There’s a fine line between self-esteem and self-respect.
Self-esteem often hinges on how much others value us, while self-respect is about valuing ourselves, regardless of external opinions.
But how do you know if you’re truly valuing self-respect?
Well, there are certain behaviors that serve as clear indicators.
In this article, I will share 10 key behaviors that signal a growing sense of self-respect.
Watch out for these behaviors in yourself – they are signs that you’re on the right path.
So get ready to dive into the world of self-respect and recognize the behaviors that show you’re placing value on your own worth.
1) You start saying ‘no’
One of the strongest indicators that you’re beginning to value self-respect is the power of ‘No’.
In life, we often find ourselves in situations where we are asked to do things that we don’t necessarily want to do.
It could be a favor for a friend, an extra task at work, or a family obligation.
Often, we say ‘yes’ despite not wanting to, simply because we fear displeasing others or being seen as uncooperative.
We place the comfort and convenience of others above our own needs and desires.
When you start saying ‘No’ to things that you don’t want to do, it’s a clear sign that you’re starting to value self-respect.
You’re acknowledging your own worth and setting boundaries on how your time and energy are used.
2) You’re celebrating your achievements
In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to overlook our own achievements.
We often focus so much on what we haven’t done that we forget to celebrate what we have accomplished.
As you start to value self-respect, you begin to acknowledge and celebrate your wins, big or small.
You understand that every step forward, every goal reached is a testament to your hard work and perseverance.
Whether it’s completing a difficult project, reaching a fitness goal, or simply getting through a tough day, celebrating your achievements is an act of self-respect.
It’s about recognizing your efforts and giving yourself the credit you deserve.
3) You prioritize self-care
In the past, I used to put everyone else’s needs before my own. I thought that was what good friends, family members, and employees did.
It was exhausting, and honestly, it left me feeling drained and underappreciated.
But then, I started to value self-respect.
One of the most significant changes I noticed in my behavior was how much I started to prioritize self-care.
I started going to bed early so that I could wake up refreshed.
I made time for regular exercise, even if it meant saying no to other commitments.
And I began to eat healthier, not because of societal pressure or vanity but because I realized that taking care of my body was a form of self-respect.
This behavior wasn’t about vanity or self-indulgence.
It was about acknowledging that my needs were important too.
4) You pursue your passions
Pursuing your passions is an act of self-respect.
It’s about recognizing your unique interests, talents, and abilities and allowing yourself the time and space to explore them.
Often, we suppress our passions, thinking they’re impractical or unimportant.
But when you allow yourself to engage in activities that genuinely excite you, you’re showing respect for yourself and your individuality.
It could be anything from painting, writing, gardening, hiking, or learning a new language.
What’s important is that it brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of satisfaction.
Pursuing your passions and doing what makes you truly happy shows that you’re beginning to value self-respect.
You’re taking control of your life and choosing to spend your time in a way that enriches you.
5) You forgive yourself
Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, successes and failures.
We all make mistakes, take wrong turns, and have regrets. But the key to self-respect lies in one simple, yet often difficult action – forgiving ourselves.
Forgiving ourselves means acknowledging our mistakes, learning from them, and then letting them go.
It’s about understanding that we all are works in progress, continuously learning and growing.
It’s not about forgetting or dismissing our actions, but rather about giving ourselves permission to be human.
To err is human, and to forgive – especially oneself – is an act of self-respect.
Being able to reflect on past mistakes without judgment, learning from them, and moving forward without carrying the burden of guilt or regret – you’re displaying a deep level of self-respect.
6) You practice self-compassion
In a world that often values toughness and resilience, it’s easy to overlook the importance of self-compassion.
Self-compassion involves recognizing and accepting our flaws and failures, rather than criticizing or punishing ourselves for them.
It’s about treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding that we would offer to a friend in a similar situation.
If you’re practicing self-compassion, it’s a sign that you’re starting to value self-respect.
You’re acknowledging that you’re human, and like all humans, you have strengths and weaknesses.
By practicing self-compassion, you’re fostering a healthier relationship with yourself, one that’s rooted in understanding, acceptance, and respect.
7) You stand up for your beliefs
There was a time in my life when I struggled to voice my opinions, especially if they were contrary to popular belief.
I feared being criticized or rejected, so I often kept quiet and nodded along, even if I disagreed.
However, as I started to value self-respect more, I realized that my thoughts and beliefs mattered.
They were a part of my identity, and it was important to honor them.
So, I started standing up for what I believed in, even if it meant going against the tide.
It was uncomfortable at first, but over time, it became empowering.
It made me realize that respecting my beliefs was a crucial part of respecting myself.
Standing up for your beliefs, it’s a strong indicator that you’re valuing self-respect.
It shows that you value your thoughts and opinions and are willing to defend them.
You understand that your voice matters and that you have the right to express your views.
8) You don’t compare yourself to others
The comparison game is a dangerous one.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing our lives, our achievements, and our progress with those of others.
But such comparisons often lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.
When you stop comparing yourself to others and start focusing on your own journey, it’s a sign that you’re starting to value self-respect.
You understand that everyone has their own path, their own pace, and their own set of challenges.
You begin to appreciate your unique journey, your strengths, and your accomplishments.
You celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem.
9) You stop seeking approval
We’ve all been there – giving too much power to the opinions of others.
It’s all too common to seek validation and approval from those around us. But, as you begin to value self-respect, you’ll notice a shift in this behavior.
You’ll start to realize that your worth is not tied to what others think of you.
You’ll understand that seeking approval is like chasing a moving target – it’s impossible to please everyone all the time.
More importantly, you’ll start to seek approval from the one person whose opinion truly matters – yourself.
This doesn’t mean you’ll stop caring about others’ feelings or perspectives.
Rather, it means you’ll stop letting them define your worth or dictate your decisions.
10) You’re choosing healthy relationships
Relationships can have a profound impact on our lives.
They can bring us joy, support, and companionship, but they can also bring pain, stress, and negativity.
As you start to value self-respect, you begin to see the importance of surrounding yourself with people who respect and value you in return.
You understand that you deserve healthy, positive relationships that enrich your life.
You let go of toxic relationships and choose to invest in ones that uplift you.
You respect yourself enough to walk away from people and situations that no longer serve your wellbeing or align with your values.
Final thoughts: It’s a journey
The road to self-respect is not a straight line.
It’s a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns.
But remember, every step you take towards valuing yourself more is a step in the right direction.
The behaviors we’ve discussed are signs of this journey.
They’re not checkboxes to be ticked off but rather guideposts showing you’re on the right path.
A quote by Buddha says, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
This encapsulates the essence of self-respect.
So, whether you’re just starting this journey or you’re well on your way, remember this profound truth.
You are deserving of respect, kindness, and love – especially from yourself.
As you reflect on your own behaviors and experiences, may this understanding guide your journey towards valuing self-respect.