Do you ever feel like you’re floating on a cloud and all of a sudden you’re falling in love with someone?
It can be really confusing and overwhelming. You may think you know who they are, but suddenly they disappear and all of your memories come back to you.
Believe it or not, this happens when the universe wants you to be with someone.
And guess what?
The universe is strong enough to change things around you.
So, are you curious about finding out what happens when the universe wants you to be with someone?
Here are 18 things that can happen to you in this case.
1) You begin to notice things about them that you didn’t before
When a person is in your life, you may notice the way they look or their voice. But when someone you’re with is not there anymore, it may be hard to see their beauty and hear their voice.
You can’t really see them because they are not there anymore. But you can still feel them, and that feeling will make you want to see them again.
It’s like the memory of seeing a familiar face in a crowd of strangers. You recognize them but don’t know where from or what they looked like when they were younger.
Sounds astonishing, isn’t it?
In simple words, it’s the way of the universe to tell you you should be with this one person. That’s how it tells you that you’re meant to be in love with this person.
2) You start to feel different when you’re with them
Have you already noticed that you feel a weird feeling while you’re around this one person?
Do you feel like your soul is right with them?
It’s the universe’s way of telling you that you’re supposed to be with this person.
When you begin to be with this person, you will start to feel different. You may feel so happy and light that it feels like a cloud is lifting you.
You may also start to see things differently as if everything is in a new way.
And what’s more?
You even have an urge to be close to them all the time.
If all this sounds familiar, then I’m sure about one thing:
You’ll want to be close to this person all the time. It’s like there’s a magnet pulling your body towards theirs. It’s like they have power over your life and you can’t resist it.
You might find yourself at places where you used to go together even if they’re not there anymore.
Or maybe it’s just because of the way your heart is feeling right now, but that doesn’t matter either.
But what is the reason for these strange feelings?
Well, it’s because you’re being pulled by the universe towards this person.
3) You look for more signs of your special someone’s presence
When you’re trying to get close to someone, it’s pretty normal for you to look for more signs of their presence.
You want to be sure that they are real and that they really want to be with you.
You want to see that they are genuine, and not just some other person who just happens to look like them.
You want proof that when the time comes, your special someone will show up at your door!
The simple truth is that when this happens, it means the universe wants these two people together. It might seem like a little bit of overreaction,g but let me explain why this is happening.
When this happens, it’s because the universe has been sending a clear message that these two people are meant to be together.
But hang on a minute. Is there anything you can do about it?
Actually, you don’t need to do anything at all. You should just follow these signs and see what happens.
4) You begin to feel like they’re the only person in this world
It’s not so strange, right?
However, it is true.
When you’re with someone, you start to feel that they’re all that matters in your life. You feel like they’re the only person in this world, and no one else matters as much as they do.
And when they’re not there anymore, it’s as if someone has just taken a knife and cut off your heart. It’s like a part of you has been cut off from this world.
Sometimes you may even start to think that no one else exists in this world but them and then feel sad because of it.
You might even wonder if there is another “you” out there somewhere for you to meet up with at some point in time.
If you feel like this right now, don’t worry because that’s the sign from the universe that you’re supposed to be with this person.
Still not convinced?
5) You find yourself thinking about this person a lot when they aren’t around anymore
Ever noticed that you start to think about someone a lot when they aren’t around anymore?
It’s like your mind is trying to figure out where they are and why they aren’t there. It’s not because you miss them, but because you’re curious.
Why does this happen?
This is the universe trying to tell you that something isn’t right and that there is something missing in your life. You need to start thinking about this person again!
And also, this happens when the universe wants us to be with someone. When we aren’t with this person, we tend to think about them a lot more.
The universe is trying to tell us that we need to be with this person.
And even if you don’t know the exact reason why you should better trust the universe and do something about it!
6) The person you haven’t met up with yet starts to show up everywhere you go
This one is a bit more frequent when it comes to the signs that the universe sends you about someone who’s supposed to be your soulmate.
When the universe wants something, it makes sure you will meet this person somewhere in your life.
This is what happened to me when I broke up with my ex. I started to see him everywhere I went, even though we hadn’t met yet.
I wasn’t expecting that at all, but it was a sign from the universe telling me that he was supposed to be in my life again!
So what should you do if the person you haven’t met yet shows up everywhere you go?
You should start meeting them!
