15 signs of negative energy leaving the body

Negative energy is a real thing that can negatively impact your life.

If left unchecked, it can drain us and make us feel tired, sad, and unambitious.

Negative energy comes from the presence of fear, jealousy, resentment, and other more dense emotions.

It doesn’t have to be something you experience all the time; however, when it becomes an underlying current in your life, then it might be indicative of something much deeper going on beneath the surface.

The good news?

If you have been feeling a bit down and tried to do something about it, you might notice that negative energy actually leaving the body, which means that whatever it is that you have been doing is working!

Let’s take a look at some signs of negative energy leaving the body:

1) You’re having more vivid dreams

As negative energy leaves the body, it will often leave memories behind.

When you dream, your subconscious can process and let go of these memories.

If you are having increasingly vivid dreams, then this could be a sign that you are processing a lot of negative energy.

When you are done processing, the dreams will subside and you will return to your normal pattern of dreaming.

This is because you work through emotions and energy while you sleep, so when your dreams are vivid, you are finally addressing important issues!

Your dreams will not be the only sign of negative energy leaving your body, however…

2) You suddenly have an increased appetite

If you find yourself suddenly having an increased appetite, this could be a sign that your body is trying to cleanse itself of negative energy.

When your body is detoxing, it may increase your appetite as it needs more nutrients to fuel the process.

If you have been eating healthier, then this will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to complete the process.

You see, when we are sad or weighed down by negativity, this can often dampen our appetite or make us lose it altogether.

When we cleanse ourselves by clearing negative energy, however, we will often start to feel hungry and crave food again.

This is because we suddenly feel lighter and happier, which brings me to my next point:

3) You feel lighter and your mood improves

When you start to feel lighter and your mood improves, it could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

When you clear out any negative emotions and thoughts, it can make you feel lighter, happier, and more optimistic.

When you start to feel like yourself again, it could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

This is a beautiful feeling, especially if you have been feeling down for a while.

Most people experience this after they have done something like cleared out the negative energy in their home or at work.

However, your feelings will be different, because you will be energized and lighter on your feet, which means that new positive energies are coming in!

This also means certain people might be leaving your life, which brings me to my next point:

4) Toxic people leave your life

Toxic relationships can be very draining. If you have been feeling down and noticed that a toxic person left your life, then this could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

In this case, you are actually removing the negative energy from your life.

If you feel better after ending a toxic relationship, then this could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

Now: don’t get me wrong, there are lots of people that can drain our energy and make us feel really bad, and it’s a great thing to cut them out of your life.

However, new-age spirituality has made us believe that almost any character trait that doesn’t agree with us 100% is deemed “toxic”, which simply isn’t true.

Some people might just not be your cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean that their behavior was automatically toxic.

Knowing the difference between what is real and what is just spiritual bullsh*t can be confusing, but there is a free masterclass by the shaman Rudà Iandê in which you can learn what is truly authentic and what isn’t.

Knowing the difference between who is toxic and who isn’t will also help you a lot in getting rid of the right people in your life while also taking responsibility for the relationships in which you might have not been the healthiest, either!

This is crucial in growing as a person, so I can only recommend that you watch this free video.

But as negative people leave your life, you will also notice more positive people approaching you:

5) You feel drawn to positive people

When you suddenly feel drawn to positive people and want to spend more time with them, this could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

Positive people have a naturally high vibration that can help to repel negative energy and attract more positive energy.

When you spend time around positive people, you can help to repel negative energy from yourself.

And the more positive you become, the more positivity you end up attracting!

Speaking of positivity:

6) You feel inspired again

When you start to feel inspired again and have the motivation to pursue your passions, this could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

When you clear out negative energy, you allow room for inspiration to flow in.

When you are feeling down, inspiration can be hard to come by. You are so preoccupied with your own negativity that you don’t have room for inspiration.

But when you clear out the negative energy, it can open the door for inspiration to return.

But not just that, you will also feel grounded again:

7) You feel grounded

If you suddenly feel more grounded and stable, this could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

When you are cleared of negative emotions, you have the strength to be present and grounded in the moment.

When you are feeling down, you can easily lose touch with your senses, and feel overwhelmed and unstable.

This is because there is so much inner turmoil that you can’t find a strong sense of inner peace and stability.

