What is the 5th dimension spirituality? Everything you need to know

‍The 5th dimension is a concept that has been around for many years.

It’s a belief system that focuses on the idea of raising your vibration and moving to a higher frequency in order to achieve enlightenment.

This can be done through the practice of meditation, self-reflection, and living a ‘spiritual’ life.

But before you get confused, let’s start with the basics:

What does each dimension mean?

Let’s start by looking at the first four dimensions.

Essentially, you already know these four dimensions.

The first dimension is height, the second dimension is width. This is why you know anything on paper or a computer screen is known as 2D.

The third dimension is depth, which comes into play when you are watching a movie in 3D, for example!

The fourth dimension is time. This is where things will already get a bit more complicated, as time is relative and you can’t perceive it the way you can perceive the other 3 dimensions.

Now: we live our life primarily in the 4th dimension, with choice being a big gift of this dimension.

We get to choose what we do and when we do it.

Now, let’s get to the 5th dimension!

Okay, we all know what the dimensions are, but what about the fifth dimension?

You may have heard of it before, but do you really know what it means?

Let’s take a look:

What is the 5th dimension?

The 5th dimension is where we move beyond our human state of consciousness.

It is known as the mystic dimension because, contrary to the other 4 dimensions, it can actually not be perceived by your human senses.

You can’t see it, hear it, feel it or taste it.

It’s a dimension that you can only experience through consciousness.

It is said that this dimension is where the forces of gravity and electromagnetism meet.

It is a place where the human mind and body can be transcended.

Essentially, you are free from all the limitations that our physical body imposes on us.

The 5th dimension is also known as the dimension of love.

What happens in the 5th dimension?

It’s a place where we are not limited by the human condition – where we don’t have emotions or thoughts, and where we don’t have bodies.

Sounds pretty awesome, right? The 5th dimension is a concept, but it has a few main points that we can hold on to.

  1. The fifth dimension is an equilibrium where the unknown is a constant – it is said that the more you are able to surrender to the unknown, the closer you are able to experience the 5th dimension.
  2. The fifth dimension cannot be seen by the human eye – this means, there is no way to really prove it, you believe in it or you don’t!
  3. It is beyond space and time – this is where things get complicated – our brain literally cannot comprehend anything that happens in the 5th dimension, which is why it’s a bit tricky to talk about it.
  4. In the 5th dimension, the lines between science, reality, and imagination get blurred – there is no clear black-and-white answer to things anymore.

How to access the 5th dimension?

The first step to accessing the 5th dimension is to raise your vibration.

The 5th dimension is a place of pure consciousness. It’s a place where you don’t have thoughts or emotions.

It’s a place where you’re simply being. This means that you need to get rid of these things, at least temporarily – which is pretty tricky.

Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to help you raise your vibration and move into the 5th dimension:


One way is to practice meditation. Meditation is a really simple and effective way to slow your thoughts down and help you get in touch with your true self.

It’s a really great way to start to get rid of your thoughts and emotions and get you on your way to raising your vibration.

Meditation is an excellent way to get in touch with the 5th dimension, but it isn’t the only way.

However, meditation is great, whether you want to access the 5th dimension or simply level-up your own life!

You see, when you meditate, you allow yourself to get in touch with your true self.

By getting in touch with your true self, you’re able to get rid of all the other stuff that’s holding you back.

Meditation is a great way to clear your head and get rid of those thoughts and emotions that are holding you back from accessing the 5th dimension.

It’s a really simple skill to learn, and once you start, it can really change the way you look at the world!

And the best part?

It can also help to improve your mental health and the way you relate to other people.

So, whether you want to access the 5th dimension or simply level-up your own life, meditation is a great way to start.

It’s simple and easy to learn, and it can really change the way you look at the world!

Be more intentional

Another way is to live a more ‘spiritual’ life.

This means that you need to make changes to your life – to the way that you eat, the way that you exercise, and the way that you spend your time.

You want to be eating foods that are healthy for your mind, eating foods that are good for your vibration.

You want to be exercising in a healthy way that allows you to get in touch with your true self.

And you want to be spending your time doing things that are good for your mind, things that allow you to get in touch with your true self.

This is a great way to raise your vibration and move into the 5th dimension.

In general, simply be more intentional about the things you do and the way that you spend your time.

By being more intentional with everything in your life, you can help yourself to raise your vibration and move into the 5th dimension.

This is a great way to start living a more spiritual life and to help yourself to raise your vibration.

Know that nothing is permanent

Another way you can get more in touch with the 5th dimension is to know that nothing is permanent.

