25 unmistakable signs you have a spiritual connection with someone

‍Have you ever felt a connection to another person without knowing why?

Or perhaps you’ve experienced an inexplicable closeness with someone else that left you feeling like the two of you were connected in some deeper, more spiritual way.

Well, no more wondering, here are 25 signs you have a spiritual connection with someone:

1) You feel a deep sense of peace and serenity when you’re around them

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When two people experience a spiritual connection, it often begins with a sense of peace and serenity.

This doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to sense their energy and feel that calmness when you’re around them, but rather you’ll experience it within yourself.

This can also be a result of love and affection.

When you’re in love with someone, you become calm and at peace when you’re around them.

This happens as a result of the chemicals that are released into your body when you fall in love.

2) They inspire you to be a better person

If you find yourself suddenly motivated to change your life for the better after meeting someone, that’s a strong indication that you have a spiritual connection with them.

It doesn’t matter if they’re in a relationship with you or not.

If you feel like you should be a better person when you’re around them, that’s a sign that you two are on the same wavelength.

If you don’t feel like you should be doing something different, then you probably don’t have a spiritual connection with the person.

Of course, they love you for who you are, they just inspire you to be your best self.

3) A gifted advisor confirms it

The signs I’m revealing in this article will give you a good idea about spiritual connections.

But could you get even more clarity by speaking to a gifted advisor?

Clearly, you have to find someone you can trust. With so many fake experts out there, it’s important to have a pretty good BS detector.

After going through a messy time in my life, I recently tried Psychic Source . They provided me with the guidance I needed in life, including who I am meant to be with.

I was actually blown away by how kind, caring, and genuinely helpful they were.

Click here to get your own love reading.

A gifted advisor can not only tell you if you have a spiritual connection, but they can also reveal all your love possibilities.

4) Your senses are heightened when you’re around them

If you find that you’re suddenly able to smell and taste things more intensely when you’re around someone, that’s a sign that you have a spiritual connection with them.

This doesn’t mean that you’re suddenly going to become a superhero like Daredevil, but rather your senses are just more heightened than usual.

Additionally, you might be able to sense smells and feelings that you couldn’t before.

This could be anything from a fragrance in the air to the emotions of someone nearby.

5) Their presence makes you feel calm and safe

If you feel like nothing in the world can harm you when you’re around this person, that’s a sign that you have a spiritual connection with them.

This doesn’t give you the ability to magically disappear while they fend off the dangers of the world, but rather you just feel safe and protected.

It could also be a sign that you feel like you’re in the right place at the right time when you’re with them.

You might just feel like everything is falling into place and is meant to be, without any real reason why.

6) You just ‘know’ certain things about them without needing any sort of explanation or proof

If you find yourself knowing things about the person you just met that you have no way of knowing, that’s a sign that you have a spiritual connection with them.

This doesn’t have to be anything big or grandiose.

It could be something as simple as knowing what their favourite colour is.

This can also be a result of paying close attention to the way they dress, the way they speak, or the way they interact with other people.

This can help you to get a better idea of who they are as a person and what their interests are.

Earlier, I mentioned how helpful the advisors at Psychic Source were when I was facing relationship troubles.

Although there’s much we can learn about a situation from articles like this, nothing can truly compare to receiving a personalized reading from a gifted person.

From giving you clarity on the situation to supporting you as you make life-changing decisions, these advisors will empower you to make decisions with confidence.

Click here to get your personalized reading.

7) They bring out the best in you and your abilities, even if it’s something that’s challenging for you

If you suddenly find yourself feeling confident and capable of doing things that you normally couldn’t, that’s a sign that you have a spiritual connection with that person.

You see, this doesn’t have to be anything big or ambitious.

It could be something as simple as being able to speak in front of a group of people without stuttering or feeling nervous.

This could also be a sign that you feel more creative or inspired than usual when you’re around this person.

When two people are connected on a spiritual level, it can cause each of them to excel at whatever they put their minds to.

8) It feels like your souls are talking to each other without words

If you feel like you can communicate with the person you have a spiritual connection with even though you’re not saying a word, that’s a sign that you two are connected.

This could be a sign of telepathy between you two, or it could be that you just feel so close and connected to them that it almost feels like you’re one person.

This can be an amazing and beautiful thing, but it can also be a little bit scary.

When you have a spiritual connection with someone, you’re able to read and feel their emotions, thoughts, and desires.

This can sometimes make things a bit more complicated, but it can also be a lot of fun.