But when you clear out the negative energy, suddenly you feel much more grounded and present.

This is a wonderful sign that it is starting to work!

And the best part?

This will also influence your physical health:

8) Chronic pain starts to go away

If you have chronic pain and notice that it is going away, it could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

When negative energy exists in your body, it can create blocks, often leading to pain.

When you clear the energy, these blocks subside and the chronic pain subsides as well.

It might sound crazy, but a huge percentage of chronic pain can stem from trauma or negativity.

When you clear the energy, you are removing the trauma or negativity and replacing it with positivity.

This is a great sign because it means that your body is reprogrammed to heal itself, even after negative experiences.

It is such an amazing feeling when you start to feel better, but it might be accompanied by being very emotional, which is a good thing!

9) You feel very emotional and need to let it out

When you suddenly feel like you need to let out a lot of emotions, this could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

When you are trying to clear negative energy from your body, it can cause you to become more in touch with the emotions that have been trapped within you.

When you feel like you need to cry, laugh, or otherwise release the emotions that have been building up, it is best to let them out.

You can do this through journaling, meditating, or talking to a friend and letting the emotions flow out of you.

This is incredible, as it will help you heal even more!

10) Your senses become heightened

If your senses suddenly become more heightened, this could also be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

When you clear the negative energy from your body, it can cause your senses to become more heightened and sensitive to the energy around you.

When you are trying to clear negative energy from your body, it is important to stay grounded and open to receiving the positive energy that will flow your way.

You might notice things around you more, like smells, colors, tastes, etc.

11) Peace and Love become your priority

When negative energy starts to leave your body, you might notice that you start making peace and love your top priority.

This is because when the negative energy leaves, it is replaced by the positive energy that you were missing so much!

When you start to make peace and love your top priority, this is a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

All of a sudden, certain achievements or successes aren’t as important anymore, inner peace is your highest priority.

But not just that, but your health will also be a priority, which brings me to my next point:

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12) Healing yourself becomes important

Negative energy can cause us to neglect our health and well-being.

When negative energy leaves, there is a surge of positive energy in our bodies that makes us want to heal ourselves.

This could manifest in different ways depending on what your body needs, but the point is that healing yourself becomes important when negative energy leaves your body.

Negative people and events will still be present in your life (and everyone else’s) but they won’t affect you as much anymore because you’ll be operating from a place of positivity.

Speaking of negative people or events:

13) You can’t stand being in negative environments anymore

When negative energy dissipates, you will find yourself no longer able to tolerate negative environments.

If this is the case, clearing out your energy could be a sign that negative energy is leaving your body.

You are used to being around people and places filled with negativity, so when the negativity is gone, you will feel like a part of you no longer fits into that environment.

That’s a really positive thing, as it shows that you have outgrown these negative environments completely!

14) Your sleep improves drastically

When you are working on getting rid of negative energy in your body, you might notice that your sleep improves dramatically.

This is because clearing negative energy can bring about a natural healing process within your body as well.

When you are no longer repressing emotions and negative energy, it will start to seep out of your body, making you more aware of where that energy was hiding before.

Now, once your body is relaxed, that will have a huge impact on your sleep.

The most deep sleep occurs during the delta stage of your sleep cycle, which comes immediately after REM.

This is when your body starts to heal itself and release the trapped negative energy that’s been stored within your body.

When you are trying to clear out negative energy, make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep per night to give your body time to purge itself of all that negative energy.

This will give you extra energy, not that it’s necessary, because look at this last point:

15) You feel like you could move mountains

When negative energy leaves your body, you can feel like you could move mountains.

This is because the negative energy that was weighing you down before has left, and now you feel lighter and more alive!

Positive energy will start coming in from all around you, which will help boost your confidence and bring out your inner miracle worker.

It may seem like a huge task to clear the negative energy from your body, but it’s worth it if it makes you feel this good.


When you notice any of these 10 signs of negative energy leaving your body, you know that you are on the right track to feeling better!

When negative energy is released from the body, it can leave behind emotions such as sadness and regret.

When this happens, it is important to let those emotions out so that they can be cleared from your system.

When you notice any of these signs that negative energy is leaving your body, you can be confident that you are on the right path to feeling better!

The thing is, your energy will always go through ups and downs and negative energy is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, it is always good to strive towards being a bit more positive!

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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