YBYTU ISO HOME Self-healing meditation


(Self-Healing Breath Meditation - Free for a Limited Time)

The world-renowned shaman Rudá Iandê has created a 20-minute self-healing breath meditation to empower your lungs, boost your immune system, and balance your body.

For a limited time you can download the guided meditation for free by entering your email address below.

Now watch the introduction video by Ideapod founder Justin Brown who has worked closely with Rudá Iandê for more than six years now bringing his work to a modern-day audience.

In the video, Justin explains why this guided meditation is so powerful for activating your body’s potential for healing. If you’re new to Rudá Iandê’s work, this video will provide a good introduction. Otherwise, go ahead and access the guided meditation immediately.

YouTube video
YouTube video

Enter your name and email address below and we will immediately send you the guided meditation by Rudá Iandê. If you don’t immediately see the email, search for “ideapod” in your spam folder.

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About the instructor

Rudá Iandê

Is a world-renowned shaman who has helped thousands of people to align their lives with their instinct, consciousness and true nature. His knowledge is unique because it comes from allying ancient shamanic knowledge with a modern-day focus on helping people to drive change in their lives.
