15 signs you are a deeply intuitive person

Have you ever wondered if you have a special gift for understanding people and the world around you? 

Here’s the thing: while people might think intuition is some kind of supernatural power, it’s actually just a heightened awareness of your surroundings and an ability to trust your gut instincts. 

And if you have a strong intuition, you might be surprised at how many signs you exhibit on a daily basis. 

In this article, we’ll explore 15 signs that you are a deeply intuitive person, from having a strong sense of empathy to being a natural peace-maker. 

So read on and see if you recognize any of these traits in yourself!

1) You have a strong sense of empathy

Have you ever felt like you could really understand what someone else was feeling, even if they didn’t say it out loud? 

Maybe you’ve even felt their pain or joy as if it were your own. If so, you might have a strong sense of empathy.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it’s a key trait of intuitive people

If you are empathetic, you might find it easy to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel what they are feeling. 

You might also be able to sense when someone is upset or in need of comfort, even if they don’t say it out loud.

On the other side of the coin, if you struggle to understand or connect with the emotions of others, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are not intuitive. 

Intuition comes in many forms, and everyone expresses it differently.

It’s important to recognize that intuition is not a one-size-fits-all trait. 

Everyone has their own unique way of expressing and accessing their intuition, and it’s possible to be highly intuitive in some areas of your life while struggling in others.

2) You have a “sixth sense”

Ah ah, don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about being able to see ghosts or predict the future. 

But I’m sure you’ve had those moments where you just had a feeling about something, even if you couldn’t explain why. 

That’s what I’m talking about when I say “sixth sense.”

I know many people may think that having a sixth sense is some kind of supernatural power, but it’s actually just a heightened awareness of your surroundings and an ability to trust your gut instincts.

And if you have a strong sixth sense, you might be surprised at how often it guides you in the right direction.

Here are a few ways to tell if you have a sixth sense:

  • You have strong gut feelings or hunches. If you often get a feeling in your gut about something, even if you can’t explain why, you might have a strong sixth sense.
  • You are good at reading people. You have a knack for sensing when someone is being genuine or when they are hiding something.
  • You have a sense of knowing things without all the facts. You often have a feeling about something that later turns out to be true.

So the next time you have a gut feeling or hunch about something, don’t dismiss it. 

Trust your sixth sense and see where it takes you. 

You might be surprised at how often it guides you in the right direction.

3) You are a dreamer

You must think that I’m joking, but being a dreamer is actually one of the signs that you are a deeply intuitive person. 

You know why? 

Because intuitive people often have a rich inner world and a vivid imagination, and that often shows up in their dreams.

If you are a dreamer, you might have vivid dreams that feel real and often leave a lasting impression on you. 

You might also have a rich imagination and be able to easily conjure up images and stories in your mind.

Being a dreamer doesn’t necessarily mean you are disconnected from reality, but it does mean that you have a rich inner world that you draw inspiration from. 

And if you are a dreamer, you might find that your dreams and imagination often provide insight and guidance in your waking life.

So if you are a dreamer, don’t be afraid to embrace your rich inner world. It might just be the key to your intuition and creativity.

4) You have a natural curiosity

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I have a cousin who is always asking questions and trying to understand how things work. 

He’s always asking “why” and “how,” and he never seems to run out of things to learn. If that sounds like you, you might have a natural curiosity.

Intuitive people often have a love of learning and are always looking to grow and expand their knowledge. 

They are driven by a desire to understand the world around them and are always asking questions and seeking answers.

There’s a famous saying that goes, “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” 

And if that resonates with you, it might be because you have a natural curiosity.

Having a natural curiosity doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a genius or know everything, but it does mean that you are open to learning and growing.

And if you have a natural curiosity, you might find that your thirst for knowledge helps to guide you in your life and helps you to make better decisions.

5) You are a good listener

Okay, let’s get one thing straight: being a good listener doesn’t mean you just sit there and nod your head while someone talks. 

That’s not listening, that’s pretending to listen. 

No, being a good listener means actively engaging with what the other person is saying and really trying to understand their perspective.

Intuitive people often have a natural ability to listen and understand others, and that’s because they are genuinely interested in what others have to say.

They don’t just listen to respond, they listen to understand.

So if you are a good listener, congratulations!

You are not just a nodding head, you are a true listener. 

You might find that your ability to listen and understand others helps you to connect with them on a deeper level and build stronger relationships.

But let’s not get too full of ourselves. 

Being a good listener doesn’t mean we have all the answers or that we always know what to say. 

It just means that we are open to learning and understanding others, and that’s a pretty powerful thing.

So embrace your listening skills and use them to build stronger relationships and navigate the world around you. 

