If you want people to think you’re intelligent, stop using these 10 phrases

We all want to sound smart when we talk, whether it’s with friends, at work, or in school.

But sometimes, the words we use can make us seem less smart than we really are.

Some phrases might sound good in our heads but can actually give people the wrong idea about us.

In this article, we’re going to look at 10 common phrases that might make people think you’re not as intelligent as you really are.

By learning what to avoid, you can make sure you’re saying things in a way that makes you look more intelligent.

1. “I could care less”

This phrase is a common mistake that many people make, and it can give the wrong impression.

What most people mean to say is, “I couldn’t care less,” meaning that they don’t care at all about something.

But when you say, “I could care less,” it means that you do care at least a little.

This mix-up might seem small, but it can confuse people about what you’re trying to say.

If you want to tell someone that you really don’t care about something, make sure to say, “I couldn’t care less.”

It’s a simple change, but it makes your words clearer and shows that you know what you’re talking about.

2. “Irregardless”

“Irregardless” is a word that has found its way into many people’s vocabulary but isn’t actually a standard word in the English language. People often use it when they mean to say “regardless,” which means without regard to or without consideration.

Using “irregardless” might sound fancy, but it can actually make listeners think you’re not sure about the words you’re using. It’s a combination of “irrespective” and “regardless,” but it doesn’t add anything to your sentence that “regardless” wouldn’t.

The best way to sound smart is to keep things simple and use words you know well. So next time you want to say that something doesn’t matter, just stick with “regardless.” It’s a small change that can make a big difference in how people see you and your intelligence.

3. “For all intensive purposes”

This phrase is a classic example of a misheard expression that many people repeat without realizing the mistake. What they usually mean to say is, “For all intents and purposes,” which means in every practical sense or virtually.

When you say, “For all intensive purposes,” it doesn’t really make sense, and it can make people wonder if you’ve misunderstood the phrase. It might even distract them from what you’re trying to say, as they try to figure out what you meant.

To make sure you’re getting your point across and showing that you know what you’re talking about, stick with, “For all intents and purposes.” It’s a useful phrase that can add some flair to your speech or writing, but only if you use it correctly. Getting it right shows that you’re careful with your words and that you really know what they mean.

4. “Literally”

The word “literally” means that something is exactly, truly, or precisely the case. However, it’s become quite common for people to use “literally” to add emphasis to a statement, even when what they’re describing isn’t literally true. For example, saying, “I was literally jumping out of my skin with excitement,” might sound expressive, but it’s not possible to jump out of one’s skin.

This overuse of “literally” can make it seem like you’re not choosing your words carefully. If something isn’t truly, exactly the case, it’s better to find another way to emphasize your point.

Try using words like “really,” “absolutely,” or “incredibly” to show that you feel strongly about something, without misusing “literally.” It might seem like a small detail, but paying attention to how you use words can help you communicate more clearly and show that you think carefully about what you say.

5. “Me personally”

You’ll often hear people say “me personally” when they want to stress their personal opinion or perspective on something. However, this phrase is redundant because “me” and “personally” essentially mean the same thing. If you’re speaking or writing in the first person, it’s already clear that you’re expressing your personal viewpoint.

For example, instead of saying, “Me personally, I love chocolate,” you can simply say, “I love chocolate.” The message is clear without the added “personally.”

Using redundant phrases like “me personally” can make your communication feel cluttered and less focused. Being concise helps you make your point more effectively and reflects a more thoughtful and intelligent way of expressing yourself.

6. “I’m no expert, but…”

Prefacing a statement with “I’m no expert, but…” can be a way to show humility or acknowledge that others may know more about a subject. However, it can also undermine your credibility and make others take your opinions less seriously. If you have something valuable to contribute to a conversation, you don’t need to downplay your insights or understanding.

Instead of dismissing your own expertise, focus on what you do know. If you’ve done your research or have personal experience with the subject, don’t be afraid to share what you think. You can say something like, “From what I’ve read…” or “In my experience…” to show where your knowledge comes from.

Avoiding phrases that minimize your knowledge not only helps others take you more seriously but also shows that you have confidence in your own understanding.

7. “You know what I mean?”

While seeking affirmation in conversation is natural, overusing the phrase “You know what I mean?” can unintentionally create a barrier in communication. This phrase, especially when used repeatedly, might be interpreted as a lack of confidence in your ability to express your thoughts clearly. It may also put the onus on the listener to confirm understanding, even if the message was not conveyed effectively.

To avoid this, focus on being as clear and concise in your explanations as possible. If you are unsure whether your listener understands, instead of asking “You know what I mean?” you could say, “Does that make sense?” or “Do you have any questions about what I just said?” This invites the listener to engage and provides an opportunity for clarification if needed.

8. “Same difference”

The phrase “same difference” is often used to dismiss a correction or to say that two things are essentially the same. However, this expression is contradictory because if things are the same, there can’t be a difference between them.

Using “same difference” might seem casual or even playful, but it can also make it appear as though you’re not interested in understanding the nuances or details of a subject. It might even come across as dismissive of someone else’s point of view.

Instead of using this phrase, you could acknowledge the similarity or difference more accurately. For example, if someone corrects a minor detail, you could say, “Thank you for pointing that out” or “I see what you mean, but I think the overall point still stands.”

9. “It’s a mute point”

The correct expression is “it’s a moot point,” meaning that the point is irrelevant or open to debate, not “a mute point.” Mixing up these two words can lead to confusion and may cause others to question your understanding of the phrase.

“Moot” refers to something that’s debatable or not settled, while “mute” means silent or without sound. So saying “it’s a mute point” doesn’t make sense and might detract from the impact of what you’re trying to convey.

If you want to say that something isn’t worth discussing or has already been settled, you can use the correct term, “It’s a moot point,” or simply explain why you think the issue doesn’t need to be debated further.

Using words and phrases correctly is an essential part of effective communication. It not only helps you get your message across but also demonstrates that you’re careful and thoughtful in your choice of words.

10. “ATM Machine” or “PIN Number”

These examples illustrate a common mistake known as RAS syndrome, or “Redundant Acronym Syndrome syndrome.” “ATM” already includes the word “Machine” (Automated Teller Machine), and “PIN” includes the word “Number” (Personal Identification Number). By saying “ATM Machine” or “PIN Number,” you’re essentially saying “Automated Teller Machine Machine” or “Personal Identification Number Number.”

While this error is widespread and often goes unnoticed, being mindful of such redundancies can set you apart as someone who pays attention to details and communicates with precision.

Instead of these redundant phrases, simply use “ATM” or “PIN.” It may seem like a small detail, but avoiding unnecessary repetition reflects a higher level of language awareness.

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Justin Brown

I'm Justin Brown, the founder of Ideapod. I've overseen the evolution of Ideapod from a social network for ideas into a publishing and education platform with millions of monthly readers and multiple products helping people to think critically, see issues clearly and engage with the world responsibly.

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