Some guys are not very good at showing their feelings.
Trust me, I was dating a guy a few months ago who I just couldn’t figure out.
I wasn’t sure if he had strong feelings for me, or if he didn’t really care.
If he had strong feelings, he must have been great at hiding them!
That’s when I got curious, and I started researching the signs that he has strong feelings but is hiding them from me.
I know that there are a lot of girls in the same shoes, so I wanted to share what I found because it completely changed my relationship game!
1) He is always there when you need him
This is the first sign that he has strong feelings, but is hiding them from you.
If he’s always there for you when you need him, but doesn’t ask for anything in return, then he has strong feelings for you.
A guy who doesn’t have feelings for you won’t drop everything that he’s doing just to help you out.
If you’re in a relationship with a guy who does nice things for you, but only when no one is watching, then it’s clear that he has strong feelings for you.
A guy who doesn’t have strong feelings for you won’t care whether you’re okay or not.
The guy I was seeing was really good about that.
Sure, sometimes, he would give me the cold shoulder, but when I told him I had a terrible day, or that something bad happened, he would drop everything that he was doing to help me.
I don’t think that a guy like that could exist if he didn’t have strong feelings for me.
2) He does nice things for you, but only when no one is watching
This is the second sign that he has strong feelings, but is hiding them from you.
If he does things for you that are really nice, but only when no one is around, then he has strong feelings for you but doesn’t know how to tell you just yet.
A guy who doesn’t have feelings for you won’t care whether anyone is watching or not.
He will simply do things for you because he likes you, and he wants to do something nice for you.
But a guy who has strong feelings for you will want to keep those feelings hidden because he is still trying to figure out where he stands.
You see, lots of guys are overwhelmed when they have strong feelings for someone, so they’d rather not do anything nice in front of other people.
Sounds strange to you? I know, I think so, too!
3) You can bring out his inner hero
Alright, this sign might sound a bit strange at first, but trust me, it’s real, I tried it.
The thing is, guys have something called the “hero instinct”.
Yeah, I get it, it sounds corny. But it’s actually pretty cool!
You see, the whole idea is that men love it when a woman triggers this inner hero within them.
When you are at a point where you can trigger this for a man, it is a clear sign that he has strong feelings for you (even if he tries to hide it).
And the coolest part about all this?
You can see if you can trigger his inner hero with a simple little text!
If you want some help doing this, check out James Bauer’s excellent free video here.
I don’t often recommend videos, because to be honest, I often don’t believe in that crap.
But this one sounded so strange, I just had to try it out.
When I did, my partner at the time showed me with his response that I definitely triggered something inside of him, and I instantly knew he had strong feelings for me.
Here’s a link to his unique video again.
4) His body language shows that he is into you
This is the fourth sign that he has strong feelings, but is hiding them from you.
If he has a lot of body language that shows that he is into you, but he never actually says anything, then he has strong feelings for you.
Maybe he wants to be careful not to let you know how he feels because he doesn’t want to scare you off.
The thing I have noticed in my own experience is that body language really speaks more than a thousand words.
If he has a lot of body language that shows that he is into you, but he’s never actually said anything, then he has strong feelings for you.
So, what are some very clear body language cues that show that someone is really into you?
There are a lot of body language cues that show that someone is really into you, but some of the most important are:
- He watches you while you’re talking.
- He keeps his eyes locked on your face and doesn’t look away.
- He fintoes his hair or clothes when you walk in the room
- He looks at your lips when you talk.
- He touches your hair.
- He touches your arm when you’re talking.
- He looks into your eyes when you talk.
- He leans in a little closer to hear what you’re saying.
- He puts his hand on the small of your back during a conversation.
This is a very short list, but it shows that there are many things that a guy can do to show that he is into you, even if he doesn’t say anything!
The thing is, we can’t really control our body language, which is why it’s such an excellent way to show that we care.
5) He talks about the future with you
This is the fifth sign that he has strong feelings, but is hiding them from you.
If he talks about the future with you, but only when no one is watching, then he has strong feelings for you.
Trust me, a guy who talks about the future in one way or another is into you and has extremely strong feelings for you.
Think about it: most guys are not very focused on the future with a girl unless they like her.
So, if he mentions something like a vacation you will go on together next year or a trip to Europe next summer, then he is definitely into you.
Anything future-related tells you that he sees you in his future and he plans on having you around for the long run.
6) He’s extremely protective of you
This is the sixth sign that he has strong feelings, but is hiding them from you.
If he is extremely protective of you, then he has strong feelings for you.
A guy who doesn’t have feelings for you won’t care whether something happens to you or not, and he definitely won’t care if other guys are into you.
Now: I’m not saying that extreme jealousy is good, cause it’s not, but when a guy is a bit protective of you, then he is definitely into you and has strong feelings for you.
Think about it: most guys are not very protective of a girl unless they like her.
So, if he’s constantly checking up on you to make sure that you’re safe and not being harassed by other guys, then he is definitely into you and has strong feelings for you.
In my own situation, I noticed that the guy I was seeing would get really moody whenever I would mention other guys, and he got really protective of me.
7) He notices things about you nobody else does
This is the seventh sign that he has strong feelings, but is hiding them from you.
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If he notices things about you that no one else does, that says a lot.
