Are you wondering if you will get back together with your ex again?
Sometimes, it’s better to close a chapter for good, while other times, there is an honest chance for reconciliation.
Today, we’ll look at signs that you will never get back together, as well as some signs that you will!
Signs you will never get back together
Let’s start with the signs that you will never get back together with your ex.
It’s important to know when to give up hope, so make sure you are being honest with yourself when considering these signs.
1) There is no trust between you
Trust is the foundation of any lasting relationship, including a romantic one.
If you don’t trust your ex, then you’re likely to be suspicious or guarded around him or her.
If you’re constantly looking to your partner for reassurance and feeling like you have to guard your words, then you certainly don’t have the same level of trust you had at the start of your relationship.
It takes time to learn to fully trust someone, but if trust is lost, it can be incredibly difficult to get back.
You see, if you can’t trust your ex, it’s likely that any other aspect of your relationship has suffered as well.
Your communication will likely be poor, as you’ll feel nervous about sharing too much, and you’ll be hesitant to express your feelings and concerns.
If you want to get back together with your ex after a breakup, the best thing you can do is to show your ex that you can be trusted once again.
If you were dishonest during the relationship, make a point of being honest once again.
If there were things you kept secret from your ex, let your ex know that you no longer have any secrets.
Now: this also depends on why your relationship ended in the first place. If there was lying or a betrayal, it might be a lot harder to reconcile.
2) Confidence and happiness plummet when you’re together
Well, this is a no-brainer, isn’t it?
If you are constantly feeling down, sad and depressed when you’re around your ex, it is a clear sign that you will never get back together again.
It is a clear indication that you are not happy and confident around your ex.
This happens because when you are around your ex, you are constantly reminded of the breakup, your insecurities, what you lack, and what your ex is or is not doing.
When you are around your ex, you might feel a strong need to prove yourself, to show that you have grown as a person, to prove that you have changed, and to show that you are confident and happy with the choices you have made.
Simply put, if your confidence and happiness plummet when you’re together, that’s a pretty big red flag that you should walk the other way.
3) You don’t have the same goals or expectations for the future
If your relationship was serious, you might have made plans for the future together.
If you broke up and you still have the same goals and expectations for the future, then you might get back together with your ex, because your breakup will be a temporary one.
However, if you broke up and you no longer want the same things, then you will never get back together with your ex.
You will want different things and go in different directions, so a breakup is only to be expected.
You see, maybe that was even the cause of the whole breakup.
The thing is, for a relationship to work, you need to have the same goals for the future or at least compatible ones.
You can’t want two completely different things, like living in the city chasing the corporate dream and living in the countryside with five kids and a garden.
Trust me on this, if your goals and expectations are vastly different, you will spare yourself some heartache by not getting back together.
4) You don’t have the same values
Every relationship starts out with common values and interests, but as time passes, even the strongest couples have to put their foot down and start drawing the line on some things.
This can be incredibly challenging, especially if both of you have strong personalities.
If you broke up and you don’t have the same values, then you will never get back together with your ex, because you will feel that you are being untrue to yourself and compromising your integrity.
You will be happier creating your own path and remaining single instead of being untrue to yourself and your beliefs.
You see, it’s hard to be in a relationship with someone who has different values than you.
It will only make you unhappy further down the line.
5) You’re on bad terms currently
If you broke up because you were constantly fighting and engaging in a tug-of-war over each other, then you will likely not get back together.
If you are on bad terms currently, you will likely not get back together.
A lot of relationships end because the couple has grown apart and they are simply growing in different directions.
However, if you are on bad terms, you will likely not get back together and work on your relationship.
You see, if the breakup wasn’t amicable, then you will never get back together.
You will have too many bad feelings and grudges to overcome, and you will never be able to move on and rebuild your relationship.
6) Ex constantly brings up old mistakes and hurts
If your ex brings up old hurts and mistakes, it is a sign that your ex is not over your relationship.
It is a sign that your ex is not ready for a new relationship.
You see, if you are still bombarded with everything you did wrong, then your ex is not ready to date again.
This is because your ex is still hurt and angry from the breakup, and your ex will likely never get over you if this keeps happening.
If you get back together, you will likely just be criticized a lot again.
7) You’ve already tried counseling, but it didn’t work
If you tried to work on your relationship with the help of a counselor, but it didn’t work, then you will likely never get back together.
If you dated for a while and broke up and tried to work things out with the help of a counselor, but it didn’t work, then you will likely not get back together.
You see, if you broke up because one of you cheated or behaved badly, then you might be able to get back together if you went to see a counselor together.
However, if counseling doesn’t work, either, that’s usually when you know it’s time to pull the plug on the relationship.
Counseling can save a lot of relationships.
However, if it doesn’t work, then you will likely not get back together.
8) You have irreconcilable differences
If you dated for a while and broke up because you couldn’t change one another, then you will likely not get back together.
If you have irreconcilable differences, then you will likely not get back together.
You may be able to patch things up for a short period of time, but you will not be able to sustain the relationship. You will want to go your own way, and you will want to date other people.
You will be happier living your single life than trying to make things work with someone who wants to go in a different direction.
Trust me, if your differences are so big that you want to change each other, that’s not a good premise for a happy relationship.
You want to be with someone who you don’t want to change right off the bat.
On the contrary, you should be similar enough to be able to accept them as they are.
9) You’re in different stages of your lives
If you broke up because you are in different stages of your lives, but you still have feelings for each other, you may be able to get back together.
However, the relationship may be a short-term one, or it may be something you are able to sustain for a long time.
If you broke up because you are in different stages of your lives, then you will likely not get back together.
You may be able to sustain a long-term relationship if you have feelings for each other and you are able to meet in the middle and compromise, but it will be difficult and the odds aren’t great.