If they don’t show up where you expect them to, then it’s because they aren’t supposed to be there right now. It’s time for them to be with someone else!
This could mean that they’re trying to get your attention. The universe wants you to be with this person.
And you know what?
You shouldn’t ignore this sign from the universe because it’s trying to bring you and this person together.
7) You start to have a strong desire to be with them all the time
When you see someone, even if they’re not there, your heart starts beating faster and your palms start sweating.
You just want to be around them all the time and never want to leave their side again.
Does this sound like you?
Then, it might be another sign that the universe is trying to send you about someone who’s supposed to be your soulmate.
This happens because the universe wants you to be with this person! And it will do anything in its powers to make sure you will be together.
If this happens, then you should think about meeting up with this person and starting a relationship with them.
Because if the universe wants you to be together, then there is a reason for that! And it’s time for you to find out what that reason is.
Let me explain.
When someone is around you, it’s like they are an extension of your body. It’s like they are made specifically for you and can’t exist without being around you.
And when the universe wants you to be with someone, it makes sure you will have a strong desire to be with them.
This is because this person is supposed to be in your life, and the universe wants you to be happy!
So if you want someone in your life again, then this is what is supposed to happen. You will feel like they’re your everything and that you can’t live without them.
The universe will do whatever it can so that this person comes back into your life.
And if you feel this way about someone, then go for it! Meet up with them and see where the relationship goes.
You have to follow your heart and listen to what it’s telling you!
8) People around you randomly start speaking about this person
If you start to notice that people around you keep mentioning this person, then it’s a sign that the universe wants the two of you to be together.
Let me take a guess.
It’s like your subconscious is sending out signals to your friends, family, and co-workers.
They’ll start talking about this person in passing conversations or they’ll even make comments directed at you.
And when they do, pay attention to what they’re saying! Their comments will give you a hint as to whether or not this person is your soulmate.
The thing is that the universe wants you to be with this person. And it will use your friends and family as a way to get you closer together.
So pay attention to what they’re saying – it’s just another sign that the universe wants these two people together.
9) The two of you start talking more than ever before
Think about this for a moment.
If you’re really interested in someone, then you’ll start to talk to them more and more. And you’ll find that you’re always running into them in public or at work.
You’ll also find that your conversations will be longer and deeper. You’ll talk about topics that are very personal and meaningful to the two of you.
You may even notice that the two of you are spending more time together than ever before. The universe wants these two people to be together – so it’s pushing them closer together until they become a couple.
To be honest, if you’ve been noticing that the two of you have been spending more time together, then it’s probably because the universe wants the two of you to be together.
Here’s why:
Your subconscious mind is sending out signals to your conscious mind and using this person to get your attention.
It’s like a wake-up call that says, “Hey! This is who I want you to be with. ”
Once your subconscious knows that you’ve noticed this person, then it will start to bring up opportunities for the two of you to spend time together.
If this happens, then take advantage of these opportunities and see where things go from there…
So if you notice that the two of you are talking more, then it’s a sign that the universe wants these two people together.
10) You feel something good is about to happen
Ever had that feeling in your gut that something really good is about to happen?
There’s no particular reason, you just feel like something good is going to happen.
This feeling can happen when you’re out with friends, at work, or even while you’re just walking down the street. And it can happen at any time of the day or night.
I know the feeling.
I’ve had this feeling many times before, and I’m sure that you have too. The thing is this good feeling is really a sign that something good is about to happen in your life.
And when this happens, it’s because the universe wants you to be with someone special and it’s bringing up opportunities for the two of you to be together.
Well, that’s usually because the universe wants to bring you happiness and joy. It wants you to be happy, and it will go out of its way to make sure that happens.
So if you ever get this feeling, then take advantage of these opportunities! Because the universe wants these two people to be together, it will do whatever it takes for them to be together.
11) You encounter the same numbers everywhere you go
Have you noticed that you see the number 11 all around you?
You see it everywhere you go.
It’s on the street signs, it’s on the T-shirts of people walking by you, and it’s even in the movies!
Now, if you’ve ever thought about this before, then you know that there’s something special about 11.
And if you haven’t thought about this before, then just know that there is a reason why 11 is such a popular number. And it has to do with how everything in your life will turn out when you get to the right number.
Want to know what it means?