He will simply notice things about you that no one else does because he likes you, and he wants to get to know you better.
You will notice that he says things like: “I like your new haircut”, even if you only got a trim, or he tells you how much he loves the hues of blue in your eyes.
The thing is, if a guy doesn’t care about you, he won’t really notice things about you that no one else does.
Only when a guy has really strong feelings for someone, he will actually go ahead and notice even the littlest details.
8) He goes out of his way to be there for you
This is the eighth sign that he has strong feelings, but is hiding them from you. If he goes out of his way to be there for you, then he has strong feelings for you.
You see, maybe you ask him for a ride home even though it’s on the other side of town, or maybe you ask him to watch a movie with you, and he doesn’t want to, but he goes anyway.
This means that he likes you enough to go out of his way for you.
If a guy doesn’t like you, then he won’t go out of his way to be there for you.
So, if a guy is going out of his way for you when other people don’t do that for him or her, then he has strong feelings for you and wants to get to know you better.
The thing is, if you know he’s not a fan of something but he does it anyway because he wants to be with you, that’s a great sign that he has really strong feelings for you.
9) He remembers everything you say
This is the ninth sign that he has strong feelings, but is hiding them from you. If he remembers everything you say, that’s a pretty big sign.
You see, guys can be a little forgetful sometimes.
When they don’t really care about you, they will go ahead and listen to only half of what you’re saying, or they will just talk about themselves.
But, if a guy really likes you, then he will go ahead and listen to everything you say. He will even remember what you said long after you’ve forgotten it yourself.
The thing is, if a guy doesn’t care about you, then he won’t really listen to what you’re saying. He’ll just be talking about himself the entire time.
I noticed that in my own relationship, the guy would remember things like my favorite movie or the way I take my coffee, even if I’d only mentioned it once before! That was really really sweet!
10) He sometimes acts weird around you
Another big sign that he has strong feelings for you but tries to hide them is when he sometimes acts really weird around you.
This is a sign that he’s feeling something, but doesn’t want to show it to you.
The guy might act like he’s not listening to you, or he’ll be really awkward all of a sudden.
Or, he might act like he doesn’t care. He’ll just be acting weird around you like he doesn’t want to be with you.
Acting weird like this is a huge sign that he is actually just super nervous and doesn’t know how to best express his feelings.
11) He smiles a lot around you
The most important sign that he has strong feelings for you is when he smiles a lot around you.
If a guy likes you, then he’ll be smiling all the time when he’s around you.
Guys aren’t so complicated after all.
You see, when they smile a lot whenever they hang out with you, it’s a sign that he likes you and is trying to let you know how he feels.
Trust me, nobody smiles a ton when they don’t actually have any feelings for the other person.
12) He likes to tease you
If a guy likes you, then he’ll be really nice to you.
But if a guy has really strong feelings for you, he might tease you a bit.
I know, it sounds confusing, I didn’t understand it at first, either, but it’s actually a sign that he likes you.
He’ll start by being nice to you and treating you really well, but at the same time, he’ll be teasing you a bit which can be confusing.
That’s because a guy who likes you is nervous about how other people might react if they found out how he felt.
So, he’s trying to hint at his feelings with his actions but also with his words.
So, basically, when a guy teases you, it means that he has strong feelings for you but is trying to hide them from others.
When I was in that situation, I honestly didn’t know what to think, it was so confusing!
13) He looks for reasons to get in touch with you
When a guy has really strong feelings for you but tries to hide them, I’ve noticed that he will look for reasons to talk to you.
He’ll start by being super nervous and awkward around you, but then he’ll find a reason to start talking to you again.
For example, he might say something like “I need to borrow your tools”, even though you know fully well that he has his own toolbox.
Trust me, when this first happened to me, I was so confused and I didn’t realize that he was just trying to make a move on me!
Once it dawned on me, I felt so stupid for not realizing it sooner.
But yeah, simply put, if he finds excuses to see you, that man is head over heels in love with you and wants to be with you!
14) He shows small acts of commitment
This is the third sign that he has strong feelings, but is hiding them from you.
If he commits to little things with you, then he has strong feelings for you.
You see, small acts of commitment for a guy could be something like asking you to watch his favorite show with him, or going out to dinner with him.
He’s not asking you to do anything big, but he’s showing you how much he cares about you.
A guy who doesn’t have feelings for you won’t care about small things like that.
Trust me, these small acts of commitment mean a lot.
The guy I was seeing would do random little things, like leaving a post-it note in my car that said “have a good day :)” or something like that.
It wasn’t a big thing, but it definitely showed me that he cared.
A guy who has strong feelings for you will do these small things, too.
What now?
These signs will help you identify whether a guy has strong feelings for you, but is hiding it from you.
Trust me, these signs can be applied to almost any guy, and will definitely help you answer the question, “Does he like me?”
If you pay attention to his actions and read these signs, then you will definitely be able to tell if he likes you or not.
Once I figured it out in my own situation, I was able to talk to him a lot more openly, and that’s when the ice finally cracked and we ended up together!
The best tip I can give you that you can do today already is probably trying out the hero instinct.
I mentioned it earlier and I know it sounds a bit strange, but give it a shot, you won’t regret it! Click here to watch his excellent free video.
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