20 ways to break free from social media addiction

Do you feel like social media is taking over your life?

It has become a new addiction, and it’s hard to break free.

Do you check your phone every five seconds? Do you spend more time than you would like on social media?

This article will teach you 20 ways to break free from social media addiction that will help take control of your life again.

Whether you want to take a break or go cold turkey, these 20 tips will help.

What is Social Media Addiction?

Social media addiction is a psychological disorder that can be characterized by excessive or compulsive use of online social networks.

Social media addiction is a psychological disorder that can be characterized by excessive or compulsive use of online social networks. It often leads to an inability to perform daily tasks, poor work performance, and withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings and depression when the individual tries to quit.

Social media addiction is a growing trend around the world, and it’s affecting people of all ages.

According to Psychology Today, One common sign that you are becoming more dependent on your apps is that you have to keep checking your phone because you feel anxious and desperate.

You want to know what your friends are up to, what the latest news is, and up-to-date gossip in celebrity culture. This is also known as the “fear of missing out.

Another common sign that you are building up an addiction to your apps is that you choose to stay on your phone and interact with your apps instead of engaging with your family and friends in face-to-face interactions.

This behavior is commonly referred to as “phubbing.” It’s when you opt-out of social events to stay on your phone instead.

We all have moments when we want to relax and engage in some downtime. But if you find that your social media apps are taking away from feeling joyful and vibrant in life, you might want to look a little closer at your habits and behaviors.

According to experts, if you want to know if your time on social media is turning into an addiction, ask yourself these five questions:

  • Do you feel the urge to use social media more and more?
  • Do you use social media to forget about personal problems?
  • Do you often try to reduce your use of social media without success?
  • Have you found yourself using social media so much that it has hurt your job or studies?
  • Do you use social media so much that it has harmed your job performance or studies?

Social networks can become an obsession to the point of addiction. Some people find it hard to control how often they check their accounts, even if they know they should not be doing so.

Social media addicts will often feel uncomfortable when they do not have access to their accounts for any period, no matter how short the time they spend using their apps.

The struggles of Social Media Addiction

The internet can be a very addicting place. Social media is often the culprit because it’s like a drug to many people. When you log on, it’s hard to stop scrolling and surfing through information.

You’ll get sucked into checking your phone every five seconds and spend more time than you would like watching random posts.

You’re not alone in this struggle. There are over 3.8 billion social media users worldwide. And the average person in the United States spends 2.5 hours on their smartphone every day.

Social media addiction can start as a harmless way to connect with friends and family. But just like anything else, too much of a good thing can quickly become a problem.

Social media addiction can lead to people feeling upset or left out when they’re not included in posts or stories. It could also lead people to feel lonely after spending hours on their phones instead of interacting with others around them.

Social media users may also find that they are comparing themselves to the lives of others who share their posts and pictures on social media sites.

Many users report feeling addicted to their accounts, but there are ways to break free that will help take control of your life again. If you’re struggling with an addiction to social media, it’s important to remember that you are not the only one.

Social media addiction is a growing concern among teens and adults alike. The number of people who feel addicted to social media apps is only expected to rise in the coming years, so it’s important to know the warning signs of social media addiction.

It’s time to take back control!

Want to break free from social media addiction?

Here are 20 ways that you can break free from your Social Media Addiction:

1) Out of sight, out of mind

Keep your phone out of sight and put it in a safe place at night so you are not tempted to look at the time when you should be sleeping.

If someone you wake up during the middle of the night, you might want to see what time it is, or get lost in thought and want to research an idea and start checking your apps. So, keeping your phone out of reach will help you stay away from it and get back to sleep.

2) No texting during dinner or family events

Try to have times when you decide that you won’t text. This could be during dinner, on a date, or at family events.

The phone should be put away, and the conversation is to focus on what’s happening in front of you.

Texting can wait, it takes some consideration and boundaries to decide how you want to approach it.

3) No texting after 9 p.m

Try no texting after a specific time in the evening. Set a boundary for yourself and decide how late you will be on your phone or computer.

If you do this, you’ll find it easier to wind down and get some sleep. This will help your relationships and make you feel healthier in general.

It’s perfectly reasonable to have time to settle down in the evening without worrying about other people.

This habit ruins your sleep cycle and interferes with getting a good night’s rest, so put the phone down before you go to bed and allow yourself a break from the constant stimulation of the digital world.

4) No checking your phone while driving

No checking your phone while driving; it’s incredibly dangerous and is the most common cause of auto accidents.  It can also distract you from other people on the road, which makes it a hazard to their lives as well.


You can wait until you’re parked to check your messages or answer calls, but don’t do it while driving! If you need to make an important call or text, pull over first!

5) Turn off notifications on your phone

It’s very easy to get caught up in the digital world and forget that there are still things we need to do offline too, such as sleeping, working, or spending time with friends and family members.

If your notifications are turned off, you will be less tempted to constantly glance at the screen of your phone.

6) Limit the amount of time you spend on social media each day

Create a set number of minutes per day that you can spend on social media.

If you want to spend an hour per day on social media, make sure you only log in for 30 minutes at a time.

This way, you’ll be able to control how much time you’re spending on social media. This will help with your mental health and focus more attention on other things in life, like family or friends.

It is important not to allow yourself this type of “escape” because it can have negative effects on your well-being if used excessively or at inappropriate times during the day.

7) Delete social media apps from your phone

To reduce the amount of time you spend on them, delete social media apps from your phone that you don’t use.

It’s important not only to limit how much time you spend in front of a screen but also what types of screens and content those hours are spent viewing.

If you need to, you can check them on your computer at set times. But try to at least limit your apps on your phone to keep the ones that you need and use for work.

