6 signs your friend may be a narcissist

Have you ever noticed that one of your friends always seems to be the center of attention? 

You know, the one who talks endlessly about themselves, their achievements, and their stuff, leaving little space for anyone else’s thoughts or feelings?

Or they frequently ditch plans at the last minute, claiming their needs are more important than yours. If so, those aren’t just annoying quirks; they could be signs of narcissism. 

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition that affects millions of people, and it can be difficult to spot. 

In this article, we’re diving into six warning signs that your friend may be a narcissist. 

From being overly full of themselves and thinking they’re entitled to manipulating others to lacking empathy, we’ll unravel the clues that hint at narcissistic personality disorder.

So, whether you’re worried about your friendship or just curious about how a narcissist’s mind works, keep reading to learn more.

1) They always make everything about them

Sure, this friend can be fun. They’ve got this contagious laugh and a knack for turning even the most boring stuff into something fascinating.

But over time, it feels like you’re stuck in a conversation loop—the Friend Show, starring Friend, directed by Friend, and written by, you guessed it, Friend.

It’s not that they’re uninterested in what you have to say. They listen, nod, and even ask follow-up questions. But then, somehow, magically, the conversation always veers back to them

Your big promotion? “Oh, that reminds me of the time I…” 

Your heartbreak over a breakup? Cue a tale of their even more dramatic relationship issues.

I’m not saying that your friend is a bad person, but you know in your heart that something just feels off.

And that’s when you start to wonder: Is this just a typical friendship dynamic, or is there more to it?

Because it’s not just about being self-absorbed; it’s a genuine lack of interest in your world, your experiences, and your feelings.

They might seem supportive on the surface, but their support always comes with a condition: it has to somehow tie back to them.

Now, I’m not a psychologist, so I can’t diagnose anyone with narcissism.

But I do know this: real friendship goes both ways.

So if you feel like you’re constantly fading into the background, lost in someone else’s story, then maybe it’s time to re-evaluate the friendship.

2) They lie frequently

It usually starts small—innocent things that don’t feel like a big deal.

Maybe they borrowed your shirt and conveniently “forgot” to give it back. Or they claim to have met a celebrity, only later admitting it was photoshopped.

Over time, the lies start piling up.

You start noticing small inconsistencies and how they casually tweak the truth to make themselves more interesting. 

Missed deadlines become “unexpected plot twists,” and minor inconveniences turn into epic struggles against adversity.

The worst part? It was all unnecessary. As narcissists, they always find a way to reshape reality to fit the narrative they want.

So, what’s the bottom line?

A harmless white lie every now and then might be okay, but when it turns into a habit, breaking trust and harming your friendship, it might be time to reassess.

After all, true friendship is built on honesty and transparency. They might not always tell you what you want to hear, but they’ll tell you what you need to know.

3) They don’t care about boundaries

Remember that weekend you needed to unplug and recharge? Suddenly, your friend’s having a life crisis and needs your immediate support (at 3 AM, no less).

Or the way they drop in unannounced, interrupting your dinner with family or a long-awaited date night. It’s like your plans and personal space are just suggestions they can politely ignore when it’s convenient.

And it’s not just about physical boundaries, either. 

Your emotional walls just seem to fall apart every time you spill a juicy “secret” meant for their ears only, only to find it plastered all over social media the next day.

This constant disregard for boundaries, big and small, is a telling sign that your friend may be a narcissist. After spending time with them, you might also notice feeling drained, exposed, and downright manipulated.

It’s as if your time, energy, and privacy were resources they could tap into whenever they needed a recharge, without considering the cost to you.

Yet, despite the mounting evidence, you might still find yourself excusing their behavior.

You might tell yourself, “Maybe they’re just going through a tough time.” Or perhaps they don’t realize the impact they’re having on you.

Unfortunately, narcissists rarely change.

They may adjust their tactics, but their core desire for power and control remains the same. And as long as you continue to enable them, they’ll keep taking advantage of your good nature.

if someone uses these phrases they might be subtly manipulating you 6 signs your friend may be a narcissist

4) They’re never wrong

It’s not that they’re always wrong, of course. 

We all have our blind spots and our moments of stubbornness. 

