Life Visioning Mastery Review: It’s more than just a spiritual journey

life visioning mastery mindvalley review 8 life structure

I took Mindvalley’s Life Visioning Mastery with Michael Beckwith with a grain of salt. I began this journey not fully convinced of the power of simply wishing, believing, and manifesting your dream life.

But I gave it a shot and I’m glad I did. This Mindvalley quest isn’t simply about “envisioning” the kind of life you want. It’s a practical approach to cultivating the tools you need to effectively manifest your inner desires into reality.

You might be a skeptic like me. But if you take this quest with an open mind and heart, you’ll come out of it full transformed and ready to take on whatever you set out for.

Read ahead for Life Visioning Mastery review and what I learned in this 5-week journey.

Who is Michael Beckwith?

Michael Bernard Beckwith is a famous spiritual leader, speaker, and life coach.

He is the founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, a community that focuses on practicing New Thought–Ancient Wisdom.

Beckwith is a known figure in the field of spirituality, having hosted his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You, and appearing on shows like Dr. Oz, The Oprah Show, and Larry King Live.

Beckwith’s teachings embrace a practical approach to spirituality. He uses meditation and affirmative prayer as a means to create inner peace and higher consciousness in everyday life.

The essence of these teachings is fully condensed in his “Life Visioning” process, which is designed to help people take on a more active, awakened awareness of one’s life.

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Who is Life Visioning Mastery for?

Honestly, I was a bit hesitant to take on Life Visioning Mastery. I’ve always been wary of the whole positive thinking trend, especially after reading Rudá Iandê’s article on the dark side of positive thinking. I thought Michael Beckwith’s online course would explore the same lines—simply envision the kind of life you want and it will magically happen to you.

And I’m sure this thought also crossed your mind when you heard of this Mindvalley Quest.

But I’m telling you, you’re wrong.

There’s substantial practicality in this online course that will help people from all walks of life. It isn’t simply about “envisioning” success and happiness. Michael Beckwith shares a well-formed framework and thought process that really made an impact on me.

But it won’t be for everyone.

If you’re someone who is still in the “victim-consciousness” stage of their life, I don’t see this online course appealing to you. Only people who are ready to take responsibility for their lives and have experienced some self-awareness will glean something from this experience.

In short: If you’re not ready to face difficult truths about yourself, this won’t be for you.

However, if you’re willing to “surrender” to the process, this can be a life-changing and eye-opening experience.

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Michael Beckwith’s Life Visioning Mastery is perfect for someone who:

  • wants a practical approach to higher consciousness. I mentioned earlier how this is not just positive-thinking mumbo jumbo. I really appreciated the fact that it was a guided-approach to self-discovery. I recently took Jeffrey Allen’s Duality and couldn’t help but compare the two. Where Jeffrey Allen focused more on letting your energy guide you, Michael Beckwith offered a coherent framework. People who will take this masterclass will be armed with very achievable steps to make their life better.
  • are dissatisfied with their life and want to find a deeper purpose. Beckwith said something early on in the course that I deeply resonated with: “You know you want it. You know there are parts of your existence that just don’t bring you joy anymore. They don’t do it. So you know there’s something else waiting. You might as well say yes to yourself.” If you feel like there is something “missing” in your life and you just don’t know what it is, this masterclass might just give you the answers you need.
  • want a different approach to effective “goal-setting.” I can’t count the number of times I’ve been told that “goal-setting is the key to success.” But honestly, very few people don’t actually know how to make effective and sustainable goals. Beckwith’s approach to goal-setting is about using your “inner voices” as a guide and breaking away from society’s construct of what success really means.

The price of Life Visioning Mastery

Mindvalley’s Life Visioning Mastery by Michael Beckwith is currently discounted to $399 (originally priced at $1,049) (click here to access the discount). This includes lifetime, full digital access to the 35-day Quest and a Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator who will guide you before, during, and after the masterclass.

You can also get the Digital Access + Completion Certificate package for $449 (originally $1,099). This includes a printable digital Mindvalley Certificate of Completion, commemorating your quest participation.