Well, 11 is an angel number, and seeing it everywhere is a sign from the universe to make significant changes in your life.
While angel number 11 holds a lot of power, it’s not the only number that can guide you.
In fact, just your name and birth date can reveal a lot about your life and the decisions you should make.
If you’d like to find out more, click here to get your own free personalized reading.
12) You get a sudden urge to text or call that person
How many times have you gotten a sudden urge to text or call someone?
Don’t even try to deny it.
You get an urge and it feels like it’s been building up for a long time. And then, when you get the urge, you can’t help but do it.
Well, this is another sign that the universe wants these two people to be together.
It’s because the universe is sending a signal to your conscious mind that says, “Hey! There’s someone who I want you to spend more time with. ”
And this signal is causing your subconscious mind to start working overtime and bringing up opportunities for the two of you to spend time together.
And you know what it means?
It means that you should start spending more time with this person.
So what are you waiting for?
Start spending more time with them! Because the universe wants these two people to be together, and it’s sending a signal to your subconscious mind that says, “Hey! There’s someone I want you to spend more time with. ”
13) All of a sudden, your personality changes
Have you ever found yourself eager to take risks while you were afraid to do so before?
Have you ever found yourself being more outgoing? Or have you ever found yourself getting more and more confident?
It might seem a bit strange to you, but let me explain.
All these changes are a clear sign that your personality has changed.
And this is another way for the universe to send you a signal and tell you that you should be with this one person.
When this happens, the entire energy in the universe begins to shift.
And the universe is telling you to be with this person because it thinks that you two would be a great match.
14) Someone starts paying attention to you in a new way
Who doesn’t like feeling attention from others?
Yes, that’s right. Most of us do!
And when someone starts paying attention to you in a new way, it means that the universe wants you to be with this person.
There’s nothing wrong with this.
But what about this strange feeling of instant attention that comes from one particular person?
- Why did they start taking so much care of you?
- Why did they start paying attention to you in a new way?
- Why did they start looking at you in a new way?
Even if you don’t have the exact answers to these questions, don’t worry because chances are that this new person will be a great match for you.
And once you meet this person, your personality will start changing in a very good way.
And you’ll see that the universe is sending all these signals to tell you that this person is the one for you.
15) You notice more coincidences than usual
You may have noticed that you are more likely to notice coincidences than usual.
What is a coincidence?
A coincidence is an event that happens by chance but has a meaning behind it.
For example, two people can meet for the first time at the same time and place.
Or two people can be talking about something and one of them will mention something that was mentioned by the other person earlier.
These are all examples of coincidences.
They’re very common in life, but they happen because we live in a universe where everything is connected to everything else.
So what is the universe trying to tell you by showing you these coincidences?
Well, it’s trying to tell you that there is a meaning behind all of these coincidences.
The universe doesn’t want you to miss out on these opportunities, so it shows them to you in order to give you some sort of guidance.
If you notice more coincidences than usual, don’t worry or get frustrated. Just keep an open mind and see what the universe has in store for you next.
16) You start noticing some changes in yourself
When you notice some changes in yourself, it means that the universe wants these two people together.
And guess what?
Sometimes you even feel like a new person.
And when this happens, you don’t have to worry about what others may be thinking about you.
Because you know that the universe has something very special in store for you.
And what’s even more amazing is that these changes will continue to happen until and unless the two of you decide to part ways.
If the two of you decide to part ways, then it would be best if you took all your belongings and moved out of state. This way, there’s a good chance that either one or both of you will have someplace to go and start fresh.
However, even if this doesn’t happen (and I’m not sure it ever will), try your best to keep in touch with each other as much as possible so that when the time comes, we can still communicate on a common level.
So if you’re ready to start a relationship, now is the time!
17) You start to notice that you’re getting closer to someone without trying to
And this one is one of the most obvious signs that big changes are about to happen in your life. And the universe is warning you that you’re taking the right path.
When you start to notice that you’re getting closer to someone without trying, it’s because that person has been trying to get close to you.
And when this happens, it means the universe wants these two people together.
And guess what? It’s all happening for a reason!
So what am I talking about?
There are a few reasons why this might be the universe’s plan. Maybe it wants these two people together because they have similar interests, or maybe there is some connection that the universe feels is important.
Whatever the reason, this relationship will likely continue to grow and develop based on their shared interests and goals.
Sounds impressive, right?