But with this friend, it’s like being trapped in a debate club. You can present facts and logic, and they’ll still find a way to twist it back and make it fit their narrative. 

But here’s the thing: true friendship isn’t a competition for who’s right or wrong. 

It’s a safe space where you can express ideas, explore different perspectives, and even disagree without it turning into a verbal boxing match. 

With a narcissist friend, however, that freedom vanishes. It’s exhausting, mentally draining, and can leave you feeling like you’re walking on eggshells around them. 

Every conversation becomes a battlefield, with them constantly trying to prove their point and you struggling to maintain your own identity and autonomy.

The worst part is that they may not even realize the impact their behavior is having on you. 

They may genuinely believe that they’re simply “debating” or “discussing” topics without recognizing the emotional toll their constant arguing and nitpicking is taking on you.

The truth is, we all get things wrong sometimes. But when being right becomes an obsession and differing opinions are treated like acts of betrayal, then it’s time to step back.

Because true friendship isn’t about declaring winners and losers. It’s about building each other up, supporting each other’s growth, and celebrating the beauty of diverse perspectives. 

5) They’re prone to anger and aggression

It’s not that they throw tantrums every time things don’t go their way. 

No, it was more like barely contained steam threatening to erupt at the slightest nudge. But when it did, oh boy, it did. 

It’s like you’re constantly walking on eggshells and second-guessing yourself around them. 

You’re afraid to express your true thoughts, never quite sure what would trigger their next emotional outburst.

When your friend’s a narcissist, a simple suggestion from you can turn into a verbal assault, where your words are twisted and weaponized against you. 

They have a way of shutting down any conversation that dared to challenge their opinion. Despite your best efforts to keep the peace, there’s always going to be drama. 

So you begin to wonder if it’s worth it—if the friendship is worth the constant stress and anxiety. 

But then, in rare moments of calm, you catch glimpses of the person you once knew—the friend you used to have. It’s giving you hope that maybe, just maybe, things can improve.

Yet, the pattern repeats itself, and you’re left wondering if you’re just fooling yourself or if this friendship is beyond repair. 

It’s a painful realization, but one that may ultimately be necessary for your own mental health and well-being. 

Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to walk away and acknowledge that some friendships are toxic and cannot be salvaged.

6) They ghost or discard relationships when they’re done

Narcissists aren’t bad at making friends. 

They could actually weave magic with their words, drawing you into their energy and seemingly genuine warmth. But then, they could vanish just as quickly, leaving you wondering if the connection was ever real. 

When a narcissist friend doesn’t need you anymore, they’ll stop answering your texts, your calls will be ignored, and your invitations will be met with radio silence. 

It’s a confusing and frustrating experience, to say the least. One minute, you’re basking in their attention and admiration. The next, you’re left feeling ignored and unimportant.

The inconsistency of their behavior can be maddening. You may find yourself constantly guessing, trying to figure out what you did wrong and how you can fix it. 

You may even start to doubt your own perceptions and memories, wondering if you’re just being paranoid or oversensitive.

But here’s the thing: it’s not you. It’s them. 

Narcissists are master manipulators, and they use their charm and charisma to control and exploit those around them. 

It’s a harsh reality to face, but they’re not capable of forming healthy, equal relationships because their entire sense of self-worth is built on the admiration and adoration of others.

So, when they suddenly disappear or ignore you, it’s not because you’ve done anything wrong. It’s because they’ve gotten what they wanted from you, and now they’re moving on to the next target. 

Final thoughts

Recognizing these signs in a friend can be tough. Keep in mind that narcissism is a spectrum, and some people may show these traits without meaning harm.

Although dealing with these traits can be challenging, remember that people can change and grow. If your friend is open to self-reflection and seeking help, positive change is possible.

However, their journey is up to them. 

The most important thing is to prioritize your own well-being and surround yourself with those who value and treat you kindly.

Picture of Julienne Merza

Julienne Merza

Hey, I'm Julienne - a freelance writer with a passion for all things spiritual, wellness, and personal growth. I practice slow living in the countryside, where I have constant access to trees, wildflowers, and bodies of water. I love romanticizing the mundane and finding magic in life's simple moments. Through my work, I aspire to share my stories of healing and overcoming. If you feel aligned with my energy, please say hi to me on Instagram: @irishjulienne

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