6) You are sensitive to your surroundings

Intuitive people often have a heightened sensitivity to their surroundings and can pick up on subtle changes in the environment. 

Does this sound like you?

If you are sensitive to your surroundings, you might find that you are able to sense when something is off or when the energy in a room has changed.

Being sensitive to your surroundings doesn’t necessarily mean you are a psychic, but it does mean that you are attuned to the energy and vibrations of the world around you.

And if you are sensitive to your surroundings, you might find that this ability helps you to navigate the world and make better decisions.

Here are a few ways to tell if you are sensitive to your surroundings:

  • You are attuned to the energy of a room. You can sense when the energy in a room is positive or negative.
  • You are sensitive to subtle changes in the environment. You can sense when the weather is about to change or when something is off.
  • You are affected by the energy of others. You can sense when someone is upset or angry, even if they don’t say it out loud.

Being sensitive to your surroundings can be both a blessing and a curse. 

On the one hand, it can help you to navigate the world and make better decisions. 

On the other hand, it can also make you more sensitive to negative energy and overwhelming situations. 

But the key is to learn to trust your sensitivity and use it to your advantage. 

By acknowledging and embracing your sensitivity, you can use it to navigate the world and make better decisions.

But if you don’t have this “psychic” ability, don’t worry. 

Not everyone expresses their intuition in the same way, and sensitivity to surroundings is just one aspect of intuition. 

There are many other signs that can indicate you are a deeply intuitive person. So read on and see if you recognize any of the other signs on this list. 

7) You have a strong intuition about people

Intuitive people often have a strong sense of whether they can trust someone or not. 

If you have a good sense of who is genuine and who isn’t, you might be deeply intuitive.

To me, this is the best blessing of all: the ability to have a strong intuition about people. 

Who doesn’t want to be able to tell if someone is being genuine or if they are hiding something? 

Imagine how much easier life would be if you could just sense when someone is being truthful or when they are up to no good.

And if you have a strong intuition about people, congratulations! 

You might find that your ability to sense the intentions and motivations of others helps you to navigate social situations and make better decisions.

Let’s say you are at a party and you meet someone new. 

They seem friendly and engaging, but something about them just feels off.

Maybe they can’t look you in the eye, or maybe they seem too eager to please. 

Whatever it is, your gut is telling you that this person is not to be trusted.

If you have a strong intuition about people, you might find that you are able to sense when someone is being genuine or when they are hiding something. 

In this case, your intuition is telling you that this person might not be who they seem.

Now, it’s important to note that having a strong intuition about people doesn’t mean you should jump to conclusions or assume the worst about everyone you meet. 

But it does mean that you should trust your gut instincts and pay attention to any red flags that come up.

In this case, you might decide to be a bit more guarded around this person or to avoid sharing too much personal information with them. 

By listening to your intuition and trusting your gut, you are able to protect yourself and make better decisions.

So if you have a strong intuition about people, don’t be afraid to trust it. 

It might just help you navigate social situations and protect yourself from those who might not have your best interests at heart.

8) You are in tune with your body and have strong instincts

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Intuitive people often have a strong connection to their bodies and can sense when something is off. 

When it comes to intuition, our bodies often know what’s best for us, even if our minds don’t. 

Trust me, I know it sounds a bit woo-woo, but think about it this way: our bodies are constantly collecting information about the world around us and sending us signals about how to respond.

If you are in tune with your body and have strong instincts, you might find that you are able to sense when something is off or when something feels right. 

You might also have a natural ability to trust your gut instincts and make decisions based on your body’s signals.

9) You are a natural healer

Have you ever had someone come to you with an issue or a problem, and you just had a natural ability to make them feel better or offer them guidance?

Or have you ever had the ability to sense when someone is in need of healing, even if they don’t say it out loud?

 If so, you might be a natural healer.

Intuitive people often have a natural ability to heal and help others, and that’s because they are attuned to the needs and emotions of others. 

They have a strong sense of empathy and are able to offer comfort and support to those in need.

10) You are a good decision-maker and a natural leader

We all know that making decisions can be tough, but how about when you seem to have a natural ability to make the right call? 

Intuitive people often have a natural ability to lead and make decisions, and that’s because they are attuned to their own needs and the needs of those around them. 

They are able to sense what is best for themselves and for others, and they have the confidence and decisiveness to make things happen.

Here are a few ways to tell if you are a good decision-maker and a natural leader:

  • You are confident in your decision-making abilities. You trust your own judgment and are able to make decisions with confidence.
  • You are able to sense what is best for yourself and others. You seem to have a natural ability to sense what is needed in a situation and to make the best choices for yourself and those around you.
  • You are a natural leader. When you are put in a position to lead people, you have a talent for inspiring and guiding others.

