How to tell if a girl likes you after a one-night stand: 12 signs to look for

When you meet someone and there’s a mutual attraction, things can escalate very quickly.

However, it can be difficult to tell if a girl likes you after having spent only one night together.

Here are 12 signs that she likes you after a one-night stand:

1) She’s responsive when you talk

When you talk to her, she’s fully engaged and responsive.

You see, this is the first sign that she likes you and would like to see you again.

She asks you questions and responds to your stories.

She shows interest in what you have to say. She’s not thinking about something else or zoning out.

She’s paying attention and responding to you. This is a sign that she likes you.

The thing is, if this was only a one-time thing for her, she wouldn’t be this responsive when you talk with her, so this shows that she likes you.

Trust me, when a girl doesn’t want to see you again, she probably won’t engage in conversation with you, she’ll most probably just get going and leave.

2) She’s playful and laughs with you

When she laughs with you, it’s usually because she appreciates or likes what you’re doing or saying.

She might also be teasing you or playing around with you.

She might touch your arm or knee while she’s laughing or teasing you.

There’s a lot of touching that happens when two people like each other.

You see, if a girl is being playful and laughs with you, that’s a pretty good sign she doesn’t want this to only be a one-night thing.

A girl who doesn’t plan on seeing you again will not be flirty or playful.

If she laughs with you, makes jokes, and tries to flirt, that girl likes you quite a bit!

That’s a good sign that she wants to see you again after a one-night stand.

3) She shares details about herself without being asked

If you ask her questions about herself and she’s pulling the conversation towards you, she might be trying to change the subject.

She might be trying to keep herself out of the spotlight and protect herself.

However, if you ask her a question and she’s eager to talk and share, then she’s interested.

She’s sharing her interests, ambitions, and hobbies with you.

You see, when a girl doesn’t plan on seeing you again, she might be careful about sharing details about her life and herself.

Either, she doesn’t trust you, or she doesn’t see the point in talking about herself.

If a girl is sharing things about herself, it’s a sign she likes you.

She’ll tell you about her job, her hobbies and what she likes to do.

When a girl doesn’t plan on seeing you again, she’ll most likely only share small details about herself.

This is something I learned after receiving personalized advice from a professional relationship coach at Relationship Hero.

The reason why I contacted them was to help my friend navigate his complicated love life and help him understand whether a particular girl actually cared for him.

A coach I spoke to provided in-depth guidance about his love life and explained to me that the reason why she was sharing personal details about herself was that she wanted so much more than a simple one-night stand.

And guess what?

A month ago, my friend and that girl started the most caring relationship I’ve ever seen.

If you also want to understand her behavior and see if you have any chance with her, maybe you should also contact this relationship coach.

Click here to get started.

4) She wants to know more about you

If she asks you questions about yourself and your life, she’s interested in getting to know you better.

She’s trying to get to know you and share information about herself as well.

You see, a girl you have spent a single night with and who isn’t really interested in pursuing things any further will most likely not ask you a lot about yourself.

Instead, she will probably either leave soon or just not be as talkative, she was only here for the sex.

However, if a girl is interested in you and likes you, she’ll want to know more about you.

She’ll ask questions about your life, your family, and what you like to do.

When a girl doesn’t plan on seeing you again, she might not want to know anything about you.

She’s probably just trying to move on and forget that night ever happened.

However, if a girl is interested in talking with you, it’s a pretty good sign that she wants to see you again!

She will ask you all kinds of questions and will want to get to know you as a person.

That’s a great sign that she wants to see you again!

5) She compliments you

When you notice her telling you that you’re funny, smart, or good-looking, she’s trying to flatter you and make you feel good.

She might also say that she really likes your shirt or the way you’re doing your hair.

These are signs that she’s trying to flirt with you and let you know that she likes what she’s seeing.

You see, girls are prone to give fewer compliments than guys, so if a girl goes out of her way to show you her appreciation of you, that means something.

Either, she fell for you a bit, or she simply tries to let you know that she likes you.

When a girl doesn’t plan on seeing you again, she won’t usually compliment you.

She might give a few compliments here and there, but she’s probably trying to get out of talking to you as fast as possible.

However, if a girl is interested in talking with you, it’s pretty much a guarantee that she likes what she sees.

6) She gives you a reason to stay in touch with her

If she asks for your number and then suggests an activity or way for you to stay in touch with her, there’s a good chance that she’s interested.

