15 signs a Sagittarius man wants to marry you

It’s not always easy to figure out what a Sagittarius man is thinking. They’re notoriously difficult to read, and they only let down their walls for someone very special.

However, if you are able to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you, they will put your needs above all else – including themselves.

If you’re wondering whether or not a Sagittarius man wants to marry you, look no further. I’ve compiled a list of 15 signs that he’s ready to put a ring on it.

1) He’s straight and honest with you.

If you ask a Sagittarius man his motto, it could most likely be “Honesty is the best policy.”

A Sagittarius man isn’t afraid to tell it like it is – he just doesn’t sugarcoat things.

He’s sometimes a little too honest for people’s liking. He has no filter and will say anything, at any time – even if it means hurting his friends or loved ones.

Here’s the thing. It takes a certain level of comfort for a Sagittarius man to be 100% honest with you.

And if you’ve been dating for a long time and notice he’s completely comfortable with you, he’ll be the first one to tell you what’s on his mind – even if it means cutting through some pretty thin ice. He won’t be afraid to tell you all about his opinions and beliefs.

If he wants to marry you, he will be confident enough to tell you what he thinks, even if it means displeasing you.

2) He pisses you off…on purpose

If a Sagittarius man wants to marry you,  he’s going to push your buttons-and he’ll love every minute of it. After all, you’re the only one who can bring out this witty side of him.

Now, before you say anything, let me clarify. The Sagittarius man isn’t trying to annoy you, he just finds it fun and cathartic to argue with you. This is especially true if you have a fiery zodiac sign like Aries, Leo, or Virgo.

If he has a smart debate about something important to you, he’ll want to keep going until he gets a witty comeback in. He might even be able to find the humor in your argument.

In his eyes, you’re both equals and he respects that you have a different opinion from him – as does he from you.

If a Sagittarius man loves you, he will love to bicker with you. He’ll encourage your witty retorts and love when you manage to get the final word in.

3) He makes time for date nights

If a Sagittarius man has made it clear he doesn’t want to get married, one of the first things he’ll stop doing is making plans for dates with you.

But when he’s serious about wanting to marry you, date nights will be a regular thing.

Spending quality time alone is something a Sagittarius man values. It’s because he’s one who values his time and space more than anything.

However, if he’s ready to settle down and get married, the idea of regular date nights with you will become much more important in his life.

Heck, he’ll even practice his spontaneity and plan a surprise date night just because!

And if he loves being around you so much that it’s starting to eat into his alone time, or consistently makes time to make dinner reservations no matter how busy he is? That’s a pretty big sign he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

4) He loves to explore and be creative with you

A Sagittarius guy is a free spirit and an explorer at heart. He’s always longing for adventure.

Truly, it’s a Sagittarius man’s weakness to the wanderlust that makes him so appealing.

If you’re dating one, a great sign he wants to marry you is when he makes an effort to find new things to do with you and create new experiences together.

He’ll want to explore the world with you and share his worldview and passions in all sorts of ways – from hobbies like photography or travel blogging, right down through interests such as philosophy and investing.

As if that’s not enough,  he’ll also love exploring the deeper aspects of both your personality traits and compatibility and how you relate to each other.

If he’s crazy about you and wants to marry you, he won’t want to miss out on any opportunity and make every moment worth it.

5) You’ve become a priority in his life

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When you’re dating a Sagittarius man, it’s important to know that he has his own busy schedule.

So if you’ve become one of the many things on his priority list, it’s a good sign that he wants to marry you.

Making you a priority is a way of expressing how important you are to him. He wants to be around you, and he makes time for you even if it means rearranging his schedule or changing the plans he had made with his friends.

The Sagittarius man is often driven by work, but making time for you into his already hectic schedule shows that he really wants to be with you.

Here’s the best part: while his focus on achieving success is more important than any other aspect of his life, you’ll be his muse in his quest for success.

6) He talks about the future and isn’t afraid of it

Talking about the future can be a scary thing, especially if you’re not sure where your relationship is going. There’s a lot of pressure that can be put on a new conversation like this, and it can make things incredibly awkward.

But if your Sagittarius man is bringing up the future without hesitation and all of that stress or pressure? You know he’s serious about you and there’s a good chance he’s interested in what might happen next with you.

It could be about the possibility of moving in together or getting a pet together.  It could be his desire to help you go back to school for further studies.

Whatever it is, you can bet that if your Sagittarius man wants to know your thoughts on any of these future-facing ideas, he’s at least thinking about making this long-term future with you a real possibility.

7) He talks about marriage

Just like the future, the idea and topic of marriage and talks about it are something awkward to bring up until they naturally come into a heartfelt conversation.

