16 signs your ex doesn’t miss you and has already moved on

‍Are you wondering if your ex still misses you and hasn’t moved on, or whether they’re perfectly happy being single and dating other people?

The answer is usually somewhere in between, but there are some clear signs that will tell you one way or the other.

Here are 16 signs your ex doesn’t miss you and has moved on already:

1) You’ve been dumped

If your relationship was bad and they were the one who ended it, it’s likely that your ex doesn’t miss you and has already moved on.

If you were the one who ended it and your ex was upset about it, they might still miss you but probably don’t want to be in a relationship with you now.

People who have been dumped often have trouble getting over their exes.

They might have extreme feelings of sadness, longing, and desire for the relationship to continue.

If your ex has already moved on, they’ll probably be over their sadness and not be longing for the relationship to continue.

If you were the one who ended the relationship, they’ll probably still be sad and longing for the relationship to continue.

However, if they dumped you, I’m sorry to break it to you, but they probably had their reasons.

Maybe it had nothing to do with you as a person, but they made the decision to end the relationship for whatever reason.

Getting to that conclusion is usually pretty difficult, and the fact that they made that choice means that they have probably made up their mind about it.

This means, theionesind won’t be changed easily, whether you’re the one who ended it or not.

So, to put it simply, if they were the one who dumped you, there is a pretty good chance that they don’t miss you as much as you miss them.

2) The relationship was bad

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If your relationship was bad or abusive, your ex probably doesn’t miss you and has moved on.

If your relationship was bad and was ending, but you were the one who ended the relationship, your ex might still miss you and want you back in their life.

You see, if your relationship was bad and both of you were happy to end it, your ex might not miss you but they are probably not dating anyone else.

They might be upset about the breakup and still be longing for the relationship to continue.

However, if your ex ended the relationship but does not miss you, they might have moved on already.

The thing is, if a relationship is really bad and maybe even abusive, both partners are usually better off if it ends.

It’s always better to end a relationship than to be involved in an abusive one, and if your ex did end the relationship out of their own free will, they probably don’t miss you as much as you miss them.

Now: if you were in a relationship that felt unhealthy and toxic, then you might not be fully over it yet.

Especially with unhealthy relationships, people tend to miss their exes a lot.

However, that doesn’t change the fact that you are better off without them.

And to tell you the truth, if the relationship was really bad, your ex probably doesn’t miss you that much.

3) What would a relationship coach say?

While the signs in this article will help you deal with your ex getting over you, it can be helpful to speak to a relationship coach about your situation.

With a professional relationship coach, you can get advice tailored to the specific issues you’re facing in your love life.

Relationship Hero is a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people navigate complex and difficult love situations, like getting over an ex.

They’re popular because they genuinely help people solve problems.

Why do I recommend them?

Well, after going through difficulties in my own love life, I reached out to them a few months ago.

After feeling helpless for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship, including practical advice on how to overcome the issues I was facing.

I was blown away by how genuine, understanding, and professional they were.

In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice specific to your situation.

Click here to get started.

4) Your ex is loving their freedom

If your ex is loving their freedom and isn’t interested in relationships, they probably don’t miss you and have moved on.

If your relationship was bad and both of you were happy to end it, your ex probably doesn’t miss you and is not interested in dating anyone else.

You see, it will be difficult to see whether or not your ex is loving their freedom, but maybe you notice that they are traveling a lot, which is a pretty good indicator that they don’t miss you.

Your ex might also be dating someone else and might not be interested in getting into another relationship.

They might also just be traveling a lot, but that’s not necessarily a sign that they don’t miss you.

Or perhaps your ex is sleeping around, having lots of different partners.

Whatever it is, if it seems as though your ex is loving their freedom, they might not miss you and are over you already.

5) They’ve deleted pictures of you

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If your ex has removed all of the pictures of you from their social media accounts, it’s likely that they don’t miss you and have already moved on.

You see, sometimes people remove those pictures because they are still hurting and can’t bear to look at them anymore.