You need to know that nothing in this world is permanent and that as soon as you start to accept this fact, you’ll be able to move forward with your life.

There are a lot of things in this world that are going to cause you problems, but the key is to know that nothing is permanent.

You need to realize that nothing in this world is forever; there will come a time when you no longer have those problems and that negativity in your life.

You’re going to have good days and bad days. You’re going to have good weeks and bad weeks. You’re going to have good months and bad months.

But what happens when things get tough? When things don’t go the way they should? What happens when something negative comes into your life?

This is when you need to remember that everything is fleeting and this too shall pass.

Live in the ‘now’

This goes hand in hand with what I said earlier about being more intentional, but we’ll take it a step further.

In order to live in 5D consciousness, try to live more in the now, don’t let your mind wander to the past or to the future.

If you can do this, it will allow you to live in a much more present state of mind.

When you live in the now, it is much easier to access your higher self and your higher consciousness.

You don’t want to spend too much time thinking about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow.

Instead, try to focus on what is happening right now.

This will help you to raise your vibration and it will help you to move into the 5th dimension.

Now: 5th dimension or not, living in the now is an excellent way to live a happier life.

Trust me, once you integrate more mindfulness into your days, you will notice that you feel much happier and more at peace with yourself.

Stop setting strict goals

Another way to access 5D consciousness is to stop setting strict goals.

Think about it: goals are anchoring you into a specific outcome of the future. However, 5D consciousness means letting go of the past and future, and instead focusing on the present moment.

Does this mean that you shouldn’t set goals for yourself? Of course not!

However, it does mean that you should stop setting strict goals for yourself and attaching your entire reality to them.

Instead of focusing on a specific outcome, try to focus on what you can do right now to move toward your goals.

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For example, let’s say that your goal is to lose 5 pounds by next month.

Instead of setting this goal and attaching meaning to what will happen in a month, why not focus on what you can do right now in order to help you get there?

Maybe it’s eating better or exercising more often. If you focus on these things in the present moment, then they’ll be easier for you to achieve in the future.

Do this enough times and eventually, those goals will come to fruition; however, it won’t feel so rigid as it would have otherwise!

Believe that anything is possible

Okay, this is where manifestation comes into play. One of the biggest secrets is, that if you believe in the 5th dimension, you also believe that anything you could ever imagine is possible – and it’s a reality somewhere.

Now: it’s up to you to manifest those things into your current reality.

The good news is that you can do this with the right mindset and the right attitude.

It’s all about letting go of your fears and your doubts, and instead focusing on what you want and how you can achieve it.

While this is easier said than done, if you keep doing it, then eventually you’ll notice that more things are coming into your life that are aligned with your desires.

This will help you to move into 5D consciousness as well as a higher state of vibration.

Remember that everything is one

Okay, this is spirituality 101 but a great way to access 5D consciousness is to remember that we are all one.

We are all connected. We all share the same thoughts, emotions, and desires.

By realizing this, you’ll be able to let go of your ego and move into a more spiritual state of being.

This is also a great way to access the Law of Attraction and manifest things in your life – because when you realize that we are all connected, then you’ll be able to see how what you do in your life affects everyone else.

If you’re not happy with where you are in your life right now, then do something about it!

It’s as simple as that!

What do you see in the 5th dimension?

Alright, so let’s say you managed to access the 5th dimension – what will you see there?

Well, remember when I said that this dimension can’t be seen?

The thing is, your brain can’t really comprehend this dimension, so there will be nothing that you can literally “SEE”, it’s more of a state of consciousness that you might be able to perceive.

You might feel light and filled with unconditional love!

However, it is hard to put into words what the 5th dimension is like – if it were possible, then it wouldn’t be the 5th dimension after all!

But let’s take a look at how the 5th dimension and spirituality are connected:

How are the 5th dimension and spirituality connected?

The 5th dimension and spirituality are pretty much tightly connected.

Even though the 5th dimension can be explained using Physics, it is still very spiritual in nature.

If you want to access the 5th dimension, then you need to understand certain spiritual concepts.

You need to make changes to your life in order to raise your vibration and become more enlightened.

The thing is spirituality is something deeply personal – every person’s spiritual journey will be different and unique because ever person is a unique spiritual being.

Because the 5th dimension is based on so many spiritual concepts, that’s what links the two together, even if dimensions are traditionally linked more to Physics than to spirituality.

The thing is, spirituality can play a role in any aspect of your life, be it scientific or not!

Now: we know that in order to access the 5th dimension we need to raise our vibration, but how do we do that?

How can you raise your vibration?

