In a society obsessed with conformity, being labeled as “blasphemous” often carries a negative connotation. It implies that you’re breaking the rules, going against the grain, or doing something that’s deemed inappropriate or unacceptable.
Yet, being blasphemous in certain aspects of life can be an indication of originality, innovation, and a refusal to be bound by societal expectations. It could mean that you’re not afraid to question the status quo, think independently, or act according to your own values and beliefs—even if they’re not in line with what’s considered “normal”.
So, when I say “blasphemous”, I’m not talking about religious or moral transgressions. Instead, I’m referring to those who dare to be different, who aren’t afraid to challenge conventional wisdom, and who choose to live life on their own terms.
In essence, being “blasphemous” is about rejecting societal norms that don’t serve you and embracing your unique path.
Throughout this article, I’ll share seven habits that are common among these so-called “blasphemous” individuals. My intention isn’t to advocate for rebellion for rebellion’s sake. Instead, I hope to inspire you to question the norms that don’t serve you and have the courage to forge your own path.
By the end of this piece, I hope to convince you that being “blasphemous” in this sense isn’t something to be shamed or feared. On the contrary, it’s a badge of honor worn by those brave enough to live according to their own values and convictions.
1) You challenge conventional wisdom
In a world that often values conformity and tradition, challenging the established norms can seem like an act of rebellion. Yet, it’s precisely this willingness to question and confront that sets you apart.
Consider the educational system, for instance. You’re taught to follow a specific path: finish school, go to college, get a job, start a family. But is this path the only one to happiness and success? Is it possible that there are other paths equally worthy of exploration?
Being “blasphemous” in this sense means you’re not afraid to ask these questions. You’re not afraid to venture off the beaten path and explore alternatives that may be more aligned with your personal passions and values.
Remember, it’s not about rebelling for the sake of rebellion. It’s about questioning the norms that don’t serve you and seeking out your own truth.
And yes, this might make you uncomfortable at times. It might even make others uncomfortable. But growth and development seldom come from staying within your comfort zone.
2) You seek solitude
Seeking solitude may seem counterproductive, especially in such an connected world. Yet, it’s in these moments of solitude that you can truly connect with your inner self.
Think about it. We live in a society that places a great deal of emphasis on social interactions and relationships. We’re often told that being solitary equates to being lonely or antisocial. But is this really the case?
Being “blasphemous” in this context means you’re willing to challenge this deeply ingrained societal belief. You understand the value of spending time alone, away from the noise and distractions of the world.
Don’t get me wrong. Relationships and social interactions are important. They help us grow, learn, and navigate through life. But so does solitude.
Spending time alone allows you to reflect, introspect, and engage in self-discovery. It gives you time to relax, rejuvenate, and recharge. It allows you to cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself.
This might not be easy at first, especially if you’re used to being constantly surrounded by people or distractions. However, with practice and patience, you might find that solitude isn’t something to be feared or avoided.
Instead, it could become a sanctuary—a place where you can retreat to reconnect with your inner self and gain a better understanding of who you truly are.
3) You embrace uncertainty
Life is unpredictable. While we try to plan, strategize, and prepare for what’s to come, the reality is that we never truly know what the future holds.
For many, this uncertainty can be unsettling. We are taught to seek stability, predictability, and control over our lives. But is this the only way to live?
Being “blasphemous” in this context means challenging this need for certainty. Instead of running away from uncertainty or trying to control it, you embrace it.
You understand that life’s uncertainties are not obstacles but opportunities—opportunities for growth, learning, and personal development.
Embracing uncertainty means that you’re open to possibilities. Instead of trying to force life into a predetermined box, you allow it to unfold naturally, adjusting and adapting as necessary.
It’s not always easy. Uncertainty can be frightening. It can make us feel vulnerable and out of control. But by embracing it, you allow yourself the freedom to explore, experiment, and evolve.
4) You value experience over material possessions
We live in a consumer-driven society that often equates success and happiness with material possessions. The more you have, the more successful you’re perceived to be. But does owning more things really equate to greater happiness?
