave me even more motivation to make things happen — taking action I wouldn’t have bothered doing before.

Unlimited Abundance made me seriously question and actively try to improve some of my deeply ingrained beliefs around money.

But it also inspired me to do something more practical about it too.

For the first time in a long time, I decided on a plan that would make a difference to my finances.

It wasn’t even necessarily groundbreaking stuff either.

It was self commitments like: an amount I’m going to save every month and deciding that rather than work more, I would charge more for the work I do (which I wouldn’t have had the self-belief to do without this program).

I also came away realizing just how important feeling good is to abundance and success in life.

I mean it sounds kind of obvious now, but just feeling good makes you behave differently and so gives different results.

I started to feel a lot more playful and curious. I was able to go with my gut feelings rather than overthink everything and end up talking myself in circles.

That’s definitely something I’m making an effort to apply not just to my work life, but my relationships and health too.

What was it like to do Unlimited Abundance and what will you learn?

Unlimited Abundance includes a total of 8.5 hours of training, which you can work your way through in your own time.

Apparently, in the original sessions (from which this course was created), participants went through one training a week.

Personally, I did around 2-3 each week, which felt like a good pace for me.

The program identifies 24 abundance blocks holding you back – and so there are 24 audio sessions which focus on getting rid of each specific block.

You begin by doing a so-called Abundance Block Diagnosis Test. It’s basically an online self-assessment that you do by answering a series of questions as honestly as possible.

From the info you give, you’re then advised which Abundance Blocks to work on first.

I really liked this because with 24 sessions, I wouldn’t have had a clue where to start and it made the course feel more tailor-made.

The training itself is divided into 6 parts:

  • Intro Session: Clearing Resistance
  • Clearing Fear-based Abundance Blocks (5 Sessions in total)
  • Clearing Abundance Blocks That Make You Feel Stuck (4 Sessions in total)
  • Clearing Abundance Blocks That Cloud Your Clarity (5 Sessions in total)
  • Clearing Abundance Blocks That Weaken Your Sense Of Personal Truth & Ownership (5 Sessions in total)
  • Clearing Money & Career Abundance Blocks (4 Sessions in total)

I’d say that the course works in 3 distinct ways:

  • Removes limiting beliefs
  • Makes you feel better and improves your energy
  • Gets you out of your head and your ass into gear

You’ll find the course material is a mixture of things like meditations, energy clearing exercises, intuition enhancing exercises, and affirmations, alongside what I’d call more “practical” financial exercises and goal setting.

A lot of it is not rocket science, but still really powerful — which I think is what you actually want.

For example, some of the practical steps I took were:

  • Taking an honest look at what I spend money on and what I waste — which was super freeing and saved me cash almost instantly.
  • Deciding on a specific figure I was going to try and save each month.

Get the Discounted Rate for Unlimited Abundance

Who I think will like Unlimited Abundance

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  • People who feel stuck in a rut financially, want more money but don’t know why it never seems to happen for them.
  • People who just get a sense that they’re not reaching their fullest potential or hitting the highest earnings that they can.
  • People who suspect they may have some unhelpful “stories” when it comes to having more money. Maybe you feel fearful, unworthy, or even like you self sabotage when it comes to gaining more wealth and abundance.

Who Unlimited Abundance might not be the best fit for:

  • As I’ve already said, some healthy scepticism is ok, but I’m not sure it will work if you’re totally closed off to this creating results for you. I think some belief (or hope), alongside a commitment to going through the material, is essential.
  • Anyone looking to just imagine yourself rich as a quick fix. Even though a lot of the reprogramming happens on a subconscious level you still need to be proactive and actually apply what you’re being taught.

How much does Unlimited Abundance cost?

To purchase the entire Unlimited Abundance program, it costs $349 in full (I’ve put details of everything it includes further down in the review).

There’s also a payment plan, which I think is good, as it’s a lot of money for most people. So, you can also pay three installments of $129 (with a total payout of $387).

It’s worth noting that the course isn’t included in the Mindvalley Membership — which ordinarily gives you unlimited access to the vast majority of Mindvalley’s programs.

With an annual membership costing $499, it’s usually a good option.

But as I say,  that’s sadly not available for Unlimited Abundance. (Although, personally I would still recommend checking out the membership anyway).

Don’t Decide Now — Try It For 15 Days Risk-Free

What do you get when you buy Unlimited Abundance?

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  • 24 prerecorded coaching sessions with Christie Marie Sheldon to remove your abundance blocks
  • The Abundance Block Diagnosis Test to reveal your biggest Abundance Blocks
  • A bonus Energy Clearing Session: Clearing Past Beliefs
  • A bonus Meditation Set: 24 Hours Of Love Or Above
  • Lifetime Access to the whole program and the bonuses, so you can repeat the work anytime.
  • Lifetime Access to the Unlimited Abundance Facebook Group

You might also like these other Mindvalley programs

Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance

World-renowned hypnotherapist Marisa Peer offers a very holistic approach to abundance.

You’ll learn how to subconsciously reprogram new positive habits, thoughts, and emotions to transform all areas of life, from relationships to the body and finances.

Money EQ Program

Nicknamed the “Zen Millionaire”, money teacher Ken Honda’s program aims to transform your relationship with money to welcome greater wealth and prosperity.

Is Unlimited Abundance worth it? My overall conclusion

Am I suddenly living like P Diddy? Nah.

But has my attitude, feelings, and even the amount of money I have in the bank changed for the better? Yes, absolutely.

For me, that makes this program already worth both the financial investment and a relatively small amount of my time.

I definitely feel like I’m on a far better path towards abundance now and I intend to continue — so who knows, maybe in a few months I’ll be updating this review whilst sipping on Cristal.

Check Out Unlimited Abundance

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Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing for Ideapod to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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