There are lots of different ways that you can raise your vibration and help you to access the 5th dimension.

I mentioned a few key points earlier in how to access the 5th dimension, but some of the other things that you can do include:

Eating a healthy diet: This means eating fresh, healthy foods that are good for your mind and your vibration.

Exercise: You want to be exercising in a healthy way, too. You want to be getting your body moving and releasing toxins from your muscles and your brain.

Spending time in nature: This is another great way to get your body and your mind moving. It’s a great way to help you to get in touch with yourself, and to help you to raise your vibration.

Looking after your mental health: You want to be looking after your mental health in order to help you to raise your vibration. This means that you want to be getting enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and manage your emotions and thoughts.

Be kind to others: Being kind to others is a great way to help you to raise your vibration. Trust me, nothing raises your own vibration like helping out someone else.

Be grateful: Gratitude is probably the number one way you can instantly raise your vibration. You want to be grateful for all of the things that you have in your life. It doesn’t matter how big or small they are, you want to be grateful for all of them.

You see, there are so many different ways that you can raise your vibration and help you to access the 5th dimension.

But what are the benefits of accessing the 5th dimension?

The benefits of living in the 5th dimension

If you can access the 5th dimension, then you will be able to live a beautiful life.

This means that you don’t have thoughts or emotions that are holding you back from living in peace.

You’re able to live without limits and with freedom.

This is why so many people are drawn to the 5th dimension.

When you’re living in the 5th dimension, you’re not being held back by the human condition.

You’re not being held back by thoughts and emotions. You’re able to be fully present in the now and to live freely.

Being in the 5th dimension is like being in a state of superconsciousness. You’re hyper-aware of everything around you, and you don’t have any of the limitations or restrictions that you would have in the 4th dimension.

You’re free from your emotions and your thoughts, but you also still have awareness.

The 5th dimension is pure superconsciousness

When you’re in the 5th dimension, you’re in a state of superconsciousness – which is a higher level of consciousness.

This means that you’re not having thoughts or feelings that are pulling you down, or that are holding you back.

You’re not having any emotions. You’re simply being. You’re existing in a state of pure consciousness and awareness.

You’re able to see everything that makes the 5th dimension what it is – it’s a place of pure love and a state of unconditional love.

It’s a place where everything is bliss, and where everything is pure.

The 5th dimension represents unconditional love, it is like heaven

The 5th dimension is all about unconditional love.

The feeling of the 5th dimension is often described as heaven – pure bliss and pure joy.

It’s a place where you can feel a deep sense of love, peace and happiness.

When you’re in the 5th dimension, you’re able to understand that everything is connected. You understand that there is no separation.

You’re able to have a deep connection with the universe and with everything around you – with all of the people, places and things around you.

You have peace of mind and inner joy, which is why many people are drawn to the 5th dimension.

Should you always strive for the 5th dimension?

Okay, this is where things get a bit tricky. You see, it’s great to strive for a more spiritual life, to be more connected with others, and to love freely.

However, getting caught up in the idea of the 5th dimension can be yet another way to try and escape reality!

You see, pure joy comes from surrendering to what is and not trying to make up stories about how things are “supposed” to be.

Instead, it’s all about being in the now, enjoying your life and also accepting the reality of being human.

Again, I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to improve yourself and live a more connected life, but if you constantly strive to escape being human and entering this 5D reality, aren’t you doing the exact opposite of what spirituality is all about?

Sometimes, spiritual concepts can be used as a way to bypass our own difficult emotions and problems.

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Sure, the idea of entering a consciousness where all problems and thoughts disappear is appealing, but maybe right now your thoughts are trying to tell you something.

If you aren’t happy with your life, then entering a different dimension won’t change that.

Instead, try to feel your feelings and don’t suppress them. Get to the root of the problem and process what needs to be felt.

By doing all of this, you are moving closer to what the 5th dimension is supposed to be without having to attach any meaning to that!

Final thoughts

The 5th dimension is not easy to understand, and there still is no universal definition of what it is actually supposed to be.

However, there are some fundamentals that we can consider when thinking about the 5th dimension.

The thing is, the 5th dimension for humans is nothing other than living a good, intentional life full of love and mindfulness.

Now: whether you call it the 5th dimension or simply let go of that attachment and live the best life you can, instead, is up to you!

All I know is that you don’t need to enter any other reality than the one you are in now in order to be happy and fulfilled!

And who knows, maybe that’s the big secret? Letting go of all that attachment and surrendering to our reality, only to then end up in the 5th dimension without trying?

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more https://www.fullyholistic.com/!

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