11) You have a strong connection to nature

Intuitive people often have a strong connection to nature, and that’s because they are attuned to the energy and vibrations of the world around them. 

They are able to sense the beauty and power of the natural world, and they are drawn to its healing and restorative properties.

If you have a strong connection to nature, you might find that you are naturally drawn to the outdoors and are able to find peace and tranquility in the natural world. 

You might also have a natural appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the natural world, and you might find that nature helps you to connect with your own intuition and inner wisdom.

12) You are a deep thinker and have a strong sense of purpose

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Intuitive people often have a rich inner world and a deep understanding of the world around them, which can be reflected in their love of philosophy and their tendency to ponder the mysteries of the universe. 

This depth of understanding and curiosity about the world can also be linked to their strong sense of purpose, as they are attuned to their own passions and desires and are driven to pursue their goals and passions with purpose and determination.

If you are a deep thinker and have a strong sense of purpose, you might find that your intuition guides you towards meaningful and fulfilling experiences. 

You might also have a natural ability to think deeply and to pursue your goals and passions with determination.

13) You have a strong spiritual connection

I may have mentioned this earlier, but it’s worth repeating: intuitive people often have a strong spiritual connection. 

This connection to the spiritual world can take many forms, and it might manifest as a deep sense of connection to a higher power or a belief in something greater than oneself.

In this case, you might find that you are naturally drawn to spiritual practices and beliefs, and that you are able to sense a deeper meaning and purpose in the world around you. 

You might also have a natural ability to connect with your own inner wisdom and to find solace and guidance in the spiritual world.

That is why it is important for intuitive people to embrace their spiritual connection and to find ways to nourish and cultivate it. 

Whether through spiritual practices, meditation, or simply spending time in nature, finding ways to connect with the spiritual world can help you to tap into your own inner wisdom and to find meaning and purpose in the world around you. 

So if you have a strong spiritual connection, don’t be afraid to embrace it and to nurture it in whatever way feels meaningful to you.

14) You are a natural healer or energy worker which leads you to be a natural teacher or mentor

Does it sound familiar? 

If you are a natural healer or energy worker, you might find that your intuition guides you towards helping and supporting others

Your natural ability to heal and support others might also lead you to become a natural teacher or mentor, as you have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with those around you.

Intuitive people often have a natural ability to heal and support others, and that’s because they are attuned to the needs and emotions of others.

They are able to offer comfort and support to those in need, and they have a strong sense of empathy and compassion.

15) You have a strong sense of justice but also a natural peace-maker

Last but not least, one of the signs that you are a deeply intuitive person is that you have a strong sense of justice and are a natural peace-maker. 

If you have a deep sense of fairness and are always seeking to create balance and harmony in the world, you might be deeply intuitive.

Intuitive people often have a strong sense of justice and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. 

They are attuned to the needs and challenges of others, and they are driven to create positive change and to make a difference in the world.

At the same time, intuitive people are often natural peace-makers, and they have a talent for bringing people together and finding ways to resolve conflicts

They are able to sense the needs and emotions of others, and they are able to find common ground and create harmony in even the most challenging situations.

Here are a few occupations or careers that might be well-suited for those who have a strong sense of justice and are natural peace-makers:

  • Social justice advocate or community organizer: If you have a deep sense of fairness and a desire to create positive change in the world, you might consider a career as a social justice advocate or community organizer. In these roles, you would have the opportunity to work towards social justice and equality, and to make a positive impact on your community.
  • Mediator or conflict resolution specialist: If you have a natural talent for bringing people together and finding ways to resolve conflicts, you might consider a career as a mediator or conflict resolution specialist. Doing this, you would have the opportunity to help others find common ground and create harmony in even the most challenging situations.
  • Teacher or mentor: If you have a natural ability to teach and guide others, you might consider a career as a teacher or mentor. You would have the opportunity to help others navigate their own challenges and find their own path forward.
  • Counselor or therapist: If you have a strong sense of empathy and are able to offer comfort and support to others, you might consider a career as a counselor or therapist. This is the best career if you want to help others navigate their challenges and find their own inner wisdom.

These are just a few examples of occupations or careers that might be well-suited for those who have a strong sense of justice and are natural peace-makers. 

Ultimately, the best career for you will depend on your own passions, interests, and strengths, so it’s important to consider what feels meaningful and fulfilling to you.

Picture of Nguyet Yen Tran

Nguyet Yen Tran

Yen is a freelance writer and a researcher specializing in mental health, self-awareness, and psychology. Her hobby is studying human behavior throughout their reaction upon situations. Be sure to check out her other posts on our blog.

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