10 steps to get a married man to sleep with you

Getting a married man to sleep with you can be challenging.

It’s hard for him to sneak around, and it’s even harder to keep his wife from finding out about your relationship.

Even if he wants to sleep with you, it may take some convincing.

If you are willing to invest the time and energy into having an affair with this man, then these tips will help you get started on the right foot.

1) Be confident

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First off, confidence is key.

You have to be confident in yourself and what you want.

To be honest, if you feel good about yourself, you won’t feel the need to sleep with a married man just to feel wanted or needed.

You won’t feel the pressure to sleep with a married man to feel like you’ve got your life together.

You’ll just be yourself and be confident in who you are. That will come off in your communication and make it easier to get a married man to be with you.

If you’re feeling insecure, it’ll come off in your communication and make it harder to get a married man to sleep with you.

He’ll be able to sense your insecurities, and he may not want to risk his relationship by getting involved with you.

You see, it’s a win-win situation.

He is more likely to want to be with you and you’ll be more likely to not want to ruin his marriage.

Couldn’t be any better, right?

2) Communicate with him often

Communication is key in any relationship.

Even if you just want a married man to sleep with you, you should still be communicating with him on a regular basis.

Send him texts, call him when you have time, and plan out times to talk with him.

Try to avoid sending him texts or emails that start with “hi.” Instead, try to come up with creative ways to send him messages so he knows you’re thinking about him.

Communication can work two ways, though.

If he just needs someone to listen to him, be there for him when he needs it.

You can also use communication to find out if he’s ready to be with you. If he’s talking to you about his feelings, then he might be ready to be with you.

You see, when a married man seeks out someone outside of his marriage, it means something is missing from his current relationship.

Once you figure out what that is, you’ll know exactly how to get him to want to be with you.

3) Go slow

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If you’ve been communicating with him, you’ll know when he’s ready to take things to the next level with you, but you have to go slow.

If you jump into bed with him, it’ll be harder to get a married man to sleep with you, trust me.

First of all, he’ll have to hide his relationship with you, so he won’t be able to spend as much time with you.

Second of all, he might be less inclined to betray his wife for you if he feels pressured.

Go slow and give him time to think about how he wants the relationship to be between you two.

For example, if you want to take things to the next level, make sure you’re both ready.

While some men will be ready to go as soon as you are, some others will feel guilty and will need some time to think about it.

So, if you want to get a married man to sleep with you, go slow and give him time to think.

4) Avoid meeting in public places

If you want to get a married man to sleep with you, avoid meeting him in public places.

He’ll likely want to meet you somewhere where he can sneak away without anyone noticing, but don’t meet him at a coffee shop or a public place.

If you get caught meeting him at a public place, you’ll both be in trouble.

He could lose his reputation and get kicked out of his family.

You could get in trouble with his wife.

Avoid meeting him in public places to reduce the risk of getting caught.

If you want to meet up with him, try to meet at his home or at your house.

If you want to meet him somewhere public, meet him during the night when there aren’t a lot of people around.

If you want to meet him at his house, try to meet him when his family is at work or out of the house.

You see, when you meet him at a public spot, not only will you put both of you in danger, but you will also push him away.

Seeing that you are a risk to his reputation, he will not want to sleep with you.

5) Show him you’re worth it

If you want a married man to sleep with you, you have to show him you’re worth it.

You have to prove to him that you’re worth the risk of losing his family and the trouble he could get into.

If you’re constantly nagging him or trying to get him to sleep with you, he’ll see you as desperate and not worth it.

Instead, show him you’re worth it by being patient and waiting for him.

Show him you’re worth it by being a good friend when he needs you to be there for him.

6) Be authentic

If you want a married man to sleep with you, be you.

Don’t pretend to be someone else because you want him to like you.

He’ll know when you’re being someone you’re not and it’ll come off as fake.

If he wants to be with you, he’ll like you for who you are and not because you’re pretending to be someone else.

Being authentic will help you get a married man to be with you because he’ll be able to sense you’re being real.

You see, when he realizes you are not being authentic, he will be less interested in sleeping with you because it won’t be a real experience.

7) Don’t be desperate or jealous

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Desperation and jealousy are two things that will turn a married man off.

If you come across as too desperate, he’ll know you want to sleep with him.

He doesn’t want to be with someone who’s desperate to be with him.

If you come across as too jealous, he may think you’re not trustworthy and he doesn’t want someone like that in his life.

If you want a married man to sleep with you, don’t be desperate and don’t be jealous.

Trust me, if you’re jealous and bring up things like his family or the woman he’s with, he’ll know you’re jealous, and he’ll know you don’t trust and respect him.

Instead, ignore them and simply focus on him and you in that moment.

8) Help him feel good about himself

If you want a married man to sleep with you, help him feel good about himself.

If you notice he’s having a bad day, be there for him.

If you notice he’s struggling with something, be there for him and help him get through it.

If he feels good about himself, he’ll be less likely to stay with his wife and more likely to sleep with you.

You see, when a man wants to cheat, it’s most often due to the fact that he doesn’t feel good about himself anymore.

When you make him feel good, he will want to sleep with you.

9) Be patient

Being patient when trying to get someone to sleep with you is important, but it’s even more important when you’re getting a married man to sleep with you.

You don’t know how long it will take before he’s ready to be with you.

You don’t know how long it will take before he’s ready to leave his wife for you, or give up on his principles.

Simply put, you just have to wait for him and be patient with the situation.

If you two are just casually dating, you can be a little less patient, but if you want to be with him and he’s married, you have to be patient.

He has a life and struggles of his own, and he might not be ready to be with you yet. Be patient and wait for him.

Now: if it’s just about the sex for you, then this might not be the right endeavor for you.

Finding someone who is available might be your best bet here.

Trust me, there is really no use in trying to get a married man to sleep with you if he wants to be loyal to his wife.

10) Ask yourself why you want to sleep with him

Okay, this is not meant to be an attack, but most importantly, ask yourself why you want to sleep with a married man.

You see, as women, we have certain things we should stick to. And one of them is not intentionally hurting another woman.

I’m not sure why you want to get a married man to sleep with you, but think about it: because of people like you, women have problems trusting other women!

A lot of the time, when you have a desire to sleep with someone who is married, it’s due to an issue you have deep within yourself.

Try to uncover what is fueling that fire and you will notice that you don’t need to sleep with a married man just for fun.

You’ll figure it out

Whatever you decide to do, I’m sure you’ll figure out the right thing to do for yourself.

Just think about the other woman and how your actions will make her feel.

It’s one thing to sleep with someone and find out afterward that they were taken, but intentionally going to ruin a marriage? That’s a bit different…

By now you should have a good idea of how to get him to sleep with you.

So what can you do to make him yours?

Well, I mentioned the unique concept of the hero instinct earlier. It’s revolutionized the way I understand how men work in relationships.

You see, when you trigger a man’s hero instinct, all those emotional walls come down. He feels better in himself and he’ll naturally begin to associate those good feelings with you.

And it’s all down to knowing how to trigger these innate drivers that motivate men to love, commit, and protect.

So if you’re ready to take your relationship to that level, be sure to check out James Bauer’s incredible advice.

Click here to watch his excellent free video.

Picture of Anna Scheucher

Anna Scheucher

Freelance writer specializing in holistic health, wellness, and psychology. Check out my blog to find out more.

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