7 signs someone you know is comfortable telling white lies

Have you ever been around someone and thought, “Something just doesn’t add up”? 

Little inconsistencies pop up in their stories, or you catch them bending the truth just slightly. It’s unsettling, isn’t it? 

You start to wonder what’s real and what’s not. 

The truth is, some people are comfortable telling white lies, and it can create a fog of uncertainty in your relationship with them. 

But don’t worry. Being able to spot these signs can be your first step in clearing the air and understanding what’s really going on.

1) They give a lot of compliments

Everyone loves a compliment, right? It makes us feel good, appreciated, and valued. But what if the compliments you’re receiving feel a little too frequent or overly enthusiastic? 

When someone constantly showers you with praise, it can start to raise a red flag. 

Here’s the thing: Genuine compliments are great, but excessive flattery can be a tactic some people use to win your trust. 

If you notice that someone is always quick to throw a compliment your way, especially in situations where it seems unnecessary or unwarranted, it could be a sign that they’re comfortable with bending the truth. 

So, how can you navigate this? Start by paying close attention to when and how the compliments come in. 

Are they only offered when this person needs something from you? Is it consistent with other things they say? 

Take note and use your judgment. A compliment can be a lovely thing, but when it’s used as a smokescreen, it loses its charm.

2) They’re quick to agree

Some people are quick to agree with just about everything you say. At first, it’s flattering. You think, “Wow, we have so much in common!” 

But over time, it starts to feel off. After all, no two people agree on absolutely everything. 

When someone is always on the same page as you, it could mean they’re telling you what they think you want to hear. 

This “yes-man” behavior may stem from a desire to keep the peace or to make themselves more likable in your eyes. But the downside? It can make it hard to trust what they’re saying.

So what can you do? Test the waters. Next time you’re chatting with them, throw out an opinion or suggestion that you suspect they might not agree with. Watch how they react. 

If they’re too quick to agree without giving it any thought, it could be a sign they’re not being completely honest with you

Trust is built on honesty, even if that means occasionally disagreeing. So be wary of the person who’s always quick to agree; they might be telling you white lies to keep things smooth — while making the waters murkier in the long run.

3) They never share their opinions

Isn’t it a bit strange when someone never shares their own opinions? It’s like they’re a blank canvas, never really contributing their own thoughts or feelings to the conversation. 

This can leave you feeling like you’re walking through a one-sided relationship maze.

Here’s the kicker: People who refrain from sharing their opinions often do so to avoid conflict or to maintain a certain image. 

They might think that by being non-committal, they’re making themselves more likable or avoiding uncomfortable situations. 

The truth is, they may be hiding their real feelings or thoughts, which is also a form of dishonesty.

So, how do you crack this nut? Try directly asking them for their opinion on various topics. Make it a safe space for them to share, showing that you value what they have to say. 

If they still dance around the question or deflect, it’s likely that they’re not being entirely upfront with you.

Authentic relationships are built on open dialogue and mutual respect for each other’s viewpoints. If someone is constantly holding back their opinions, you have to wonder what else they might be keeping from you.

4) They give vague answers

You’ve probably had this happen to you already: you ask someone a straightforward question, only to receive an answer that’s about as clear as mud. 

Well, vague answers are often a red flag that someone isn’t being entirely honest. They might be giving you half-truths, or skirting around the issue, leaving you to fill in the blanks. 

Why do people do this? Well, it’s often a way to avoid lying outright while also avoiding the truth. 

By being ambiguous, they leave room for interpretation, which lets them off the hook from actually committing to a solid answer. In other words, it’s a smokescreen.

And what can you do about it? Next time you catch them giving a vague answer, gently press for clarification. You can say something like, “I’m not sure I understand, could you elaborate?” 

Their response can be very telling. If they continue to be vague, even when prompted, chances are they’re not being fully transparent with you.

5) They’re always “fine”

listen gut feeling relationship 7 signs someone you know is comfortable telling white lies

How many times have you asked someone how they’re doing, only to hear the word “fine” in response? 

Sure, sometimes people really are just “fine,” but if you notice that someone consistently uses this go-to word (or similar ones), it could be a sign that they’re not being completely truthful

This kind of answer is often the easiest way to avoid opening up about how we’re really feeling. People who constantly say they’re “fine” could be avoiding vulnerability, or maybe they’re not interested in sharing their true emotions.

Here’s a tip: Next time you get the “I’m fine” answer, don’t just leave it at that. Dive a little deeper. 

Ask, “Are you sure? You’ve seemed a bit off lately,” or, “Is there something specific on your mind?” By pushing just a bit, you’re giving them the space to be more open if they choose to be.

If they stick to their “fine” script, it could indicate a reluctance to be fully honest about their feelings or situations. 

And while it’s their right to keep things private, perpetual vagueness could be a sign that white lies are part of their communication style.

6) There are inconsistencies in their stories

Picture this: you listen to someone tell a story one day, and then hear a slightly different version a few days later. 

It’s a bit like watching a movie where the plot doesn’t quite add up; you’re left scratching your head, wondering what’s really true.

Of course, memory can be faulty, and we all forget details over time. But if you notice glaring inconsistencies, or if the person often “forgets” crucial elements, then it’s natural to question their honesty

These inconsistencies may be subtle, but they’re confusing enough to make you feel uneasy.

The next time you catch an inconsistency, you have a few options. You could call it out directly, saying something like, “That’s funny, you mentioned something different last time.” 

Alternatively, you could file it away as a mental note, especially if you’re not ready to confront the person. 

Either way, inconsistencies are not to be ignored. They suggest that the person might not be fully transparent, and it’s something worth exploring, especially if it’s someone you care about and want to maintain a relationship with.

7) You have a gut feeling

Ever get that nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach when someone is talking to you? It’s as if your intuition is sounding an alarm, saying, “Something’s not right here.” 

Trusting your gut can often feel like a leap, but it’s worth considering when you suspect someone might be a habitual white liar.

Your intuition is like your internal guidance system, honed over years of experiences and interactions. 

It’s not about being paranoid or judgmental; it’s about listening to your inner voice when it’s telling you something feels off.

If you have a consistent gut feeling about someone, don’t dismiss it. You don’t have to turn into a human lie detector or put them under a microscope, but do be mindful of that inner voice. 

Sometimes it’s more attuned to subtle signs and inconsistencies that your conscious mind might miss.

Listen to the signs: Navigating the gray area of white lies 

Life’s full of complexities, and the truth isn’t always black or white. But when you’re dealing with someone who often bends the truth, it can feel like you’re navigating through a fog. 

The good news is that you’re not helpless; there are signs you can watch for, patterns you can recognize, and yes — your intuition to guide you.

You don’t have to cut ties or go on a crusade for the absolute truth. Sometimes, it’s just about understanding people better, their reasons for lying, and deciding how much of it you can tolerate in your life. 

Knowledge is empowering, and recognizing these signs puts you back in control.

Most importantly, remember that relationships are a two-way street. If you’ve identified these signs in someone close to you, it’s a call for a deeper look into the dynamics between you two. 

A candid conversation might be the first step toward clarity, understanding, and in some cases, mending a fractured trust. 

It’s all part of growing in our connections with others — because a relationship built on honesty is one that can truly flourish.




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Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing for Ideapod to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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