In that case, sure, your ex might still miss you and be interested in getting back together.

However, if your ex has removed all of the pictures of you from their social media accounts, it’s a pretty safe bet that they don’t miss you and are over you already.

Removing pictures is often one of the final steps of really coming to terms with the fact that you are no longer together.

You see, there is nothing wrong with removing pictures of you from social media.

If your ex is doing that, it’s probably because they are over you.

6) They act indifferent when you’re together

If your ex is indifferent when you’re together, it’s likely that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

The thing is, if an ex-partner feels bad, people usually care about them and will try to make them feel better.

However, if your ex is indifferent when you’re together, it’s a pretty good indicator that they don’t miss you and are over you already.

If your ex acts indifferent when you’re together, it may be because they are still too hurt to really care about being with someone else.

They may also be feeling guilty for hurting you and just not wanting to get into another relationship.

If that’s the case, they probably don’t miss you or think about being with someone else at all.

It’s pretty safe to say that an ex who acts completely indifferent to you is already over you and doesn’t really miss you anymore.

7) Your ex doesn’t respond to your texts or calls

If your ex doesn’t respond to your texts or calls, it’s likely that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

I know, it can be difficult to stop reaching out to your ex, especially if you feel like you are still in love with them.

But if they don’t respond to your texts or calls, you are just making a fool out of yourself here.

In fact, it’s likely that your ex has already moved on and doesn’t care about you anymore.

It would be pretty sad for them to be keeping in touch with you just to make you feel better.

It really shows that they are no longer hung up on you, which means they don’t miss you and probably aren’t interested in getting back together.

If your ex doesn’t respond to your texts or calls, it’s almost certainly because they are over you already.

They could also be ignoring the messages out of sheer disinterest or because they simply don’t care or have moved on. That’s perfectly fine too! You can move on too!

Don’t feel as though you need to be hung up on your ex forever, you can move on!

8) Your ex isn’t interested in meeting up for coffee or lunch anymore

If your ex isn’t interested in meeting up for coffee or lunch anymore, it’s likely that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

You see, some exes like to still hang out from time to time, especially when they still miss each other.

But if they aren’t interested in seeing you anymore, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you or are over you already.

They either don’t care about you anymore or have moved on and are interested in someone else.

It’s not a good idea to try and drag them back into your life by trying to meet up for coffee or lunch when they’re not interested anymore.

Don’t be so stubborn as to insist on meetingfromwith your ex when they aren’t interested in seeing you anymore!

Instead, use this as an opportunity to move on form them and just do your own thing.

9) They never reach out to you

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If your ex has never reached out to you, it’s likely that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

Some exes who miss each other will reach out by sending a quick message, calling, or dm-ing you on Instagram

But if your ex has never reached out to you, it’s almost certain that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

They either don’t care about you anymore or have moved on and are interested in someone else.

So, if they haven’t reached out to you during this time of healing, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

You can use this time to move on and do your own thing without thinking about them.

10) They’ve been getting along with their current partner really well

If your ex gets along really well with their current partner, it’s likely that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

Some people who are still in love with their ex will get jealous and start acting crazy if their ex starts to get along with someone else better than them.

But if your ex gets along really well with their current partner, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

They either don’t care about you anymore or have moved on and want to be happy with their current partner.

So, if your ex is getting along really well with someone else, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you or are over you already.

Maybe you see them post pictures online, or you can see that they are getting along really well with their current partner.

So, if they are getting along with their current partner, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you or are over you already.

11) They stopped following you on social media

A pretty big indicator that your ex doesn’t miss you is if they stop following you on social media.

Some exes will not be able to get over their ex, and will continue to follow them on social media for a long time after their breakup.

But if your ex stops following you on social media, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

You see, when you keep following an ex, you want to know what they are up to and keep tabs on their life.

But if your ex stops following you on social media, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you or are over you already.

They don’t care about seeing your stories or posts and they just want you out of their life.

This is pretty significant and just means that you are not their priority anymore, sorry.

