Liars have got to be some of the most elusive creatures on the planet.
In a world dominated by half-truths and alternative facts, if you’re one of those seeking the truth, it can be tough to spot the liars among us.
More often than not, people will deceive you without you even realizing it.
In fact, you’ve probably been fooled more times than you’d like to admit.
Sound familiar?
If it does, keep reading for the 10 subtle behaviors almost always displayed by someone who is lying to you.
1) They avoid eye contact
One of the most common signs that someone is lying to you is that they avoid eye contact.
For most people, it’s incredibly hard to look someone in the eye and lie to them.
It’s a natural reaction to feel guilty or uncomfortable when we’re not being truthful, and this discomfort often manifests as a reluctance to maintain eye contact.
So, if you notice that someone can’t seem to look you in the eye while they’re talking, there’s a good chance they might not be telling you the whole truth.
Of course, it’s important to remember that this can also be a sign of embarrassment or shyness, so it’s not a foolproof indication of dishonesty.
But if you see this behavior along with other signs on this list, you might want to question what they’re telling you.
2) Their story keeps changing
Another telltale sign that someone might be lying to you is if their story keeps changing.
In my own experience, I once had a friend who was always coming up with extravagant stories about his adventures.
One day, he told me about a supposedly dangerous encounter he had with a shark while he was scuba diving in the Caribbean.
However, the details of his story kept changing each time he told it. One day, it was a Great White shark, and the next day it was a Hammerhead shark.
The location of his encounter also changed from the deep sea to a coral reef.
This inconsistency in his story made me suspicious and led me to question the truth of his tale.
When someone is telling the truth, their story generally stays consistent because they’re recalling actual events.
However, when someone is fabricating a story, they often struggle to remember the exact details they’ve previously made up, leading to inconsistencies each time they retell their tale.
Keep in mind that everyone’s memory can fail them sometimes and minor details might change unintentionally.
But if you notice major inconsistencies or the core details of someone’s story keep changing, it could be a sign they’re not telling the truth.
3) They touch their face frequently
Did you know that when people lie, they often subconsciously touch their face more frequently than usual?
This is because lying can cause a person to feel anxious or nervous, which in turn can lead to an increase in certain physical behaviors, like face touching.
This behavior is linked to the fight-or-flight response, a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event or threat.
Lying can trigger this response because it’s seen as a risky behavior that might lead to negative consequences if the deception is uncovered.
Remember that this sign alone doesn’t guarantee dishonesty as there are many other reasons why someone might touch their face frequently.
It’s always best to consider this behavior alongside other signs of deception.
4) They provide too much information
Interestingly, when someone is lying, they often give more information than is necessary.
This could be because they feel the need to justify their lie or convince you of its validity. By providing excess details, they hope to appear more believable.
For instance, if you ask someone a simple question and they respond with an overly complicated answer filled with unnecessary details, this could be a sign that they’re not being truthful.
Pay attention to how the information is being delivered. If it feels forced or seems irrelevant to the question at hand, it might be a sign of deception.
5) They get defensive
Let’s be honest, nobody likes to be caught in a lie. And when someone feels cornered, they often get defensive.
This defensiveness can take many forms, from raising their voice and aggressive body language to attacking your credibility or changing the subject entirely.
This is a human response, as we naturally seek to protect ourselves when we feel threatened or caught out.
However, it’s important to remember that just because someone gets defensive, it doesn’t automatically mean they’re lying.
We all have our moments of defensiveness when we’re feeling vulnerable or misunderstood.
But if someone repeatedly reacts defensively when you’re simply seeking clarity or truth, this could be a red flag that they’re not being entirely honest with you.
6) They’re unusually fidgety
Lying tends to make people uncomfortable, and this discomfort can often result in an increase in restless movements.
They might shuffle their feet, play with their hands, or frequently change their sitting position.
But remember that some people may naturally be more fidgety due to stress, anxiety, or even certain medical conditions.
So it’s not fair to immediately label someone a liar simply because they can’t sit still.
If you notice a sudden increase in these restless behaviors when they’re telling you something important, it could be a sign that they’re not being entirely truthful with you.
7) They pause frequently
We’ve all been there, right? You’re trying to tell a story, but you can’t quite remember all the details, so you pause… a lot.
It’s a natural part of conversation and something we all experience from time to time.
However, if you notice that someone is pausing unusually often or for extended periods of time, it could be a sign they’re not being entirely honest with you.
When someone is lying, they often need extra time to come up with the details of their story or figure out how to answer your questions without revealing their deceit.
These extra moments of silence can be their way of buying time while they formulate their response.
8) They start sweating
Picture this: you’re watching a classic spy movie. The secret agent is cornered, and suddenly, there it is – the classic bead of sweat trickling down their forehead, the universal sign that they’re in hot water!
In real life, someone may start sweating when they’re lying, and it’s not just because they’ve been cornered by a secret agent.
Lying can make people nervous, and that nervousness can cause physical reactions like increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and yes, sweating.
If you notice someone starts to “glisten” a bit more than usual during a conversation, it might be a sign they’re not being completely honest with you.
9) They struggle to remember their story
Here’s a hard truth: when someone is lying, they often struggle to remember the details of their story.
Why? Because it’s not the truth.
They’re not recalling a real memory, but trying to keep track of a tale they’ve spun. Over time, this becomes harder and harder to do.
They might forget key details, mix up the sequence of events, or contradict something they said earlier.
If you find someone struggling to recall their own story or contradicting themselves, it might be time to question their honesty.
10) They can’t repeat their story backwards
This might sound like an unusual test, but it can be incredibly revealing.
When someone is telling the truth, they’re recalling actual events, so they should be able to retell their story in reverse order without too much difficulty.
However, if someone is making up a story, it becomes much harder for them to keep track of the details when asked to recount it backwards.
They might struggle, contradict themselves, or refuse to do it altogether.
So, if you’re unsure about someone’s honesty, ask them to repeat their story but start from the end.
Their reaction and ability to do so could give you the confirmation you need.
Final thoughts
It can be tough to distinguish between someone who is genuinely struggling with nerves or stress, and someone who is not being entirely truthful.
But remember, understanding these signs of deception is not about becoming a human lie detector—it’s about fostering better communication and understanding.
So if you’re trying to discern the truth, don’t rush to judgment. Take the time to understand the person, their behaviors, and the situation at hand.
Only those who approach others with empathy, patience, and a genuine desire for truth can truly navigate the intricate dance of human communication.
Remember, everyone has their moments of dishonesty, but it’s the patterns that matter.
Use these signs not as a definitive guide, but as tools to help you better understand the world around you.
After all, the pursuit of truth is a journey that requires wisdom, understanding, and a whole lot of patience.