By enrolling in this quest, you also get free pre-recorded Group Coaching Calls with Michael Beckwith.

Like all Mindvalley program purchases, this purchase comes with a 10-day full refund policy and the option for installment payments of three.

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Why I decided to enroll in Life Visioning Mastery

“Life visioning is developing our intuitive nature so that we begin to understand that the answers are within us. So rather than receiving a how-to book with all the answers that will only benefit you to a limited degree, you are now receiving a modality and a way of living that allows for the answers that are intrinsic within you to come forward. That you are living life from your own encounter, and your own connection with divine wisdom, creative intelligence, pure love and life itself.”

I’m almost 30 years old. Truthfully, at this point, I should have a clear plan, a clear vision of the kind of life I want to live. I mean I kind of have a murky idea of my ideal future.

But I don’t have a clear grasp of my next steps: What do I do next? How do I go about setting the foundations so I can pave the way to my best life?

This is the part where I struggle. I’ve attended my fair share of seminars and masterclasses on personal development and awareness. And while I have found a deep understanding of who I am and how to embrace my authentic being, I’ve never really understood how to go about using that knowledge to apply real changes in my life.

It’s like I have the tools but I don’t know how to use them.

I decided to enroll in Life Visioning Mastery because I’m stumped and desperately want to hold on to something coherent, something that will propel me to have and act now. I want clarity. I want direction.

I’ve chosen Michael Beckwith as a teacher because we have many similarities. Like him, I’m a person of faith. But like him, I do not support the very rigid approach of my religion. Beckwith’s approach is kind, inclusive, and non-judgmental. This all made him a very compelling teacher.

I’m really glad I chose to enroll in this online course. I learned so much. I may not have the answers to everything. But I learned that it’s okay to embrace the non-linear journey of life. I might not always know what to do next, but I know that listening to my inner voice will always point me in the right direction.

Life Visioning Mastery format

life visioning mastery mindvalley review lessons Life Visioning Mastery Review: It's more than just a spiritual journey

The Life Visioning Mastery Quest is a 35-day journey. Although the digital format allows you to take on multiple “lessons” at once, I suggest you follow the proposed 1 lesson per day. I did it this way and I was less overwhelmed. This quest is a lot and you need to have the patience to digest each week’s course attentively.

In 15-20 minutes a day, Michael Beckwith will guide you through in-depth presentations, growth work, and intention-based practices.

Here’s a short overview of what you’ll be going through:

Week 1: An introduction to a spiritual roadmap that focuses on spiritual growth and unfoldment, life totality through the 8 Life Structures concept, stepping into your authenticity, and a new model of reality that will expand your worldview.

Week 2: A deep-dive into victim consciousness which involves the discovery of your past “past social or childhood programming,” breaking free from addictive and self-destructive behaviors, and learning more adaptive mental patterns for empowerment, and radical self-forgiveness.

Week 3: Understanding the Manifestor Consciousness through personal power, effective affirmations, and the importance of giving back to the universe.

Week 4: Understanding the Channeler Consciousness which focuses on being in harmony with the world around you. This week is all about surrendering to the universe’s greater vision for you and transcending your ego self to a higher plane of consciousness.

week 5: This last week is about experiencing the lessons you’ve learned. Michael Beckwith will guide you through exploring your different states of consciousness and finally starting to manifest your best life into reality.

2. Growth as a 4-part structure

life visioning mastery mindvalley review growth work Life Visioning Mastery Review: It's more than just a spiritual journey

In this Mindvalley quest, Michael Beckwith shares the 4 pillars of spiritual growth. According to him, what we truly desire at our core is freedom: a true and unadulterated expression of who we are.

And in order to be able to manifest this inner freedom, we need to have:

  1. Self-Discipline – understanding the level of love in your priorities and letting it guide you to better decision-making.
  2. Self-Responsibility – responding to your true nature rather than reacting to circumstances.
  3. Self-Awareness – being able to observe yourself without judging yourself.
  4. Self-Remembrance – knowing your “inner voice” and allowing it to give you the higher activity of choice.