12) They’ve been flirting with other people

If your ex has been flirting with other people, it’s likely that they don’t miss you or have moved on.

If your ex starts flirting with other people, it can be a pretty big indicator that they are over you already.

It’s also pretty common for exes to flirt with other people after a breakup as a way to feel better about themselves, but if your ex starts flirting with lots of people, they might have also moved on.

If your ex is flirting with someone else, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you or are over you already.

You see, flirting with other people can be both – a way to distract yourself from having to break up with someone you love, or a way to simply show that you’ve moved on from your ex.

13) Their friends tell you

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If you are still in contact with your ex’s friends, and they tell you they have moved on or don’t miss you, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you or are over you already.

Sure, this might be a little tricky because people don’t often talk to their ex’s friends a lot after a breakup, but if you get a chance, that is the safest possible way of telling that your ex doesn’t miss you or is over you.

You see, when your ex’s friends tell you that they have moved on, it’s likely that they don’t miss you or are over you.

On the other hand, if your ex’s friends tell you that they miss and love you, it’s pretty safe to say that they care about their ex and probably have feelings for them still.

14) They had a glow-up

Did your ex have a glow-up recently?

If your ex had a glow-up recently, it’s likely that they don’t miss you or are over you.

A glow-up is when someone has a sudden change in appearance and behavior after a breakup.

They might start dressing better, being more positive and upbeat, or just being generally nicer to people, but if your ex had a glow-up recently and acted differently towards you after the breakup, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you or are over you already.

You see, when you have a glow-up, it means that you are improving in every aspect of your life.

Maybe you start working out, start smiling more, or start being more positive and cheerful.

This is a great thing, but it’s also something that many people do once they are finally over their ex, so if your ex had a glow-up, they probably don’t miss you.

15) They’re dating other people

If your ex is already dating someone else, it’s likely that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

If you were the one who ended the relationship, your ex might still miss you but they have probably moved on already.

You see, sometimes people date other people because they miss their ex, trying to distract themselves.

However, more often than not, if someone is dating other people they don’t really miss you anymore.

And if they really miss you, they would have told you that.

If your ex is dating someone else, it’s a pretty safe bet that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

And if they do, it’s up to them to tell you, so I’d be on the safe side and assume they have already moved on.

Before you go off and start dating new people, too, I would really advise you to take some time and instead heal from your breakup.

It’s always better to heal from a breakup before getting into another one.

16) They gave you back all of your things

If your ex gives back all of your things, it’s likely that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

Some people keep things from their ex so that they have an excuse to see them again, without feeling like they are being clingy.

But if your ex gives back all of your things, it’s pretty safe to say that they don’t miss you and have moved on.

They either don’t care about you anymore or have moved on and are interested in someone else, and don’t want anything to do with you.

So, if they give you back all your stuff, take this as a sign that this is the final goodbye and you will not see them anymore.

It’s completely normal to feel hurt and sad when your ex gives back all of your stuff, but it’s important to move on from them.

What now?

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These are the signs that your ex doesn’t miss you and has already moved on.

If your ex is showing several of these signs, it’s likely that they’ve already found someone new or are perfectly happy being single.

If you’re wondering whether your ex misses you and hasn’t moved on yet, keep an eye out for these signs.

My biggest tip?

Don’t get hung up wondering whether or not your ex has already moved on or still misses you.

The relationship is over, and while that is sad and terrible, it is also a new opportunity for you to find happiness with someone else.

So, instead of wondering about your ex, use this time to heal and move on from them!

But while the tips in this article should help you figure out if your ex has moved on, there’s only so much you can do alone.

If you genuinely want your ex back, you need the help of a professional.

I’ve mentioned Brad Browning throughout this article – he’s the best at helping couples move past their issues and reconnect on a genuine level.

His tried and tested methods won’t just re-spark your ex’s interest in you, but they’ll also help you avoid making the same mistakes you made in the past.

So if you really want a shot at getting back together with your ex for good, check out his excellent free video below.

Here’s the link once again.

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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