9) Something inside of you is telling you that they are meant to be in your life

If you have a gut feeling that this person was meant to be in your life, that’s a sign that you have a spiritual connection with them.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re meant to be in a romantic relationship with them.

It could be that you two are meant to be friends, or be in some sort of mentor/mentee type of relationship.

This feeling might come on all at once, or it might happen slowly over time.

You’ll just know that they are meant to be a part of your life.

Sometimes you might feel like you’re drawn to them or feel the need to be around them even though you don’t really know why.

This is your intuition telling you that you need to be around this person.

10) You feel as if something is guiding you and protecting you in their presence

If you feel like there is a force or power guiding you and protecting you in the presence of this person, that’s a sign that you have a spiritual connection with them.

This doesn’t mean that there is something out there like a guardian angel watching over you, but more that there is a sort of psychic energy between you two.

This could be the energy of love, or you could even be feeling like you’re connected to a higher power.

Whatever it is, you’ll know that there is something there with you.

Now you know how to tell if you have a spiritual connection with someone.

It’s important to remember that these signs don’t always mean that you’re meant to be with this person.

11) You have mutual respect

You should feel respect for this person, and they should have respect for you.

This is the key to any kind of spiritual connection. If you don’t feel respect for them, then it can’t be a spiritual connection.

It’s important that both of you are open to each other and respectful of one another.

If you can learn to respect your partner, then you’ll be able to build a really strong spiritual connection with them.

12) You feel at peace when you’re with them

You should feel at peace when you are with this person.

This is a sign that there is a sort of connection between you two, and an energy that connects you together.

When you feel at peace, it’s as if there is a weight lifted off your shoulders.

You should feel free and happy when you’re with them.

The thing is, when you are with someone who is connected to you on a soul level, your soul finally feels like it can relax and be at peace.

13) They make you feel better about yourself

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It’s important that your partner makes you feel good about yourself.

When you feel better about yourself, it makes you feel better about yourself, and that’s important for your spiritual well-being.

You have to treat yourself like a person first and not a piece of crap.

When someone makes you feel really good about yourself, that’s a good sign that they might be a good spiritual match for you.

14) You feel magnetically drawn to them

You should feel a pull to this person.

It’s important that you feel a strong pull toward this person.

This could be the feeling of a strong attraction or an intense force pulling you together.

Whatever it is, it should be something that you feel like you can’t control.

It’s like you’re being pulled to them, and it’s impossible for you to resist their pull on your soul.

When you feel this type of sensation, you most definitely have a spiritual connection with this person.

You see, your souls want to be together.

15) You can be your authentic self around them

Another sign that you have a spiritual connection with someone is that you can be your authentic self around them.

When you can be yourself with someone, it means that they are a good spiritual match for you.

You don’t have to put on a mask or act like something different around this person because they will understand who you are and accept it.

In fact, the more authentic you can be around someone, the more connected to them you’ll become.

It makes sense – when you can be yourself, there is no need to be tense and to wear a mask or pretend to be anyone else – you can just be yourself.

16) You would do anything for them and vice versa

When you have a soul connection with someone, you would do anything for them and vice versa.

You would fight for this person and you would die for them.

You would do anything to make sure that they are happy and in a good place, even if it means that you’re going to get hurt or sacrifice yourself.

When you have a soul connection with someone, there is no doubt that this person will be the most important person in your life.

Now: Be careful, make sure that this person is definitely someone you are connected to and who you can trust.

Being willing to do anything for someone is a big thing and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

17) You feel a strong attraction to them

Another sign that you have a soul connection with someone is that you feel a strong attraction to them.

You should feel extremely attracted to this person and they should be the most attractive person in your life.

This is something that you can’t control, and it’s something that you should be happy about.

When you are attracted to someone, there is definitely a spiritual connection with them – it’s very clear to see.

You can’t help but want this person and become romantically involved with them, even if it means taking risks or putting yourself out there for them.

Now: this sign will not always show up, some spiritual connections are not romantic in nature, and that’s okay.

If you are attracted to someone and it feels like a spiritual connection, just know that this person is meant for you and that you will be happy to have them in your life.

18) Your conversation never becomes forced or awkward

When you are with someone and your conversation isn’t awkward, you probably have a soul connection with them.

You don’t feel like you have to put on a front or pre-plan what to say, you just talk naturally.

You aren’t nervous or shy around someone and they don’t make you nervous or uncomfortable.

Your conversations are not forced, you can talk about anything and everything with them – it’s comfortable.

When this happens, there is definitely a spiritual connection with this person and you will be happy to spend time with them.