Being “blasphemous” here means rejecting this materialistic mindset. Instead of valuing possessions, you value experiences.
You understand that real joy and fulfillment don’t come from what you own, but from what you do and who you do it with. You seek out experiences that enrich your life and broaden your perspective. You prefer to spend your money on travel, education, or meaningful activities rather than the latest gadgets or designer clothes.
This shift in values might seem odd to some. They might question why you’d rather invest in a trip than buy a new car or why you’d choose a simple lifestyle over a luxurious one. But for you, these experiences are far more valuable than any object could ever be.
They offer growth, memories, and learning opportunities that can’t be bought or sold. They contribute to your personal development and create a life that’s rich in experiences, not possessions.
5) You’re not afraid to fail
In our success-driven society, failure is often seen as something to be avoided at all costs. We’re taught that failing means you’re not good enough or that you didn’t try hard enough. But is this really the case?
I remember when I started my own business. I was young, ambitious, and full of ideas. Yet, despite my best efforts, the business failed. At first, I was devastated. I felt like I had let myself and everyone else down.
But then, something shifted in me. Instead of seeing this failure as an end, I began to see it as a beginning—a chance to learn, grow, and improve.
Being “blasphemous” in this sense means embracing failure as a part of life. It’s not something to be feared or avoided, but rather a learning opportunity.
Failures are not setbacks but stepping stones on the path to success. They provide valuable lessons and insights that can help us become better and stronger.
Today, I’m grateful for that failed business venture. It taught me more about entrepreneurship, resilience, and myself than any success ever could.
6) You embrace change
In the realm of physics, the second law of thermodynamics says that entropy, or disorder, always increases in an isolated system. In simpler terms, it’s a scientific way of saying change is inevitable. In life, this translates to the reality that everything around us is in a constant state of flux.
Being “blasphemous” in this context means you’re comfortable with change, and you understand its intrinsic value in life.
Most people are resistant to change because it’s uncomfortable and uncertain. We often prefer the comfort of familiarity, even if it’s not serving us well. But clinging to what’s familiar can prevent us from growing and evolving.
Embracing change means you’re open to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives. You appreciate that change is not only inevitable but also necessary for growth and development.
7) You value imperfection
In a world obsessed with perfection, admitting to and even valuing imperfection can be seen as a revolutionary act. We’re constantly bombarded with images of perfect bodies, perfect homes, perfect lives. Yet, striving for this unrealistic ideal often leads to dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
Being “blasphemous” in this sense involves rejecting the pursuit of perfection and instead, embracing imperfection.
You understand that imperfection is not a flaw but a fundamental part of being human. It’s the quirks, the mistakes, the shortcomings that make us unique and interesting.
Instead of constantly trying to ‘fix’ yourself or others, you appreciate people for who they are, warts and all. You understand that it’s the rough edges, the blemishes, the idiosyncrasies that make us human.
This doesn’t mean that you don’t strive for improvement or growth. Rather, it means recognizing that perfection is not the goal. The goal is to be authentically you, imperfectly perfect in your own unique way.
In conclusion: It’s all about choice
The beauty of being human lies in our ability to make choices – choices about how we live, what we believe, and how we navigate the world around us.
Being “blasphemous” in this context isn’t about rejecting societal norms for the sake of rebellion. Rather, it’s about making conscious choices that align with your values, beliefs, and aspirations.
Consider the words of renowned psychotherapist Carl Rogers: “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.”
This suggests that true growth and learning come from our ability to adapt, to question, and to make choices that resonate with who we are and who we aspire to be.
Whether it’s choosing to embrace uncertainty, value experiences over material possessions, or appreciate imperfections, these choices challenge societal norms in a way that fosters personal growth, authenticity, and freedom.
So next time you find yourself following a path simply because it’s the one most traveled, pause for a moment. Remember that you have the power to choose a different path – one that might seem “blasphemous” to some but feels right for you. After all, life is less about conforming to societal expectations and more about crafting a journey that fulfills you and contributes positively to the world around you.
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