8) Don’t worry about what others think of you

It’s not worth it to put yourself through that stress and anxiety because they have different phone and texting habits.

Focus on what you need and what you want to prioritize in your life.

You can use your apps to stay in contact with the digital world, but this is ultimately your choice.

9) Detach yourself from technology at set times during the day

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Try some phone-free times. For example, disconnecting for one hour in the morning and then reconnecting with your phone or computer after that time is a great way to get some peace of mind and avoid being constantly distracted by technology throughout the day.

Disconnecting from our phones can help us focus on what we are doing instead of checking social media profiles. Some people even use this technique during their workday to be more productive because they won’t have anything else distracting them while they’re at work!

10) Engage in other activities with people instead of being on an app

The best way to break a habit is to replace it with another activity.

Sometimes, it’s best to spend time alone and take a break from socializing if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your digital interactions.

Digital technology can be great for connecting with people online or through text messages but sometimes we should disconnect and focus on ourselves rather than our devices.

This is especially true when we feel like we need some downtime, as in cases of anxiety or depression where these feelings may be amplified by the presence of gadgets around us all day long. In such situations, spending time offline can help get back into balance without hurting productivity at work.

11) Be present in the moment

This is a common phrase that many people say to themselves or others when they are trying not to get caught up in their thoughts and emotions during difficult times, but it’s also an important reminder of how we should approach our lives.

It can be easy for us to lose sight of what is going on around us because we’re so busy thinking about everything else instead of just living life one day at a time.

For this practice to work, you have got have good self-awareness and mindfulness skills; otherwise, your mind will constantly wander into negative thought patterns that take away from the experience rather than enhance it.

12) Take a break

One of the best ways to get out of your addiction is to take a break from social media.

You can try taking a two-week break from social media or even a month.

In the past few years, many people have found that taking a break has helped them avoid becoming addicted in the future.

A break could be just what you need to sort out your priorities and start anew.

However, if you’re not sure how long of a break you should take, we recommend talking with your doctor about what time frame might work for you.

13) Delete social media apps from your phone and use them on your computer

This is a more dramatic step. After you delete the app from your phone, you will not be able to use it as easily.

It can be a tough habit to break if social media is more accessible on your phone.

So, take the first step and delete those apps from your phone. You can always put them back on if necessary!

14) Live in the moment

We often find ourselves scrolling through our social media feeds mindlessly, not thinking about the significance of what we’re clicking on.

We go from one thing to another, not absorbing anything. But if you want to beat social media addiction, you have to change this habit.

Make a point to take a step back and live in the moment. Notice your surroundings, the people around you, or what you’ve done lately.

This will help your brain focus on something other than social media for a few minutes!

15) Schedule a rich social life in real-time with real people

Instead of scrolling through your phone, make plans to see friends in person.

Instead of scrolling through your phone, make plans to see friends in person. This will help you stay more connected with the people around you and create a new social circle that can add value to your life.

Schedule a dinner date or coffee with a friend that you haven’t seen in a while. If you want to take some time away from social media, then put your phone away and enjoy the conversation you’re having with the person right in front of you.

16) Take up a new course or challenge

If you want to break free from social media addiction, one way to do so is by taking up a new course or challenge.

Challenging yourself can be a great way to take your mind off of social media and focus on other things.

This will help take your mind off of what you’re doing online and get your focus on learning something new. Another option is to take up a hobby like painting, cooking, or even rock climbing.

The more time you can spend outside, the better. Taking time to do activities like these will allow you to step away from the screen and enjoy activities outside of social media.

17) Replace your time online with a different activity

If you’re addicted to using social media, then try replacing some of that time with something else.

Instead of spending two hours on Facebook, spend that time reading a book. If you’re an avid Instagrammer, then spend that time writing a short story.

The point is to not give up social media altogether but to replace some of your time with something else. This will help you get your mind off of social media and onto something else that interests you.

18) Take a break from social media

If all else fails and you’re still struggling to break free from social media addiction, then consider taking a break from it altogether!

You don’t have to delete your account or stop using it completely, but maybe take some time off for yourself. You can set the timer on your phone for one day or even two days without logging into your social media accounts.

This will help you break the habit of spending too much time on social media and allow you to enjoy other activities in your life!

19) Stop “liking” content

According to Psychology Today, engaging with the “like” button on social media apps increases their addictive qualities.

The article mentions that a lot of people are addicted to the dopamine release they get when someone likes or comments on their post, and they can’t stop using these apps without feeling withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and depression.

It also states that this can lead some users into an online addiction because there is no way out–they’re stuck in a cycle where they need more validation from other sources than just themselves.

20) Visit a friend

Social media is like an online party, where you’re surrounded by friends, but it’s not real life. The problem with this is that people tend to forget about the real world when they’re hanging out on social media.

The more time you spend on these apps, the more out-of-touch with reality you become. This is why some people find it hard to connect in person–they’ve lost touch with what real interaction feels like and don’t know how to handle it anymore.

In conclusion,

According to Psychology Today, the best way to overcome addiction is through increasing our sense of human connection.

It’s important to find ways to build meaningful bonds with your friends, neighbors, and family. If you’re feeling lonely, try reaching out to others and making new friends. You may be surprised at how much closer you feel to the people in your life!

Be sure to surround yourself with positive, supportive people–this will help keep you grounded and make it easier for you to focus on the real world instead of the online one.

If you are trying to break the habit of your social media app addiction, trying our recommended list of changes can help make a difference in the habits that have been taking over your life.

You can also read more to learn how to use social media apps to your advantage, like improving your mental health.

The more you can limit your use, discipline your behavior, and surround yourself with good relationships, the more you can decide how you want to prioritize your time away from the apps and take control back of your life.

Remember these apps are made to be addictive, so be strong and good luck!

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Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing for Ideapod to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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