7 signs you’re way more popular than you think

Popularity isn’t always about being the loudest person in the room or having the most friends on social media.

In fact, it often comes down to how you’re perceived by others, and you might be surprised to find out that you’re way more popular than you think.

This can show up in subtle signs and behaviors that you might not even notice.

So, let’s take a look at 7 signs that suggest you’re actually way more popular than you give yourself credit for.

1) People seek your company

Popularity isn’t about having a huge number of friends. In fact, it’s more about the quality of your relationships.

And one of the biggest signs of your popularity might have been right under your nose: people seeking your company.

Think about it. Do your friends and colleagues often invite you for social events? Do they reach out to you for advice or just for a chat?

This is a clear indication that they value your presence and opinions. They trust you and enjoy spending time with you.

2) You receive unexpected messages

Here’s a personal sign I’ve noticed in my own life which might resonate with you too.

One day, I was going through my messages, and I realized that I often receive unexpected texts or calls. They weren’t always about something important; sometimes they were just random questions, cute memes, or simple ‘how are you’ texts.

This got me thinking: Why would someone take time out of their day to message me if they didn’t think of me fondly?

When people reach out to you unexpectedly, it’s usually because they have a positive association with you. They enjoy your company and feel comfortable enough to strike up a conversation.

So, next time you get an unexpected message, don’t dismiss it. It’s likely a sign that you’re more popular than you think.

3) You’re present and attentive

Community 7 signs you’re way more popular than you think

The art of being popular isn’t just about being liked by others, it’s about how you make them feel. And a big part of that is mindfulness.

Mindfulness, as I talk about in my book, The Art of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Living in the Moment, is about being fully present and attentive to the people you’re interacting with.

When you actively listen to what someone is saying and show genuine interest, it creates a deep connection. People feel heard, valued and appreciated.

And guess what? They will naturally want to spend more time with you.

4) You’re often the mediator

Conflict is a part of life and we’ve all been caught in the middle of it at some point. But have you noticed that when disagreements arise among your friends or colleagues, you’re often the one they turn to?

Becoming the go-to mediator is actually a sign of popularity. It shows that people trust your judgement, value your perspective, and believe that you can handle difficult situations with grace and fairness.

While it can be stressful to be in this position, it’s also a testament to the high regard people have for you. So next time you find yourself playing peacemaker, take a moment to appreciate the trust others have placed in you. It’s a clear sign that you’re more popular than you might think.

5) You’re comfortable with silence

Here’s a counter-intuitive sign: You’re comfortable with silence.

Most people tend to associate popularity with being outgoing and talkative. However, being comfortable with silence when you’re with others can actually be a sign of popularity.

Silence isn’t always awkward. It can be a sign of a deep connection, where words are not always necessary to communicate or enjoy each other’s company.

If you notice that you can share silent moments with friends without feeling the need to fill the space, it shows that you’re comfortable and secure in your relationships. And more importantly, it means your friends are comfortable around you too.

6) You get genuine compliments

Compliments can often be given out of politeness or obligation, but when they’re genuine, they take on a whole new meaning.

Pay attention to the compliments you receive. Are they about your character or your actions? Do people appreciate your sense of humor, your kindness, or your reliability?

These aren’t just nice words; they’re a reflection of how people see you. They’re acknowledging the positive impact you have on their lives.

7) You’re happy with who you are

At the end of the day, the most significant sign of your popularity is how you feel about yourself.

Popularity isn’t about winning a popularity contest; it’s about being comfortable in your own skin and loving who you are.

When you’re genuinely happy with who you are, it radiates outwards and attracts people towards you. They admire your self-confidence and feel at ease around you.

And if you can look in the mirror and say that you’re happy with the person looking back at you, then that’s the best sign of all that you’re more popular than you think.

Final thoughts: The essence of popularity

Popularity isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. It’s subjective, deeply intertwined with our personalities, relationships, and how we perceive ourselves.

The seven signs we’ve discussed provide a fresh perspective on popularity. But ultimately, they all point to one crucial insight: It’s not about impressing others, but about being genuine, mindful and comfortable with who you are.

If you’re able to achieve that, you’d be surprised how attractive you become to others. This is a form of magnetism that I talk about in my book The Art of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Living in the Moment. A state of being where you’re not just living life but truly experiencing it.

So, as you go through your day, take a moment to reflect. Are you living your life authentically? Are you mindful of your interactions with others?

Because if you are, chances are, you’re more popular than you think. And that’s something worth celebrating.

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Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the editor of Ideapod and founder of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 6 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. If you to want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter or Facebook.

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