If you want to sound more human, avoid these 7 phrases commonly used by ChatGPT

I have a confession to make.

For the last 18 months, I’ve used ChatGPT to write many of the articles I’ve published on Ideapod.

But it doesn’t stop there.

I’ve also trained writers on how to use ChatGPT to write their articles. Not just on Ideapod, but also for a range of media companies I work with.

After deeply immersing myself in ChatGPT for such a long period of time, I’ve noticed a few tell-tale phrases that ChatGPT regularly slips into its writing.

When I see these phrases, I know a writer has used ChatGPT to produce their article.

These phrases don’t just appear when using ChatGPT to write an article. You’ll also see them in emails, text messages, and pretty much anywhere that someone can copy-paste output they’ve generated with ChatGPT.

So, if you’re using ChatGPT to produce something but don’t want anyone to know, make sure to remove the following seven phrases.

1. “Remember…”

This one is my pet hates.

ChatGPT often adds “remember…” to its responses. For instance, if you ask it for medical advice, it might say something like, “remember, it’s important to consult a doctor.”

If you ask it for relationship advice, it will say something useful and then say, “remember, you should seek professional help if you’re concerned about this situation.”

While this seems okay, ChatGPT uses it all the time, regardless of the question. This consistency makes it a dead giveaway when you’re using ChatGPT.

The thing is, it’s not natural. If we’re writing something, or even messaging someone, we’re usually more forthright in our opinions. We don’t feel the need to add so many counter-perspectives.

There’s nothing wrong with using ChatGPT to express yourself. But look out for “remember…” and edit it out.

2. “It’s important to note that…”

Here’s another phrase that can give the game away.

You’ll find “It’s important to note that…” scattered throughout ChatGPT’s outputs. It seems like a way to stress something significant, but in reality, we humans don’t use this phrase all that often.

Whether it’s a scientific fact, a statistic, or a personal observation, ChatGPT will find a way to wedge this phrase in. And it does so to an extent that it can become jarring.

Imagine chatting with a friend about a movie and hearing them say, “It’s important to note that the director won an award for a previous film.” Sounds a bit off, doesn’t it? In normal conversation, we might simply say, “Oh, did you know the director won an award?”

Cut out this phrase. And stop using it in everyday language as it sounds condescending.

3. “It’s worth mentioning that…”

The phrase “It’s worth mentioning that…” is another one that crops up frequently in texts generated by ChatGPT.

Much like “It’s important to note that…”, this phrase serves to highlight specific information or details that the writer deems valuable.

However, while it might seem like a useful way to stress a point, its frequent usage can come across as somewhat robotic or detached. If every point is “worth mentioning,” then the significance of individual points might begin to blur, and the phrase itself can lose its impact.

In human communication, we often use variations, nuances, and context to make our points. By leaning too heavily on a single phrase like “It’s worth mentioning that…”, we might inadvertently strip away some of the color and personality from our writing.

4. “Let’s delve in…”

Another phrase I’m always coming across is “let’s delve in…”

I don’t know about you, but don’t remember ever using the “delve”. I’m much more likely to “dive” into a topic. Or “explore” a topic.

But “delve”? It sounds so… lukewarm.

It’s like inviting someone to an adventure with all the excitement of a trip to the dentist. And honestly, it doesn’t even sound that natural.

When you see “let’s delve in…” in a piece generated by ChatGPT, it’s a sign of the machine’s attempt to be engaging but falling slightly short. It lacks the informal, conversational tone that characterizes human interaction.

If you’re using ChatGPT and this phrase comes up, consider replacing it with something more lively and relatable. Instead of “delving in,” why not “dive right in” or “explore further”? These alternatives not only sound more natural but also add a bit more energy and enthusiasm to your writing. That way, you keep the human touch and lose the robotic feel.

5. “Let’s uncover…”

Here’s yet another odd one: “Let’s uncover…” ChatGPT seems to have a fascination with this phrase, but it’s not something we regularly use in our daily lives.

Imagine you’re having a casual discussion about a new music album or a TV series. Would you say, “Let’s uncover the meaning behind these lyrics,” or “Let’s uncover what happens in the next episode”? Probably not. It sounds overly formal and slightly mysterious, almost like you’re in a detective movie.

In real conversation, you might simply say, “Let’s figure out what these lyrics mean,” or “Let’s find out what happens next.” These options are much more natural and relatable.

So, if you’re using ChatGPT and you notice “Let’s uncover…” popping up, consider replacing it with something more conversational. It will make your writing feel more genuine and less like it was generated by a machine.

6. “Due to the fact that…”

One phrase that often pops up in AI responses is “Due to the fact that…” It’s used to explain why something happened or to give a reason. While it gets the job done, it can sound a bit formal and not how we usually talk.

In everyday conversations, we like to keep things simple. Instead of saying “Due to the fact that…,” we often use shorter phrases like “Because,” “Since,” or “As.” These words are easier to say and understand, making our conversations flow more naturally.

To make AI interactions feel more human, it’s best to avoid using the phrase “Due to the fact that…” and opt for simpler alternatives. By doing so, we can create a friendlier and more approachable experience when chatting with AI language models.

7. “It’s important to bear in mind…”

This phrase illustrates another curious habit of ChatGPT. “It’s important to bear in mind…” often crops up as an attempt to provide balance to whatever topic is being discussed. It’s as if the AI is trying to play devil’s advocate, reminding the reader to consider different angles or opposing viewpoints.

The trouble with this approach is that it can feel somewhat artificial. As writers, and indeed as human beings, we naturally have perspectives. We emphasize our points and present our arguments with conviction. While we might recognize the need to consider alternative ways of thinking, we often do so to challenge or confront those counter perspectives, not merely to acknowledge them.

When we say, “It’s important to bear in mind…” in human conversation, it usually carries more weight and intention. We might use it to introduce a significant objection or a critical piece of context. In ChatGPT’s usage, however, it tends to feel more like a token gesture towards objectivity.

If you’re using this phrase in your writing, be mindful of why you’re including it. Are you genuinely seeking to broaden the conversation, or is it just a filler? Remember, it’s the authenticity and passion in your writing that will resonate with readers, not a mechanical nod to balanced debate.



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Picture of Justin Brown

Justin Brown

I'm Justin Brown, the founder of Ideapod. I've overseen the evolution of Ideapod from a social network for ideas into a publishing and education platform with millions of monthly readers and multiple products helping people to think critically, see issues clearly and engage with the world responsibly.

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