This is really nice, it allows you to be yourself and be comfortable with them.

Now: It’s okay if you don’t feel this way, it doesn’t mean that you are not meant to be with this person.

This is just a sign that your soul connection is there and it will be happy to have you in their life.

19) You share the same values

Having a spiritual connection with someone is often shown by the fact that they share the same values as you.

This doesn’t mean that you have to be a similar person, it just means that you both believe in the same things and want the same things for this world.

You don’t have to be best friends with this person, but you should be able to talk about these things and agree on them with them.

You will know if the connection is there when you get into discussions like this and find that you can talk about different topics without getting angry or upset at each other.

Now: It’s okay if your spiritual connection isn’t based on the same values as your partner, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t perfect for you or aren’t perfect for each other.

If your soul connection is based around different values than your partner, then it’s perfectly fine – and it’s something to be happy about, as long as your core values align.

20) You can tell when something is wrong

When you have a spiritual connection with someone, you can tell when something is wrong.

If you are with someone and you know that they are not feeling good and you aren’t able to help them, then this is a sign that the connection isn’t strong enough.

If you can’t tell that something isn’t right, then it means there isn’t a strong enough connection with your partner.

Now: This doesn’t mean that your connection is bad or wrong, it just means that it’s not as strong as it could be.

Simply put, it doesn’t mean that your connection is bad or wrong, it just means that there isn’t a very strong one.

But: It’s okay if your spiritual connection isn’t as strong as you would like (if this happens) because if this person really cares about you they will want the best for you.

21) You support each other

You can often tell a lot about what your partner is thinking and feeling by the way they support you.

If someone supports you, then this means that they are there for you when you need them and that they are happy to see you.

It’s also a sign of a strong connection if your partner shows their love through actions.

This means that they will do things to show their love such as cooking, doing things around the house, helping out with chores, etc.

Now: This doesn’t mean that your partner is perfect for you or that they have to be perfect in every way – it just means that if you have a spiritual connection with this person then everything will be okay and they will always support you.

22) You feel like you have known them a really long time

When you have a spiritual connection with someone and you feel like you have known them for a really long time, this is an indication of a strong connection.

It’s also a sign of a strong connection if your partner seems to know everything about you and feels like they can read your mind.

If this is the case then it means that your partner really cares about you, and if they care about you then it means that there will be no problems in the relationship.

Now: It’s okay if your spiritual connection isn’t as strong as it could be but it doesn’t mean that there will always be problems in the relationship – especially if your partner truly cares about you.

23) You feel close to each other when apart

You can often tell how close two people feel towards each other by how they feel when they are apart.

If two people don’t feel close when they are apart, then this usually means that their bond isn’t as strong or deep as it could be.

It’s also a sign of a strong connection if your partner is upset when you leave, or if they seem to miss you when you’re not around.

Now: It’s okay if your spiritual connection isn’t as strong as it could be but it doesn’t mean that there will never be any problems in the relationship – especially if your partner truly cares about you.

24) You feel they are special to you

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If you feel like this person is special to you, then this means that it is possible to have a strong spiritual connection with them.

It might feel as though they were made only for you, and they seem to be the perfect match for you.

You will probably feel like this person is special to you when you are in a relationship with them, and that usually happens when you feel like it’s ‘right’.

25) You feel an inexplicable urge to protect them

If you suddenly feel like you want to protect someone even though you have no real reason to, that’s a sign that you have a spiritual connection with them.

You might not know exactly why you’re feeling this way, but it’s a sign that a spiritual connection is there.

Protecting someone doesn’t have to have anything to do with shielding them from danger.

You can also be protective of people emotionally and mentally.

If you find yourself wanting to shield this person from all the negativity in the world, that’s a sign that you two are connected on a deeper level.

What now?

There are many reasons why two people might have a spiritual connection with each other.

They might be in your life to help you through a dark period, or to inspire you to become a better version of yourself.

They might also be there to help protect you and guide you when you need it most.

When you find yourself connected to someone on a deeper level, cherish it.

It’s an incredible thing to have someone in your life that you can trust, love, and rely on no matter what life throws at you.

We’ve covered spiritual connections but if you want to get a completely personalized explanation of this situation and where it’ll lead you in the future, I recommend speaking to the folks over at Psychic Source.

I mentioned them earlier on. When I got a reading from them, I was blown away by how kind and genuinely helpful they were.

Not only can they give you more direction on spiritual connections, but they can advise you on what’s really in store for your future.

Click here to get your own personal reading.

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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