People who achieve a rare balance between productivity and relaxation often have these 11 specific habits

Are you working around the clock and don’t understand how some people have time to relax, have hobbies, and go out? 

Balancing work and play means finding the right mix between getting stuff done and chilling out. 

If you’re all work and no play, you’ll burn out fast and feel like a zombie. But if you’re all relaxation with no productivity, you start feeling guilty or unfulfilled.

Striking that balance means you can enjoy life, feel accomplished, and keep your sanity intact.

So, let’s see what specific habits people who achieve a rare balance between productivity and relaxation often have.

1) They prioritize and delegate tasks

I used to jump from one task to another without making much progress on any of them. It was exhausting and demotivating. 

Then, I started using a simple priority system where I’d identify the most important tasks for the day. This simple shift has made me feel more focused and accomplished at the end of each day.

On the other hand, delegating tasks was a tough pill for me to swallow at first. I wanted to be in control of everything and didn’t trust anyone else to do things as well as I could. 

But as my responsibilities grew, I realized that I couldn’t do it all on my own. And I’m not just talking about work. You can and should delegate tasks at home, too. 

If you have kids, doing things around the house will teach them valuable lessons and they’ll be more prepared for future life when they’re independent. 

2) They set boundaries

Saying “no” to others was also really difficult for me at first. You see, I was always a people pleaser. That’s why I felt like I was letting people down or missing out on other opportunities if I refused to do something. 

But as I began to set boundaries and prioritize myself, I noticed a much-needed improvement in my mental health and overall happiness. 

Now, I’m more selective about how I spend my time and energy, and it’s made a world of difference. Needless to say, I’m more relaxed and have finally more time for myself. 

3) They schedule breaks

Because I had no boundaries, I used to push myself to work for hours on end without taking breaks. 

I thought I was being productive, but I’d inevitably hit a point where my brain felt like mush, and I couldn’t focus anymore. 

Now, I make a conscious effort to schedule short breaks throughout the day. Whether it’s a quick stretch, a cup of tea, or a brief walk outside, these breaks help me recharge and come back to my work with renewed energy.

4) They practice mindfulness

Mindfulness was something I used to dismiss as too “woo-woo” for me. But when I finally gave it a try, I was blown away by the results. 

Just a few minutes of guided meditation each day helped me quiet my mind, reduce stress, and approach challenges with a clearer perspective. 

It’s now become an essential part of my daily routine.

So, how does this look in practice? I typically sit in a quiet place and make myself comfortable. 

I then focus on my breathing and the voice of guided meditation. In no time, I’m transferred to a completely different mindset, and all the stress and responsibilities fade away. 

And let me tell you, there’s no mindfulness if you’re distracted by notifications, pressing tasks, kids, etc. That’s why you have to do this:

5) They limit distractions

I used to pride myself on my multitasking abilities, but I’ve since learned that multitasking is a myth

When I’m constantly switching between tasks and checking my phone every two minutes, I’m not really being productive—I’m just spreading myself thin. 

By minimizing distractions and focusing on one thing at a time, I’ve become much more efficient and effective in my work.

6) They get enough sleep

Likewise, I used to wear my lack of sleep like a badge of honor. I thought it meant I was working harder and hustling more than everyone else. But in reality, I was just setting myself up for burnout

It took some serious self-reflection (and a few too many cups of coffee) to realize that my sleep habits were sabotaging my success, not boosting it. 

So, I made a conscious decision to prioritize sleep like it was my job. I set a bedtime and stuck to it religiously, no matter what was on my to-do list.

7) They set realistic goals

the non linear path to success People who achieve a rare balance between productivity and relaxation often have these 11 specific habits

Let me tell you, I used to be the king of setting unrealistic goals for myself and then beating myself up when I couldn’t achieve them. 

It was a vicious cycle of disappointment and self-doubt. Now, I focus on setting smaller, more achievable goals and celebrating my progress along the way. 

For example, I used to set lofty fitness goals like running a marathon or bench pressing my body weight. 

When I inevitably fell short, I’d beat myself up, feeling like a failure and questioning my ability to reach any fitness goals at all.

Now, I focus on setting smaller, more attainable goals, like running a certain distance each week or gradually increasing the weight on my lifts. 

It’s amazing how much more motivated and confident I feel when I’m working towards goals that are actually attainable, and I see progress.

8) They’re grateful

I would get so caught up in chasing the next big thing that I forgot to appreciate all the good things already in my life. My wife and son, great friends, beach, nice weather…

But suddenly, I realized just how much I have to be thankful for. A switch flipped in my mind that turned everyday moments into sources of joy and fulfillment.

I didn’t need a newer car, a bigger house, or even more money. I already had everything I needed to live a fulfilled life. I just had to find time to enjoy these things. 

And the following helped a lot. 

9) They learn to say “done”

Perfectionism used to hold me back more than I care to admit. I would spend hours agonizing over every little detail, convinced that nothing was ever good enough. 

But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that perfection is an illusion. There will always be room for improvement, but at some point, you have to draw the line and say, “This is good enough.” 

Learning to let go of my perfectionist tendencies has been incredibly liberating.

10) They have hobbies

Hobbies used to be something I did in my spare time—if I had any spare time, that is. But I’ve since come to realize that hobbies are key to balance and joy in life. 

I made a conscious effort to make time for painting, gardening, shooting hoops, or playing the drums. In other words, activities that bring me joy and fulfillment.

11) They reflect and adjust

Finally, I’ve learned the importance of regularly reflecting on my habits and making adjustments as needed. 

I regularly take a step back and think about how things are going—what’s working well, what’s not, and what I could do differently.

Life is constantly changing, and what works for me today might not work for me tomorrow.

By staying flexible and trying new things, I’m able to adapt to whatever life throws my way and continue growing as a person.

Final thoughts

To balance productivity and relaxation, you need to find your rhythm in life. You need to find what works for you and adjust as you go.

And look, it’s normal for some periods of your life to be much more busy than others. Your twenties, thirties, and even your forties are and should be busy and productive. You naturally have more energy at this age. 

But, generally, as you’re getting older than that, you probably should slow down a bit and give yourself more time to relax.

Picture of Adrian Volenik

Adrian Volenik

Adrian has years of experience in the field of personal development and building wealth. Both physical and spiritual. He has a deep understanding of the human mind and a passion for helping people enhance their lives. Adrian loves to share practical tips and insights that can help readers achieve their personal and professional goals. He has lived in several European countries and has now settled in Portugal with his family. When he’s not writing, he enjoys going to the beach, hiking, drinking sangria, and spending time with his wife and son.

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