If someone displays these 7 behaviors, they have little respect for themselves

There’s a delicate line between self-criticism and self-deprecation. Once you cross it, you’re stepping into territory where you might not be showing yourself the respect you deserve.

I’ve seen it time and time again—certain behaviors that clearly indicate someone isn’t valuing themselves as they should.

This isn’t about being arrogant or full of oneself; it’s about recognizing your own worth and treating yourself accordingly.

Having spent years studying human behavior and relationships, I’ve identified seven specific behaviors that often suggest a lack of self-respect.

Disclaimer: I’m sharing these not to judge anyone but to shine a light on them so we can all be more aware and make positive changes.

Let’s dive into them together.

1) Constant self-deprecation

We all experience moments of self-doubt and insecurity—it’s part of being human.

However, when someone consistently criticizes themselves or diminishes their own achievements, it sends a clear message: they lack self-esteem.

This behavior can sometimes masquerade as modesty or humility.

Yet, there’s a fine line between genuine modesty and continuously undervaluing oneself.

Frequent self-deprecation undermines self-respect.

It communicates to both yourself and others that you don’t see yourself as worthy—whether it’s in intelligence, appearance, or other qualities.

The key lies in finding balance. It’s healthy to acknowledge your imperfections, but it’s equally important to recognize your strengths and successes.

This balanced perspective fosters genuine self-respect and confidence.

2) Always trying to please others

Here’s something surprising for you: constantly bending over backwards to please others can actually be a sign of low self-respect.

It might sound counterintuitive because generosity and kindness are usually seen as virtues, right?

Absolutely, they are.

However, when you consistently prioritize others’ happiness at the expense of your own needs or desires, it often indicates that you value their happiness more than your own.

This behavior often stems from a fear of rejection or a strong need for approval.

You might believe that by constantly pleasing others, you’ll gain their acceptance or admiration.

But here’s the reality: Your value isn’t determined by how much you do for others.

Love and respect should be given unconditionally, including to yourself.

3) Staying in unhealthy relationships

Dealing with relationships that aren’t good for us can be tough—whether they’re romantic, family-related, or friendships.

These relationships often drain rather than uplift us.

They can make us feel small, unimportant, or constantly uneasy. Yet, we often stay, believing it’s out of loyalty or love.

This pattern often comes from a belief that we don’t deserve better or that we can’t find healthier connections.

In my work with people facing similar challenges, I’ve seen how liberating it can be when someone decides to break free.

I’ve explored this topic thoroughly in my book, which offers support for anyone stuck in such a cycle.

Let’s rewind the tape: Stepping away from an unhealthy relationship isn’t a sign of weakness.

It’s a bold act of self-respect. It means recognizing your worth and insisting on kindness, love, and respect in your relationships.

4) Neglecting self-care

Struggle with self care If someone displays these 7 behaviors, they have little respect for themselves

You’ve probably heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Yet, many of us still neglect our own needs amidst the busyness of life.

Skipping meals, not getting enough sleep, or constantly pushing ourselves without allowing time to rest and recharge—all these behaviors indicate a lack of self-respect and self-care.

I’ve certainly been guilty of putting everything and everyone else first at times—work, family, friends.

But I’ve learned that neglecting myself ultimately hinders my ability to care for others effectively.

It’s a lesson in realizing that self-care isn’t selfish—it’s essential for overall well-being.

As the iconic Audrey Hepburn once said, “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”

It’s a gentle reminder that taking care of yourself is not selfish – it’s necessary. And it’s an act of self-respect.

5) Not setting personal boundaries

In my years of interacting with people from all walks of life, I’ve noticed a common theme: those who struggle with self-respect often find it challenging to set personal boundaries.

Setting boundaries means defining what you’re comfortable with and what you’re not.

It’s about knowing your limits and communicating them clearly to others.

Many people hesitate to set boundaries because they worry about appearing rude or unapproachable.

I’ve been there myself, afraid to say ‘no’ and disappoint others.

But let there be no mistake about it: Setting boundaries isn’t about being difficult; it’s about self-preservation.

It’s ensuring that your mental and emotional well-being isn’t compromised.

It took me time to understand this, but now I see that setting boundaries is incredibly empowering. It’s a clear demonstration of self-respect. And the best part?

When you respect yourself, others tend to respect you more too.

6) Ignoring your passions

Life can definitely get hectic—I get it. We all juggle responsibilities—work, family, social commitments, and the list goes on.

But in the midst of all this busyness, it’s crucial not to lose sight of what truly brings us happiness.

Neglecting your passions subtly indicates a lack of self-respect.

It’s like telling yourself that your own happiness isn’t a priority, and that the things you love aren’t worth making time for.

I’ve personally experienced this, getting swept up in the whirlwind of daily life and putting aside my own passions.

But I’ve come to realize how important it is to carve out time for what truly fulfills me and nourishes my soul. It’s a vital aspect of honoring oneself.

As the great writer George Eliot said, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”

So, go ahead and chase your passions, make time for them. It’s not frivolous or self-indulgent.

It’s an act of self-love and self-respect.

And hey, if you’re enjoying my insights and want more tips on self-love and relationships delivered right to your Facebook feed, feel free to follow me here!

7) Tolerating disrespect from others

Addressing this issue is indeed tough, but it’s incredibly important.

If you find yourself tolerating disrespect from others—whether it’s through hurtful words, dismissive behavior, or even outright abuse—it’s a clear indication that you’re not valuing yourself.

Regardless of what others may say or do, always remember this: You deserve respect.

You deserve kindness. You deserve love. Settling for anything less is simply not acceptable.

Standing up for yourself can be daunting, especially if you’ve been conditioned to believe otherwise.

But trust me, you deserve better.

It’s time to set boundaries.

It’s time to assert yourself and declare, “I deserve respect. I will not tolerate disrespect.”

Time to enter your villain era

The journey towards self-respect is a deeply personal one. It’s about recognizing your worth and embracing yourself, flaws and all.

It’s about asserting your rights, setting boundaries, and refusing to tolerate behaviors that undermine your dignity.

It’s about honoring your passions, taking care of yourself, and creating space for growth and happiness.

In the words of the great Maya Angelou, “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

The same applies to how you treat yourself.

You deserve to be a priority in your own life.

You deserve respect – from others and, most importantly, from yourself.

As a relationship expert, I’ve seen the transformation that occurs when individuals start respecting themselves. It’s like a light switches on, illuminating a new path ahead.

If you’re struggling with self-respect, or just want to delve deeper into understanding it, I recommend this insightful video by Justin Brown.

He presents thought-provoking perspectives that can help you on this journey.

YouTube video

Remember, the journey towards self-respect starts with you.

It starts with acknowledging your worth and treating yourself with the kindness and respect you deserve.

So, take that first step today. You’ve got this!

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Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing for Ideapod to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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