You see, people who are in completely different stages of their lives will have different goals, different priorities, and different things they want out of life.
They may want to settle down in a certain way and raise a family, but the other person may not be ready for that or even want to do it at all.
If you’re at different stages of your lives, then you will likely not get back together.
10) Your ex has moved on and is dating someone else
If your ex has moved on and is dating someone else, then you will likely not get back together.
If your ex has moved on and is dating someone else, then it is a clear sign that you will never get back together again.
Trust me on one thing: If your ex has moved on and is dating someone else, it is best to let your ex go. Your ex is simply not interested in getting back together with you.
You might be able to get back together with your ex if your ex still has feelings for you.
But I wouldn’t count on it, especially if your ex is with someone new!
Signs you will get back together
Okay, we’ve looked at the not-so-good signs that you will never be together again, but there are also signs that you absolutely have a chance of reconciliation!
Let’s take a look:
1) You’re in the same stage of your lives
Sometimes, life unfolds, and even though you were at different points in your life before, you might now find yourself in the same stage as your ex.
It happens, and it’s a good sign!
When you are in the same stage of life, the chances of getting back together are much higher.
When you are in the same stage of life, you have the same goals and aspirations, which makes it easier to make compromises and sacrifices.
In addition, when you are at the same stage in your life, it is easier to understand where your ex is coming from and why they act or feel a certain way.
It’s important that you’re at the same stage of life as your ex because it means that you will have similar goals and aspirations.
What would a relationship coach tell you?
While the signs in this article will help you deal with knowing if you should get back together, it can be helpful to speak to a relationship coach about your situation.
With a professional relationship coach, you can get advice tailored to the specific issues you’re facing in your love life.
Relationship Hero is a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people navigate complex and difficult love situations, like getting back together.
They’re popular because they genuinely help people solve problems.
Why do I recommend them?
Well, after going through difficulties in my own love life, I reached out to them a few months ago.
After feeling helpless for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship, including practical advice on how to overcome the issues I was facing.
I was blown away by how genuine, understanding, and professional they were.
In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice specific to your situation.
2) You’re similar enough to be able to accept them as they are
If someone is willing to change for you then that’s great!
But do you want to know what’s even better?
If someone has accepted who you really are already then there’s no need for change!
If someone is willing to accept the good and the bad about who you really are then that’s great!
Trust me, being able to accept the other person as they are is a great sign that you can get back together and reconcile!
3) You are both able to communicate effectively
If you and your ex are able to communicate with each other in a healthy, honest, and respectful way then this is great!
Communication is very important in any relationship, especially if you want to get back together.
When you and your ex can communicate effectively with each other, it means that there’s a greater chance of understanding where the other person is coming from.
When there’s an understanding between two people, it’s easier for them to be open and honest with each other.
You see, it’s no coincidence that people say communication is the key to a happy and healthy relationship.
Trust me, when there is healthy communication, you are well on your way to getting back together!
4) You have a lot of respect for one another
This should not come as a surprise, but the premise for a good and healthy relationship is respect.
If you don’t respect your ex, then it’s highly unlikely that you will get back together with them.
Yes, it’s that simple!
If you want to get your ex back, then you have to have a lot of respect for each other.
Respect is one of the best ways to create a healthy relationship because, without respect, there can be no love or happiness in any relationship.
Trust me, if you don’t respect one another, there is really no point in being together, respect should always be there.
5) You both know how to forgive and forget
Forgiveness is a big part of having a healthy and loving relationship.
If you want to get back together with your ex, then you have to be able to forgive them for whatever they did to hurt you.
You see, forgiveness is about letting go of the anger, resentment, and pain that you have over what happened between the two of you.
When you’re able to let go of all these negative feelings, it allows you to move on with your life.
In order for both of you to move forward and get back together, it’s important that both of you know how to forgive and forget.
If you’re unable to forgive your ex for whatever they did, then you’re going to have a very hard time moving on with your life.
The problem is, if you can’t move on with your life, it’s going to be very difficult for the two of you to get back together.
6) You are both willing to make sacrifices for the relationship
If you want to get back together with your ex, then it’s important that both of you are willing to make sacrifices for one another.
A relationship takes a lot of work and effort from both people involved in order for them to be successful.
It’s not easy being in a relationship because there are many ups and downs that come along with it!
Unfortunately, there will be times when one person will have to deal with some tough situations that may arise in their life.
When these situations arise, it is important that the other person is able to step up and help their partner through the tough times.
You see, you can’t be in a relationship and expect it to be all happy-peppy sunshine and rainbows, there will be times when you are going to have to deal with some tough situations.
In order for your relationship to survive, you both have to be willing to make sacrifices for one another.
7) You are happy together
I saved the best for last! If you and your ex are happy together, then you should definitely try to work things out.
If the two of you are happy with each other, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t try to get back together.
I know it’s easy to get caught up in the past and all the negative things that happened between the two of you, but if you can learn to let go of these negative feelings, then it will become much easier for you both to get back together.
If you’re able to forgive your ex for whatever they did and let go of all those negative feelings, then it will become a lot easier for your relationship with one another.
If both of you are happy with one another, then I would highly recommend getting back together!
You see, sometimes, things with an ex end even though you still love one another.
If that is the case and your ex truly makes you happy, that’s a huge sign you should get back together!
It’s up to you!
Hopefully, we’ve cleared up some of the confusion around whether or not you will be able to get back together with your ex.
Remember that every relationship and every breakup is different, so you will have to assess your situation and determine what the likely outcomes are.
Keep in mind these 10 signs you will never get back together, and keep an eye out for them in your situation.
If you see these signs in your relationship, it’s probably best to let go of your hopes of getting back together and move on with your life.
However, if you see the signs that you will get back together, you might want to give the relationship another shot!