This part of the quest was very eye-opening for me because it never occurred to me to look at my life this way. And when I did, I realized that it all clicks.

It gave me an opportunity to answer the following questions truthfully:

  • What is the reason behind my goals? In which I realized I have been chasing dreams not because I deeply, truly want them, but because it’s what society told me to I should be doing.
  • How am I reacting to the events of my life? Which made me admit that instead of responding with intelligence, I have been blindly reacting to negative events. This has led to some very bad decisions in my past.
  • How do I treat myself? I made the difficult realization that I haven’t been treating myself with love and kindness. Instead of trying to understand my weaknesses and shortcomings, I have judged myself harshly, which ultimately hindered opportunities for growth.
  • Have I learned from my mistakes? There were many instances in my life when I wanted to prove that I can do better. And now I realize that if I had only been honest to myself and listened to my intuition, I would have avoided unnecessary pain.

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Top 5 things I learned from Michael Beckwith

“I assist people not based on memory or some particular school of psychology. I assist people based on the awareness that I can see, the potential of individuals. I can see this sense of perfection that’s there and then coax it out. I’m like an alarm clock that wakes people up to the potential or possibilities of their own soul—potential that doesn’t have a shelf life, it’s forever, it’s real.”

1. Before you can have the life you want, you need to stop blaming the world for the life you have right now

This one is a really big lesson for me. I’ve spent the majority of my early 20s feeling sorry for myself.

Why don’t I have rich parents? Why do other people have it easier than me?

I went through life acting as if the world owed me. I believed I never got the break I deserved. And I didn’t know just how much this was hurting me. Even now when I’ve learned more and have started to take responsibility for my life, I am still trapped in this toxic victim consciousness.

A big part of Live Visioning Mastery about breaking free from this victim mentality and facing the liberating truth that you and you alone are the creator of your life. 

If you’re someone that holds a deep resentment from an external source—whether it’s trauma, a troubled past, or an unfair disadvantage—Live Visioning Mastery will help you move on from playing as the “tourist” of your life to being an active participant in it.

After taking this Mindvalley quest, I’ve started consciously shifting my perspective from immediately thinking, “why is this happening to me?” to “what can I do to make the situation better?”

2. Instead of focusing on goal setting, set intentions instead

Early on I mentioned my deep struggle with setting goals. One of my biggest takeaways from Michael Beckwith’s masterclass is: Rather than focusing on goal setting, I should create better, authentic intentions instead.

I decided to apply this lesson in one area of my life.

I’ve been working on writing my book for 7 years. And although I have a few pages in my manuscript, the progress has been very slow. For years I thought it was because of my inability to establish effective goals and stick with them. I’ve tried everything from forcing myself to write 1000 words every day to creating a detailed weekly planner. Nothing worked.

However, after listening to Michael Beckwith, I realized I was going about it wrong. I had clearly forgotten my “why.” Why did I want to publish a book? And when I remembered my reason, I became more motivated to work on it. I wrote my intention in a piece of post-it and put it somewhere where I can see it every day.

And I am not kidding. I’ve been making progress ever since.

You see, the intention is more powerful than goal setting because it shifts your perspective from “what do I have to do” instead of “why am I doing it?”

I believe this was the biggest “practical” lesson I’ve learned from this masterclass. A simple yet powerful shift in perspective. This is something you too, can apply in your career, relationships, or personal projects.

3. You have to look at your life as a whole, not just pay attention to the parts you thrive in

I have a tendency to focus on the things that “bring me joy” and neglect the problematic areas in my life. And I’m not the only one.

This is the problem with living with a society that labels you “weak” for showing the negative parts of your life. Social media is proof of that. It’s filled with people’s highlight reels. We never share our struggles. And I believe this mentality deeply affects our ability for self-reflection.