She might suggest texting or calling her so you can get together again or suggest that you add each other on social media so you can communicate more.

She’s letting you know that she’d like to see you again.

You see, sometimes, that will also be something sneaky, like leaving an earring at your place, just so that she has an excuse to come by again at a later time and see you again.

These excuses to see you again or to stay in touch with you are a huge sign that she likes you.

Trust me, a girl who doesn’t like you will try her best not to see you again!

jeremy banks Z9q18W0cZBs unsplash 1 How to tell if a girl likes you after a one-night stand: 12 signs to look for

7) She asks for your number

If she’s interested in you, she’ll ask you for your number.

She won’t beat around the bush.

She’ll either ask for your number or for you to put your number in her phone.

Now: it might also be the case that she simply wants you to ask for her number.

Some girls aren’t comfortable taking initiative, but in that case, she might imply things by saying “oh yeah, we should keep in touch”, or something like that.

Even though she isn’t saying it out loud, she wants your number.

That’s a huge sign that she likes you!

8) She stays for breakfast

If you invite her to breakfast and she doesn’t make any excuses to leave and head home, she’s interested in you.

She might not want to be forward about it and make a big deal about staying for breakfast.

However, she’ll probably stay for breakfast. If she leaves to go home after one night, she might be interested in you but she also might just want to go home because she’s tired.

Now: staying for breakfast is something people usually only do if they are interested in you.

Trust me, if she regretted her decision of sleeping with you, she would try to head home as quickly as she possibly can.

If she doesn’t make any excuses to leave, it’s a clear sign that she likes you.

She might not want to be too forward about it and might just ask you if you want some coffee or something like that.

But if she makes no excuse to leave, it means that she wants you and is willing to take the initiative.

You see, having breakfast together is quite intimate, it means that you are willing to talk about yourself and get to know the other person.

If she’s doing that, she definitely likes you, no doubt about it!

9) She mentions seeing you again

If she mentions seeing you again, even if she doesn’t use the word “date,” she’s interested in seeing you again.

She might say, “Let’s go to that new art exhibit that’s opening next week,” or “I’d like to go to that concert next weekend and see what the seats are like.”

But she might not even be that particular, she might just mention something like “yeah, maybe I can show you that next time”.

Simply implying that there will be a “next time” is already a huge sign that she likes you.

It’s a bit of a cliche, but it’s true: if she doesn’t want to see you again, she definitely doesn’t like you.

Trust me, if she wants to meet you again afterward, that means that she is interested in you, and not just as a friend.

10) She hugs or holds your hand

If she hugs you or puts her arm around you while walking or sitting down, or if she holds your hand while walking or sitting, she’s interested in you.

She’s letting you know that she wants to get closer to you.

You see, in the heat of the moment, a lot of things can happen, but if she is not opposed to touching you or being close to you the morning after, that’s a really good sign.

It means that she finds you attractive and that she likes you a lot.

Trust me, a girl who doesn’t like you at all will not get close to you, especially not the morning after.

11) She’s interested in your life

Does she ask about your life, your hobbies, and your interests?

That’s a sign that she likes you.

She might ask you what you do for a living and what your passions are, but if she asks about your life in general, that’s a really good sign.

It shows that she is interested in you as a person and not just as a friend.

She wants to get to know you better, and she’s willing to make an effort to do so.

You see, if she planned on leaving and never seeing you again, she probably won’t put in the effort to ask you about your life, she simply wouldn’t care enough to do so.

So, if she inquires about your life, that is a really good sign that you have a chance with her!

12) The sex was great

Okay, objectively speaking, this will be really hard to judge for you, as you don’t know her well enough to be able to tell whether or not she really enjoyed herself, but if you have good intuition, you will probably know.

If the sex was amazing, that’s a huge sign that something between you just clicked, which means she might want to see you again.

You see, it always depends on how you made her feel. Was it all about you and your pleasure, or did both of you have a great time?

If it’s the latter, there is a good chance that she will want to see you again!

Just wait and see

These are just signs that she’s interested in getting to know you better.

If you notice that she does several of these things and is interested in you, you might want to ask her out or try to get her number and ask her to go on a date with you.

She might say no, but it’s worth a try.

These signs indicate that she likes you, and so the answer will most likely be a yes.

Most importantly, listen to your gut feeling, what does it say?

If you feel like she might like you, don’t lose your chance and ask her out!

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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