But a Sagittarius man who’s in a committed relationship with you will be bold enough to tell you how he feels in the hopes that it will help your relationship grow.

Frankly, the Sagittarius guy isn’t the biggest fan of giving his heart away because once it’s gone, it belongs to somebody else.

But the thoughtful person that he is will make him think about the big picture of your possible future together.

So if your relationship is strong enough, he might make you that promise–that’s how confident he is you’re the one for him.

However, if you’re not quite there yet, he’ll hold off on the marriage proposal and talk about it and won’t give you a hard time. He’ll be content with letting you know that he’s ready to settle down and be with you for the rest of his life.

8) He’s being witty with you

The Sagittarius man is witty, intelligent, and cleverly funny in his own special way . He’s fully capable of having intelligent conversations that don’t bore him or anyone else involved!

If he’s being a little too critical of your daily habits or a bit overprotective when you’re out together, that is normal for him.

If he loves you, he’ll always want to find out what you’re thinking. And if he thinks you’re being ridiculous, he’ll tell you. If it comes off as rude, that’s his bad.

But hear me out – usually, that means he really cares about making sure everything is perfect for the two of you!

If this happens to be something you experience on a daily basis, then it’s a good sign that he wants to marry you.

Why? Because a Sagittarius man who’s in love will feel the need to get his words exactly right so that you never have a reason to doubt his sincerity.

And if he can make you laugh during all stages of your relationship, chances are there’s a strong connection between the two of you – and that’s good!

9) You’re invited to every family event

If a Sagittarius man wants to marry you, he’ll invite you to every family event, even if the only other person there will be his grandmother.

Being around his family feeds his soul and brings out the best in him. He wants you around because he knows how special you are and he wants to share it with everyone.

He wants everyone to see how amazing you are, so he’s going to share you with the people who matter most in his life.

When your guy puts a lot of importance on spending time with his family, especially during important family holidays, this is an excellent sign that he’d want to spend the rest of his life with you.

10) He willingly compromises for you

The independent Sagittarius man is a free-spirited individual who doesn’t like to be tied down.

He hates to feel stuck in one place, so he’s more than happy to compromise for you if it means he gets to spend time with you.

Know that camping trip planned for the weekend your parents come over? He’ll cancel it for a quiet dinner with your family.

He’ll also give up his Friday game night and a nightcap with the boys for a home movie date with you – all because you asked him to.

He’ll stay up all night talking with you, laugh until his stomach hurts, dance in the rainstorm — whatever makes your heart sing.

There’s no denying that a Sagittarius man loves you if he makes compromises to accommodate your schedule and requests.

He’ll want to be with you – and it won’t matter if that means giving up things that are important to him.

Now, if that kind of devotion isn’t a good sign that he wants to marry you,  we don’t know what is!

11) He’s more generous of himself – in bed

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The Sagittarius man is known for his magnetic personality and shocking wit. He has the ability to attract anyone they want, which makes having sex with them a blast!

And I’m not stopping there. Sleeping with a Sagittarius man will be exciting because of his adventurous nature.

You’ll be able to see his skills in bed on full display as well because this guy enjoys trying new things. After all, he could be through some pretty intense role-play scenarios before getting down and dirty with you.

It doesn’t mean he isn’t affectionate – he cares for his lady enough to satisfy her every desire and need. He’ll do anything and everything you ask, and even some things you don’t!

They’re generous lovers, always wanting to make sure their partner is satisfied and has an enjoyable experience in bed. But what about afterward?

Cuddles may be too cozy for this sexually-charged zodiac sign. But if he stays in bed to do just that, it’s a sign he wants to marry you!

I know what you’re thinking: how can this be a sign he wants to marry you?

Opening up and breaking down his walls when it comes to physical intimacy can be difficult for a Sagittarius man. It’s a level of closeness that makes him uncomfortable because he naturally enjoys his freedom.

And knowing that he made an effort to be vulnerable with you in bed, and is willing to stick around afterward…well,  that’s the kind of sweetness that leads to saying “I do.”

12) You feel his all-out support

The Sagittarius man is a man of great ambition and drive, always striving to reach his full potential.

But that doesn’t mean he won’t want that for you, too.

He’s your biggest fan and supporter. He’ll always want to see you shine and achieve all of those dreams you always dreamed about.

Now that’s a good sign he wants to marry you.


Because he believes in you as much as he believes in himself. And that’s as good as it gets!

Are you being groomed for a leadership role in your firm? Do you have that promotion you’ve been gunning for, just around the corner?

