10 things successful people never do in the morning

Have you ever wondered what successful people do as soon as they wake up?

More importantly, have you thought about what they DON’T do?

Let’s dive into 10 things that successful people never do in the morning.

1. They Don’t Hit Snooze

When the alarm rings, successful people don’t hit the snooze button.

They know that getting up immediately helps them start their day on a positive note.

Hitting snooze might give you a few extra minutes of sleep, but it also disrupts your sleep cycle and can leave you feeling groggy.

Successful people understand the value of a good start to the day, and they don’t let the temptation of a few more minutes in bed get in their way.

Instead, they jump out of bed ready to face the day head-on.

This first step might sound small, but it sets the tone for the rest of the day, and successful people know how important that is.

So, put your alarm across the room if you have to, but when it rings, get up and get moving!

2. They Don’t Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day, and successful people take this seriously.

They never skip their morning meal, knowing that it’s like fuel for their body and brain.

After a night of fasting, our bodies need nourishment to kickstart the day.

Eating a healthy breakfast helps to boost our energy levels and concentration, which are vital for a productive day ahead.

Successful people are aware of this and ensure they make time for breakfast, regardless of how busy their schedule is.

It doesn’t mean they have a lavish spread every morning. It could be something as simple as a bowl of oatmeal, a smoothie, or even a piece of fruit on the go.

The point is, they don’t ignore the need to feed their bodies in the morning.

So, start your day like successful people do – with breakfast!

3. They Don’t Check Emails Right Away

I used to start my day by immediately diving into my inbox. I thought it was productive, but it actually threw off my entire day.

Instead of prioritizing my tasks, I found myself reacting to whatever landed in my inbox.

It was draining and often left me feeling like I hadn’t accomplished much by the end of the day.

I learned from reading about successful people that most of them don’t check their emails first thing in the morning.

They wait until they’ve tackled a few key tasks before getting into their emails.

This not only helps them stay in control of their day but also ensures they’re in a proactive, not reactive, mindset.

Now, I follow this practice too. Instead of starting my day with emails, I focus on completing one important task first.

It gives me a sense of accomplishment and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. 

4. They Don’t Forget to Exercise

Successful people understand the value of physical activity, especially in the morning.

It’s not just about staying fit, but also about getting your blood pumping and your brain in gear for the day ahead.

According to studies, physical exercise has been linked to enhanced mental function, improved memory and attention, and even better creativity.

This is one reason successful people never skip their morning exercise.

It doesn’t have to be a strenuous gym workout. It could be a quick jog around the block, a few rounds of yoga, or even simple stretching exercises.

The key is to get moving and shake off any sleepiness.

5. They Don’t Avoid Big Tasks

Successful people don’t shy away from big tasks, especially in the morning.

They understand that their energy and focus are at their peak in the first few hours of the day, making it the ideal time to tackle those daunting tasks that require more thinking and effort.

It’s not always easy.

Big tasks can be intimidating, and it’s tempting to put them off until later. But successful people face them head-on.

They know that getting these tasks out of the way early not only reduces stress but also leaves them feeling accomplished and motivated for the rest of the day.

This approach is not just about productivity; it’s about courage and determination.

It’s about staring at a challenge and saying, ‘I’ve got this.’ It’s about understanding that every major accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

So, in your morning routine, don’t push the big tasks aside. Embrace them. Give them your best shot. 

6. They Don’t Start Without a Plan

I remember a time when I’d wake up and just go with the flow, tackling tasks as they came. The result?

By the end of the day, I felt like I hadn’t achieved much.

That’s when I realized the importance of planning.

Successful people never start their day without a clear plan.

They know what they want to achieve that day, and they set clear goals to help them get there.

This doesn’t mean their schedules are rigid; they leave room for flexibility too. But they always have an outline to guide them.

Now, I follow suit. Every night before bed, I jot down my tasks for the next day.

It helps me wake up with a clear purpose and a roadmap for what needs to be done. It’s like giving your future self a step-by-step guide to success for the day.

Try it; you’ll be amazed at how much more you can accomplish with a little bit of planning!

7. They Don’t Waste Time on Social Media

Social media can be a serious time-sucker.

One minute you’re just checking a notification, the next thing you know, you’ve spent an hour scrolling through posts and watching videos.

Successful people know that this is not the best way to start their day.

They understand that social media can quickly turn from a quick check-in to a massive distraction.

It’s not that they don’t use social media at all; they just choose the right time for it.

Mornings? Not the right time.

They value their mornings too much to let them be consumed by endless scrolling and unnecessary information overload.

Instead, they choose to dedicate this precious time to things that matter more – like their goals, self-development, and personal growth.

So, if you’re in the habit of reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, consider switching it up.

Use your mornings to focus on yourself and your goals before diving into the world of social media.

Trust me; your timeline will still be there later in the day. Your focus and productivity, however, might not be.

8. They Don’t Do Many Things at Once

Successful people understand the value of focus.

They know that to do a job well, they need to give it their full attention.

That’s why they don’t multitask, especially in the mornings when their minds are fresh and energy levels are high.

Although multitasking might make you feel productive, research has shown it can actually reduce productivity.

This is because our brains are not designed to handle multiple tasks at once.

Instead, they switch from one task to another, which can cause errors and slow us down.

Successful people leverage this understanding and focus on one task at a time.

By doing so, they ensure each task is done well before moving on to the next.

9. They Don’t Forget Self-Care

This one hits close to home for me. With a busy lifestyle, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself.

But successful people never overlook self-care, especially in the morning.

For a long time, I thought being busy meant being productive. I’d jump straight into work without taking a moment for myself.

But over time, I realized that neglecting self-care was affecting my mood, energy levels, and overall productivity.

Successful people understand that taking care of their mental health is just as important as their physical health.

They dedicate part of their morning to activities they enjoy or that help them relax and prepare for the day ahead.

It could be reading a book, meditating, or simply sipping coffee in peace.

Now, I make sure to include self-care in my morning routine. It helps me start my day on a positive note and keep my stress levels in check. 

10. They Don’t Rush

Rushing is stressful. It’s like starting your day on the back foot, already feeling like you’re playing catch up.

Successful people know this, and they don’t do it.

They understand the importance of a calm, measured start to the day.

They wake up early enough to not have to dash around frantically.

They take the time to calmly get ready, have breakfast, and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

If you’re always rushing in the morning, consider setting your alarm a bit earlier.

You won’t just avoid the stress of rushing; you’ll also gain precious quiet time before the world wakes up. 

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Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the editor of Ideapod and founder of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 6 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. If you to want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter or Facebook.

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