Life Visioning Mastery taught me the importance of looking at my life in its totality, using a very useful concept called the 8 Life Structure.

life visioning mastery mindvalley review 8 life structure Life Visioning Mastery Review: It's more than just a spiritual journey

It’s quite a potent self-assessment tool that highlighted the areas of my life I need to improve the most. I’ve been using it every month to help me gain balance. It helped me create better goals, priorities, and made me feel so much more “in control” with my life.

4. Want a better relationship with money? Stop being scared of it

Admittedly, this is one area of my life I really struggle with. Not for the lack of trying. I’ve made it a point to be more financially literate. I’ve been working a lot. But whenever I think about my finances, it gives me anxiety.

Life Visioning Mastery won’t give you the tools to get more money or how to save more of it. Instead, it will teach you how to have a better relationship with money.

And the first step is to stop fearing it.

Michael Beckwith’s wealth consciousness session is about breaking free of our limited view of prosperity. It’s about reshifting our focus from what we don’t have, to connecting to the resources that are always available to us.

Since then, I learned how to not fear the “loss” of money whenever I go out and buy something I need. And let go of the notion that I always have to “keep” it.

It’s another useful lesson from this masterclass that can transform a major aspect of your life.

5. Effective “visioning” is more than just the typical “asking-believing-receiving”

This is a visioning masterclass that is believable and doable.

As I said I was always skeptical about the concept of manifesting because it perpetuates laziness and inaction. But Michael Beckwith’s Life Visioning Mastery goes much deeper than just envisioning and manifesting your dream life.

It starts from taking a good, long, hard look at your current life and asking yourself what you truly want from a voice in your inner being. Oftentimes manifesting is ineffective because we are limited by existing wounds, negative mental chatter, and destructive collective beliefs. This masterclass guides you through these life-changing discoveries.

And when you’ve taken away these important realizations, you’ll be able to manifest what you want through a series of intentions, questions, and actions.

It’s a layered process that requires real, oftentimes challenging practices. If you only plan to take one “manifesting” masterclass in your life, it should be Life Visioning Mastery by Michael Beckwith.

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What people think about Life Visioning Mastery

Michael Beckwith’s course isn’t for everyone. But if it’s right for you, it will create a truly life-changing difference. There seems to be plenty of positive testimonials from former students of Michael Beckwith and people who have watched his talks.

A Reddit user u/ILoveMyFerrari says, “really love a lot of the insights that MBB shares.” While Twitter user @chellefontaine, who took the class recently, said it helped her “grow” her “life and soul:”

Other people also shared their thoughts on Beckwith’s other masterclasses:

There are also many reviews of Beckwith on Facebook:

Michael Beckwith is also a much-loved teacher of celebrities. You’ll find a lot of testimonials from famous celebrities on the Life Visioning Mastery page.

Here’s one from award-winning actress Hilary Swank:

“Reverend Michael is a beacon of inspiration for all those who are graced by his insightfully deep services. He fills the soul and reminds us all why we’re here…to shine our light and live our best life.”

However, one Reddit user, u/Julienbreath expressed concern about Beckwith saying, “I been to several meditation retreats and I follow different teachers such as Ruper Spira, Michael Beckwith, Bentinho Massaro. I found in most of teachers there are some little details and signs in their presentation, the scene they stand, the way they are presented in pictures or the way they communicate… which seem to subconsciously imply that they are superior beings.”

Life Visioning Mastery with Michael Beckwith: Discounted price and free masterclass

You’ve got two options for joining Life Visioning Mastery.

You can get the discounted price here. Mindvalley has a 10-day money-back guarantee, so it’s risk-free to give it a shot.

If you’re still unsure, your other option is to register for their free masterclass. You’ll get the chance to see what Michael Beckwith is like as a teacher and see whether he’s a good fit for you.

Check Out “Life Visioning Mastery”

Picture of Genefe Navilon

Genefe Navilon

Genefe Navilon is a writer, poet, and blogger. She graduated with a degree in Mass Communications at the University of San Jose Recoletos. Her poetry blog, Letters To The Sea, currently has 18,000 followers. Her work has been published in different websites and poetry book anthologies. She divides her time between traveling, writing, and working on her debut poetry book.

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