The Sagittarius man is known to be a big fan of career advancement. He’s definitely looking to see your star-studded rise, and he’ll be more than happy to cheer you on every single step of the way.

That’s what Sagittarius men do. They also want to see their significant others succeed and grow as people.

13) You get to see his romantic and emotional side

The Sagittarius man isn’t prone to showing emotion. He may have a tough exterior and an easy-going personality, but that doesn’t mean he’s not passionate.

On the inside, there’s an emotional and romantic man just waiting for someone who can truly understand him.

So when you get to see this different side of his personality, that definitely is a good thing.

You see, his romantic relationships may be a little more complicated than the average guy, but that’s because he’s an all-around complex man. His deep emotions can be overwhelming at times for people who don’t know how to handle them or understand what they’re feeling from him (which isn’t always clear).

If he shows this side of his personality, it’s a sign he wants to marry you because it means he trusts you with his heart.

This strong connection and emotional intimacy are a great foundation for a future together.

14) He’s going to want to introduce you to his friends and family

The Sagittarius man is devoted to those they care about, so it’s a strong indicator that he wants to marry you if he’s introduced you to his family and friends.

It’s great news because it means he trusts your relationship enough for him to bring you into his inner circle. He’s not afraid to show his true feelings about you to them.

Don’t forget that the Sagittarius man is a big believer in loyalty, both personally and professionally.

He’s not going anywhere if he knows his family and friends approve of you. And he’ll make it known that your relationship is something they should approve of.

So When a Sagittarius man starts saying things like “My mom really likes you” or “I think my friends are okay with us being together,” you may be a very lucky woman.

It’s because he’s finally found someone who he genuinely cares about and he wants all of you to become a family.

15) He shows his best version because he’s with you

When the Sagittarius man you’re dating is constantly showcasing his qualities to charm and show you the best version of himself, it’s a great sign that he wants to marry you.

This isn’t really something new to people in romantic relationships. The difference is that it’s especially obvious when a Sagittarius man does this.

It’s definitely one of the signs he wants to marry you if he constantly tries to impress you with witty jokes, healthy debates, and guessing games. He’ll want nothing more than to share all of his talents with you.

He’s never afraid to show affection and show off who he truly is – and that’s why he does it.

If a Sagittarius man really loves you and wants to marry you, he’ll show it off without holding back.

His attraction for you is so powerful that he can’t be embarrassed or feel insecure about who he is when he is with you. More importantly, he won’t have any second thoughts about being the best version of himself around you.

For a Sagittarius man, this is one of the most honest things to do when dating someone special like you. He’ll do everything in his power to show you his best side.

Enjoy the ride

Getting to know a Sagittarius man’s desires isn’t easy. He’s notoriously difficult to read.

The good news is that he’s famous for being a loyal, caring lover who isn’t afraid to show his emotions.

The truth is, Sagittarians usually don’t want to marry. Sagittarians love having a good time, and the idea of marriage can make them very uncomfortable. They simply aren’t interested in anything that could put a wrench on their freedom and independence.

But these 15 signs will tell you otherwise.

He’s adventurous, fun, and open-minded, but he’s brutally straight and honest with you. His witty sense of humor makes him easy to be around – even when he pisses you off on purpose sometimes!

He’s so content with spending time with you that he’d rather stay in than go out. He loves the way you’re able to start a clever conversation out of nothing. You can talk about any random topic and entertain him for hours. He thinks it’s cute when you get more involved with the people who matter most to him.

These are strong indicators that you may be “the one” for him. If that’s the case, he won’t dare play games.

Because he’s finally found someone who could bring out the best in him.

If a marriage proposal is on the verge of being popped and you accept his proposal, believe that he’ll be a caring husband and romantic partner to you.

So enjoy the ride, and enjoy the witty Sagittarius man you’ve got! It’s just a matter of time that he’ll make you the luckiest wife in the world.

Picture of Frankie Pascua-dela Pasion

Frankie Pascua-dela Pasion

Frankie was born and raised in Manila, Philippines. She is a graduate of Humanities from the University of Asia and the Pacific. Frankie is a seasoned Customer Success and Human Resources professional. She is also a certified Life Coach and Career Strategist. She helps people young and young at heart to simplify their lives by creating emotional awareness. She also loves working with people who have a genuine interest in breaking their inner limits through their journey of self-discovery and authenticity in their personal and professional lives. Frankie’s recent venture into writing is fueled by her passion for human connection and meaningful relationships at home, at work, and basically everywhere. She enjoys the research, discovery, and reflection that go into each article as much as she writes about them, in the hopes that her words resonate with, and give perspective to her audience.

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